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1、新概念英语第二册笔记第66课Lesson 66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!【Text】In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasnt too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twe

2、nty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts

3、are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey - still in perfect condition. A colo

4、ny of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!(文中出现的部分生词注音:Wallis v:lis Island ailnd 瓦立斯岛Samoa smu 萨摩亚群岛accidentally ,ksidentli偶然地Rolls-Royce rulzris(劳斯莱斯)Merlin m:lin梅林 )【课文翻译】1963年,一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛毁。那是南太洋中一个很偏僻的小岛,位于萨摩亚群岛以西,距离群岛还有很长一段距离。飞机损坏的程度并不严重, 但是,多年来这起飞机失

5、事已被遗忘,飞机残骸也没受到破坏。于是,到了1989年,飞机失事26年后,在对小岛的一次航空勘查中那架飞机被意外地发现了。 到了那个时候,状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机实属罕见,值得抢救。法国政府让人把飞机包装起来,一部分一部分地搬回法国。一群热心人计划修复这架飞机。该飞机装配有4台劳斯莱斯的默林发动机,但是他们只需要修复其中的3台。想一想他们所感受到的惊奇和兴奋 当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜一样甜 发动机完好无损。一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。New words and expressions 生词和短语【生词讲解】1.Lancaster lks

6、t n. 兰开斯特2. bomber bm n. 轰炸机bomb n. 炸弹a time bomb 定时炸弹an atomic bomb 原子弹go like a bomb 非常成功bomber bm n. 轰炸机(注意其中的字母b是不发音的)发音规则:-mb- 中,b 不发音eg. climb bomb comb tomb坟墓 thumb翻阅;搭车手势; dumb哑的 3. remote rimut adj. 偏僻的1) adj. 遥远的,偏远的=distanta remote island in the Pacific Ocean太平洋的一个遥远的小岛a remote village.一个

7、偏远的村庄2) adj. (时间上)久远的,遥远的in the remote past 在遥远的过去in the remote future 在遥远的将来4. Pacific psifik n. 太平洋1)太平洋2)adj. 和解的,和平的,爱和平的peacefulpeace n. 和平a pacific solution 和平解决a dove of peace 和平鸽the Pacific Ocean 太平洋5. damage dmid v. 毁坏n. u 损坏、破坏damage to the car 对车辆造成的损坏damage to the crops 对庄稼造成的损坏damage to

8、 ones reputation 对名誉造成的损坏=damage to ones famen. c pl. 损坏赔偿金(damages)eg. He claimed $7000 damages from the taxi company. 他向出租车公司索要7000美元的赔偿金。$5000 damages to the injured man给予受伤者的5000美元的赔偿金vt. 损伤,加害于,损害(名誉)damage sth. 损坏某事damage a fence 损坏栅栏damage a car 损坏汽车damage furniture 损坏家具eg. Smoking can damage

9、 your health. 吸烟会损害你的健康。eg. The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. 这座桥被洪水严重损坏了。eg. The groundless rumor damaged his good name. 这个毫无根据的谣言损坏了他的好名声。(近义词)spoil 损坏、破坏(从情绪上去破坏)(eg. Postcards always spoil my holidays.)damage 造成损坏,造成伤害(可恢复)destroy 毁坏、毁灭(无法修复)6. wreck rek n. 残骸1)n. 遇难的般,失事船的残骸eg. The wre

10、ck wasnt found 失事船只的残骸还没有找到eg. Lots of wrecks were washed up on the shore. 许多失事船只的残骸被冲上岸了。2)n. 残骸(撞毁的车辆,飞机,毁坏的房屋)the wreck of the plane 飞机的残骸the wreck of the car 汽车的残骸the wreck of the ship 船只的残骸eg. My house was a worthless wreck after the earthquake. 地震后我的房子只剩下废墟一片了。3)n. 毁坏,毁灭,受挫the wreck of a plan

11、计划受挫go to wreck 毁灭(近义词)remains 建筑物的遗址;(人或动物的)遗体,尸体,残骸wreck 残骸(撞毁的车辆,飞机,毁坏的房屋)7. rediscover ,ri:diskv v. 重新发现re- discover (re- 表示“又、再”的概念)discover vt. 发现discover + n. eg. Do you know who discovered the America? 你知道是谁发现了美洲吗?eg. I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer. 我在抽屉里找到了一封未拆开的信。eg. I soon

