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1、行政毕业论文范文 申请上海交通大学学士学位论文基础教育评价改革研究与探讨学 生: XXX学 号:625669056专 业:行政管理导 师: X X 学校代码:10248上海交通大学网络教育学院二四年十一月 内 容 摘 要本论文以当前基础教育课程改革为背景,抓住改革中的热点学生评价问题,阐述了自己论点,即走出当前基础教育评价改革的误区,建立以学生发展为本的评价方式 。本论文研究意义在于 ,“评价”在课程改革推进过程中始终像“瓶颈”一般,在很多方面会制约课程改革甚至影响课程改革的成败,因此评价改革的成功会直接带动课程功能、课程结构、课程内容的改革及学生学习方式、教师教学方式的转变。确立“以学生发展



4、,学生评价,发展性,多元化,多样化AbstractAgainst the background of the current education reform of basic education, this paper focuses on the issue of student assessment and suggests correcting the mistakes in the basic education assessment and establishing the student-centered assessment approach.The significance

5、of the paper is that the success of reform in education assessment will directly influence the reform of course function, course structure and course content and change the way of learning and teaching. This is because assessment is like a bottleneck, which constrains the course reform and influence

6、s its result. Therefore, one of the difficulties in the process of course reform is to establish the student-centered concept of assessment and to explore and study the strategies and approaches that are tuned to the new demands of the course reform.On the basis of the comparison of some problems ex

7、isting in the process of student assessment in the current basic education, such as the purpose, the concept, the standard and the techniques of assessment, this paper provides some solutions and strategies to the corresponding problems. It maintains that assessment should conform to the principle o

8、f diversification, comprehensiveness, multimode and development. It should change the former function of differentiation and selection to the function of promoting the development of student, teacher and education practice. It should be the students who play the major role of making assessments rath

9、er than the teachers. The goal of assessment should manifest the multi-level assessment including students non-intellectual aspects. The form of assessment should demonstrate the combination of the qualitative and the quantitative assessment, and that of the product and process assessment. Therefore

10、 the main idea of the paper is that assessment should be able to promote students development and should emphasize the processes and techniques of assessment.The originality of the paper is that the reform results in the assessment which takes the advanced education concept abroad into our domestic

11、education. On the basis of some education practice, it cites some examples to show the pioneering and feasible assessment approaches, which can be popularized in a certain area.This paper consists of four chapters and each chapter contains two parts. Chapter One is the literature review of the refor

12、m in basic education both at home and abroad. Chapter Two is the analysis and comparison of the problems existing in the current education assessment reform in China. Chapter Three proposes the establishment of the student-centered assessment mode and its principles. Chapter Four is an explorative s

13、tudy focusing on some examples of the measures taken.【Key words】: Course reform, student assessment, development, multimode, diversification目 录摘要ABSTRACT 图表第一章 国内外基础教育课程改革扫描11.1 我国基础教育课程改革历程追溯21.2 国外基础教育课程改革发展新现象4第二章 当前基础教育课程改革实施中存在问题112.1 当前基础教育课程改革实施过程中的十大基本理念112.2 当前教育评价中存在问题剖析20第三章 制定以学生发展为本的评价模

14、式与原则263.1 发展性评价模式的建立273.2 发展性评价原则的制定30第四章 确立以学生发展为本的评价方法及策略314.1 发展性评价方法的具体实施策略314.2 实施过程中需应对的矛盾问题41参考文献44结 论45致 谢46第一章背景国内外基础教育课程改革扫描近两年,在国际课程改革的大背景下,我国新一轮的课程改革也轰轰烈烈地开展起来了。从中外课程改革的历史来看,任何时代、任何国家的课程改革都不只是课程本身和相关知识体系的改革,而是一个国家及其课程制定者在价值取向和教育理念指导下对课程设置所做的系统性调整。在以精英教育为目的的传统教育中,课程设置是为统治阶级服务的,政治、宗教、哲学、语言、文学、伦理、法律和数学等一直占据重要地位,而与劳动者、与生产和社会生活相关的科学技术等内容,一直难以在正规学校教育系统和官定课程中找到自己合适的位置。 2

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