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1、大英听力考试范围Liste ning Speak ing Book 3(Syllabus: Select 3 from 8,sum up to 7 poi nts )Part 1Jay: Hey, Steve. How s it going? How s the new job in the promotions departme nt?Steve: I don t know, man. Sometimes I can t believe these people.Jay: What do you mean? I thought you loved it here.Steve: Yeah, I

2、 don t know. The work is good. I love promotions work. But, man, the system here is driving me nuts.They have so many rules!Jay: Yeah, they kind of do. But it s just different, you know? You llget used to it. I promise.Steve: Really? Well, different is fine, but sometimes I think I m goingto snap. T

3、hey re so strict, especially my boss.Jay: Mr. Takahashi?Steve: Yeah, I mean, he s a really good boss, very smart about bus in ess, but he n ever really tells me what he s thi nkingJay: Sometimes bosses are quiet like that.Steve: But I can feel his eyes, man .It s like he s watch ing me all the time.

4、 I have to be at work right on time, not a second late.Jay: Yeah. Being on time is really important here.Steve: And meeting people is so formal. That drives menuts. I never know what to do. Should I bow? Should I shake han ds? Should I shake hands and bow at the same time? Should I say shitsurei-shi

5、masu?Jay: Actually, that might help if you learn a little Japanese.Steve: It just seemsthat every one is too polite all the time. Can t they just relax a little bit? Every one here is so uptight. They all sort ofrun around and bow and shri nk whe never Takahashi comes into the office.Jay: Well, they

6、 just have differe nt ways of doing thin gs, I guess. AndI think they ll relax after you get to know them a bit.Part 2Alan: Takahashi- san, how is the new person in the promotions department doing?T: You mean, Steve- san?Alan: Yeah, Steve Jones. How s he doing? Is he adjust ing to the companyworki n

7、g style OK?T: Mm. So desu-ne .Ala n: So, still on a lear ning curve?T: Mm.He s very talented, very intelligent. And good spirit. But I thinkhis behavior is still a little, a little difficult.Alan: Hmm. Well, what does he do?T: I think perhaps he doesn t understand appearanee very well. Sometimes he

8、doesn t even wear a tie.Ala n: Hmm. Maybe he thi nks the promoti ons departme nt should be morein formal?T: Perhaps, perhaps, hmm.Ala n: Well, how is he how is he about workin g hours?T: Ah, this is a little problem.Ala n: Comes in late, huh?T: Well, perhaps he doesn t understandour working system.

9、He usually comesi n around 10 o clock. Every one is already at their desks, work ing. Alan: Mm. Well, does he get along with the other staff members?T: Ah. Interesting. He does, actually, so I don t want to interfere too much. They seem to like him and respect his ideas.Ala n: Which is good.T: Yes,

10、that s good.Alan: Does he deal with clients well?T: Mm. Clients da-ne. This is a problem. He s improving, but Alan: What do you mea n? What does he do?T: Yesterday, we had a meeting with an important client. And I introduced Steve- san, and he didn t bow. He just stuck out his hand and said, “Hey, n

11、ice to meet you. ” And I think the clients were a little embarrassed.Ala n: Which is not good.T: No, that s not good. Mm. Komarimashita-ne.Ala n: But he may improve.T: Yes, yes. He may improve. I hope.Part 3Mr. Garcia talks to his doctor.Dr. Morrissey: Well, Mr. Garcia, you r test results are in. Yo

12、u ve gothigh cholesterol and a bit of a weight problem. I think we need to discuss some serious lifestyle cha nges.Mr. Garcia: All right, Doctor, I m ready. Go ahead and scold me.Dr. Morrissey: I mnot here to scold you, Mr. Garcia, just encourage you.Mr. Garcia: That s a relief!Dr. Morrissey: But I

13、would suggest making some gradual cha nges in yourdiet. For example, cutt ing dow n on the amount of fatty foods you eat.Mr. Garcia: It s going to be tough to change mydiet. I think I maddicted to fast food!Dr. Morrissey: Yes, well, unfortunately, you re going to have to. Andit s more than just your

14、 diet you need to improve. I also want you tostart exercis ing. Exercise is going to keep your heart healthy and helpyou lose some of those unwan ted poun ds.Mr. Garcia: Oh, no! I just knew you were going to tell me that! I can tstand exercising. It s so boring!Dr. Morrissey: I m sure you can find s

15、ome physical activity you enjoy.Now, about your stress level at work.Mr. Garcia:You can t just take a break when you re the CEO of aninternational company, you know! And even when I do get a day off from work, I ve got three teenagers at home to keep me stressed out.Dr. Morrissey: Well, you re going