12、discovered the truth. 我很快发现真相了。discover + that/wh-(宾语从句)eg. I discovered that she was a good cook. 我发现她是个好厨师。eg. We never discovered how he died. 我没法查清他是怎么死的。discover sb. to be 发现为eg. I discovered him to be quite trust worthy. 我发现他相当可靠。re- 前缀 再次进行或发生rebuild 重建review 复习restore 修复rewrite 改写rename 重新起名

13、remarry 再婚8. aerial ril adj. 航空的,从飞行器上的,从窜的aerial bombardment 轰炸an aerial survey 航空勘测an aerial railway 悬浮列车aero- 前缀 空气的,飞行器的9. survey s:vei, s:vei, s- n. 调查1)n. 调查;测量,实地勘察a public opinion survey 民意测验a convicing survey 令人信服的调查make a survey of river pollution 调查河流污染2)n. 概观,概论eg. Im not good at making

14、a general survey of matters. 我不是爱对事物做总结。survey s:vei, v. =investigate 详细调查;测量,勘察eg. We surveyed 500 housewives; 10 percent of them use dishwashers. 我们调查了500名家庭妇女,其中有10%使用洗碗机。eg. They started surveying the coast. 他们开始调查海岸线了。have a house surveyed 请人勘察房屋10.rescue reskju: v. 营救1)v. 挽救,解救(通常是从危险情况中)eg. T

15、hey rescued a boy from drowning. 他们从水中救起了一个男孩子。eg. The firemen rescued a baby from the burning house. 消防员从着火的房子里救出了一个婴儿。2) n. 挽救come to a persons rescue 来营救某人go to a persons rescue 去营救某人。rescuer n. 求助者,搭救者(近义词)save 1) v. 挽救,拯救,搭救eg. He saved his child from drowning. 他从水中救起了他的孩子。eg. He saved an old m

16、an from the fire. 他从火中救出了一个老人。2) v. 储存(金钱,体力);储蓄,保留eg. He is saving his money to buy a bicycle. 他存钱是为了买自行车。eg. Theyre saving money for their old age. 他们为自己的晚年储存金钱。11.package pkid v. 把.打包1) n. 包open a package 打开一个包a package of books 一包书2)vt 将(某物)包装,将打包(为了出售)eg. They packaged the gift in a beautiful b

17、ox and sent it to their teacher. 他们把礼物包在一个漂亮的盒子里并送给了老师。package tour 包办旅行packet 商品以小包装形式出售pack (美)a packet of cigarettes 一包香烟a packet of sweets 一包糖果parcel 指用来邮寄的包裹package (美)package (英) 指携带的包裹pack 指背负的包,包裹a backpack 背包packaging 包装材料packing-case 装货的木箱12.enthusiast inju:zist, inu:- n. 热心人enthusiasm inj

18、u:zizm, inu:- n. u 热心,热情,热忱eg. He has great enthusiasm for personal computer. 他对个人电脑很热衷。with enthusiasm 热衷地,狂热地eg. Learning English needs enthusiasm, diligence and good methods. 学英语需要热情、勤奋及好方法。enthusiastic in,ju:zistikadj. 热情的,热心的eg. He knew little about our trouble, but was very enthusiastic. 他对我们的

19、问题知之甚少,但却很热心。eg. She is an enthusiastic admirer of the film star. 他狂热地崇拜那位电影明星。eg. He became enthusiastic about classical music. 他成了一个古典音乐迷了。enthusiastically in,ju:zistikli adv.热心地,热情地13.restore rist: v. 修复1) v. 重建,修复(建筑、艺术品等),恢复原状(恢复健康)restore ones health 恢复健康restore ones confidence 恢复信心restore the

20、 plane 修复飞机restore a china vase 修复瓷花瓶2)v. 恢复原职(restore sb. to )eg. The company restored him to his former job. 公司恢复了他原来的工作。restoration n. 恢复the restoration of peace 恢复和平ones restoration to health 恢复健康restorer n. 复原者构成:re- storestore:1) n. 商店;储存store house 仓库2)vt. 储备store (up) some food. 储存一些食物14.ima

