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1、新人教版高中英语必修二unit5知识点专项训练新人教版高中英语必修二unit5知识点专项训练一、单项填空 1.You must work hard,and_,we must believe in ourselves.A by chanceB to be honestC above allD for fun2.How many tourists from the mainland are there in Taiwan this year?One million_.I am not sure.A or soB aboutC or ratherD more than3.We attach grea

2、t importance_computers,because we rely_them to organize our work.A to;onB on;onC of;uponD to;to4.A huge forest fire_after the lightning struck,but luckily no one died or got hurt.A broke outB broke upC broke downD broke off5.I think reading is an experience quite different from watching TV.Yes.When

3、you read,there are pictures_in your mind instead of before your eyes.A containingB formingC respondingD rolling6.We didnt have a receiver_enough to pick up the signal.That was the reason why we were lost in the forest.A attractiveB briefC sensitiveD electronic7.Hardy not only plays national_but also

4、 plays western ones.After all,he was born in a musical family.A performancesB instrumentsC musiciansD broadcasts8.Up to now,the writer has written ten stories,three_are about country life.A of themB in themC of whomD of which9.Do you regret not having chosen to work at that bank?Not at all. I_as muc

5、h,but the people here are nice and Im happy here.A didnt earnB hadnt earnedC will not earnD havent earned10.No matter how much money you have,it cannot_a healthy body.A matchB fitC defeatD compare11.The joke he played_her was so funny that we couldnt help_.A with;laughingB on;to laughC of;laughD on;

6、laughing12.The computer system_suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A broke downB broke outC broke upD broke in13.For hundreds of years humans have _finding life on distant planets.A worked outB dreamed ofC looked forD carried on14.To be honest , a lot of people _ great im

7、portance to becoming rich and famous .A attachB attackC attemptD attract15.The children _ very well last night and the audience were attracted by their play.A permittedB performedC pretendedD presented16.The car _ you are all familiar was stolen last night.A to whomB with whomC to whichD with which1

8、7.The pirates (海盗) said that they would make their demands _ to all ships.A knowB knownC knewD knowing18._well in an interview will be an important part of getting a place in the company.A DoB DoingC DoneD Being done19._music has been passed down from one generation to another.A PopularB FolkC Effec

9、tD Reading20.How do you like the curtains, Mary?Well, Im afraid they dont_very well with the wallpaper.A goB matchC suitD fit21.They are trying to_support for their proposal.A earnB acquireC gainD win22.Im so envious of you getting an_days holiday.A extraB spareC additionalD formal23.As a flexible a

10、ctor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical_.A instrumentsB equipmentsC furnitureD development24.We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise_for the homeless.A creditB cashC moneyD coin25.Dont_him to do anything;hes just a talker.A contribute toB l

11、ead toC rely onD insist on26.My parents will move back into town in a year or_.A laterB afterC soD about27.Id like to buy a housemodern,comfortable,and in a quiet neighborhood.A in allB above allC after allD at all28.The singer is always very_to the reaction of the audience when he gives a performan

12、ce.A positiveB sensitiveC sensibleD active29.Once a decision has been made,all of us should_it.A direct toB stick toC lead toD refer to30.The overall _of the Chinese Shooting Team at London Olympics was quite disappointing,losing several gold medals that they should have won.A featureB performanceC

13、devotionD style31.speaking,I think spiders are indeed disgusting.A HonestlyB OfficiallyC ObviouslyD Fluently32.The problem _at the meeting yesterday.A came toB came upC came acrossD came up with33.Please tell me what happened_. Dont go into details.A in briefB in allC in reliefD in a world二、单句语法填空(1

14、)1. The young man used to dream of_(live) abroad.2. He always dreams of there_(be) a chance to go to Beijing University.3. I dreamed _sweet dream last night.4.He loves playing jokes_his brother.5.He was always playing tricks_others.6.It is bad manners to make fun_the poor.7.Nobody likes being laughe

15、d_in public.8.Cant you see shes making a fool_you?(2)1.They have to rely_the river for their water.2.I rely on you_(finish) the work on time.3.You may rely on it_I will tell you the truth.4. The computer system suddenly broke_while he was searching for information on the Internet.5. I was still slee

16、ping when the fire broke_,and then it spread quickly.6. The companys top meeting didnt break_until midnight.7. On the way to the prison house,the prisoner suddenly broke away_the policeman.8. Someone broke_my house and stole some money.(3)1.John has really got the job because he showed me the offici

17、al letter_(offer) him it.2.The next thing he saw was smoke_(rise) from behind the house.3.The_(sleep) boy must be dreaming for he is smiling.4The young man dreams of_(become) a millionaire some day.5When his mother came in,he pretended_(do) his homework.6This middle school is_(attach) to a teachers

18、college.7He was satisfied with his_(earn) as a lawyer.8They_(plan) to help,but they were too busy.9The Internet games are_(attract) to some young people.10Are you nervous when you give a_(perform) to strangers?11Jackson relied _pills to go to sleep every now and then.12I will pay for the bike_cash.1

19、3He handed me a pen with_I wrote down his phone number.三.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)(1)1The smell is very familiar with everyone who lives nearby.2You may rely on that he will come to help you.3He decided to play a joke to his father by hiding his glasses.4He made the suggestion in form of a question.5To be hon

20、estly,I dont like some young actors these days.(2)1In addition food,I bought you some books.2There are all sort of activities for kids at the party.3Would you please brief introduce yourself?4There is no doubt that the customers are very sensitive for the price.5He never gets the chance to be abroad

