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1、希望之星英语演讲即兴问答1251.Do you think teachers should give students a lot of homework?你认为老师应该给学生布置很多作业吗?不应该布置太多作业,课堂上理解就行了,作业只不过是当做课后复习的。题海战术,只会增长学生厌读心理。Thank you. / Well, i should say teachers should give students some home work to do, because it can help students to better understand the subject and it is

2、 easier for them to grasp the information in next lessons. However, i dont think teachers should give students a lot of homework, because it always give students a lot of stress. In order to finish it, many usually stay up late, and its bad for their health. Besides, after that, students would feel

3、sleepy the next day and cannot concentrate on class. 2.In the future, do you want to study in a university? Why or why not?将来,你是否会想上大学?为什么?想,因为大学的生活更轻松,更有目标性,先学那科学那科。Of course, i wish one day i can go to study in a university, and it think it will be great. There are two reasons. First, right now i

4、do not have the right to choose what to learn, but at university, i can choose the subject that i am interested in, for example, maths. Second, at university, i will be more free, and can meet a lot of people and broaden my horizon. 3.Do you think parents should be very strict with their kid(s)?你认为家

5、长应该十分严格地对待自己的子女吗?不应该,在学习上不应该十分严格,进步就行,但是品行上要十分严格,不然长大酿成大错。Well, it is a difficult question, i think it depends. Every parent has his own way to raise children. My father is very strict with me, he often tells me that i have to work hard to get what i want, and sometimes i have to follow rules that I

6、 dont like. Of course, sometimes i am unhappy about that, but i know he just wants me to grow up to be a useful and upright man. 4.Why did you take part in this competition?你为什么参加这个比赛?因为我要提高我的英语水平,挑战我的胆量。I should say i dont like this kind of competition at first, but now i like it. Firstly, it can i

7、mprove my english; Secondly, it makes me more brave. At least, now i have the courage to stand here and express myself. And thank you all for giving me the chance. 5.Do you think teachers should be friends with students?你认为老师应该和学生成为朋友吗?应该,虽然在某些时候,老师要用命令去管学生,但是在平常,要和学生成为朋友,可以助长学生的学习兴趣。I think it woul

8、d be great if the teachers become students friends. On the one hand, it can make the students enjoy class more and allow them to learn more effectively. On the other hand, it can help the teachers to better understand the students and to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.6.If you get

9、a very bad mark on your test, just tell what you think you would tell your parents.假如你考试考地特别糟糕,你觉得你会向你父母亲说些什么?我会说,对不起,爸爸妈妈,我这次考地不好,我下次一定会继续努力,争取考得比上一次还好。Well, if it is my fault I would tell my parents:” Im sorry for getting bad grade and i will work harder to do better next time.”But if it is not, f

10、or example, the teacher give an unfair test that half of the class fail, i would just tell them the reasons and tell them not to be angry about that.7.What is the most important thing between friends?朋友间最重要的东西是什么?友谊,如果没有友谊,那么朋友就不纯真了,可能是因为钱、权My mom told me that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

11、So, i think the most important thing between friends is sincerity, instead of money or something like that. I know if my friends were in difficulty, i would give them a hand and vise vice versa. 8.Which country do you want to visit the most and why?你最想去哪个国家?为什么?美国,因为美国的社会福利好,交通便利,科技高超,学习开放。The Unite

12、d States. In my mind, it has the most advanced technology, and the traffic there is convenient, the air is clean. And whats more, the America has a lot of world-famous universities, like Yale, Harvard and Stanford and etc. And i wish one day i will be good enough to go to study there. 9.Everybody is

13、 good at something. What are you good at? Has it changed your life in any way?每个人都有自己的特长,你的特长是什么?它对你的生活有什么影响?数学,它让我参加希望杯,让我在同学中得到“数学天才”的名号。I am good at maths. Luckily, I got the first prize in the 2012 Math Contest in Xinluo District and also the first round of 2014 “Hope Cup” Math Contest. And beca

14、use of this, i am more confident about myself. 10.Some says singing English is a great way of learning English. Do you agree?有人说,唱英文歌是学英语的一个很好的方法,你同意这种观点吗?同意,因为可以提高语感、语音、语调,有不用死记硬背。I like singing, and i think singing is a good way to learn english. Firstly, singing makes people relaxed. Secondly, to

15、 know the music helps you better understand the culture and language. And thirdly, learning the lyrics expands your vocabulary and teaches you some slang. 11.When you are in a totally strange place, do you prefer to ask the local people for the way or check the map by yourself? Why?在一个完全陌生的地方,当你迷路时,

16、你会选择向当地人求助还是自己查地图?有地图的时候我会尝试自己走,走不出去时再向当地人求助。Well, i always believe that “God helps those who help themselves”, so when i encounter a difficult situation, i would always try to solve it by myself first. If after much effort, still i cannot solve it, i would turn to someone else for help. So my answe

17、r is if i dont have a map, i would ask the local people for help; if i have one, i would check the map by myself first, and if i failed, i would then ask the local people for help. 12.Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up?你长大后想当老师吗?不想,因为我的妈妈就是老师,我知道老师的辛苦。Im afraid i dont want to be a teacher.

