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1、中考英语阅读理解专项训练6中考英语阅读理解专项训练6阅读下面5篇短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C D四个选项中,选出一个最 佳选项。AMooncake Box Recycling ( 回收利用)ActivityPeople in Beiji ng throw away about two milli on moon cake boxes every year.These boxes weigh up to 750 tons and can fill up about a hun dred 50-meter- longswimmi ng pools. They are going

2、to become garbage( 垃圾).Lets have a green Mid-Autumn Festival this year!Bring your moon cake boxes.Show that you care!Date: September 28, 2015 October 14,2015Time: 9:00 am 9:00 pmCollect ion point: Sunshine Shopp ing Cen terPlease keep the moon cake boxes clea n.We will sell all moon cake boxes to re

3、cycli ng compa ni es.We will hold a tree-pla nti ng activity with the money collected.Save Our Earth (Beiji ng)An orga ni zati on for en viro nmen tal protect ionTelepho ne: 2123 1234Website: www.saweourearth.orgE-mail: in How long will the Moo ncake Box Recycli ng Activity la

4、st?A.mon th.For one week. B. For half a mon th. C. For 17 days. D. For one()2. Who will buy the moon cake boxes?A.Recycli ng compa ni es. B. Moon cake factories.C. Moon cake box compa ni es. D. Sunshine Shopp ing Cen ter.()3. Which orga ni zati on holds this activity?A.Green Mid-Autu mn Festival. B.

5、 Save Our Earth (Beiji ng).C. Save Ourselves (Beiji ng). D. Save Our Earth (Che ngdu).()4. Which of the followi ng is TRUE?A.The moon cake boxes will be collected in the school.B.The money collected will be used to help poor children.C.The moon cake boxes will be used to fill up swim ming pools.D.Pe

6、ople should keep the moon cake boxes clea n whe n bringing them to the collecti on point.My little brother sat in the comer of the living room, a pen in one hand and my father s book in the other.As my father walked into the room, my brother knew that he had done something wrong. I could see that he

7、 had scribbled ( 胡写乱画 )in the book with a pen. Now,he and I both waited for our father s punishment.My father picked up his book and looked atit carefully. My father was a teacher. For him, books were very valuable, andyet he loved his childre n. In stead of punishing my brother, he took the pen fro

8、mmy brothers hand, and then wrote in the book himself: Johns work, 1959 , age 2.rm very thankful to you for scribbling in my book You have made the book valuable.“ Wow, I thought Is this puni shme nt?The years and the books came and went We always knew our parents loved us. From time to time we woul

9、d open the book, look at the scribbles and read my fathers expression of love. My father taught us how valuable it is when our lives are touched by little han ds. He also taught us about what is really importa nt in life: people, not thin gs.Now I am a father too. Unlike my father, I dont wait for m

10、y daughters to takebooks from my bookshelf and scribble in them. I take one dow n and give it to mychildren to scribble. As I look at their artwork (艺术作品)I think about my father and the less ons he taught me.()5. What did the writer think whe n his father came into the room?A.His father would buy a

11、book for Joh n.B.Joh n s artwork was beautiful.C.His father did nt love his childre n.D.Joh n would be puni shed by his father.()6. What docs the un derl ined sentence mea n?A Havi ng childre n is a won derful experie nee in oneB.s life.Every on es life is importa nt and excit ingC.Childre n should

12、be touched by their pare nts ofte nD.Everyone should have a child.()7. From the passage we know that .A the writer was two years old in 1959B.the writers father worked in hospitalC the writer is now a father who has daughtersD.the writer did nt allow his brother to touch his book()8 What is the best

13、 title for the passage?A.A Lovely Boy B. The Last Less onC.A Letter from My Father D. A Lesson in LoveCWeall know Bangkok (曼客)h the capital( 首都)of Thailand. But do you know aboutBangkoks Chinatown? Chinatown is colorful, interesting and busy area It is fullof market stands ( 货摊).Its said that it s p

14、robably the greatest gathering ofgold shops in the city. The easiest way to reach Chinatown is by boat The main roadYaowarat Road, follows the shape of a drag ons body. making it a perfect place forbus in ess. Busin ess usually goes very well here. Chin atow ns orig inal (最初的)mainstreet is a very sm

15、all way which runs from Phahurat Market all the way dow n to.Songsawat Road. The street is too small for cars to pass. However, it is a very busystreet selling cheap household things now. Chinatown is really one of the greatestplaces to buy gold. However, just of the street in either direct ion is a

16、 whole other world where, it is said, you can find almost everything. The famous market bere isPhahurat Market. Phahurat Market is home to a huge number of wedding (婚礼 ) stands.Some Chinese people moved here from Old City in the 1700s. It still keeps its own traditions, and the area is unlike the fe

