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1、七年级上册期中试题分卷I 注释评卷人得分一、单选题(注释)1、My last name is my _ name.A. first B. middle C. family D. Given2、 ,Grace. Is this your ruler?Yes, thanks.A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you3、This is map and those booksare .A. my;her B. mine;herC. my;hers D. mine;hers4、The little girl can _ English very well.A. talk B.

2、 speak C. telling D. say5、My family _ at table.A. is. B. am C. are D. be6、 Whats your mother? _.A. Shes a worker. B. She has a book.C. Shes reading. D. Shes forty.7、 Whats your fathers_? He is _.A. work ; fifty years old B. job ; fineC. work ; at home D. job ; a teacher 8、There _ an orange and two a

3、pples on the table.A.areBhasCisDhave9、He _ a small room. _ a nice desk in it.Ais, There isBhas, HasChave, There isDhas, There is10、Whats under the desk? _.AIts a football BI can see a set of keysCThey are red boxDTheres a cat11、Where are your brothers? _.AHe is at home BHe is in his roomCYes,they ar

4、eDI dont know12、下列字母所含音素与字母b不同的是_.A. f B. c C. d D. e13、下列与Ee发音没有相同之处的是_。A. Cc B. Ff C. Dd D. Gg14、Mary and Gina are my cousins._ father works in Dongfeng Company. A TheirB They C Them D Theirs15、Nick Browns _ name is Nick.A first B full C family D last16、读音上分类正确的a, h , j, k B. c, e ,g ,w C. f, l ,m

5、, v D. b, d ,t ,y 17、与字母N含有相同音素的字母是 _ .A. K B. L C. Q D. A18、Do you like _?No. I like blue.A orange B apples C flowers D milk19、下面的三组字母中不含有相同的元音音素的是_A b,t,c B s,l,n C a,k,f20、下列含有相同元音音素的一组字母是_。A BDE B ACJ C MNK21、找出含有相同音素的一组 _ A. X Dale Grace B. G pen red C. hi my fine D. no OK orange22、Whats the op

6、posite(反义词)of white? _ A. Blue B. Green C. Black D. Red23、在商店中,我们看到 _ 表示的意思是“小号/中号/大号”。A. S/M/L B. A/B/C C. N/B/A D. K/F/C24、下列单词中字母0的发音与其他三个选项不相同的一项是:_ A. no B. sorryC. orange D. dog25、Do you think the _ of her skirt suits me?Of course!You always look beautiful in red.A size B color C price D desig

7、n26、_ there a teacher? - No, _.AIs, there aretBAre, there isnt.CIs, there isntDAre, there arent.27、Tony and I good friends.AamBisCareDbe28、下列各组字母中含有相同读音的一组是 _.AI, YBA, ICH, LDJ, P29、? S-U-E, Sue.ADo you know Sue BCan you spell your name CIs it your nameDHow do you spell your name30、Tom likes _and _.

8、Apotatos; bananasBhamburger; broccoliCcarrots; strawberries Dice cream; pear31、Mike, your jacket is very beautiful . -_.AWhere?BNo.CThank you.DOk32、The movie 蓝精灵is an _ movie. Many people like it so much.AgoodBboringCrelaxingDinteresting33、Let her _ the book there.AbringBbringsCtakingDtake34、Here ar

9、e some _. Do you like _?Aorange; itBoranges;themCorange;themDoranges; it35、通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Hello! Im Zhang HepingZhang is mynameHeping is my name1m a boyIm My Englishis PaulIm Class One, Grade SevenOhI finderaser in my classroomIts Now it is in the lost found caseYou can 6

10、58-65351)AfirstBfamilyConeDmiddle2)A1astBtwoCfirstDtoo3)AChineseBEnglishCAmericaDChina4)A3B25C60D1l5)AnameBcolorCphoneDbook6)AonBatCforDin7)AtheBanCaD8)AwhiteBfineCyourDmy9)AbutBforCandDof10)AmeetBcallCspellDlook36、My name is David. There are many things in my room. There is a sweater 1 the bed. Its

11、 2 . I also have a pair(双)of 3 . They are blue, too. There is a desk and a chair in 4 room. A football is under the 5 . I like it very much. I 6 play football very well. I often play it with my friends. A picture is on the wall. You can see four people in it. The man and the woman are my 7 . They wo

12、rk in a school and teach Chinese. They are 8 . The little girl is my 9 . She is very lovely(可爱的). She is only three years old. She doesnt go to school, so she 10 read or write. I have a happy family.1)AinBonCwithDto2)AwhiteBgreenCblueDblack3)AshoesBcoatsCT-shirtsDcaps4)AhisBherCmyDyour5)AroomBdeskCfloorDbag6)AcanBamCdoDdid7)AmotherBparentsCfatherDparent8)AteachersB

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