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1、八年级英语上册unit910复习学案八年级英语上册unit9-10复习学案 初三英语第一轮复习 八年级(上)Unit 9-10I词组1 tt 太以至不能 2beause f 因为 3 ar in 主修,专研4brea the rld rerd fr hiupping 打破打嗝的世界纪录 in a prize 获奖 6hu sngs 哼唱7pla fr nes natinal tea 效力于某国家队 8se diffiult piees f usi 一些难的乐9in the 70ear histr f 在七十年的历史中10成长,长大 gr up 11学习计算机科学 stud puter sien

2、e 12同时at the sae tie 13到处 all ver 14一个交换生an exhange student 1上表演 tae ating lessns 16刻苦认真地学习数学 stud ath reall hard 17搬到有趣的地方 ve sehere intresting 18学会弹奏一种乐器learn t pla an instruent 19找一份当语言老师的工作find a b as a language teaher 20吃更健康的食品eat healthier fd 21更好地与孩子们交流uniate better ith their ids22多锻炼保持健康exer

3、ise re t eep fit 23进行大量的体育锻炼 get lts f exeriseII 句型 : 1 u are never t ung t start ding things你何时开始做事情都不嫌早。造句:2 He started riting usi at the age f fur 他四岁时就开始作曲了。同义句:3It as a ed alled 叫做的一部喜剧 造句:4He spends all his free tie ith his grandsn 业余时间他和他的孙子一起度过 。spend的用法总结及与taepast的用法比较:I sa her pla hen I as

4、 eight 我八岁时就看到她弹了。 6He n the first prize in his grup 同义句:1) 2) 在他的那组中他赢得了第一名。7 He stpped plaing ser beause f his sre ba 他因为背的疼痛就停止打篮球了。同义句:8 She beae the nuber ne ens singles plaer 她成为头号女子单打选手 9hat are u ging t be hen u gr up? 你长大了想做什么?I ging t be an atr 我想当演员。10 H are u ging t d that? 你打算怎样做?I ging

5、 t tae ating lessns 我打算上表演 。11here are u ging t r? I nt sure et 你打算到哪里工作?还不一定。et的用法12 hen I gr up, I ging t d hat I ant t d我长大了,要做自己想做的事情。13 I ging t find a part-tie b fr a ear r t and save se ne 我准备找份兼职工作做一两年存些钱。14 I ant t be rih and bu a big huse fr parents 我想变得富有,给我父母买大房子。III 基础练习:1 He didnt pla

6、fr his natinal tea beause he as ill (同义句)He didnt pla fr his natinal tea_ _his _ 2 hen he as seven, he uld hu se English sngs (同义句)_ _ _f seven , he uld hu se English sngs 3 I sa that he as plaing ftball (同义句)I sa_ _ ftball 4 It t her ten hurs t learn t ride a bile (同义句)She_ten hurs _ t ride a bile

7、She ants t be a puter prgraer(同义句)She _ _ _ _ a puter prgraer6r ang usuall ges t r b bus (同义句) r ang usuall _ a _ _r 7He des his her ever da(否定句)He his her ever da8The students have a shl trip in spring(用next ee改写)The students_ _ _ _a shl trip next ee9 He as brn in Suzhu n ul 2nd,1992 (划线提问) _and_as

8、 he brn ? 10He is ging t r hard at English this ter (划线提问)_ _ he _ _ _ this ter?11He is ging t be an engineer hen he grs up (划线提问)_ is he ging t _ hen he grs up?1 2The are ging t have an English part this evening (划线提问) _ are the ging t _ this evening? 13It taes e half an hur t get t the shp (划线提问)

9、_ _ _ it tae _ t get t the shp? 14The b ased his ther _(let)hi g and pla basetball 1I srr t eep u_(ait)fr a lng tie 16It (tae) hi half an hur (finish) his her esterda17All the peple in the tn are glad _ (hear)that a faus usiian_(give) a nert this Saturda evening18I_(rite) t uas sn as I get t Shangha

10、i19ie (visit) several plaes sine he ae t Beiing20他想主修经营管理He ants t_ _ angeent 21汤姆太激动了以至于不能说出一句话 T as_ _ _ sa a rd 22她想当一名记者是因为他喜欢与人交谈。 Shes ging t be a_beause she _ _ peple 23学校要举行一次艺术展览。The shl is ging t_ _ _ _24我不确定我能拿高分。I nt _if I an_ _ _III 中考链接: 1“H lng did it _u_this piture ?” “ Five ears ”At

11、ae , draing Bspend, draing pa , t dra Dtae, t dra2 There _ a tal sh n TV-4 at nine this evening A ill have Bis ging t be is ging t have D is having3-H as ur da ff?-Prett gd -e_the histr useu A visit B visited are visiting D ill visit4The bx is s heav that I ant arr it (同义句)The bx is _ heav_e_arr it

12、He began t learn the ardin at the age f (划线提问)_ _ he _ t learn the ardin ?6在他业余时间,他总是喋喋不休。He ften never _ _ in his free tie 7fl, l, understand, stud, beIn 1974 a businessan and pilt, enneth Arnld, _near unt Rainier, ashingtn hen he sa nie shin, rund bets fling thrugh the air He tld a nespaper reprte

13、r that the_lie “pie plates sipping(跳) ver ater” The reprter used the rds “fling sauer”in his str and tda it_a ppular nae fr UFs N in different untries, an peple_the UFsSe peple ae istaes hen the sa the have seen UFs But peple still ant_UFs learl It a tae an ears t find a lear anser 初三英语第一轮复习八(上)Unit

14、 1-2一、词组1 h ften 多久一次 2 as fr sth/ding sth 至于,关于 3 f urse=ertainl=sure 当然 4 l after=tae are f=are fr照顾 hardl ever 很少 6 surf the Internet 网上冲浪 7 the results f the student ativit surve 学生活动调查结果 8 be gd fr health 对我的健康有益 9 her eating habits 她的饮食习惯 10 ant us t eat un fd 想让我吃垃圾食品 11 exerise tie a ee 一周锻炼两次 12 g satebarding 去滑板 13 e he fr shl 放学回家 14 tr t eat a lt f vegetables 尽量多吃蔬菜 1 health lifestle 健康的生活方式 16 eep in gd health=eep health=be in gd health 保持身体健康 17 iprve ur E

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