17、st of Bangkok. People in it have been living inThailand for manyyears. They generally consider themselves as Thai people. Most of them can no longer speak Chinese. If you have a chance to travel around Thailand, dont forget to go there to have a look.( )9.The easiest way to reach Chinatown is .A.on

18、foot B. by bus C. by boat D. by taxi( )10. What s the meaning of the underlined word run ” in Paragraph 1?A.To take part in a race. B. To move or go quickly.C. To move something in a certain direction. D. To lead from a place to another.( )11. is famous for a huge number of wedding stands.A. Songsaw

19、at Road B. Yaowarat RoadC. Phahurat Market D. Chinatown s original main street( )12. What do we know from the passage?A. Chinatown is the same as the rest of Bangkok.B.In Chinatown you can only buy things which are made of gold.C.People in the Chinese community in Bangkok can speak Chinese well.D. C

20、hinatown S original main street has become very busy.A group of fifteen-year-old students at Sunshine School are holding a charitysale to raise money to help their classmate Lisa. Lisa had cerebral palsy( 大脑性瘫痪 ) when she was a baby. People who have cerebral palsy have trouble speaking or walking. A

21、lthough Lisa has to use a wheelchair ( 轮椅 ) to help her get around, shenever gives up. And she is always ready to help others.Lisa has the chance of standing up, but she needs an operation ( 手术 ) whichwill cost lots of money, Lisas doctor said.“ I never thought that I could stand up one day. Actuall

22、y the news is surprising for me. However, when I see my parents are worried about the cost of the operation, I am sad. I amused to my life. I dont mind if I cant standup, Lisa said. Now my classmates and some other kind people are helping me. I am really thankful. IfI stood up one day, I would try m

23、y best to help more people.While helping Lisa, we can also learn a lot. Wehave learned how to cook cookies( 曲奇饼 )and how to sell them, Betty, one of Lisas classmates said. Now we knowmaking money is not easy, so we won t waste money anymore.Alex, a boy in Lisas class, told a reporter that they could

24、 raise about $100every day. “ We have raised about $2,100 s o far. We hope we will raise more moneyfor Lisas operation, he said.( )13. What do you know from Lisas words?A. Lisa is very happy with her life.B.Lisas parents dont wish her to stand up.C.Lisa is angry with her parents.D.Lisas family doesn

25、t have enough money to do the operation.( )14. How are Lisas classmates probably raising money for Lisa?A. By holding a party. B. By selling home-made cookies.C. By collecting waste paper. D. By asking their parents for money.( )15. How long was the sale when Alex talked with the reporter?A. For abo

26、ut a term. B For about four days.C. For about three weeks. D. For about two months.( )16. What can you know from the passage?A. Lisa is so nervous.B.Lisa is lucky because many people are helping her.C.The doctor has no confidence in Lisas operation.D.Lisa s classmates have made enough money for Lisa

27、 s operation.EOn Saturday, August 23rd, over 300 people went to Smithsonians National Zoo to take part in the first birthday celebration of one of its cutest young animals, the panda girl, BaoBao.This kind of birthday celebration was given to only one other panda, Bao Baosbrother, Tai Shan. Both of

28、them are babies of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, who are the zo0s first panda couple( 夫妻 ).The zookeepers tried their best to celebrate Bao Baos birthday. In keeping with Chinese tradition, the young panda was offered a choice of three bamboo shoots ( 竹笋 ) Next to each was a poster. Each poster had the w

29、ords, Long Life, “ Good Healthand “ Many Children. It is believed that the pandas first choice represents its future. It was lucky that Bao Bao chose the “ Long Life bamboo.Of course, bamboo shoots were not the only treats for this cute panda, whosename means treasure. The zookeepers had also made a

30、 delicious cake which was madeof frozen juice and fruit. Like any one-year-old, Bao Bao ate her birthday cake quickly.Bao Bao was not the only one to receive treats. The visitors also enjoyed a chocolate cake as well as traditional dandan noodles.As time goes by, Bao Bao will gradually stop drinking

31、 her mother s milk and then move away from home. At the age of five, Bao Bao will go to the Wolong Nature Reserve in China s Sichuan Province.Giant pandas mostly feed on bamboo, though they may eat other food like oranges, bananas and even fish. With fewer than 2,000giant pandas left, saving them is

32、 veryimportant to animal lovers all over the world!( )17. Bao Bao is Tai Shans .A. baby B. sister C. cousin D. wife( )18. The words on the posters include all of the following,EXCEPT .D. Many ChildrenA. Long Life B. Good Health C. Good Luck ( )19 What are the treats for Bao Bao? Bambooshoots. A chocolate cake.cake.

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