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1、影视英语答案影视英语答案【篇一:影视课堂活力英语(2)课本习题答案u5】before-class activities b extensive listening activities people call him those names? what does mr. stark think of his nicknames? 2. according to mr. stark, what is the philosophy of his father? when being criticized as war-profiteering, how does mr. stark defend

2、this philosophy? what do you think of this philosophy? excuse me! mr. stark! christine everheart, vanity fair magazine. can i ask you a couple of questions? -security: shes cute. -tony: shes all right? hi. -christine: hi. -tony: yeah. okay, go. -christine: youve been called the da vinci of our time.

3、 what do you say to that?-tony: absolutely ridiculous. i dont paint. -christine: and what do you say to your other nickname, the merchant of death? -tony: thats not bad. let me guess. berkeley? -christine: brown, actually. -tony: well, ms. brown, its an imperfect world, but its the only one weve got

4、. i guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace, ill start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals. -christine: rehearse that much? -tony: every night in front of the mirror before bedtime. -christine: i can see that. -tony: id like to show you first-hand. -christine: all

5、 i want is a serious answer. -tony: okay, here is serious. my old man had a philosophy: peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy. -christine: thats a great line, coming from a guy selling the sticks. -tony: my father helped defeat nazis. he worked on the manhattan project. a lot of peopl

6、e, including your professors at brown would call that being a hero. -christine: and a lot of people would also call that war-profiteering. -tony: tell me, do you plan to report on the millions weve saved by advancing medical technology, or kept from starvation with our intelli-crops? all those break

7、throughs, military funding, honey.1. can you summarize what has been reported in the tv news in this scene? 2. after watching the news, how does mr. stark react? what does he do to help change the reported situation? what do you think of his behavior? movie clip 2-tv: the fifteen miles hike to the o

8、utskirts of gulmira can only be described as a descent into hell, into a modern day heart of darkness. simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes, displaced from their lands by warlords emboldened by a newfound power. villagers have been forced to take shelte

9、r in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages or here, in the remnants of the old soviet smelting plant. recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters, referred to by locals as the ten rings. as you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a missi

10、on. a mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. with no political will or international pressure, theres very little hope for these refugees. around me, a woman begging for news on her husband, who was kidnapped by insurgents, either forced to join their militia. desperate re

11、fugees clutch yellowed photographs, holding them up to anyone who will stop. a childs simple question: where are my mother and father? theres very little hope for these refugees, refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will activities b general understanding of the main idea furth

12、er understanding of details directions:listen again and work in groups of 4 or 5 to take notes. share your notes with the group members, and work together to write a cv for mr. stark. even from an early age the son of legendary weapons developer howard stark quickly stole the spotlight with his bril

13、liant and unique mind. at age four, he built his first circuit board. at age six, his first engine. and at seventeen, he graduated summa cum laude from mit. then, the passing of a titan. howard starks life long friend and ally, obadiah stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary found

14、er, until, at age 21, the prodigal son returns and is anointed the new ceo of stark industries. with the keys to the kingdom, tony ushers in a new era for his fathers legacy, creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. today, tonystark has changed the face of the weapons indust

15、ry by ensuring freedom and protecting america and her interests around the globe. -rhodes: as liaison to stark industries, ive had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. he is my friend and he is my great mentor. ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present this years apogee award t

16、o mr. tony stark! tony? -obadiah: thank you, colonel. this is beautiful. thank you. thank you all very much. this is wonderful. well, im not tony stark. but if i were tony i would tell you how honored i feel and what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award. tony, you know, the best thing

17、about tony is also the worst thing. hes always working. general understanding of the main idea directions: answer the following questions according to your first impression on the weapons presentation shown in this clip. further understanding of details directions: fill in the following chart with d

18、etailed information related to the weapons presentation tony stark makes.【篇二:英语影视翻译】lass=txt选择一项: a. 瞬时性 b. 通俗性 c. 简洁性 d. 语境性 3、i was messed up for a long time.译文:这些年我一塌糊涂。(阿甘正传) 选择一项: 对 错 4、压缩性意译策略就是指用更加简短的语句来表达原文的大概意思,但是容易增加字幕的压力。 选择一项: 对 错 5、审美价值首先要讲求炼字,炼字讲求音美,()也是英语片名中常用以达到音美的方法 选择一项: a. 头韵和押韵 b

19、. 比喻 c. 尾韵 d. 节奏 6、电影片名的翻译中,直译是指保留原片名的语言形式和意义,包括用词、结构和修辞手段等,同时译文也和原文一样语言流畅。 选择一项: 对 错7、在电影字幕的汉译中,下列不属于浓缩的是( )。 选择一项: a. 词汇缩减 b. 长句缩减 c. 加注 d. 压缩性意译 8、 秦王:区区亭长,辖区不过十里。 a country prefect over10 square miles! 此台词的翻译体现了( )方法。 选择一项: a. 文化补偿 b. 文化转移 c. 文化协调 d. 文化移植 9、电影史学家们把1895年( )确定为电影诞生日。 选择一项: a. 12月2

