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八年级上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake单元教案.docx

1、八年级上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake单元教案新目标英语八年级上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake单元教案课时安排6课时 第一课时:Section A 1a , 1b , 1c 第二课时:Section A2a , 2b , 2c第三课时:Section A 3a , 3b , 4 第四课时:Section B1a ,1b , 2a , 2b , 2c 第五课时:Section B3b , 3b , 3c , 4 self-check 第六课时:Extending lesson(拓展课)Le

2、arn how to make a pancake and ZongziMake a class recipe. 单元目标与要求能够听懂制作一种食品的对话材料。能够询问或描述一种食物的制作过程。能够写出Section A 和Section B中的重点词汇。能够做好充分的课前准备,通过不同途径了解奶昔、色拉、爆米花、三明治的制作过程以及吃北京烤鸭的过程。能够读懂介绍食谱的文章。能够在教师的帮助下展开拓展性学习,初步见识煎饼、粽子、炸油条、做面条的制作过程。理解和掌握可数名词和不可数名词以及How much 和How many 引导的特殊疑问句。能够充分运用猜测,排列次序等学习策略与思维技巧。通过

3、本单元的学习让学生进一步了解中西方的饮食文化,培养生活情感。 Period One. Teaching contents Section A 1a 1b 1c. Teaching aims and demands Learn to describe a process and follow instructions. Teaching key and difficult points.1. Vocabulary : turn on , cut up , drink , peel , pour , put , blender , shake.2. Target sentences: How do

4、 you make a banana milk? Peel the bananas; cut up the bananas; put the bananas and the ice-cream in the blender; Pour the milk into the blender; Turn on the blender. . Teaching methods watching , listening , writing methods; Pair work. Teaching aids a tape recorder; a projector. Teaching ProceduresS

5、tep 1 Warm up / revision 1. Enjoy a movie and relax 2. Revise the names of some food.Like: vegetables , meat , fruits, drinks.Step 2. The key vocabulary 1. Discuss where people usually have meals and where the foods are from.(home-cooing , take-away food) 2. Discuss what food people make . (Some peo

6、ple like to cool body by making food at home, especially in summer. The weather is too hot. So people make some food to cool body.) banana milk shake fruit salad (Possible :popcorn , sandwiches , pancake) 3, Learn how to make a banana milk shake. Teach the names of all items. Point to the pictures o

7、f the items and ask students to repeat. Focus on the pictures . Ask the students to tell what they see in each picture. Describe each action and ask students to repeat the following: Peel the bananas, cut up the bananas, Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender. Pour the milk into the blender,

8、 turn on the blender, drink the shake. 4. Ask students to write the names of the actions on the black lines. Then check the answers.Step 3. Listening 1. Point to the actions in the picture and the list of actions in 1b. Ask different students to look at the picture and tell what is happening. 2. Pla

9、y the recording for the first time. The students only listen. Then listen again, number the instructions.Step 4. Practice using the target language 1. Pair work . Ask students to start their conversations like the sample conversation.2. Try to talk about how to make an apple milk shake.Step 4. Homew

10、ork1. Review the words.2. Try to make a banana milk shake or an apple milk shake for parents at home.Related exercises in class I.读句子,圈出正确的词1. First (peel/ pour) three bananas.2. Then (turn on / cup up ) the apples.3. (Drink/ Put) the bananas in the blender.4. (Put/ Turn on ) the blender.5. (Pour /

11、Peel/ drink) the milk shade. II. 单项选择6. Some factories pour the dirty water the river.A. into B. in C. to7. Its dark in the classroom. the lights, Li Lei.A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Open8. Here are some apples and bananas, please .A. give to Peter themB. give them to PeterC. give Peter to them9. Mary

12、is tea for her guests at home.A. cooking B. making C. doing10. Can I help you, sir? Yes, Id like five and some peas.A. potatos B. Meats C. bananasPurposes for the designs观看有关食物的电影片断,调动情感,营造氛围。采用brainstorming方式复习所学过的相关食物的名词,增加学生兴趣。让学生讨论人们一日三餐在哪里吃,所吃的食物又从哪里来。炎热的夏天,人们总喜欢做些食物来解暑。直接通过图示来学习相关新词汇,让学生在感知中习得

13、语言。根据图示学习句子,感受制作香蕉奶昔的过程学习课本P41 1a提供图片,让学生练习各项活动所对应的句子。听力训练,学习制作香蕉奶昔的全过程模仿1c中的对话提示,让学生利用目标语编对话。通过口语交际训练,充分学习领会制作乃昔的全过程。在学生熟知制作香蕉奶昔的同时学习制作苹果奶昔。这是对知识能力的迁移性训练。此时知识的适当拓展对学生来说容易接受。巩固所学知识,学习与生活紧密结合,学以致用。附课堂练习,可检测学生对所学知识的掌握程度。Period Two. Teaching contents Section A 2a 2b 2c. Teaching aims and demands Learn

14、to describe a process and follow instructions by guided listening and writing practice. Teaching key and difficult points.1. Vocabulary : yogurt , a cup of , how many , how much , two teaspoons , good idea , fruit salad , ingredient , countable nouns , uncountable nouns.2. Target sentences How many

15、bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? Lets make fruit salad. OK, good idea. Teaching methods watching , listening , writing methods; Pair work. Teaching aids a tape recorder; a projector. Teaching ProcedureStep1.Warm up / Revision 1. Brainstorm kinds of food again.This time, let students t

