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1、必备词组英语词汇解密第十三讲 词组必备词组,也叫短语,是两个或更多词的组合,如“ keen on, in confidence, catch up with, at large, have an access to”等。词组在结构上都是约定俗成的,绝不能以个人意志去臆断。既然词组在结构上具有固定性,构成它们的词以及词序的排列都是不能变动的。固定词组在意义上具有整体性,组成固定词组的各词往往不能再作字面上的个别解释。 现在我把英语固定词组以句型的形式进行剖析和归类。多记词组对英语阅读、英汉翻译和完形填空大有裨益。1. BE+介词+名词/代词1) The book is absolutely ab

2、ove me. 这本书我根本看不懂。2) What are you after in life? 你的人生追求是什么?3) Are you for or against the idea? 这个主意你是赞同还是反对? 2. BE+形容词+介词+名词/代词1) Im afraid of snakes. 我害怕蛇。2) He is not aware of the danger he is in. 他没有意识到自己所处的危险。3) My mother is fond of classic music. 我妈喜欢古典音乐。3. 动词+名词+介词+名词/代词1) Pay attention to yo

3、ur spelling please. 请注意你的拼写。2) Did you take part in the sports meet last week? 你参加上周的运动会了吗?3) Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting. 梵高对当代绘画的发展影响巨大。4. 动词+介词+名词/代词1) I am old enough to look after myself now. 我长大了能够照顾自己了。2) How much did you take in at yesterdays lecture?

4、 昨天的讲座你听懂了多少? 3)He is working on another novel now. 他正在写另一本书。 5. 动词+副词+名词1) Turn off the lights. 把灯关掉。2) Put on more clothes. 多穿点衣服。 3) She refused to take off her spectacles. 她不愿取下眼镜。动词+副词+名词结构还可以转换为动词+名词+副词结构。1) Turn the lights off. 把灯关掉。2) Put more clothes on. 多穿点衣服。 3) She refused to take her sp

5、ectacles off. 她不愿取下眼镜。注意: 在此结构中,如果名词是代词时,代词必须放在动词和功能词的中间,即动词+代词+副词结构,否则,就是错误的。Turn off it/them. () Turn it/them off. ()Put on it/them. () Put it/them on. () She refused to take off it/them. () She refused to take it/them off. ()6. 动词+副词1) Her husband fools around all day. 她丈夫整天游手好闲。2) On Saturdays w

6、e usually hang about in the park. 周六我们经常在公园玩。3) We were just messing around playing with paint. 我们只是拿油漆闹着玩。7. 动词+副词+介词+名词/代词1) Start now and Ill catch up with you soon. 你先跑,过会儿我能追上你。2) Lets get down to business. 咱们开始干活吧。3) He is a man we all look up to. 他是一位我们敬仰的人。真 知 出 实 践1. BE+介词+名词/代词above board光

7、明正大above reproach无可指责above suspicion无需怀疑after fashion追求时尚after hours下班后among other thing别的不说around the clock昼夜不停as a matter of fact 事实上as a result结果是as a rule一般来说as yet到现在为止at a blow一下子;一举at a loss不知所措at a time依次;逐一at all costs不惜任何代价at all events无论如何at an end结束;终止at anchor抛锚at any cost无论如何at any rat

8、e无论如何;至少at cost按原价at dawn黎明时at dusk黄昏时刻at ease自由自在at fault有责任at first sight一看到就at full speed以高速度at hand在手边at heart内心里at home在家;在国内at intervals间隙;不时at large整个;逍遥法外at length最终at liberty不受限制at no time绝不at noon在中午at once立刻;马上at one blow一下子;一举at one stroke一举at one time一度;从前at ones best最佳时期at ones conveni

9、ence方便时at ones disposal处理;处置at ones mercy宽容;怜悯at ones service服务于at ones summons召之即来at ones wits end黔驴技穷at peace处于和平状态at present目前;现在at random任意地at rest静止at risk有危险at school在上学at sixes and sevens乱七八糟at stake危如累卵at sunrise日出时at sunset日落时at the earliest最早at the latest最晚at the mercy of任摆布at the moment此刻