21、,but he talks about Rome as if he has been there before. 答案解析1.【答案】C【解析】句意为:我们必须努力,最重要的是相信自己。by chance偶然,意外地;to be honest老实说;above all最重要的是;for fun取乐,为了乐趣。2.【答案】A【解析】句意为:“今年有多少大陆游客到台湾?”“大概一百万,我不确定。” or so大约,大概;about大约,放在数词之前;or rather更确切地说;more than多于,应放在数词之前。3.【答案】A【解析】认为有(重要性、意义),rely on

22、 do sth.指望/相信某人做某事。4.【答案】A【解析】句意为:闪电引起一场森林大火,幸好无人员伤亡。break out意思是“(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发”。break up打碎,分裂,解体;break down损坏,(健康等)垮掉;break off中断,突然停止。5.【答案】B【解析】句意为:当你阅读时,图像在大脑中“形成(forming)”而不是在眼前形成。句中用动词ing形式作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,表示主动。6.【答案】C【解析】根据to pick up the signal可知,此处谈到的是“接收器不够灵敏(sensitive)”,故选C项。7.【答案】B

23、【解析】根据第二说话人说Hardy出生于音乐家庭可知,此处谈到的是他不仅能演奏民族乐器还能演奏西洋乐器。instrument器械,乐器。8.【答案】D【解析】此题考查定语从句中“介词which”的用法。A、B项不能引导定语从句;又因先行词是stories,故排除C项。9.【答案】D【解析】句意为:虽然我不像在那家银行挣那么多钱,但是这里的人很好,我很开心。由上下文语境可知应用现在完成时。10.【答案】A【解析】match意为“与相比/匹敌”。全句意为“无论你有多少钱,它都不能与健康的身体相比”。11.【答案】D【解析】p lay jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑;cant help doi

24、ng忍不住做某事。12.【答案】A【解析】句意为:他在网上寻找信息时计算机系统突然出了故障。break down出故障,分解,累垮;break out爆发;break up分解,(关系等)破裂,驱散,放学;break in插话,闯入。13.【答案】B【解析】句意:探寻地外生命是人类几千年以来的梦想。dream of“梦想”,符合题意。work out “设计出;计算出”; look for “寻找”; carry on “继续”。14.【答案】A【解析】句意:老实说,许多人认为变富有和出名意义重大。15.【答案】B【解析】句意:孩子们昨晚表演得很好,观众都被他们的话剧吸引了。perform“表

25、演”,符合题意。permit“允许”;pretend“假装;假扮”;present“颁发;赠送”。16.【答案】D【解析】句意:你们都很熟悉的那辆车昨天晚上被盗了。be familiar with“熟悉”。先行词是物,介词提前后引导词应该用which。定语从句改为简单句为:You are all familiar with the car.。17.【答案】B【解析】句意:海盗们说他们要让所有船只上的人都知道他们的要求。know与their demands之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾补。18.【答案】B【解析】由句子结构可知,_well in an interview是句子的主语,且说的是

26、一般情况,因此用动名词;又因动名词暗含的逻辑主语(you) 与do为主谓关系,故用动名词的主动形式。19.【答案】B【解析】句意:民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。根据一代代相传推知“民间的”。20.【答案】A【解析】go(well,poorly)with为固定搭配,表示“搭配(很/很不)协调”,match表此意时为及物动词。21.【答案】D【解析】句意:他们竭力争取群众支持他们的建议。win“赢得;获得”。22.【答案】A【解析】句意:我真羡慕你得到了一天额外的假期。extra“额外的”;additional“附加的”。23.【答案】A【解析】句意:作为一个多才多艺的演员,他既可以表演,又会唱

27、歌跳舞,还能够演奏不同种类的乐器。instruments“仪器;设备”。24.【答案】C【解析】句意:我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。raise money“筹款”。25.【答案】C【解析】句意:什么事都不要依靠他;他光会说空话。rely on“依靠;依赖”。26.【答案】C【解析】句意:我父母将在一年左右的时间里搬迁回市区居住。时间or soabout时间,表示“大约,左右”。27.【答案】B【解析】句意为:我想要买一栋房子现代、舒适,而且最重要的是,房子要位于安静的街区。above all最重要的是;首先;尤其。28.【答案】B【解析】be sensitive to对敏感的。po

28、sitive积极的;sensible明智的;active活跃的。结合句意可知:那位歌唱家在演出时总是对观众的反应非常敏感。29.【答案】B【解析】句意为:决定一旦做出,我们所有的人都必须遵守。stick to表示“坚持 (计划、建议、原则、理论、语言、规则等)”,有“执意不变”的意思。30.【答案】B【解析】feature特征,特色,容貌;performance表演,实行,表现;devotion虔诚,奉献,热爱;style风格,样式,类型。句意为:伦敦奥运会上中国射击队的总体表现不尽如人意,失去了几枚本该得到的金牌。31.【答案】A【解析】根据句意“事实上,我认为蜘蛛是令人厌恶的。”可推知答案。32.【答案】B【解析】句意为:这个问题昨天在会上被提出来了。come to说起;come up被提及,被讨论;come across遇到; come up with提出(with后须跟宾语)。33.【答案】A【解析】in brief“简言之”;in all“总共”;in relief“如释重负”;in a word“总而言之”。根据语境“Dont go into details”可知选A。二1.living2.being3.a finish3.that4.down5.out6.up7.from8.into

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