16、ry to brainstorm countable and uncountable nouns. 2. Game show. Let students introduce how to make a banana milk shake or an apple milk shake in groups.Step2. Key vocabulary 1. Discuss what we need while making a banana milk shake. 2. Discuss what ingredients we need while making fruit salad.Introdu

17、ce the new vocabulary using the picture in 2a.Step 3. Listening and writing 1. Listen to the tape and fill the countable and uncountable nouns separately in the form about “how much” and “how many”. 2 . Look at 2b, and listen to the tape once more. Fill the materials needed for making the fruit sala

18、d. Then check the answers.Step 4. Pair work 1. Do pair work according to the listening materials in 2b, using “how many” or “how much” questions. How much yogurt do they need? They need one cup. How many bananas do they need? They need three.2. Ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad,

19、 using the dialogue in 2c. Lets make fruit salad. Ok , good idea. How much yogurt do we need? One cup. How many apples do we need? We need two.Step 5. Homework1. Make a conversation on how to make fruit salad.2. Write out all the countable and uncountable nouns learned so far.Related exercises in cl

20、ass.I.用how many 或how much填空。1. milk shake is there?2. bags of yogurt do you need?3._ watermelons does he need?4. There are six bags of rice in the room.(划线部分提问) bags of rice are there in the room?5. Susan wants six bottles of milk(同 上) milk does Susan want?II. 单项选择6. How many do we need?A. yogurt B.

21、 honeys C. oranges7. I often eat some and a few pieces of for breakfast.A. eggs breads B. eggbread C. eggs bread8. Jim ate meat at the party.A. much too B. too many C. too much9. Why not go swimming? Its too hot. .A. Good idea! Why not?B. Certainly, I like going.C. Thats all right. Please go.10. I w

22、ant to buy .A. two bottles of milks.B. Two bottles of milk.C. Two bottle of milks.III. 补全对话A: Lets 11 an apple milk 12 .B: Thats a good 13 . What do we need?A: Let me 14 . Cut 15 two apples;Pour two cups of milk 16 the blender.By the way, do you 17 yogurt?B: Yes, I like it very much.A: How 18 do you

23、 need?B: One cup. Ok , could you please 19 on the blender?A: Sure. I like to do it.And we can drink 20 soon!Purpose for the designs让学生再次“头脑风暴”,把所学过的食物名词按可数与不可数进行分类,这是本节课学生所必须掌握的内容之一。学生分组自由描述制作香蕉奶昔或苹果奶昔的过程。让学生讨论制作香蕉奶昔所需要的材料。提供2a图片,让学生学习制作水果沙拉所需的材料。听录音,填写表格,这里要求学生能够区别出可数与不可数名词。再听录音,写出Maria and Katie 制

24、作水果沙拉所需要的详细材料。根据2b听力内容,用how much 或how many编对话,这是对Grammar focus 的强化训练,也为下个学习任务打基础。学生运用目标语言展开对话,学生学会正确运用how many/ how much引导的特殊疑问句及可数与不可数名词的用法。相关课堂练习集锦Period Three. Teaching contents Section b 3a 3b 4. Teaching aims and demands Learn to describe a process and follow instructions by reading and writing

25、. Teaching key and difficult points.1. Vocabulary : first , next , then , finally, watermelon , mix up , popper , popcorn, recipe.2. Target sentences: How do you make fruit salad / popcorn? First cut up Next put in Then Finally mix it all up. Teaching methods watching , writing methods; pair work Re

26、cipe game. Teaching aids a projector, . Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warm up / Revision1. Revise the conversation in 2c2. Discuss how to make fruit salad, according to one of the conversations made by students. Cut up three bananas, three apples, and a watermelon. Put the fruit in a bowl. Put in some

27、homey and yogurt. Mix it all up.Step 2. Vocabulary1. Show pictures on how to make fruit salad. Learn first , next , then , and finally.2. Read the short passage in 3a and fill in the blanks with the words.Step 3. Pair work1. Act out the conversation in 3a.2. Show pictures. Learn how to make popcorn.

28、 Then talk to each other. First, put the popcorn into the popper. Next, pour the popcorn into the bowl. Then , put some salt on the popcorn. Finally, eat the popcorn.Step 4. Recipe game1. Make two teams. Write a recipe and cut it up. The other team put the recipe in order. And then read out the reci

29、pes.Step5. Homework1. Describe how to make a fruit milk shake with first, then, next , finally.2. If possible , try to make popcorn or fruit salad for parents at home.Related exercises in class.I.用first , next , then, finally填空。1. After you get home, have something to eat, finish your homework. You

30、may watch TV.2. If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you need a bike, ask a person for help , look a head ad try to ride on the bike slowly you can ride it without any help. That means you can ride a bike now.II. 英汉互译3. three bottles of milk 4. two cups of tea 5. make fruit salad 6. 两茶匙蜂蜜 7. 把西红柿切8. 碎 9. 打开爆米花机 10. 把香蕉皮剥掉 11. 混在一起 Purposes for the designs复习对话,为下面的学习打好基础。选取学生所编的一个对话,一起讨论如何制水果沙拉,这可能有些难度,因为有几个新词汇。图示制作水果沙拉的具体过程,从感知上学习表示顺序的词汇。选词填空,让学生对顺序词产生理性认识。从口语训练中感知制作过程,为下一个口语任务打基础。 从图示中学习制爆米花的过程,也是对顺序词的进一步深入学习。 教师先作示范,让学生明白游戏规则,然后把学生分成小组去做游戏。 巩固所学知识,学习与生活紧密结合,学以致用。 相关练习课堂检测,以便掌握学生的学习认知情况。

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