16、 to have to find some time somewherein your schedule for relaxati on. Your health depe nds on it.Mr. Garcia: OK. I think I get the message. I ll do my best, but you know what they say, Doctor: Old habits die hard.Part 4.Mr. Garcia runs into a frie nd.Sandra: David, is that you? I hardly even recogni

17、zed you!Mr. Garcia:Yeah, it s the new and improved me!Sandra: Wow! You must have lost some weight.Mr. Garcia:Yeah, like fifty poun ds.Sandra: What have you been up to?Mr. Garcia: Well, for starters, I kicked my junk food habit. No more fast food.Sandra: You re kidding! I thought you were addicted to

18、 those Big Macs!Mr. Garcia:I was, but not anymore. It s salads for lunch now. I ve alsostarted taking a ballroom dance class with my wife. It s a fun way tokeep my weight un der con trol, and my wife and I get to spe nd more time together.San dra: That s fan tastic! And how s Fiberglass Intern ati o

19、n al?Mr. Garcia : Pretty good! I recently took a little break from work, and you know, the strangest thing happened! Whenl returned from myvacation,I fo und that I had a lot more energy at work. I think I m going to goto Hawaii n ext mon th.Sandra: Well, that s just wonderful. Keep up the good work!

20、Part 5Amy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here somewhere. Oh, here itis.Becky: Wow, he s so h andsome! He looks like a Greek statue.Amy: Yeah, he is very attractive. But I didn t think so when I first met him.Becky: You didn t?Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him? He has rea

21、lly hairy han ds.Becky: What?Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy. Plus, his clothes were waymore fashi on able tha n I usually like. He just wasn t my type. Andon top of all that, he was shorter tha n me.Becky: So how come you went out with him?Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and funny, a

22、nd I was so comfortable just hanging out with him. And the first time we went out he just swept me away with his pers on ality.Becky: Really? How?Amy: He was just really easy to talk to.Becky: But still, if all those things bothered you, about his hands and all.Amy: Well, you know, none of that was

23、important once I got to know him more. His personality and the way we got along just made it clear to me that he is “the one. ”Becky: So, when s the big day?Part 6Bob: Luis, I m so happy for you and Amy.Luis: Thanks. She s a great girl. And she s perfect for me. We just“click, ” you know?Bob: So the

24、 n I guess you just always knew she was the pers on for you?Luis: Well, not exactly.Bob: It wasn t love at first sight?Luis: No. But don t tell Amythat. She s such a romantic. She d probably like it if I said I fell for her immediately.Bob: But you didn t?Luis: No. It took me a while to warm up to A

25、my. She just wasn t my type.Bob: Really? Why? Didn t you think she was attractive?Luis: Well, she was so thin and athletic. I usually like a girl with a few curves.Bob: Then what made you decide to ask her out?Luis: I didn t. She asked me out!Bob: She did? And how did you feel about that?Luis: I was

26、n t sure at first.part of her personality. SheBut you kno w, I en ded up really liki ng thats in depe ndent and she goes after what she physically.Bob: Well, you two sure make a great couple!Part 7Greg: Hello, this is “Tech Trek, ” and I m your host, Greg McFee. Today we re going to review three new

27、 video games that every one s talk ingabout. First, there s “The Butcher. ” The player is an undercover cop who used to be a butcher. Imagi ne that. Super viole nt, super fast game.Next is “ Pirate Party, ” which is based on last summe s hit movie about a band of pirates that attacks cruise ships an

28、d beach resorts. Last is“Marooned on Mars,” a video gamethat takes place in 2250 in an abandoned colony on Mars. The object of the gameis to con struct a spaceship to get back to Earth. OK, before we get to the reviews, we have a special guest on “Tech Trek ”一 Jeff Townsend, developer of “The Butche

29、r. ” Jeff, thanks for coming in today.Jeff : My pleasure, Greg.Greg: So, Jeff. “The Butcher. ” A lot of people are talking about yourgame, and most of them are say ing it might be too viole nt.Jeff : Well, it is violent. I mean, it s about a cop, who was once a butcher, who hunts downcriminals. A lo

30、t of people think that video gameslike “The Butcher ” actually cause viole nee, that they re a bad in flue nee on childre n.Jeff : Yeah, I hear that a lot. But I don t know. To me, video games arejust entertainment. I think people can tell the differenee between a video game and real life.Greg: Eve

31、n kids?Jeff : Even kids. I don t think anyone is going to play “The Butcher ”and the n go out and make crim in als into hamburger. You re not going tobecome more violent if you play “The Butcher. ”Greg: Maybe so, but Jeff : In fact, I was reading the newspaper, and there are somescientists who think that play ing viole nt video games can actually make you less viole nt.Greg: Hmm. That s interesting.Jeff : Yeah, they say that if you get all your an ger and frustrati on outin a video game, you ll be a lot more relaxed in your regu

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