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国际贸易货物买卖合同范文word版 25页.docx

1、国际贸易货物买卖合同范文word版 25页本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! = 国际贸易货物买卖合同国际贸易货物买卖合同是贸易合同的一种,我们拟定这一合同?看看下面的国际贸易货物买卖合同范本吧!国际贸易货物买卖合同 (中英文)【1】CONTRACT OF GOODS PURCHASEContract No.:合同号:Date:日期:The Buyer: 买方:Address: 地址:Fax: 传真:Tel: 电话:The Seller: 卖方:Address: 地址:Fax: 传

2、真:Tel: 电话:1. COMMODITY AND PRICE 商品和价格This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the commodity and on terms and conditions stipulated below:本合同由买卖双方订立,根据下列条款和条件买方同意购买且卖方同意出售下列商品:Item No. 序号Commodity and specifications

3、商品和规格Quantity数量Unit Price + Price Term单价和价格术语Total Amount in U.S.Dollar总价(美元)1TOTAL value: USD (SAY U.S. DOLLAR ONLY)总金额: 美元 (大写 美元整)2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: THE NETHERLANDS/ PHILIPS原产国和制造商:3. TIME OF SHIPMENT: 装运时间:The Seller agrees to exercise customary & reasonable business practic

4、es to meet the Buyers requested delivery dates set forth herein. The Buyer understands that shipping dates may depend upon site readiness and the Sellers prompt receipt of all necessary information from the Buyer as well as prompt shipment of the products from its sub-supplier. The Seller shall not

5、be liable to pay compensation to the Buyer for non, late or mis-delivery for causes beyond the Sellers control (and if not remedied within a reasonable time). 卖方同意采用惯常的和合理的商业作法满足买方上述列明的交付日的要求。买方知悉装运日期取决于场地的准备就绪、卖方从买方及时收到所有必要的信息以及卖方的转供货商对产品的及时发运。卖方不应对超出其控制的原因导致的未交付、延迟交付或错误交付(并且未在合理的时间内补救)对买方承担赔偿责任。4.

6、 PORT OF SHIPMENT / LOADING: MAIN SEAPORT OF EUROPE发运港/装运港 : 欧洲主要海港5. PORT OF DESTINATION:目的港 :,中国, The Peoples Republic of China6. MODE OF SHIPMENT: (in case of third party items required)装运方式:(如果需要第三方项目)Partial shipment not allowed- 不允许部分装运Transhipment allowed- 允许转运Unless otherwise stated, the Sel

7、ler shall arrange delivery of the products to the Buyer at the destination port stated herein and by the appropriate transportation means as the Seller shall think fit.除非另有规定,卖方应安排产品通过卖方认为适合的恰当的运输方式将产品在本合同项下规定的目的港交付给买方。7. INSURANCE: 保险To be covered by the Seller for 110% of invoice value against war

8、 risks, all risks including TPND, breakage and leakage应由卖方按发票金额的110% 投保战争保险 , 一切险包括TPND, 破碎及渗漏。8. PACKING: 包装In standard Philips Export Packing and seaworthy materials for marine transportation.应以适合海运的材料用标准的飞利浦出口包装进行包装。9. SHIPPING MARK: 装运标记The Seller shall mark legibly on each package with fadeless

9、 paint the package number, gross weight, measurements and wordings such as, “KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” “HANDLE WITH CARE” “THIS SIDE UP” etc. and the shipping mark: 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的涂料清晰标明件号、毛重、尺码和诸如“怕湿”、“小心轻放”和“勿倒置”等字样,以及如下装运标记:10. PAYMENT 付款_ days before shipment, the Buyer shall establish with first

10、 class bank a % irrevocable, L/C at sight in favor of theSeller. The L/C should with a minimum validity of four months. 10%paid by T/T within 2 weeks against AcceptanceCertificate signed by Enduser在装运之前_天,买方应通过一流银行开立一份不可撤销的、以卖方为受益人的、金额为合同总价%的有效期至少为个月的即期信用证。%凭最终用户签字的设备验收证书2周内电汇支付。Any Letters of Credi

