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1、完整word北师大版高中英语必修三Unit7thesea词汇篇1教师版Unit 7 The Spirit of Explorers词汇篇1_1、掌握第7单元warm-up及第一课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用第7单元warm-up及第一课的重点单词,短语及句型。一、文化知识 Viking维京人,即北欧海盗,他们从公元8 世纪到11 世纪一直侵扰欧洲沿海和英国岛屿,其足迹遍及从欧洲大陆至北极的广阔疆域,欧洲这一时期被称为“维京时期”。Viking refers to a member of the Scandinavian seafaring traders, warriors and p

2、irates who raidedand colonized wide areas of Europe from the late8th to the 11th century. These Norsemen used theirfamed longships to travel as far east as Constantinople and the Volga River in Russia, and as far west as Newfoundland. This period of Viking expansionis commonly refer red to as the Vi

3、king Age of Scandinavian History.二、话题了解海洋探险的故事,学习探险家的精神词汇核心词汇achieve, set sail, control, land话题扩展词汇spirit,explorer,sailor,voyage,deed,journey,unknown,present-day,eventually,further短语及搭配force sb. to do,persuade sb. to do, find oneself, get into trouble,follow sb.s directions, be believed to be sth.,

4、重要句型1.They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.2.According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway,Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he got into trouble.3.He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland.4.Not long af

5、ter Eric the Red had landed in Greenland a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Erics party.功能Giving opinions1.persuade/psweid/vt.说服 tocausesb.todosth.byreasoningorarguing.Inmyopinion,itsawasteoftimetotrytopersuadehimtogiveupsmoking.在我看来,说服他戒烟纯属浪费时间。persuade的常用结构:(1)persuadesb.说服某人pe


7、that使某人相信Ipersuadedhimthathewasmistaken.我说服了他,使他相信他是错的。辨析:advise与persuadeadvisesb.todosth.相当于trytopersuadesb.todosth.,意为“劝说,建议某人做某事”,但不一定说服对方。如:Sheadvisedhimtogiveupsmoking,buthewouldntlisten.2.present/ prizent/ vt. 讲演,演示 to give information about sth. The English teacher asked two of us to present

8、a five-minute dialogue in English. (1)present /prezent/ adj. 出席的,到场的;现在的,目前的。(作定语或表语)present- presence n. (2)present n.目前,现在;礼物;赠品。如:Writers of history books often attempt to link the past with the present. 写历史书的人总是力图把过去与现在联系起来。 The children were delighted with the presents. (3)vt. 送给,赠与,呈交The child

9、ren presented flowers to the teachers. (4)vt. 提出(论点,看法)He presented his view and then sat down. 短语:be present 出席的,在场的 be absent 缺席,不在场扩展词组:be present in 存在于at the present 当前,目前in the presence of 在在场的情况下present sth. to sb. 把某物赠送给某人,向某人呈送某物present sb. with sth. 把某物赠送给某人注意:注意:present 作形容词“在场的,出席的”讲时,作定

10、语置于被修饰的名词之前,而present作形容词“现在的,目前的”讲时,作定语置于被修饰的名词之前,如:Whats the number of the people present at the meeting? He is pleased with this present job. 3. intelligence / intelidns / n. 智力,理解力 the ability or talent to learn and understand. There are schools specially built for children with low intelligence.

11、 有专门为低智商的孩子建设的学校。intelligent adj. 有才智的,理解力强的;intelligently adv. 聪明地,理解力强地IQ: intelligence quotient 智商His intelligence quotient is very high. 4. frightening adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的 making people feel fear. Children are not allowed to see frightening films. 拓展:frighten vt.,意为“使惊恐,使害怕”, The noise frightened the

12、 baby. frightening与frightened frightening adj.“令人惊恐的,骇人的”;frightened adj.“受惊吓的,恐惧的”。现在分词形式的形容词一般表示“令人”;过去分词形式的形容词一般表示“自身感到”。如:Seeing the frightening snake, the little girl was much frightened. 看到这条吓人的蛇,这位小姑娘非常害怕。5. spirit /spirit/ 精神 a persons mind or feelings as distinct from his body soul. The har

13、dship didnt break the mans spirit. spirit的常见搭配in high spirit/mood 情绪高涨; in low spirit/mood 情绪低落对比:spirit与soul soul所指的灵魂是完全相对于身体而言;spirit指真正的鬼魂、幽灵。如: They said a prayer for the souls of the men who had been drowned in the flood. Some people think that they have seen the spirits of dead persons. 6. sa

14、ilor n.水手,海员 a person who works on a boat. The sailor in the white uniform is waving to me. 注意sailor是动词sail加-or构成的表示人的名词,而不是以-er结尾。常见的以-or结尾的名词有doctor/monitor/conductor/mirror/sailor/professor等。7. voyage n. vt. 航海,航空a long trip by sea or air; travel by boat propelled by wind or by other means. He we

