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1、级一年级词汇语法复习100题41精讲+翻译2020级(一年级)词汇语法复习100题(4-1)精讲+翻译1. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally _A_ his point by relating his own experiences.在演讲中,演讲者不时地通过讲述自己的经历来阐述他的观点。A. illustrated B. hinted C. cited D. displayed 说明,解释 暗示,示意 引用 展示,显露2. The doctors _C_ the medicines to the people in the flood

2、area.医生们把药品分发给了洪水地区的人们。A. prayed B. packed C. distributed D. undertook请求 充满 分散,分发 承担3. Young people are not _B_ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in年轻人不满足于站着看艺术品;他们想要他们可以参与的艺术A. conservative B. content C. confident D. generous保守的 满足的,满意的 自信的 慷慨的4. He tried to _B_

3、relations with his former wife but he failed.他试图与前妻维持关系,但失败了。A. measure B. maintain C. shelter D. reply测量 维持 保护 回答5. He _A_ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.他决心将来更加努力学习,这样他就能有更多的机会找到更好的工作。A. resolved B. resorted C. requested D. reserved下定决心的

4、 凭借 要求的 保留的6. The _B_ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.营救工作持续了一个多星期,但是仍然没有失踪男孩的迹象。A. research B. rescue C. vessel D. vast研究 营救 容器 广阔的7. _A_ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. 地下积聚的能量必须以一种或另一种形式

5、释放出来,例如地震。A. Accumulated B. Gathered C. Assembled D. Collected 积累 聚集 组合的 收集8. However, at times this balance in nature is _B_, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects. 然而,自然界的这种平衡有时会被打破,导致一些可能无法预见的影响。A. troubled B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled动乱的 扰乱的 困惑的 茫然的9. She is a very _D_ secr

6、etary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake. 她是一个非常有效率的秘书:她从不忘记任何事情或犯任何错误。A.anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient焦虑的 有效的 充足的 有效率的10. Nancy is only a sort of _C_ of her husbands opinion and has no ideas of her own. 南希只是在某种程度上附和她丈夫的意见,没有自己的见解。A. sample B. reproduction C. echo D. shado

7、w样品 复制 附和 尾随11. There are certain _C_ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.在某些情况下,你必须打断正在做某事的人。A. Conditions B. situations C. occasions D. environments 条件 情境 场合 环境12. The boy is eager to _B_ knowledge in different fields.这个男孩渴望吸收不同领域的知识。A. insert B. absorb C. arran

8、ge D. approach 插入 吸收 安排 处理13. If I _C_ harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.如果我在学校时用功一点,我现在就会坐在舒适的办公室里了。A. worked B. were to work C. had worked D. were working 从事于 是去工作 已经工作了 工作14. Chemical changes can _A_ energy.化学变化能释放能量。A. give off B. give up C. give of D. give in 发出 放

9、弃 奉献 屈服15. He _A_ another career but, at the time, he didnt have enough money to attend graduate school.他本可以选择另一种职业,但当时他没有足够的钱读研究生。A. might have chosen B. might choose C. had to choose D. must have chosen可能会选择 可能会选择 必须选择 必须有选择16.I was speaking to Jane on the phone when suddenly we were _A_.我正在和简通电话,

10、突然电话断了。A. cut off B. cut down C. cut back D. cut out 切断 砍倒 消减 停止17. Peter complained to the owner of the bookstore that there were some pages_B_ in the dictionary.彼得向书店老板抱怨字典少了几页。A. losing B. missing C. dropping D. falling损失 丢失 掉落 减少18. What she told me about the affair simply doesnt make any_C_.她告诉

11、我的那件事根本没有任何意义。A. idea B. meaning C. sense D. significance想法 意义 感觉 重要性19. Theres little chance that mankind would _D_ a nuclear war.人类几乎不可能在核战争中幸存下来。A. relieve B. endure C. maintain D. survive 减除 忍耐 维持 幸存20. Why cant you do this small _C_ for me? Ive helped you often enough in the past.你为什么不能帮我一个小忙呢?