10、;现在at the same time同时at times有时at will任意;随意at work在工作before hand事先behind schedule推迟;延误behind the bars坐牢behind time迟;晚beyond control无法控制beyond controversy 无疑的beyond description无法形容beyond dispute毫无疑问beyond doubt不容怀疑beyond reproach无可指责beyond words难用语言表达by accident偶然地by air(加交通工具)乘飞机by all means当然可以by c

11、hance偶然地;意外地by coincidence巧合by comparison相比之下by contract按合同by contrast对照之下by degrees逐渐地by ear凭听力by express快速地by far更;尤其by force靠武力by good luck侥幸地by half 只一半by hand手工的by heart凭记性by hook or crook不择手段by leaps and bounds突飞猛进by mistake错误地by name凭名字by nature天生地by no means绝不;根本不by oneself单独;独立by post邮寄by p

12、rofession就职业来说by retail以零售形式by right公正地by rote机械地by rule of thumb凭经验by rule循规蹈矩地by sea由海路by surprise出其不意by the meter论米卖by the moment到那时候by the way顺便地by the yard论尺卖by trade就职业而言by turns轮流地by way of途径by wholesale以批发形式by word of mouth口耳相传for all that尽管如此for example例如for good measure额外的量for instance比如fo

13、r keeps永远地for the better好转for the moment暂时;目前for the most part多半for the present目前;现在for the worse恶化;更坏in a daze恍惚;眼花缭乱in a fever狂热in a fog困惑不解;如坠云雾in a good humor心情好in a hurry迅速in a pinch必要时in a rage一怒之下in a sense某种意义上in a way在某种程度上in a word总而言之in addition另外in an extreme极度地in any case无论如何in any even

14、t在任何情况下in black and white白纸黑字in bloom正在开花(花卉)in blossom正在开花(果树)in brief简而言之in broad daylight公开地in business做买卖in case假使in charge主管in chorus 一齐;一致in common共有in comparison相比之下in conclusion综上所述in confidence秘密地in confusion混乱状态in consequence结果in contrast相比之下in control控制之下in crop种庄稼in danger有危险in debt 欠债in

15、 deed事实上in demand需求in depth深入地in despair绝望in detail详细地in dilemma进退两难in disguise伪装;化妆in disorder混乱;紊乱in disrepute有争议in doubt有疑问in due course到一定的时间in due time及时地in earnest 认真地;诚挚地in effect有效;事实上in essence本质上;其实in every respect在各方面in fact实际上in faith确实;的确in fashion流行in fear胆怯;害怕in force 生效的in fun开玩笑地in

16、future今后in general一般而言in good condition情况良好in good condition情况良好in good faith诚意地in good health身体健康in good mood心情好in good order有条不紊in good repair修理完善in good spirits精神好in half成两半in hand掌控中in haste急忙地in heaps成堆in high feather兴高采烈in high spirits兴高采烈in hospital住院in kind性质上in labor临产in length长度in luck运气好i

17、n miniature缩影in mourning披麻戴孝in need在困难中in no case无论如何不in no time马上;立即in no way决不in office执政in ones honor以名誉 in operation运转着;生效in opposition在野in order按次序的in other words换言之in pain痛苦in part部分地in particular尤其;特别in pause停止;踌躇;沉默in person亲自;亲身in place适当的in poor health 身体坏in poor mood心情坏in power当权;在朝的in pr

18、actice实践中in principle原则上in print已出版in progress进行中in public大庭广众前in question正谈论的in reality事实上in return作为回报in rows成排;成行in ruins废墟一片in safety处于安全状态in school在求学in secret偷偷地;暗地里in sequence顺次in shape身体健康in sight被看到in stock有现货in sum总而言之;大体上in surprise惊奇地in tears泪流满面in the air悬而未决in the bargain外加;另外in the bu

19、d未成熟in the dark不为人知in the distance在远处in the first place首先in the future今后;将来in the least(not) 丝毫不in the limelight引人注目in the long run从长远来看in the main主要in the open在野外in the pipeline在酝酿中in the right站在正义一边in the same boat处境相同in the short run短期内in the short term就眼前来说in the way造成不便in the wind正在进行in the wro