18、 Firs of all, to be a good teacher, you should be patient and good at communicating. I dont think i am up to that. Secondly, doing what you are interested in can makes people happier and more efficient;doing something what you are not interested in usually leads to bad results. Therefore, i will do

19、what i am interested in in the future, not being a teacher. 13.Do you enjoy helping others? And why ? How?你是否喜欢帮助别人?为什么?你要怎么帮助别人?喜欢,因为帮助别人,快乐自己。我要尽自己所能帮助别人。Of course, i enjoy helping others. Helping others is like helping myself. On the one hand, helping people makes me feel happy and let me know i

20、can make a difference in the world. On the other hand, when you are in trouble,you need others help, so if you are always helpful to others,others will be willing to help you. 14.Some middle school students smoke cigarettes because they think thats cool, what do you think about that?一些中学生抽烟是因为他们认为抽烟

21、很酷,对此你有什么看法?抽烟时不好的,不仅会危害身体健康,还容易误入歧途。Well, i should say smoking is not cool at all, and i dislike smoking. First of all, smoking makes your teeth yellow and clothes smelly. Whats worse, smoking is bad for our health, causing cancer and heart disease. So, i would like to say no to smoking. 15.What is

22、 your growing pains now? How are you going to solve this problem?你面临的成长烦恼是什么?你会怎么去面对这些烦恼?没法太多时间玩电脑,我会努力学习,让父母奖励我玩电脑。Well, if i say i dont have any growing pains, you mustnt believe me. Of course, i have. My parents dont give me enough trust. I like playing computer games very much, and i know i can

23、control myself and put my study first. But they dont trust me, and give me only two hours a week to play computer games. I wish i could arrange my time freely. 16.What would you do if you see your classmate cheating in an exam?如果你发现你的同学考试作弊,你会怎么做?举报他,虽然他可能一开始认为我不好,但是以后他会明白我是帮助他。It is really a hard q

24、uestion. I think if i saw that, i would not tell the teacher about it on the spot. And after the exam, i would tell my classmate that it is wrong to cheat in the exam and if he/she had any difficulty, i would be willing to help him in the studies. 17.How do you arrange your summer holiday?你会怎么规划你的暑期

25、生活?有空看看书,游游玩,学学习,还有空的话就玩电脑。Summer holiday, i love it very much. I think the most important thing for me to do is to finish my school assignment. And then, i would like a few dayss travel with my parents. Apart from that, i will take some time to read, swim and do some housework. And of course, i won

26、t forget my computer games. 18.Please tell me how you spend your pocket money?谈一谈你一般怎么安排你的零花钱的。说实话,我没有零花钱。To be honest, my parents dont have the habit to give me pocket money. You may think how poor i am, yet i dont think so. I have snacks, fruits and everything i want to eat at home. If i want to b

27、uy books i can ask my mom for the money. If i want to go out with my friends, my dad would give me some money. But if i have some pocket money, i think i would buy some books and on Mothers Day or Fathers Day, i would buy small gifts for them. 19.How do you help your parents?你都是以什么方式帮助你的父母的?我一般会用不惹事

28、帮助他们,他们有事情的话,我会放下手中的活去帮他们。Once i heard that “looking after yourself actually helps your parents.”So, i learn to look after myself well, no picky about food, finish my school work on my own, do exercise everyday. Apart from that, in my spare time, i usually help my parents do some housework, like was

29、hing dishes, mopping the floor and cleaning the room. And if i go shopping with my parents, i will help them carry something heavy. I hope one day i can be strong enough to do more things for my parents. 20.What is favorite sport? Why do you like it?你最喜欢的体育运动是什么?为什么?围棋,因为它不用耗费体力,只用耗费脑力Chess, definit

30、ely. You may be wondering “is chess a sport?”Yes, the International Olympic Committee has officially recognised chess as a sport. I like it because it requires much mental efforts, rather than physical ones, which i dont like.21. Tell us about your favorite book and why do you like it ?谈谈你最喜欢的一本书,并说

31、明你为什么喜欢。Up to now I have read a lot of books,for example,magazines,novels, storybooks and so onBut one of the books that I like best is “Horrible Science”, in Chinese, 可怕的科学. I would like to name two reasons that why i like it best. First, though is a science book, its easy to read and remember, bec

32、ause its language is vivid and humorous. Second, it opens my eyes and leads me to a quite different word because it covers many fields, like maths, history, physics and chemistry. 22.Describe a famous person that you want to see.描述一个你想见的名人。爱因斯坦,他世界十大杰出物理学家之一,现代物理学的开创者、集大成者和奠基人,创立了相对论Albert Einstein, if it is possible. He is a German-born physicist, and is one of the most recognized and well-known scientists of the century. As far as i know, he is most famous for his Special and Gene

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