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1、国际经济学国际贸易精彩试题山东大学经济学院25个选择题共50分,两个简答题30分,两个计算题20分 老师说:选择题要理解为什么,否则不一定能够做对 下面是第一章到第五章的选择题及答案余下答案:acadaccacbInterdependence: 互相依赖 international:. 国际的 microeconomic: 微观经济 interregional:地区间的Choice questions1 Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of( A)A the labor theory of valu

2、eB the opportunity cost theoryC the law of diminishing returns:边际报酬递减定律D all of the above2. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input 投入), the range of mutually 互相的beneficial trade between nation A and

3、B is: (C )A. 3Y3X5YB. 5Y3X9YC. 3Y3X9YD. 1Y3X3Y3. The commodity商品 in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is thecommodity of its (D ).A. absolute disadvantage B. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage D. comparative advantage4. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X

4、and Y) world, it is established thatnation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have: (D )A an absolute advantage in commodity YB an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC a comparative disadvantage in commodity YD a comparative advantage in commodity Y5. If domestically 国

5、的3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B: (D )A there will be no trade between the two nationsB the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC the relative price of Y is the same in both nationsD all of the above6. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency 货币usually

6、 ( B)A benefits U.S. importers 进口商B benefits U.S. Exporters 出口商C benefits both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters7. The Mercantilists 重商主义者 did not advocate 提倡( A)A free tradeB stimulating the nations exports stimulate 刺激C restricting 限制the nations import

7、sD the accumulation积聚of gold by the nation Slope 倾斜 stepwise 逐步地 equilibrium relative commodity均衡相对商品 intersection交叉点余下答案:BACDbd1. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y? ( D)A. It is given by the absolute slope斜率 of the indifference curve 无差异曲线B. declines下降 as

8、the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curveD. all of the above2 The marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率 (MRT)of X for Y refers to ( D)A the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit 单位 of XB the opportunity cost of X

9、C the absolute slope of the production frontier生产可能性边界 at the point of productionD all of the above3 The marginal rate of substitution边际替换率(MRS) of X for Y in consumption消费 refers to the ( B)A amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain on thesame indifference cur

10、veB amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on thesame indifference curveC amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higherindifference curveD amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higherindif

11、ference curve4. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs? ( A)A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogenous同质的C. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion固定比例 in the production of all commoditiesD. For the nation t

12、o produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are less and less suited 适合 in the production of the commodity5. Export prices出口价格 must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation: ( D)A incurs 招致 increasing opportunity costs in export productionB faces decreasing 减少 oppor

13、tunity costs in producing import substitutes. 替代品C faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumptionD all of the above6. In the trade between a small and a large nation (B ).A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeB. the small nation is likely to receive all o

14、f the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to equally sharedD. we cannot say7 Commodity indifference curves (D )A are negatively slopedB are convex凸的 to the origin原点C should not cross交叉D all of the above8. Nation 1s share 份额 of the gains from trade will be greater: (B )A. the greater i

15、s nation 1s demand for nation 2s exportsB. the closer Px/Py with trade settles贸易落定 to nation 2s pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is nation 2s demand for nation 1s exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1s pretrade Px/Pyconcave凹的 intersect 相交 application 应用 equilibrium均衡 compensation prin

16、ciple补偿原则 isolation孤立 inside在之 tangent切线 internal. 部的 exceed超过specialize专门化 mutually 互相地 taste偏好余下答案:cdcacddddd1. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve: ( a)A. is a straight lineB. bulges凸出 toward the axis轴 measuring衡量 the import commodityC. intersects 相交 the strai

17、ght-line直线 segment部分 of the worlds offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion积极倾斜的部分 of the worlds offer curve2. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis 局部均衡分析 is false? (c )A. it relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one

18、marketC. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price均衡相对商品价格 but not the equilibrium quantity均衡产量 with tradeD. it does not take into considerations the interactions 相互作用 between different markets3. If the nations tastes for its import commodity increases (d )A. the nations o

19、ffer curve rotates旋转 toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partners offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityC. the partners offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodityD. the nations offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its expo

20、rt commodity4. The offer curve of a nation bulges凸出 toward the axis measuring the nations ( a)A. import commodity B. export commodityC. export or import commodity D. nontraded commodity5. The offer curve of a nation shows: (d )A. the supply of a nations importsB. the demand for a nations exportsC. t

21、he trade partners demand for imports and supply of exportsD. the nations demand for imports and supply of exports6. If the terms of trade贸易条件 of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are: ( b)A. 3/4 B. 2/3 C. 3/2 D. 4/37. A deterioration恶化 of a nations terms of trade cau

22、ses the nations welfare to: (d )A. deteriorate B. improveC. remain unchanged D. any of the aboveapproximation近似 sought寻找 Volume 量余下答案:dcdddaba1. Which is not an assumption假设 of the H-O model? ( c)A. the same the technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale规模报酬不变 C. complete specialization完

23、全专业化D. equal tastes相同偏好 in both nations2. The Leontief paradox里昂惕夫悖论 refers to the empirical finding实证发现 that U.S.: (a )A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than

24、import substitutes3. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in: (b )A. technologyB. factor endowments禀赋 C. economies of scale规模经济D. tastes4. The H-O model extends 延伸 the classical trade model by: (c)A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining检查 the ef

25、fect of trade on factor pricesC. both A and BD. neither A nor B5. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upon adifference in (d )A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastesD. all of the above6. For factor reversal逆转 to occur, two commodities must be produced with:

26、(a )A. sufficiently 充分地 different elasticity of substitution 替代弹性 of factorsB. the same K/L ratio比率C. technologically-fixed factor proportions 比例D. equal elasticity of substitution of factorsintensive集中的reject驳回,排斥 await 等候余下答案:acbdcaddc简答题:每题最好都画图1.贸易理论:US和UK两国的W和C互换(见书),计算两国贸易所得2.画图说明一国两种产品的最优组合(无

27、差异曲线与生产可能性曲线相交的切点)3.画图说明即使生产可能性曲线一样,无差异曲线不同,两国也能发生贸易4.求两国的提供曲线以及均衡贸易量和均衡产品价格5.Draw the offer curves for Nation 1 and Nation 2, showing that Nation 2 is a small nationthat trades at the pretrade-relative commodity prices in Nation 1. How are the gains fromtrade distributed between the two nations? Why?6.HOS模型,HO模型7.里昂休斯悖论及解释6.幼稚产业观点7.说明产品周期8.Table 91 配额和关税的区别(因书上文字过多,就不一一写答案了)计算:1.题给两国的供给,需求曲线,求没有贸易时孤立均衡点2.给出供给,需求曲线的方程,计算关税,消费者损失,生产者剩余增加额(配额)3.第六章计算题第三题

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