11、t established in favour of the Seller shall be issued by first class banks acceptable by the Seller which have adopted the Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) for Documentary Credits issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), applicable at the date the Contract comes into force. 任何开立的以卖方为

12、受益人的信用证应由卖方可接受的一流银行开出,并应采用本合同生效之日适用的国际商会发布的跟单信用证统一惯例。In the event, that the Buyer fails to perform this obligation, the Seller shall have the right to withdraw, cancel all or part of the contract without obtaining the Buyers consent and without paying any compensation to the Buyer.如果买方未能履行上述义务,卖方有权全

13、部或部分撤销、解除合同,无需买方同意且无需向买方支付任何赔偿。11. RETENTION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEFAULTING PAYMENTS所有权保留和拖欠付款Without prejudice to the passing of the risks in accordance with the applicable trade term as described below, all goods shall remain the Sellers property until all of the Sellers claims against the Buyer in r

14、elation to this Contract, most specifically: FULL PAYMENT, have been satisfied. The Buyer shall give any assistance in taking any measures required to protect the Sellers property rights. 在不影响根据下述贸易术语确定风险转移的条件下,所有的货物应为卖方财产直至卖方在本合同项下对买方的所有要求全部被满足,尤其是:所有的款项的支付。买方应就为保护卖方的财产权而需采取的措施提供任何协助。Signing of the

15、 Acceptance Certificate entitles the Seller to full and immediate payment. If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due or shall default, then the Seller or its agent, shall be entitled without notice to the Buyer, to enter any premises in which the goods may be found and remove, hold and sell them

16、 in accordance with the applicable law. 签署验收证书使得卖方有权获得全额和立即的付款。如果买方未能支付或将拖欠任何到期的款项,则卖方或其代理有权进入可能发现货物的任何场地,无需通知买方,并且有权根据适用的法律移走、扣留并出售该等货物。Interest at the rate of 8% per annum will be chargeable on any outstanding account from its due date. The ownership of the products will not pass to the Buyer unti

17、l all sums owing to the Seller (including interests, if any) have been paid. Levying of interest will not prejudice the Sellers right stated above. 对于任何拖欠的款项应按8%的年利率自到期日起计收利息。产品的所有权应在买方付清所有欠付卖方的款项(包括利息,如果有的话)后方能转移至买方。收取利息并不影响卖方上述权利。12. DOCUMENTS 文件The Seller shall present the following documents a)-

18、f) to the Paying Bank for negotiation/collection or to the Buyer in case of Payment by Remittance:卖方应向付款行提交a)至f)项的文件进行议付/收款或者在汇付的条件下向买方提交1)至7)项的文件:a) - Full set of Negotiable Clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading (for sea transportation)全套的可转让的清洁已装船提单 (海运)- Combined / Multi-modal Transport Document (

19、for overland transportation) marked “Freight to Collect”/”Freight Prepaid” made out to order blank endorsed notifying the Buyer.空白抬头、空白背书、通知方为买方的联运/多式联运单据(内陆运输)标明“运费到付”/“运费预付”- Copy of Airway Bill marked “Freight to Collect”/ “Freight prepaid” and consigned to the Buyer at the port of destination no

20、tifying the Buyer.收货人和通知方均为买方的空运单的副本标明“运费到付”/“运费预付”b) Full set of Insurance Policy/Certificates for 110 percent of the invoice value.以110%的发票金额投保的全套保险单/保险凭证c) Invoice in triplicate, indicating contract number, shipping mark and the name of vessels, etc.发票一式三份,标明合同号、装运标志和船名等d) Packing List in triplic

21、ate with indication of both gross and net weights, measurements and quantity of each item packed.装箱单一式三份,标明每件货物的毛重、净重、尺码和数量e) Certificate of Quality and Quantity, each in duplicate, issued by the manufacturers.制造商出具的质量证书和数量证书,均为一式二份f) A true copy of the fax to the Buyer advising particulars of shipm