20、ng负有责任in theory理论上in time及时in total总计in touch在的附近in trouble处于麻烦中in truth真实地in turn轮流in use在使用中in vain徒劳无益in view of由于;鉴于in vogue在流行in whispers低声细语in white穿(颜色)白衣服in width宽度of a kind同一类的of course当然of great help 有帮助of importance具有重要意义of necessity不可避免的of no account不重要of the same age同一年龄of the same colo

21、r同一颜色of the same height同一身高of the same size同一尺码of value有价值off campus校园外off course偏离航线off duty不值班off guard不站岗off hand毫无准备off ones head发疯;发狂off the job下班off work没上班on basis以为基础on a large scale大规模地on average平均on board在船(火车,飞机汽车)上on business因公出差on campus在校内on display展出;陈列on duty执勤on earth究竟on edge烦躁on f

22、ire 着火on foot步行on good authority证据确凿on guard站岗on hand在手边on hire雇用;出租on holiday在度假on leave 休假on occasion有时;间或on parade在游行on pins and needles坐立不安on principle依原则on purpose故意地on record有记载的on sale出售;贱卖on schedule按时间表on second thoughts 再考虑on strike罢工中on the air在广播on the alert警戒on the average平均而言on the bas

23、is of以为基础on the carpet在被考虑中 on the contrary恰恰相反on the decline在衰退on the ebb在退潮on the go活跃on the house由承担费用on the increase不断增加on the job在上班on the level诚实地on the loose散漫;放荡on the market待售;上市on the one hand一方面on the other hand另一方面on the quiet秘密地on the rise在上涨;增长on the run忙碌;奔波on the side兼职;秘密地on the sly

24、秘密地on the spot当场on the square正直;公平on the wane逐渐衰退on the watch 留意on the way在途中on the whole大体上on the wing在飞行中on thorns 如坐针毡on time准时;按时on trial审判;审理on view展览着on vacation在度假on way to在去的途中out of breath喘不过气out of business破产;事业out of control失去控制out of curiosity出于好奇out of danger脱离危险out of date陈旧;过时out of d

25、oors在户外out of expectation大失所望out of fashion不流行out of fear由于恐惧out of hand失去控制out of office在野out of ones mind失去理智out of ones senses失去理智out of order出故障out of patience没有耐心out of pity出于同情out of place不合适out of power无权力out of practice 疏于练习out of print绝版的out of question毫无疑问out of reach达不到out of repair失修;破损o

26、ut of revenge出于报复out of season淡季out of shape变形;走样out of sight看不见out of sorts心情不佳out of step 步调不一致out of stock无现货out of temper发火out of the ordinary非凡的out of the question不可能out of trouble 摆脱困境out of wedlock婚外的out of work失业through with完成to a certain degree某种程度to date至今to ones satisfaction令人满意to ones as

27、tonishment令人惊奇to ones bewilderment令人困惑to ones credit值得说的是to ones disappointment令人失望to ones dismay令人气馁to ones expectation令人期望to ones joy令人高兴to ones regret令人遗憾to ones relief令人宽慰to ones satisfaction令人满意to ones shame令人蒙羞to ones surprise令人吃惊to some degree一定程度上to some extent某种程度上to the contrary相反的to the g

28、ood盈余to the point中肯;扼要to this end达到此目标under a cloud受到怀疑under age未成年under certain circumstances在某种情况下under consideration载考虑中under construction在建造中under control出于控制under discussion在讨论中under examination在检查中under fire受到攻击under investigation在调查中under no circumstances决不under ones breath寄人篱下;仰人鼻息under ones

29、 charge受人委托under ones thumb受人指拨under repair 在修理under sail扬着帆under the care of由管理under the circumstances在这种情况下under the cloak of以为借口under the command of由指挥under the control of受控制under the guidance of在指导下 under the heel of被践踏under the mask of 借之名under the name of以之名under the pretext of以为借口under the rule of在统治下under the table私下买通under the veil of以为托词under the weather身体不舒服under trial在审判under way开始进行up to date到目前为止up to no good做坏事up to sb.取决于with a firm hand 坚决with a will努力地with confidence满怀信心with ease轻而易举with one

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