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1、英语统考英语题库1英语题库一、交际用语(100道 考卷上5道)此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. What do you do? _.A.Im a teacher B.I live in a small townC.I come from a small town D.I like teaching 第一说话人询问对方职业,所以答案是A。2. When is your birthday? _.A.was born in a small village B. I dont know how to cel

2、ebrate itC.Its on the 18th of March D.Its not easy to remember 这是一个直接询问生日时间的问题,所以答案是C。3. What kind of job are you applying for? _.A.I havent filled in the form B.If possible, Id like to be an accountantC.I lost my job last month D.I am the director本题中第一说话人询问对方想申请什么样的工作,对方用“如果可能的话,我想当”的句型表达了自己的愿望,所以答

3、案是B。 4. You neednt do the work till after the New Year. _.A.No, you neednT B.Oh, good! Thank youC.Happy New Year to you D.I like the work本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。当第一说话人告知对方“在新年之前不必工作”时,对方表达了欣喜和感激之情,所以答案是B。5. Whos the tall man behind the door? _.A.Thats Jane Tailor, someone I met in Johns party last weekB.We ha

4、vent written to him since we met last himC.Weve lost contact with him for a long timeD.Dont you remember? Thats David Smith. We met him at the airport第一说话人询问“门后的高个子男子是谁”,答语应选择有男子名字的句子。A项中的Jane是女子名字,所以答案是D。6. Whose car is this? _.A.Its a Japanese car B.Its my uncleSC.Its my uncle D.Its my uncle who m

5、ade it第一说话人询问“这是谁的车”,答语“是我叔叔的”直接回答了这个问题,所以答案是B。7. What does this word mean, Joe? _.A.This word means Joe B.Joe is a boys nameC.Of course, Im Joe D.Sorry, I dont know, either第一说话人问Joe“这个词是什么意思”,Joe礼貌地回答“对不起,我也不知道。”所以答案是D。8. Is it going to be warm next week? _.A.Yes, it is B.I dont believe itC.No, it

6、hasnT D.It changes all the time本题考核询问天气的用语。第一说话人询问下周的天气,答语不仅要回答天气问题,还要注意人称和谓语动词与问句的一致性,所以答案是A。9. Excuse me, wheres the Capital Theatre? _.A.Theres a stadium near it B.Its only two blocks away from hereC.Ive got two theatre tickets for tonight D.Turn right and then youll find the cinema本题考核问路的用语。当询问的

7、主题为地点时,答语应提供与主题有关的信息,所以答案是B。 10. Im looking for a place to stay. Could you recommend a good hotel? _.A.Its off Oak Street, near the park B.Its difficult to stay at a good hotelC.Its very expensive. You have no idea about itD.Let me see. Oak Hotel is pretty good, though it may be a little expensive第一

8、说话人请求对方推荐一家好的旅馆,答语应直接回答哪家旅馆好,所以答案是D。 11. Nice weather, isnt it? _. A.Im not sure B.You know it wellC.Yes, it is D.Yes, it isnt本题考核询问天气的用语。同第8小题一样,答语不仅要回答问题,而且还要注意人称和谓语动词与问句的一致性,所以答案是C。12. What subjects are you studying? _. A.Yes, Im studying history B.Im studying nowC.Im studying philosophy D.Im doi

9、ng my homework 第一说话人用特殊疑问句询问对方学什么课程,答语应直接切入主题,所以答案是C。13. Which language do you speak at home? _.A.I speak English very well B.I can speak English and FrenchC.English is my mother tongue D.English, most of the time第一说话人用which询问对方在家说哪种语言,答语应直接回答具体的语言,所以答案是D。14. Must we hand in our homework now? _.A.Ye

10、s, you will B.Yes, you mustnTC.No, you neednT D.No, you mustnt 本题考核用must征询对意见的答语。must的否定形式有三种:mustnt表示“不许”,neednt表示“不必”,cant表示“不可能”。所以答案是C。15. Theres a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? _.A.Fine. But I treat this time B.Its newly decoratedC.Lets look at the menu first D.