20、8日 b. 11月28日 c. 12月26日 d. 11月26日 10、(and) he was so embarrassed;his cheeks turned completely re 他羞得满脸通红。此台词的翻译使用了( )。 选择一项: a. 词汇缩减 b. 长句缩减 c. 加注 d. 压缩性意译 11、下列不属于影视剧语言的基本属性的是( )。 选择一项: a. 社会性 b. 大众性 c. 娱乐性 d. 戏剧性 12、别光喝酒了,喝碗丸子汤。 dont just drink. have a bowl of soup. 此台词的翻译使用了( )方法。 选择一项: a. 删除 b. 浓

21、缩 c. 压缩性意译 d. 加注 13、影视语言的融合性指的是影视剧中人物的语言、音乐及动态画面之间是相互影响、相互补充的,是密切联系、融合在一起的 选择一项: 对 错 14、可赦九族不诛。 your families will be spare 此台词的翻译使用了( )方法。 选择一项: a. 删除 b. 浓缩 c. 压缩性意译 d. 加注 15、换译就是抛开原来的片名而重新拟定新的片名。下列对换译没有影响的是( )。选择一项: a. 原片名对中国观众吸引力不够. b. 影片题材的限制 c. 片名语言上的限制 d. 短语结构更容易记忆 16、在英文电影字幕的汉译中,翻译的基本要求是( )。

22、选择一项: a. 保持原片风格 b. 保持原片语言 c. c保持原片长度 d. d保持原片情节 17、i think its hard winning a war with words。译文:我认为用语言赢得战争没什么作用。(乱世佳人) 选择一项: 对 错 18、fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. 译:怯懦囚禁灵魂, 希望还你自由. 此台词的翻译体现了影视英语的。 选择一项: a. 瞬时性 b. 通俗性 c. 简洁性 d. 省略成分多 19、one flew over the cuckoos nest(译:飞越疯人院此片名翻译方

23、法为( )。 选择一项: a. 音译b. 意译 c. 直译 d. 减译 20、下列不属于重新拟定片名的方法的是( )。 选择一项: b. 根据剧情重新定名 c. 影片名的抽象概括 d. 译为四字格 21、1932年世界第一个电影节()诞生。 选择一项: a. 柏林电影节 b. 戛纳电影节 c. 奥斯卡 d. 威尼斯电影节 22、下列不属于字幕翻译的是( )。 选择一项: a. 语内字幕翻译 b. 语际字幕翻译 c. 横向字幕翻译 d. 对角字幕翻译 23、their names will never die.译文:他们的名字将永垂不朽。 选择一项: 对【篇三:影视课堂活力英语(2)课本习题答案

24、u3】 b extensive listening activitiesmovie clip 1listen to the opening narrative of the movie on the feather from “ a thousand li away”and answer the following questions.1. what transformation did this woman experience in her life? she emigrated from shanghai to america. and she would have her own da

25、ughter in that free country, who was expected to live a happy life there. 2. what are this womans good intentions towards her daughter who would be born and raised in america? and make a guess about the symbolized meaning of “the feather from a thousand li away”. this womans good intentions towards

26、her daughter -in america she will have a daughter just like her. over there, she would live a happy and decent life. her worth is not measured by other people. nobody will look down on her because she can speak perfect american english. and over there, she will always be too full to swallow any sorr

27、ow. it is about the mothers hopes for their daughters and about transformation, the swan that becomes more than was hoped for . although communication is impossible because of the language difference, the mother in the tale waits patiently to communicate with her daughter. the feather is the mothers

28、 chinese heritage, which they want to pass on to their daughters. watch the scene on junes telling her story as a piano learner at nine years old and answer the following clip 21. what conflicts do there exist between the mothers hope for her daughter and the daughters own idea of he

29、rself? suyuan believes that jing-mei will manifest an inner prodigy if only she and her daughter work hard enough to discover and cultivate jing-meis talent. jing-mei, on the other hand, believes that there are ultimately things about her that cannot be forced; she is who she is. 2. what do you thin

30、k brings about such conflicts? and have you ever experienced similar problems in your family education? jing-mei and her mother have conflicts because of the difference between the mothers expectation of her daughter and the daughters idea of being herself, and because of their opposing concepts of

31、destiny.1section 2 in-class activities a class lead-in1. have you ever suffered any cultural conflicts in your lives, or do you know anyone who suffered or is suffering cultural conflicts?(略) 2. what kinds of things do you think would bring about cultural conflicts? 参考: -conflicts between teenagers

32、and parents are shaped by generational culture, and conflicts between spouses or partners are influenced by gender culture. in organizations, conflicts arising from different disciplinary cultures escalate tensions between co-workers, creating strained or inaccurate communication and stressed relationships. -cross-cultural m

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