21、gine imdin vt. 想像1) v. 想象(不可用于进行时)imagine + Can you imagine life without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗?imagine doing I didnt imagine becoming a writer in my childhood. 小时候我从没想过会成为一个作家。eg. He imagined owning a big house with a beautiful garden. 他想拥有一间有花园的大房子。eg. Can you imagine being rich an

22、d famous? 你能想象富有和出名吗?imagine that/wh- (宾语从句)eg. Imagine that you are a bird. 想象一下你是一只鸟。eg. Imagine that you are studying in Harvard University. 想象一下你正在哈佛大学学习。eg. Can you imagine how much I was surprised to see it? 你能想象我见到他有多吃惊吗?2)v. 想,推测eg. Can you imagine what he is doing? 你能猜到他在干什么吗?eg. Just imagi

23、ne it! 想想看!imagination n. 想象,想象力vivid imagination 鲜活的想象力eg. Use your imagination. 运用你的想象力。imaginative adj. 想象的,唤起想象的imaginative faculty 想象力an imaginative story 想象的故事imaginary adj. 假想的,虚构的 反义词:realan imaginary animal 假想的动物15.packing case pki keis包装箱16.colony klni n. 群1)n. 群(生长在同一地方的动物或植物)a colony of

24、ants 蚁群a colony of bees 蜂群a wolf colony 狼群2)n. 殖民地eg. Australia used to be a colony of Britain. 澳大利亚过去是英国的殖民地。17.bee bi: n. 蜂bee-keeper n. 养蜂人a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂as busy as a bee 很忙18.hive haiv n. 蜂房(beehive)1) n. 蜂房(beehive)2) n. 闹区,熙熙攘攘喧闹的人群19.preserve priz:v v. 保护1)v. 保护 =protect2 ) v. 维护,维持,保持 =

25、 maintainpreserve your eyes 保护你的眼睛preserve wild animals 保护野生动物preserve ones strength 储存体力preserve ones eyesight 保护视力preservation n. 保护,保存the preservation of peace 维护和平the preservation of food 食物的保存the preservation of ones health 保护健康20.beeswax bi:zwks n. 蜂蜡bees + waxwax 1) n. 蜡eg. Wax can be easily

26、melted by heat. 加热的时候蜡可以很容易地融化掉。2) adj. 蜡制的a wax candle 蜡烛a wax doll 蜡人3)vt. 打蜡于 wax a car 给汽车打蜡【课文讲解】1. In 1963, a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa smu. (背景知识)英国兰开斯特轰炸机(AVROLancaster)作为二战中皇家空军轰炸机的主战机种,“兰开斯特”累计出击156192架次,雄居全英之首!

27、累计投弹608612吨,占皇家空军战时总投弹量的三分之二。1943 年 5 月“炸坝行动”,攻击德国工业中心周围的水坝,进而衰减德国的军事工业生产。1944 年 11 月 12 日,皇家空军完成了第二次世界大战中最为成功的精确轰炸任务,击沉了德国的 “提尔皮茨海军上将”号战列舰。crash n. (飞机的)坠毁,迫降eg. All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. 所有乘客在飞机坠毁中都丧生了。 v. (飞机)坠毁;(汽车)冲撞,使冲撞eg. The plane crashed in the mountains. 飞机在山区坠毁了。e

28、g. He crashed his car into the wall. 他的车撞到墙上去了A Lancaster *bomber crashed on Wallis v:lis Island ailnd一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛坠毁了。2. The plane wasnt too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. remain vi 仍然,依然eg. The weather still remained cold in April. 四

29、月份了,天气依然很冷。eg. The true author of the book remains unknown. 这本书的真正作者还不为人所知。 v. 尚待,留待eg. Nothing remains to be said. 现在已经没什么好说的了。eg. It remains to be seen whether he will pass. 他能否通过考试仍不得而知。 v. 停留eg. How long will you remain here? 你能在这儿呆多久?remains n. 残留物,余额;(建筑物的)遗址;(人或动物)尸体,残骸;遗体3. Then in 1989, twe

30、nty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally ,ksidentli rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. accidentally ,ksidentli=by chance/ by accident 4. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. (1)reasonable adj. 合理的,有道理的a reasonable suggestion 合理的建议adj. 有理性的,懂得事理的,明白道理的eg. Man is a reasonable creature. 人是有理性的动物。eg. Be reasonable. 要讲道理。 adj. (价钱)合理的at a reasonable price 以合理的价格(2) be wor

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