11、I have no idea about what to order本题一说话人用How about的形式提出建议,答语可以表示赞同,所以答案是A。treat的意思是“请(某人)客;款待”。16. Here you are, Sir. _. A.Yes, Im here B.Yes, here we areC.All right D.Thank you very much 本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。“Here you are”的意思是“给你”,当接受第一说话人提供的物品时,应表示感谢,所以答案是D。17. What does your English teacher look like? _

12、.A.She likes singing B.She looks sadC.She likes to stay with us D.She looks much like her mother 第一说话人用“look like”询问英语老师的长相,答语应选择描述长相的选项,所以答案是D。18. Thank you for your invitation and the nice coffee. _. A.Its no trouble at all B.It was something smallC.But the coffee was not very good D.My pleasure.

13、I hope youll come again本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。当第一说话人表示感谢时,可使用“Youre welcome”或“Its a pleasure”等答语,所以答案是D。19. Could you show me how to get to the railway station? _. A.My train has already leftB.Come with me. Ill show you the wayC.Youre late for itD.20 dollars for a ticket第一说话人请求对方告知去火车站的路,答语中应该有指路的内容,所以答案是B。2

14、0. I heard you just came back from your vacation. How was your trip? _.A.Not too good. The restaurants were overpricedB.We went to many attractions in ParisC.The people there are very friendly本题考核询问旅行情况的用语。第一说话人询问旅行总体情况,答语应表达出对旅行的总体印象,也可附加原因,所以答案是A。21. How are you feeling now? _. A.Much better B.Its

15、 OK C.Thank you D.Hes all right 第一说话人询问对方现在感觉如何,B项和D项的人称与问句不符,所以答案是A。22. What are you majoring in? _.A.Medicine B.At a college C.In a university D.Its hard to say第一说话人询问对方的主修专业,答语应该选择有专业的选项,所以答案是A。23. What time does the train leave? _. A.On Tuesday B.In the morning C.At half past five D.At night第一说话

16、人询问对方火车离开的时间,答语应提供具体的时间信息,所以答案是C。24. Come to our house for a party, please. _. A.Heres my address B.Im not busyC.Oh, thank you for your kindness D.See you at four tomorrow本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。答语中应体现出对邀请的感谢,所以答案是C。25. Which of your nieces looks like the girl in the photo? _. A.She is very slim B.The older o

17、ne does C.This is my nieces photo D.The photo looks old第一说话人询问对方的哪个侄女看上去像照片中的女孩,答语应该直接的与主题相关,所以答案是B。26. You are not the manager here, are you? _. A.Yes, Im not B.No, I am C.Yes, I am D.Not at all本题考核反意疑问句的回答。回答反意疑问句的规则:如果回答Yes,其后跟肯定句;如果回答No,其后跟否定句,所以答案是C。27. Now what did I do with my umbrella? _. A.

18、Let me think about it B.I seeC.Perhaps at the back of the car D.Its going to rain第一说话人想知道自己把雨伞放哪儿了,答语应告知可能在某处,所以答案是C。28. What do you usually do in your spare time? _. A.Yes, its my favorite time B.GardeningC.No, Ill never do that D.Do it by yourself第一说话人用特殊疑问句询问对方业余时间通常做什么,答语应直接切入主题,所以答案是B。29. Do yo

19、u know which student is the most intelligent? _. A.No, they are not intelligent at all B.No, I dont know who he isC.Yes, I know all of them D.Yes, the one in a red jacket第一说话人询问对方哪个学生最聪明,答语应直接切入主题,所以答案是D。30. This picture is very nice, but I think its too small for our room. _. A.I agree. Lets look f