12、过去我帮助你已经够多了。A. demand B. request C. favor D. requirement 要求 请求 帮助 需求21. People are A for peace. 人们渴望和平。A. longing B. shorting C. lacking D. wishing 渴望,热望 短路,缩减 缺乏,不足 希望,盼望22. In my bedroom, there is a pair of scissors, a stack of books and _D_ flowers on my desk. 在我的卧室里,桌子上有一把剪刀,一摞书和一束花。A. a piece o

13、f B. a pocket of C. a slice of D. a bunch of 一块,一只 一口袋 一片,一份 一束,一堆23. Ryan was late for conference yesterday D traffic jam. Ryan昨天开会迟到,是因为交通堵塞了。A. because B. since C. for D. because of 因为 从以后,自以后,由于 给,为了,因为 因为24. The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had on

14、ce been _A_ only to the very rich.技术的进步使中产阶级能够享受曾经只有富人可负担得起的东西。A. affordable B. measurable C. acceptable D. manageable 负担得起,价格合理 可度量的 认同的,可接受的 可操纵的,可处理的25. Mike had prepared carefully for his math exam so that he could be sure of passing it on his first _B_.Mike为他的数学考试做了认真的准备,这样他第一次考试就一定能及格。A. purpo

15、se B. attempt C. intention D. struggle 意图,目的 企图,尝试 打算,意图 奋斗,努力26. I have two boys but _D_ of them likes sweets.我有两个男孩,但是他们中没有一个喜欢吃甜食。A. both B. neither C. either D. none 两个都 两者都不 任何一个 没有一个,毫无27. Somestoresset_B_specialareaswherecustomerscanrelax.一些商店设立了顾客可以放松的特别区域。A.set down B.set up C.set off D.set

16、 on制定,规定 建立,安排 出发,动身 使攻击28. Parentshavethedutyto _A_ theirchildrenintotheadventureoflife.父母有责任引导他们的孩子去冒险。A.launch B.decide C. relieve D. set发起,发动,引导 决定,选定 解除,减轻 放置,使处于29. Sheneedssomeoneto_C_ inaboutaverypersonalproblem.她需要找人倾诉一个非常私人的问题。A.speak B. decide C. confide D. talk谈话,讲话 决定,选定 吐露,倾诉 讲话,谈话30.

17、Youreallyshouldntcarrysomuchmoney _B_withyou.你真不该随身带那么多钱。A. of B. around C. on D. along属于.关于(某人) 周围,环绕 在上 沿着,顺着31. Hes tried many things with no particular success, but he is _B_ an incapable person.他做过许多事都没成功,但他绝不是个无能的人A. in term of B. by no means C. in addition to D. by means of 在方面 绝不是 除了 通过32. H

18、e went ahead _C_ all warnings about the danger of his mission.他不管所有关于他任务的危险性的警告继续前进A. in case of B. because of C. regardless of D. prior to 万一 因为 不管 之前33. However, at times this balance in nature is _A_, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.然而,有时这种自然的平衡受到干扰,导致一些可能无法预料的影响。A. troubled

19、B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled 扰乱的,不安的 有精神病的,不安的 迷惑的,使迷惑 困惑的,迷惑不解的34. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally _A_ his point by relating his own experiences. 在演讲中,演讲者偶尔通过讲述自己的经历来说明自己的观点。A. illustrated B. hinted C. cited D. displayed 说明,解释 暗示,示意 引用 展示,显露35. The government is trying to do som

20、ething to _B_ better understanding between the two countries.政府正在努力做一些事情来增进两国之间的相互了解。A. raise B. promote C. heighten D. increase提升,提高 促进,推动 加高,提高 增长,增加36. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived _C_.经过漫长而疲惫的旅行,他们终于到达了。A. till the last B. at last C. by the end D. at the end 直到最后 最后 到最后 最后,终