15、nt on a voyage around the world. They voyaged across the Indian Ocean. They made a voyage across the Atlantic. voyage常见搭配:go on a voyage出航,出国旅行;make/take a voyage出去航海;an international voyage国际航行;a long/ round voyage长途航行;往返航程;a sea/an ocean voyage 航海;a passage voyage 航渡辨析: voyage, journey, travel, to

16、ur与trip (1)voyage常指海上或空中的旅行。如: He went on a voyage round the world. (2)journey常指远距离的陆路旅行。如:They decided to take a train journey. (3)travel常指长距离旅行或国外旅行。如: He came home after years of foreign travel. (4)tour常指观光、考察等的环游旅行。如: They are on a wedding tour. (5)trip常指短距离的旅行。如:I enjoyed our trip to the seasid

17、e. 8. further adv. 更远,较远; 进一步at or to a greater distance in space or time to a greater degree or extent. Their misunderstanding was further complicated by the event. 这事更加深了他们的误会。 further的常见短语:further to 再加,又及;go further进一步地说、做对比:further与farther 这两个词都可表示距离,意为“更远,较远”;但further还可用来表示程度,意为“更加,进一步”。如:The

18、village is about two miles farther/further on. 再向前约两英里就是那个村庄。We will study this matter further. 我们会再深入的研究这个问题。1. (2019 上海 23)In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_the local market.A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as【解析】句意:在古代,人们很少

19、进行长途旅行,大多数农民最远也就到过当地的市场。考查副词。题干的语境中未含有比较的意思,所以排除A、B两项;空格处的词用来修饰动词“travel”旅行,又有后面的地点the local market 提示,所以选D。答案:D2. (2019 福建 34)Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with students.A. enjoys B. involves C. practices D. suggests【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“喜欢”;B项“需要,包含”;C项

20、“练习”;D项“建议;暗示”。句意为:Michelle找到一份做高中教师的工作,需要花很多时间与学生在一起。故答案选B。3(2019 江苏 22)I am looking forward to the day _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.A. as B. why C. when D. where【解析】考查定语从句用法。句中的先行词为the day,在从句my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.作时间状语,故用关系副词w

21、hen。句意:我正盼望我女儿能够阅读并知道我对她的感情的那一天。故C正确。4(2019湖北26) In much of the animal world, night is the time _ for sleeppure and simple.A. set aside B. set down C. set off D. set up【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据句意:在大多数动物的世界里,夜晚是留下来用以睡眠的时间。故选A“搁置,留出”。5(2019江西 26)There are a small number of people involved, possibly _twenty.A. a

22、s few as B. as little as C. as many as D. as much as【解析】考查比较级句型。句意表达人很少,少达20人。People为可数名词,故使用few来替代。基础演练1.从下面的方框中选择恰当的单词或短语完成句子。set sailaccording tomake it toin search oflong beforebefore longas many asbe known as1) You will be paid _ the amount of work you do. 2) He got lost twice in a one-way stre

23、et before he _ his new workplace. 3) We _ at dawn and headed for New York. 4) Its likely that the law will be abolished _. 5) Dying of thirsty, Mark went out _ water. 6) _ 10,000 civilians are thought to have fled the area. 2.根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1)我最终说服了他和我一道出去散步。(persuade sb. to do sth.)_2)鸟类正飞往南方寻觅冬季阳光

24、。 (in search of)_3)下一列到站的火车是从纽约开来的。 (不定式作定语)_4)这一切早在你出生前就发生了。(long before)_5)到会的人没有我们预期的那么多。(as many as)_6)这个小女孩在看一本书,里面有许多画。(介词+关系代词引导非限制性定语从句)_巩固提高4.根据文章内容,补全短文。The Vikings were a group of people whose1) _ came from Scandinavia.They2) _ the seas and coasts of Northern Europe between the 8th and 10

25、th centuries AD.Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he3) _ into trouble.Eric reached Greenland and discovered that people could live in the place where he landed.Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland,a man called Biarni set sail from Ice

26、land4) _ search of Erics party.In the year 1002,when Eric the Reds son Leif was planning a trip further west,Biarni was the man with whom Leif discussed his plans.Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to5) _ is6) _ to be the coast of present-day Canada.He then sailed further south to an island

27、 7) _ is now known as Newfoundland.We know about Eric the Red and Leifs deeds through stories which were written down centuries later in Norway and Iceland.They are the first8) _ we have of Europeans sailing to the America.答案:基础演练1. 1) according to 2) made it to 3) set sail4) before long 5) in searc

28、h of 6) as many as1) I finally managed to persuade him to go out for a walk with me.2) Birds are flying south in search of winter sun.3) The next train to arrive is from New York.4) This all happened long before you were born.5) There werent as many people at the meeting as we had expected.6) The li

29、ttle girl is reading a book, in which there are many pictures.巩固提高:1) ancestors2) controlled 3) got 4) in5) what 6) believed 7) which/that 8) records1.选择恰当的单词完成句子。exploreachieveancestorcontrolforcecommitpersuade1) There are many people who work very hard to _ their life goals.2) Our daily life is so different from our _.3) There are reports that she once tried to _ suicide.4) I cant _ you in this.You must decide by yourself.5) We finally managed to

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