20、or a bigger oneB.Youre quite right. What a good ideaC.I agree. Our room is very smallD.I agree. Lets look for a nicer one第一说话人向对方表述了自己对某事的看法,答语应含有相关信息,所以答案是A。31. Ive got a bad cold today. _. A.Thank you for telling me B.Oh, dear! I hope youll get better soonC.It isnt serious D.Itll be better soon本题考

21、核日常交际的礼貌用语。当听到不幸的消息,回应时要流露出同情,并加以良好的祝愿,所以答案是B。32. Doesnt it snow in your hometown? _. A. Yes, it never snows B.No, sometimesC.Yes, it is D.No, it doesnt本题考核否定疑问句的回答。回答否定疑问句的规则:如果回答Yes,其后跟肯定句;如果回答No,其后跟否定句。据此可排除A项和B项,C项的动词不符,所以答案是D。 33. How long have you known Jack? _. A.Yes, twenty years ago B.Since

22、 twenty yearsC.Twenty years before D.For twenty years第一说话人用特殊疑问句询问对方认识Jack有多久了,答语应该是一段持续的时间,所以答案是D。34. Its a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith. _. A.My pleasure, too B.Please dont mention itC.Im glad to hear that D.Ive been looking forward to meeting you, too本题考核日常交际中见面时的寒暄语。答语应和问候语相关,所以答案是D。 35

23、. Have you heard that Betty is married to George? _. A.Youre kidding? I cant believe it B.Betty is a sensitive womanC.George works as a lawyer D.I met them only two weeks ago第一说话人询问对方是否听说Betty与George结婚了,答语应对此消息作出反应,而不是先去评价某个人,所以答案是A36. Excuse me, may I sit here? _. A.Please sit down B.Youre welcomeC

24、.Yes, certainly. This D.Yes, it doesnt matter本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。一般用“May I.”寻求帮助时,通常使用certainly,sure,of course等词表示肯定的答复,所以答案是C。37. What will the weather be like tomorrow? _. A.The same as today B.I hope soC.Its spring, you see D.I like the weather forecast本题考核询问天气情况的用语,应提代关于天气的信息,所以答案是A。38. How are things

25、 with you, Bill? _. A.Hello, Sue B.Im terribly busy these daysC.Mind your own business D.See you later第一说话人询问Bill近期各方面情况如何,答语应提供相关信息,所以答案是B。39. How many students are from America? _. A.Only two of them B.A great dealC.You know John and Tom D.Third第一说话人询问有多少学生来自美国,答语应提供具体数字,所以答案是A。40. Your spoken Eng

26、lish is as good as native speakers. _.A. Im happy you understand me B.Thank you, but Im only a beginnerC.But my English is poor Thats right.D. Im glad to hear that 本题考核日常交际的礼貌用语。当听到表扬时应表示感谢,这是日常交际的礼貌原则,所以答案是B。41. Could I speak to Molly, please? _. A.This is Molly speaking B.Molly is all rightC.Im Mo

27、lly D.Please tell me who you are本题考核用英语接电话的表达方式。如果所找的人在场,要用“(Yes,) This is.speaking.”所以答案是A。42. What did the manager go to Paris for? _. A.No, he was free B.For businessC.Yes, he was on business D.He has been there twice第一说话人用特殊疑问句询问经理到巴黎的目的,答语应提供直接的相关信息,所以答案是B。43. Whats on at the Star Cinema this w

28、eek? _. A.Sorry, I dont know B.Its on the next streetC.No, I have no tickets D.Go and ask the policeman about it第一说话人询问对方本周明星电影院上映什么片子,答语选项中没能提供直接的相关信息,所以答案是A。44. I wonder where you were yesterday. _.A.Yesterday was really wonderful B.Im doing houseworkC.I caught a cold yesterday D.I stayed at home第一说话人询问对方昨天在哪儿,答语应提供相关信息,并注意时态的一致,所以答案是D。45. Do you have anything special in mind if you eat at a restaurant here? _.A. We dont know much about the menu hereB. Some place re

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