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英语教案 3b unit 1Inclas.docx

1、英语教案 3b unit 1 In clas 月 日 星期 No:1 课题: Unit 1 In class课时:1教学内容:教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close.2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit the door,close the window3.学会使用礼貌用语:please教学重点:1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close.2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit the door,close the window3.学会使用礼貌用语:please教

2、学难点:.能听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close.2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit the door,close the window课前准备:Multi-media and cards教学过程:Step1:warm upGreeting2.sing a song :follow me T:I can sing.Can you sing? S:Yes, I can. X k B 1 . c o m3.Free talk.Step2: Presentation 1.听歌曲Follow me,并且教授词组stand up和sit do

3、wn. T:You can sing,and you can sing very well.Lets enjoy a sing now. T:What can you learn from it?让学生说说从歌曲里听到了什么?(1)教授词组:stand up 个别读 小组读 全班读(2)教授词组:sit down 个别读 小组读 全班读2.Play a game: Act and say:看ppt提示单词,做动作,并且大声读出来。 Look at me: 根据教师说的词组,做动作,说词组Guessing game:图片遮去部分,猜是什么。3.Story time教学 (1)导题Unit1 In

4、 class 出示story time图片,让学生猜他们在哪里。 Where are the students and the teacher? They are.出示课题Unit1 In classT:Today,lets learn unit1 In classIn class 在上课Lets read it together.(2)课文教学 Learning tips 1:T:Who is their new teacher? Lets watch the cartoon together.T出示Mr Green 的图片Who is he?T:Hes Mr Green.出示Mr并且教授姓

5、氏 Green格林 Mr先生 Miss小姐 Mrs夫人T:How do they begin their class? Lets watch the cartoon again.出示第一幅图片:说句子Learning tips: Be a poltie,useplease出示Mike的图片:Who is at the door(在门外)?教授单词door 拼读At the door 在门外Ss:Hes Mike.T:Yes,Mike is late for school.出示课文图片2教师出示词组open the door,并且教授Open,open,open the door做动作T:You

6、 should answer like this:Yes,all right,OK.T:Mike is late for school.T:Lets listen to the tape,What are they saying?Mike: Im sorry,Mr Green.教师出示Im sorry,并且教读Learning tip3:You should do everything on time.听第四幅图录音T:Lets listen to the tape.What are they saying?Mr Green:Wang Bing,please close the window.

7、Wang Bing:Yes,Mr Green.Learning tips4:Open 打开的对应词 close教授close,拼读单词X k B 1 . c o m出示:close the doorT:What can you say?Ss:.T:I can say close the window教授单词window,拼读单词出示词组:close the windowT:Hello,xx.Please open the door.提示学生说Ok或者All right.这两种都学过了,学生反应会比较快。(3)Read story time: 模仿语音语调,看看谁读得好,角色扮演。Step 3:

8、 Consolidation 1.Lets enjoy a song. (1) 整首歌听一遍 (2)Make a new song用open the door和close the widow来改歌词 唱一唱新歌Step 4 :Homework1.Recite story time2.Make a new song.sing it with your classmate.板书设计: Unit1 In class Stand up Sit down Mr Open the door Miss Close the window Mrs个性化修改 月 日 星期 No: 2 课题: Unit 1 In

9、class课时:2教学内容:教学目标:1.能初步听懂,会说,会读balckboard2.能熟练听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close.3. 能熟练听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down,open the door,close the window.4.能初步理解并且表演小诗:Open the window教学重点:1. 能初步听懂,会说,会读balckboard2.能熟练听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close.3. 能熟练听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down,open the door,close the win

10、dow.4.能初步理解并且表演小诗:Open the window教学难点:1.能初步听懂,会说,会读balckboard2. 能初步理解并且表演小诗:Open the window课前准备:教室里粘一些单词,词组或者图片教学过程:Step1:Greeting1.Greeting T:Good morning/afternoon,class S:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Wang.Follow meStand up and sit downStep2:Prensentation1.Free talk T:I can sing. Can you sing? Ss:Y

11、es/No 2.教授单词:blackboard T:What can you see in the classroom? Ss:I can see(学生可以看到教室里预先粘的单词和图片) T指着黑板上粘的单词:Wheres the word,black? Ss:Its on the 教室出示单词blackboard,并且教授T:Black,board,blackboard 新| 课 |标|第 |一| 网(1)学生跟读:个人,小组,全班(2)拼读单词(3)出示look at the blackboard3.Magic eyes出示单词和词组快速拼读T:Try to say out at once

12、,please.(open,close,window,blackboard)4.Find the friends出示上一环节中所有的单词,让学生组词组,例如:open the door, look at the blackboard5.Act and say(1)出示上一环节中的词组让学生做动作(2)出示图片,让学生说词组6.Rhyme time-Open the window(1)Listen to the tape(2)教授:off we goIt means Lets go(3)配上动作,比一比,赛一赛,谁说的好(4)Make a new rhymeStep3: Consolidatio

13、n1.Review -Story time(1)Read after the tape注意语音语调的纠正(2)Read together(3)Act it让学生脱离书本,配上自己的动作把书本的对话分角色表演出来。2.Fun time -Make and say课 标 第 一 网 教师拿出提前做好的robotT:Look,whats this?Ss: Its a robot.T:Yes,you are right.Who wants to be Mr Robot? Lets give him orders.S:Mr Robot,please open the book.3.Checkout ti

14、me-Listen and judge(1)Try to say something about every picture.(2)Listen to the tape, finish the exercise.(3)Try to repeat the sentences.Step4 :Homework1.Recite the storytime2.Make a robot after class.Play the game with your friend.3.Write the new words from the memory.板书设计: Unit1 In class Stand up Sit down Open the door Mr Close window Mrs Blackboard Miss个性化修改 月 日 星期 No: 3 课题: Unit 1 In class课时:3教学内容:教学目标:1.能熟练听懂,会说,会读Mr,door,window,open,close,blackboard2.能熟练听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit the door,close the window3.能初步认读单词ruler,rubber http:/ww 4.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型Dont.5.能熟练表演小诗:Open the window教

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