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1、英语作文素材2018.11.7比如舅舅最长提到的考研阅读中的一个长难句: is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.分析:It is difficult to A for B to imagine C.It is difficult to the point of impos

2、sibility = extremely difficult 极度的困难用在作文中是不是瞬间显得高大上了。2018.11.9今天舅舅继续提供两句作文素材给大家,希望大家认真学习,背过,尝试用在自己作文里面哦1.In those far-off days,it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered.分析:In those far-off days 在那些远去的日子里写作文的时候可以替换成in t

3、he past,来表示时间流逝的感觉。2.Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters .重点内容“behind the scenes”可以用在作文里面,表转折。例如用在图表作文中,开头先描述图表内容,而之后要描述所承载的道理和原因,那么就可以用此做连接。2018.11.10今天的作文素材来了都背诵打卡学起来!作文中常常要表达自己的观点,那么如何的合理对比大众观点、突出自己观点呐?试试背过这句专家写的内容!For the most part,the re

4、sponse has been favorable,to say the least .至少可以说,大部分的人的反应是赞同的。而在考研作文素材积累中,大家在表达社会或者大众观点时,可以在此句基础上进行修改。“For my part,.”则是“就我看来。”2018.11.11来,跟着舅舅学习今天的作文素材记得打卡学习哦今天学习如何去说关于现象性质的话题内容。The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional clas

5、sical concert.因此,这些唱片的广泛普及给传统的古典音乐演奏会习俗(形式)带来了一场危机。“The widespread availability of sth”可以理解成“的普及”。The widespread availability of cellphones has thus brought this phenomenon.手机的普及因此带来了这种现象。2018.11.13今天的话题口语&作文都适用。快来学习吧This trend,which we believe is still in its infancy,effectively began with retailer

6、s and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further.这一趋势有效地(迅猛地)开始于一些零售商和旅行供应商(如航空公司和酒店),我们认为它现在仍处于婴儿期(起步阶段),而且无疑将会进一步地发展。话题:共享单车or 共享经济Sharing economy or sharing bicycle become more and more popular ,this trend ,which we believe is still in its infancy,effectively began

7、with . and will no doubt go further.共享经济或共享单车变得越来越流行了,这种趋势有效地开始于一些,并且我们认为它现在仍处于起步阶段,而且无疑将会进一步发展。2018.11.15作文素材又来了如何去强调某个东西的重要性?可以拟人化!While traditional “paid” media such as television commercials and print advertisements still play a major role,companies today can exploit many alternative forms of me

8、dia.虽然传统付费媒体例如电视广告和平面广告依旧发挥着主要作用,但是如今的商家可以利用其他多种可供选择的媒体形式。play a major role 扮演了重要角色写作中:The advance of technology or the development of technology play a major role in our communication ways.技术的进步在交流方式的改变中扮演着重要的角色。2018.11.16今天学习一下如何表达某件事情的起因:The way consumers now appraoch the process of making purcha

9、se decisions means that marketings impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid meida.如今消费者做出购买决定的过程表明:市场营销的影响(效果)源自于除了传统付费媒体之外的很多因素。The way . means .这是最主要的主谓结构。A stems from a broad range of factors beyond B.A源自于除了B以外的很多其他因素。(A是结果,B是若干原因之一)写作中:The combination of different cult

10、ures stems from a broad range of factors beyond the development of the economy.不同文化的融合是源自于除了经济发展以外的很多因素。The difficulty of job hunting for college students stems from a broad range of factors beyond financial crisis.大学生找工作难有很多原因,这些原因是源自于除了金融危机以外的很多因素。2018.11.17作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧Internet faciliate

11、s interpersonal communication.互联网促进人际交往。faciliate帮助,促进。Internet alienates users.互联网疏远了用户。alienate 使疏远,离间。互联网算是比较常用的话题,换个相关的词汇,说对立的方面都可以用到这两句话。2018.11.18作文素材又来了The government should impose penalties on those who .政府应该惩罚那些impose 强制推行penalty 惩罚The authorities should reward on those who .政府应该奖励那些authori

12、ty 当局,权力,权威reward 奖励2018.11.19作文素材又来了!当你引出话题的时候可以使用When it comes to. 当提到造个句子: Finally, when it comes to *, an interesting thing is that * always resurfaces after a few years. 最后,谈到*,一件有趣的事情是*总会在之后的几年出现。2018.11.20 作文素材又来了!1.当提出反对的几个做法时,当前面使用了dont ,后面可以采用fail to 做同义替换。2. sb. have some concerns about.某

13、人对有一些担忧。2018.11.21作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧考研阅读中一个必背的长难句:To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general- circulation dailies. 今天我们阅读这样的书籍,会惊讶于这样的一个事实:这些学术性文艺评论曾经被认为适合刊登在面向大众发行的日报上。当我们分析某一个令人惊讶的现象时,引出这种现象或者话题,可以采用这样的开头:T

14、o do sth(比如 read such books) today is to marvel at the fact that 这种引出的现象往往说明的是,过去有而现在消失了或者是不怎么显眼比如你在描述某种变动社会现象的时候,完全可能用到。2018.11.22作文素材又来了!还记得之前给大家说过的“The traditional rule was its safer to stay where you are ,but thats been fundamentally inverted.传统规则认为待在现在的职位上更安全,但是现在已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。作文中写到“发生了巨大的变化”,可以