21、于37. We object _B_ punishing a whole group for one persons fault.我们反对因为一个人的过错而惩罚整个团队。A. against B. about C. to D. or 反对,违反 大约,关于 向,朝,往 或,还是38. I cant _C_ what that object is.我无法辨认出这个目标是什么。A. make up B. make over C. make out D. make for 和解,和好 转让,让与 辨认出,看出 走向,导致39. Im _C_ for New York tomorrow to atte

22、nd a business meeting.我明天出发去纽约参加一个商务会议。A. setting B. setting in C. setting about D. setting out设置 开始 出发 放线40. Finding a job in such an international company has always been _D_ his wildest dreams.在这样一家跨国公司找到一份工作一直是他做梦也想不到的。A. under B. over C. beyond D. above在下面 结束 超过,晚于 在上面,胜过41. At drama school, th

23、ere is _D_ attention to a students control of both voice and movement, and the different departments work at developing a students overall acting technique. 在戏剧学校,学生对声音和动作的控制一直受到关注,不同的系致力于培养学生的整体表演技巧。A. current现在的 B. worldwide 世界范围 C. primary初级的 D. constant一直的,连续发生的42. The kitchen _B_ fresh baked br

24、ead, which carried her back to her childhood.厨房里弥漫着新鲜出炉面包的味道,这让她想起了童年。A. emerged出现 B. smelled of闻到 C. displayed陈列 D. pervaded渗透43. If your child is spending too much time on computer games, think carefully about how you are going to _C_ the situation. 如果你的孩子在电脑游戏上花了太多时间,仔细考虑你将如何处理这种情况。A. accomplish完

25、成 B. arrange安排 C. handle处理 D. decrease减少44. If you drive very fast every day, the _B_ are that youll have an accident one day. 如果你每天开车很快,总有一天你会出发生事故的。A. probabilities概率 B. odds不幸的可能性 C. likelihoods可能性 D. misfortunes灾厄45. Music, for both of us, is a part of life we treasure, and Michael has found his

26、 records and tapes a constant _A_ of happiness during the long hours of inactivity forced upon him. 音乐,对我们两个人来说,都是我们珍视的生活的一部分,迈克尔发现他的唱片和录音带是他在长时间的无所事事中不断获得快乐的源泉。A. source来源 B. illustration图表 C. addition加 D. package包46. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be su

27、re of passing it on her first _B_.雪莉为她的生物考试做了仔细的准备,这样她第一次考试就可以通过了 A. intention 打算 B. attempt企图 C. purpose目的 D. desire欲望47. The only way to _D_ a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible. 战胜恐惧的唯一方法就是面对它,并尽可能频繁地这样做。A. commit 承诺 B. enlarge扩大 C. communicate沟通 D. conquer战胜 48.Our teache

28、r is someone _C_ we must show a lot of respect.我们的老师是我们必须非常尊敬的人。A. for whom为谁 B. in which在哪 C. to whom对谁 D. under whom在谁之下49. He isnt _B_ the habit of saying much when he comes to see us.他来看望我们时没有多说的习惯。A. on在.上 B. in在.里 C. to到 D. for为.50. I want to speak to the manager, but the lines busy and I cant

29、 get _D_.我想和经理通话,但电话占线,我打不通A. in在.里 B. on 在.上 C. off关闭 D. through通过51. People who buy sports clothes are often loyal _A_ a particular brand.购买运动服的人往往忠于某一品牌。A. to到 B. with和 C. over结束 D. by通过52. Im afraid I bought the shoes _C_ impulse without looking at the price.恐怕我没有看价钱就冲动地买了这双鞋。A. at在 B. for为了 C.

30、on在.上 D. off关闭53. It can be argued, for example, that teaching can be _C_ more effectively if teacher and student take their appropriate roles.可以说,如果教师和学生各司其职,教学可以更有效地完成。A. disciplined纪律严明的 B. confessed坦白 C. accomplished完成的 D. proposed提出54. You should make sure you know where the parents can be _D_, and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child. 你应该确保你知道在哪里可以联系到

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