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1、学年九年级下学期第一次教学质量检测英语试题2021年初中毕业年级第一次教学质量检测英语试题 本试卷包括四道大题,共75道小题,共8页,全卷满分100分,考试时间为100分钟,考试结束后,只将答题卡交回。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在试卷上答题无效。一、基础知识(15分)、在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)1. There are twelve months in a year. March is the of the year. 2. Wash your h

2、ands before meals, you may get ill. 3. The girls name is Jenny Green. So Green is her name. 4. John is 16 years old and I am 15. So he is one year than I .5. Computer is difficult for my grandparents, but its really for me. 、选择填空 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(10分)6. Take an umbrella with you. Its _ useful

3、tool on rainy days. Athe Ban Ca 7. Usually I make breakfast for my family Saturdays. Aon Bat Cin 8. Mr. Jackson is a popular writer, and we all like reading books. Aher Bhis Ctheir 9. Our English teacher is nice and patient she is very strict with us. Aif Bunless Calthough 10. In China, we use red p

4、aper for hongbao because red means good luck. Thats interesting! I want to know all the Chinese . Atraditions Bproblems Cnotices 11. Could you tell me we can start a conversation with a foreigner? Talking about weather is a good choice. Ahow Bwho Cwhen12. Lucy is the person in her family. Her two el

5、der sisters are both married. Aoldest Byounger Cyoungest 13. The boy is doing his lesson in order to pass the test. Ahardly Bcarefully Cwildly 14. The kite in China more than 2000 years ago. Ainvented Bis invented Cwas invented15. Through 5G, people in two different cities can even “shake hands” on

6、the same screen. A. Wonderful,indeed. BDont mention it. CWith pleasure. 二、交际运用(15分)、完成对话,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话意思完整。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分) A:You look worried and unhappy, Whats wrong? B:Oh, I did badly in the English exam.A: 16 What are your problems?B: I cant get the pronunciation right. 17 A: Why not

7、read after the tape?B: 18 But I always make mistakes in writing.A: Thats too bad. You could try making up more sentences.B: Maybe Ill try. The last one is that 19 A: Taking grammar notes in class may help you to understand the grammar.B: Great! Ill do that. Thanks a lot.A: 20 A. You are welcome. B.

8、Good idea.C. Good luck to you! D. I find it hard to understand grammar.E. Sorry to hear that. F. What should I do?、补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在文中空缺处填写适当的话语(一个句子、短语或单词),使对话完整。(10分) A: Hello, Yang Fan! We went to the park to have a picnic yesterday. Everyone went there exceptyou. 21. there with us?B: Because my p

9、en pal Tian Xin came to see me, I had to treat her at home.A: Tian Xin? What a nice name! What does she 22. ?B: Shes beautiful, tall and thin.A:23. anything in common?B: Yes, we do. We both like playing computer games, listening to music and collecting coins.A: That sounds great! 24. her?B: Shes hel

10、pful and honest. She does well in her lessons.A: Can I meet her when she comes next time?B: No problem.A: 25. ?B: Of course you can. Come to my house and Ill show you my collections(收藏品).A: Thank you. Ill go to your house when Im free.B: Youre welcome.三、阅 读(50分)、短文填空 从方框中选择合适的词填空,使短文内容完整,其中有两个选项是多余的

11、。(10分) A. foreigners B. Simple C.unless D. who E. their F. held G. magazines H.difficult I. traditional J. from K. easily L. or Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People stickpatterns on the windows, doors or desks for the festival. Paper cutting is a kind o

12、f 26 culture. It covers nearly all topics, 27 flowers, birds, animals to people in history and characters(人物) in classic novels. Paper cutting is all made by hand. You need only a knife and one piece of paper or many pieces. 28 patterns can be cut with a knife. For some difficult patterns, people fi

13、rst stick the pattern on the paper and then use various kinds of knives to make it. No mistakes can be made during the process, 29 the work would fail. Although paper cutting is 30 learned, fewer and fewer young people learn this skill nowadays. In the past, women 31 lived in the countryside had a g

14、et-together in 32 free time to make paper cutting. At present, there are factories making paper cutting in China. Exhibitions (展览)are 33 regularly and books of this kind are published. Paper cutting has changed into a kind of art. More and more 34 come to China to learn it. At the same time, paper c

