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1、新目标八年级英语下册第七单元测试题新目标八年级英语下第单元测试题时间:80分钟 分数:100分听力部分.听句子,选择正确的答语。读一遍。(5分) you. I wont. a moment. s play together. great! , too. pleasure. I dont think so. do you say so you. I will. great! a lot. . too. agree with you. do I.听五组对话和问题,选择适当的图片。读两遍。(5分)6.7.8.A. B. C.9. 10.听两段对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。读两遍。(10分) 请听

2、第一段对话,完成11、12两题。 did Tom do just now fought with Rose. talked with Jim. fought with Jim. does the girl advice Tom to do advised him to talk with the teacher. advised him to talk with Rose. advised him to make peace with Jim. 请听第二段对话,完成13、14和15题。 does Jack has to do has to go back to his country for

3、Christmas. has to work hard at his lessons. has to have the exams before Christmas. does Jack come from . . . will he have the exams Christmas. December. January.听短文,根据你所听到的内容判断句子正(T)误(F).读两遍.(10分)( ) s mother got a good job in a big icty.( ) and his mother went to the park on the third afternoon.(

4、) played in the pool happily.( ) pool is dangerous, and 369 people died in it.( ) looked into the pool because he wanted to see the dead people. 笔试部分 .单项选择。(15分) you mind if I open the window -_. , not at all , Ill do it right away , please ll be glad to bought this pen here,_ it doesnt work. ll hav

5、e an _ of fish. -OK. Ill bring you right now. movie was _ . I dont like it at all. 25. Its better _ your voice down in public places. keep litter _ never allowed in our city. t of the _ polite ways ask someone is “Would you mind” you please _ the dishes the dishes do the dishes the dishes not _ help

6、 when you were in trouble ask for for for for would like _ a violin lesson. have will do it _ . a minute a minute way a minute polite _ others! is better to _ the lights before you leave here. out off on up got really _ while hearing the bad news. 35. Could you please _ the radio a bit Its too loud.

7、 up down off on.根据汉语提示填单词。(10分) you mind _(调) down the TV must finish the _(任务) as soon as pissible. he said made me feel _(不舒服的) . kids were playing in the back _(庭院) . should talk _(有礼貌) to the old people. often _(抱怨) about the food.ll be _(生气) to find that nothing has been done.(吸烟) is not allowe

8、d here. you mind _(传递) me the newspaper. and Japan are _(亚洲) countries.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分) you mind not _(put) your bike here _(buy) this shirt yesterday. will _(do) the dishes in a minute.s very _(polite) to cut in line. are not _(allow) to smoke. you please _(pick) it up want _(be) a doctor in the

9、future. is so _(carefully) to look after the baby. you mind _(keep) your voice down classmate often _(borrow) my money.根据汉语提示填单词。(20分)a.请你打扫一下房间。56 57 Would you _ _ your roomb.我马上就做这件事。58 59 Ill do it _ _.c.你必须完成家庭作业才能去玩。60 61 62 You _ _ _ your homework before you go out to play.d.你买的那支钢笔不能用。63 64 6

10、5 The pen _ _ didnt _ .。连词成句。(5分)66. mind, turning, the, would, music, you, down_67. with, you, my, could, me, homework, help_68. best, said, was, it, your, great, friend_ .69. school, happens, time, library, me, the, all, this, to, in, the_ .t, the, to, sports, know, club, I, way, the_.快乐写作。(10分)日常

11、生活中你都见过哪些破坏环境的不文明现象呢你最不喜欢哪种不文明现象如果这样的事情发生在你身边,你会怎么做如果别人不听你的劝告,你又会怎么办用一篇50词左右的短文谈谈你的想法。_ 听力材料.听句子,选择正确的答语。读一遍。(5分)1. Dont play football in the street. Its too dangerous.2. Ive got a lot of homework to do tonight.3. I think youd better give up smoking. Its bad for your health.4. Be careful when you cr

12、oss the srteet. Theres too much ice on the road.5. One cant work well if he doesnt play.听五组对话和问题,选择适当的图片。读两遍。(5分)6. W: You are very tired, arent youM: Yes. I planted some trees with my classmates just now.Q:Why does theboy look tired7. W: Would you mind not singing here Im doing my homework.M: Sorry

13、, I wont.Q: What is the boy doing8. W: Why is the baby cryingM: He cant find his mother.W: Where is his motherM: She has gone to the hospital to see a patient.Q: Where is the babys mother9. W: Oh, young boy, dont draw on the wall of the house. Its too dirty.M: Sorry, I wont do it again.Q: What is th

14、e boy doing10. W: Oh, no. These shoes are too small.M: Dont worry, Madam. Try this pair.W: OK. How muchM: 440 yuan.W:Thats too expensive. Do you have cheaper onesQ: What are they talking about.听两段对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。读两遍。(5分) 请听第一段对话,完成11、12两题。W: Hi, Tom! Why are you so angry Whats the matterM: I had a

15、fight with Jim just now and I broke his glasses.W: WhyM: He said something bad about my mother behind my back.W: Who told you thatM: My good friend, Rose. She heard the words.W: I dont think you should fight with him. Youd better have a talk with him. You should make peace with him.M: Thank you, I w

16、ill.请听第二段对话,完成13、14和15题。W:Are you going back to England for this Christmas, JackM:Yes, I want, but Im afraid I cant. I dont know if I will have time then.W:WhyM:Because Im very busy with my lessons, especially Chinese. And there will be exams two weeks after Christmas.W:So you have to get ready for

17、the exams.M:Yes.W:I wish you good luck in the exams.M:Thank you.听短文,根据你所听到的内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。读两遍。(5分)Tom lived in the country. He liked playing in the river near his house. Then his father got a good job in a big city and they oved to the city. Their new house had a small garden. Tom want very happy. “

18、Is there a river near here” he asked his mother on the third mother answered, “No, there isnt, but theres a beautijul park here and there is a pool in it. We will go there this afternoon.” Tom felt very happy.After lunch, Tom and his mother went to the park. Tom wanted to play in the pool, but there

19、was a sign in front of it. It said, “Be careful!” This pool is very dangerous. 369 people died here, in the pool.” Tom looked into the pool and said, “But I cant see them.” The keys新课 标第 一网1-5 ABCBB 6-10 CABBB 11-15 CCBBC 16-20 FTFTT 21-25 ACADB 26-30 ADABB31-35 BAABB / annoyed 新 课 标 第一网 be / at / o

20、nce you mind turning down the music you help me with my homework best friend said it was great. happens to me all the time in the school library. dont know the way to the sports club.作文:新 课 标第 一网 When I see someone litter about, I can be very angry. If that happens around me, I would say to him politely, “Excuse me, would you mind not littering about and would you mind picking it up” If he doesnt listen to me, I would pick it up and set an example to him. I think usually it would make his face turn red and perhaps he would not do that again. Its everyones duty to protect the environment.

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