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1、英语天天向上轻松每日一句【英语天天向上】轻松每日一句:凡人皆有得意时20110103-201101091. 等我爸爸发现我毁了他的车时他一定会大发雷霆。【原句】My dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out that I wrecked his car.【解说】hit the ceiling,字面意思就是“撞到了屋顶”。作为习语,它是指一个人生气得暴跳如雷,甚至都撞到了屋顶。另外也可以说hit the roof。2. 她一生都是女权的坦率拥护者。【原句】She has been an outspoken advocate of womens righ

2、ts throughout her life.【解说】advocate做名词意为“提倡者,拥护者”,an advocate of sth. 就表示“某事的拥护者”;此外它还能做动词,解释“提倡,主张”。3. 我可不能三个星期不上班。【原句】I cant afford to be away from work for three weeks.【解说】cant afford to. 负担不起,这里的“负担”既可以指金钱,也可以指精神或状况。4. 我告诉了所有人他的恶劣行为,让他自行惭愧。【原句】I put him to shame by telling everyone about his bad

3、 behavior.【解说】put sb. to shame 羞辱某人,使自愧,使蒙羞5. 他终究会获得升职的。凡人皆有得意日。【原句】Hell get that promotion eventually. Every dog has its day.【解说】Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意时,每个人总会有实现自己愿望的一天。常用来告诫人们不要小看他人。6. 尽量不要再想这问题了。【原句】Just try to put the problem out of your mind.【解说】put sb./sth. out of ones mind 表示努力忘记一些让人不快

4、的人或事,即便只是忘记一小段时间。7. 我觉得我今天不能再干更多的工作了。【原句】I dont feel up to any more work today.【解说】feel up to sth.的意思是:have the strength and energy to do or deal with sth. 觉得有能力对付某事。【英语天天向上】轻松每日一句:无知是恐惧的根源20110110-201101161. 无知是恐惧的根源,也是羡慕的根源。【原句】Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.【解说】这句句子的完整形式

5、是:Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as the mother of admiration. 因为as well as是个并列句式,后面省略了重复的the mother。2. 不要抱怨自己的错误,要从中吸取教训。【原句】Do not whine about your mistakes; learn from them.【解说】whine about sb./sth. 嘀咕,发牢骚3. 闲思浮现在他心头。【原句】Idle thoughts floated through his mind.【解说】float的基本意思是指在空气中、水面上或其他平滑的

6、表面上轻盈地漂浮或不费力地迅速滑动,引申可指汇率、价格浮动,也可指人漫无目的地游来荡去。4. 每个人应该保持尊严,注意自己的行为举止。【原句】Every person should stand on his dignity and pay attention to his behavior.【解说】stand on ones dignity 有两种意思:其一是“保持尊严”;其二是“要求受到应得的礼遇”,例:Although he held a senior position in the company, he would never stand on his dignity. 虽然他是公司的

7、高层人士,但他从不要求别人对他毕恭毕敬。5. 你应该尽快丢掉那些糊涂想法。【原句】You should trash all those silly ideas as soon as possible.【解说】trash vt.丢弃,把视为废物。还可以做名词,意为“垃圾,废物;拙劣的作品;没出息的人”,例如throw trash,扔垃圾。6. 虽然是简短的一句话,却包含着深刻的人生真理。【原句】Although the sentence is short, it contains a profound truth about life.【解说】profound a. 深刻的,深度的深远的影响:a

8、 profound effect/influence/impact深深的罪恶感:a profound sense of guilt7. 诗歌能唤起梦幻世界中的一切色彩、情感、经历以及各种奇妙形象。【原句】Poetry calls up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.【解说】To call up的最普通的意思是“给某人打电话”,但是它也可以解释为“引起记忆,使想起”。此外,to call up还可以用在军事方面,意思是“在紧急情况下调动预备役军队来参加某些行动”。【英语天天向上】

9、轻松每日一句:被广告洗脑20110117-201101231. 由于我总是忘记约会的事,我的女朋友很生气。【原句】My girlfriend is mad at me because I keep missing dates.【解说】be mad at sb. = be angry with sb. 生某人的气2. 谁也不能违反这些规则而不被处分。【原句】No one can flout the rules and get away with it.【解说】flout v. 蔑视,违抗;get away with (doing) sth. 不因(做)某事而受惩罚3. 看起来没有人能解释为什么同

10、样的问题会日复一日地出现。【原句】No one seems able to explain why the same problems keep coming up day after day.【解说】day after day 日复一日,也可以说day in, day out。例如:Day in, day out, all I ever do is work. 一天又一天,我每天都在工作。4. 广告促使孩子们去买那些他们根本用不着的东西。【原句】The commercials brainwash the kids into buying stuff they dont really need

11、.【解说】Brainwash是brain和wash这两个单词的组合,按照字面解释就是“洗脑”,也就是在违背某人意愿的情况下不断地使他改变信念和行为。总之,凡是利用一切机会和再三重复的手段来改变人们观点的做法都是可以说是brainwash。5. 如果没有受到环境的阻挠,她也许能够实现自己的抱负。【原句】She might have succeeded in her ambition if circumstances hadnt been in her way.【解说】in someones way 挡道的,妨碍的6. 没有被队伍选中让她感觉很沮丧。【原句】She felt blue about

12、not being chosen for the team.【解说】Blue 蓝色,属于低沉的冷色调,所以常常用来比喻低落忧郁的情绪。所以feel blue就解释为心情闷闷不乐。7. 您来这儿是工作还是游玩?【原句】Are you here on business or for pleasure?【解说】on business 为了公事,出公差;for pleasure 为了消遣【英语天天向上】轻松每日一句:返乡的道路是曲折的20110124-201101301. 如果她情绪低落,试着哄她开心。笑是最好的良药。【原句】If she is down, try to amuse her. Laug

13、hter is the best medicine.【解说】down在这句话中解释为unhappy/sad,情绪低落、消沉。get sb. down意思就是“让某人消沉”。2. 独立思考是绝对必要的。【原句】Independent thinking is an absolute necessity.【解说】necessity n. 需要,必要性;out of necessity 出于需要,例:We sold our car out of necessity. 出于需要我们把车卖了。3. 她有责任感以及强烈的进取精神。【原句】She is responsible and has a strong

14、 sense of enterprising spirit.【解说】enterprising 有创业精神的,有进取心的;enterprise是它的名词形式,解释为“进取心,事业心”,例:a man of great ,有进取精神的人。4. 这些天,机场、火车站和长途汽车站都挤满了返乡的人。【原句】Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees these days.【解说】long-distance bus 长途汽车,短途汽车就是short-distance bu

15、s。5. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。【原句】The road is tortuous, but the future is bright.【解说】tortuous a. 迂回曲折的(例:a tortuous route 曲折的路线);极为复杂的(例:a tortuous process 复杂的过程)6. 尽管你已经经历了许多,但是你仍然可以再活一次,就从现在开始。【原句】You can start right now and live again as many years as you have already experienced.【解说】right now 现在(at the present time);立即,马上(immediately)7. 你不能在电影院预定座位,它是严格按照“先到先得”原则的。【原句】You cant reserve a seat at the movie theater; its strictly first come, first served.【解说】first come, first served 是一个谚语,先到的人先被服务,也就是我们所说的“先到先得”。【英语天天向上】轻松每日一句:愿快乐幸福永相随20110131-201102061. 与其怀有宿怨不如去宽恕和释怀来的好。【原句】It is bette

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