15、utting also appears in 35 , cartoons,TV series, or on stages. 、阅读理解。(40分)(A) Summer Fun at Happy Kids Learning Centre Are you looking for something that can add colour to your summer holiday? If yes, here are the summer courses that you cannot miss!Children Can Cook The course is to improve children

16、s knowledge in the kitchen.They will earn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and how to buy proper ingredients(原料) and follow steps in recipes(食谱). Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have cooked at the end of each lesson. Little WritersThe course is divided into two parts. In the firs

17、t part, children are introduced to famous stories and their writers. In the second part, they are taught to write their own stories. Children also get the chance to write other text types (类型), such as poems (诗)and plays. Acting for Fun This is a course that lets children enjoy the fun of acting. Th

18、rough acting and speaking in front of people, children will be more confident(自信的). Parents are welcome to watch the performance (演出) given by the children at the end of the course.Watercolour PaintingThis course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals. We encourage children

19、 to watch, imagine and create their own works. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5 分)36. What can children do in the cooking course? A. Sell the food. B.Buy the bowls. C.Learn how to cook. D.Eat what teachers have cooked.37. How many parts are there in the writing course? A.One parts. B.Two parts. C.Three parts. D.Fou

20、r parts.38. Which course should children join if they want to be more confident? A.Acting for Fun. B.Watercolour Painting. C.Little Writers. D.Children Can Cook.39. What does the painting course teach?A.The importance of acting. B.How to buy proper ingredients. C.Famous stories and their writers. D.

21、The basic skills of painting people and animals.40. The purpose of this passage is to encourage children to .A.cook a meal for their parents B.act with their parents in public C.join the summer courses at the learning more books during the holiday(B) When I was in middle school, I was o

22、n a family vacation in Washington DC. I found there was a homeless man in the street.On our final (最后的) day in the city, when my parents went for an evening walk, I went out of our hotel room and ran down the street to the homeless man. I asked him what he wanted to have for dinner. He replied, “Bre

23、ad and water.”I ran into the store and bought a big bag of bread and a bottle of water. I handed them to him. His smile has been in my mind ever since.I went back and when my parents returned, my dad told me he had a story for me. As they were returning, they saw a homeless man was sharing a bag ful

24、l of food with other homeless people around. They were all very happy. I smiled at my dad, but I have never told him the other half of the story. Till today, I still havent forgotten that mans smile. I wish I had the courage to do this more often. One small kind action can begin a ripple effect (连锁反

25、应) of kindness. So please, share a smile and do something kind for the people in need.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) 41. Why did the writer go to Washington DC? A. To visit her parents. B. To go on vacation. C. To do some shopping. D. To meet friends.42. When the writer went to see the homeless man, her parents

26、 . A. were having a walk B. were staying in the hotel C. had gone back home D. were in a food store43. What did the homeless man do with the food the writer bought him? A. He took it home and shared it with his children. B. He gave it back to the writers parents. C. He returned it to the store for s

27、ome money. D. He shared it with other homeless people. 44. It can be inferred (推断)from the passage that . A. homeless men usually live a happy life B. the writers father was proud of her C. the writer keeps a secret to her parents D. the writer was paid back by the homeless man45. The story calls th

28、e readers to . A. help those in need B. look for their dreams C. value what they have D. face difficulties bravely (C)Strawberries look nice, but a light pressure can make them out of shape. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries. They easily break down when they face d

29、ifficulties. They dont know what to do when they are in trouble.They have a common namestrawberry kids. Why are many students so easy to break down? Parents and schools are the main reasons. Parents do almost everything for them in their daily life, while schools care more about their grades instead

30、 of developing their personality (个性).Liu Qiang, 13, is from Beijing. His mom hardly criticizes (批评) him and he always feels good about himself. When a teacher criticized him strictly, he felt surprised and sad. He began to doubt his ability. Students should do something to make themselves mentally(

31、精神上)strong. An expert(专家)said, “When you are in trouble, dont ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problems first by yourself. I also advise you to take an active part in sports and social activities. That can make you mentally strong.” Growing up is not just a happy process. Pains also go along with it. The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5 分)46. Many students are called “strawberry kids” because they like to eat strawberries.47. Pare

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