22、ent within 48 hours after goods are loaded on board as specified in Clause 13 hereof.根据本合同第13条的规定在货物装船后48小时之内发送给买方的通知装运详情的传真的真实复印件The Seller shall, within 5 days after shipment is effected, send by airmail three extra sets of copies of the aforesaid documents (except item f) with two sets directly t

23、o the Buyer and one set directly to the Transportation Corporation at the port of destination. 卖方应在货物装运后5天内另外航空邮寄三套上述单据(f项规定的单据除外的复印件,其中两套直接寄给买方,另一套直接寄给目的港的运输公司。13. SHIPPING ADVICE 装运通知The Seller shall, within 48 hours after the shipment is effected, advise the Buyer by fax of the contract number, n

24、ame of commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoiced value, name of the carrying vessel and the date of sailing.卖方应在货物装运后48小时内以传真通知买方合同号、商品的名称、数量、毛重、发票金额、装运的船名和开航日期。14. DESPATCH AND DELIVERY 发运和交付In case the goods cannot be despatched to their destination at the date scheduled therefor by reasons attr

25、ibutable to the Buyer and/or outside Sellers reasonable control, the Seller shall be entitled to store the goods concerned at the Buyer expense and risk. In such case the warehouse receipt(s) shall serve as substitute(s) for the shipping documents in all respects and the Buyer undertakes to reimburs

26、e within fourteen days of our first demand any and all additional expenses so incurred. 如果由于买方的原因和/或超出卖方合理控制的原因导致货物不能在预订的日期发运至其目的地,卖方应有权将相关货物进行存储,由买方承担费用和风险。在该等情况下,仓单应在所有的方面替代装运单据,并且买方保证在卖方首次要求后14天内偿付卖方因此发生的所有和一切费用。Any delay in the fulfilment of the above-mentioned conditions will oblige the Buyer t

27、o compensate the Seller for the additional costs resulting from the suspension of the execution of the Contract. In case such delay would exceed a period of three months the Seller is entitled to cancel the Contract without any penalty or liability towards the Buyer. 延迟履行上述条件将使买方有义务赔偿卖方由于中止本合同履行而发生的

28、额外费用。如果该等延迟超过3个月,卖方有权解除本合同,并且不应受到任何处罚或者对买方承担任何责任。Philips will only be responsible for freight and Insurance from PMG to hospital, all charges happened during customs transference and clearance at airport or seaport will be born by I/E Corp., i.e. terminal handling charge, port service charge, storag

29、e charge, dispatch charge, container yard charge, demurrage charge, customs clearance charge, customs transference charge, container detention, documentation charge, inspection charge, etc. 飞利浦医疗大系统产品的交货方式为CIP HOSPITAL条款, 即成本+运费+保险到医院. 在此条款下, 飞利浦只负责产品从工厂到医院的运费和保险, 其中包括海运及内陆运输部分. 清关和转关过程中在空港或海港发生的费用,

30、 包括转关手续费, 报关费, 报检费, 通道费, 仓储费, 换单费, 掏箱费, 转站费, 滞箱费, 集装箱修理费, 洗箱费, 押车费, 港杂费及分拨费等都由外贸公司承担. 15. GUARANTEE OF QUALITY 质量保证The Seller shall guarantee that the Commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new, unused, and corresponds to all respects with the quality, spe

31、cifications and performance stipulated in this Contract.卖方应保证本合同项下的商品由最好的材料制造、工艺一流、全新、未使用过,并且在质量、规格和功能各方面符合本合同的约定。16. WARRANTY 质量保证The warranty period of the Contract Commodity supplied by the Seller shall be twelve (12) months counting from the date of Hand-over of the Contract Commodity to the End user; or fifteen (15) months from the date of landing at the port of destination, whichever comes first. 本合同项下卖方提供的商品的质量保证期为12个月,从该等商品交付给最终用户之日起算,或者为从该等商品到达目的港之日起的15个月,以先到期者为准。Sellers obligations under this warranty

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