15、在此句上修改使用。”考研阅读中另外一个必背的长难句:Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face,because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its1998 decision in the so- called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. 对于商业方法专利授予的限制将会出现

16、巨大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998年被称为“州街银行案”的决议中引入了这类专利,其中的共有资产投资的管理方法被授予了专利。这里的dramatic 引人注目的; 戏剧的,戏剧性的; 激动人心的; about-face 向后转; 大改变; 倒转; 彻底改变这里同学要注意的是,about-face中间一般用作名词性质的时候,中间的连字符“-”不要省略。2018.11.23作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧并不简单In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social epidemics” are dri

17、ven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually-informed,persuasive, or well connected. Malcolm Gladwell在他的引爆点一书中指出,“社会流行潮”主要是由一少部分特殊个体的行为引领的,这些人通常被称为有影响力的人,他们博闻强识, 有说服力,并且有很好的人脉。当我们在说一类现象的时候,可以通过描述一类人来加深对这种现象的挖掘,就可以直接取出后面从句部分,

18、然后把“社会流行潮”替换掉。2018.11.24作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert asits next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009.纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请Alan Gilbert 作为其下一任指挥,这一决定自2009年突然宣布以来就一直是古典音乐

19、界热议的话题。作文中常常说道,*是热议的话题,同学们在引出话题的时候,或者某个现象的时候可以使用此句型句子的前半部分The decision 可以替换成 The phenomenon最后的ever since 自从实在不会用可以适当省略。作文中并不都是长难句取胜,只要内容和质量高,简单句也是亮点!2018.11.25作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧The way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing simpact stems from a broad

20、 range of factors beyond conventional paid media. 如今消费者做出购买决定的过程表明:市场营销的影响(效果) 源自于除了传统付费媒体之外的很多因素。stems from a broad range of factors 源自于很多因素结合之前告诉大家的素材“The widespread availability of sth”“的普及”。The widespread availability of smartphone stems from a broad range of factors (beyonds)手机(或者其他东西)的普及源源自于(除

21、了)很多因素,大家要学会多种作文素材的结合使用2018.11.26作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧可不只是阅读文章中的句子质量高,其实命题人的出题质量也很高,拿个选项出来里面的内容也可以用来写作。比如2014年T4第38题中的C选项,the application of emerging technologies 。emerging 新兴的。比如写到共享经济等内容,可以写道这是由新技术产生的。 The application of emerging technologies brings Chinas craze for bike-sharing。新兴技术的应用带来了中国共享单车的

22、热潮。2018.11.27作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧并不简单For the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, butalso with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th c

23、entury. 出于对于艺术爱好者的时间、精力和金钱角度的考量,古典音乐演奏家们不仅要和歌剧院、舞蹈团、剧团和博物馆竞争,而且还得与那些20世纪伟大的古典音乐大师的作品唱片进行竞争。很多事情的出发点都可以出自时间、精力、金钱角度的考量,那我们我们在作文中就可以把这句话用上。For the time, attention, and money of sports enthusiast,the gymnasium must compete not only with the computer games, but also with the free community equipment. .

24、出于对健身爱好者的时间、精力、金钱角度的考量,健身馆不仅要和电脑游戏竞争,还要和社区器材的免费器材竞争。2018.11.28作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧有同学私信舅舅说基础差,想不到如何去改写作文素材,那么舅舅再简化一步,替换素材中的最简单的成分,删掉没必要的成分!举个例子:The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that

25、 passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. 同样剧烈的技术变革在给营销人员提供更多交流选择的同时,也带来了更高的风险,因为充满激情的消费者会以更快、更明显且更具破坏力的方式来发表他们的观点。删改之后变成:The dramatic technological changes that have provided companies with more and more diverse choices have also increase

26、d the risk that passionate consumers will make a decision in quicker, more visible ways. 同样剧烈的技术变革在给各大公司提供更多选择的同时,也带来了更高的风险,因为充满激情的消费者会以更快、更明显的方式来做出他们的决定。2018.11.29作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧Its no surprise that JenniferSeniorsinsightful,provocative magazine coverstory, “I Love My Children, I Hate My Lif

27、e”, is arousing much chatternothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Jennifer Senior 在一片具有煽动意味的杂志封面故事中表达了她的深刻见解, 我爱我的孩子们,我讨厌我的生活引发了人们的热烈讨论,这并不奇怪养儿育女不完全是自我实现的过程。水平高的同学可以替换句子中的人名、文章名、具体观点。基础一般的同学请至少记住is

28、 anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. 不完全是自我实现的过程以及anything more than 不仅仅是,超过,多于anything less than 绝非,低于,少于2018.11.30作文素材又来了!每天中午12点来打卡学一下吧Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones. 虽然有大量证据表明教师的质量是最重要的因素, 然而教师工会仍然反对去晋升表现优异的教师, 开除那些教学质量差的教师。举例之前的观点可以使用 There is plenty of evidence that (is the most important variable)plenty of 大量的 variable n.可变因素,变量;adj.变化的

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