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1、铝合金门窗制作安装合同中英文铝合金门窗制作安装合同SUBCONTRACT OF ALUMINUM ALLOY DOOR / WINDOW合同编号: Contract No.签署日期:Date of发包方(甲方):Owner(Hereinafterreferred to asparty A)总承包方(乙方):General Contractor(hereinafter referred to as party B)施工分包方(丙方):Subcontractor( hereafter referred to as party C )鉴于:甲方与乙方于日签订建设工程施工总承包合同,由乙方承担完成工程

2、建设,其中包括铝合金门窗项目;鉴于:丙方系铝合金门窗制作与安装的专业公司,经乙方推荐和甲方同意,对乙方总承包项目中的铝合金门窗的制作与安装工程分项目进行分包施工;甲乙丙三方依照中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法及其他有关法律、法规和招标文件的要求,并结合建设工程施工合同和本工程的具体情况,在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,就铝合金门窗制作和安装施工事项协商一致,达成协议如下:WHEREAS party A and party B concluded and made into this EPC Contract of Engineering Construction on the

3、date of, by which party B will undertake the engineering construction including aluminum alloy window and door project;WHEREAS party C, which is the professional company onmanufacturing and installation of aluminum alloy door / window, through party Bs recommendation and party As consent, will carry

4、 out the sub- item of manufacturing and installation of aluminum alloy door / window,which is the partial item of party Bs EPC project.NOW THEREFORE parties hereto have, in accordance with LAW OF CONTRACT, LAW OF CONSTRUCTION and other concerned laws, regulations and bidding documents, and combined

5、with the particulars of this project, on the basis of equality, voluntary, fairness and honest credit, made the mutual negotiation on the item of manufacturing and installation of aluminum alloy door / window and have agreed as follows:一、项目概况:Overview of Project1、项目名称:Name of Project2、项目地址:Place of

6、Project3、项目规模:建筑面积约80000万MProject Scope: Construction Area:4、现场施工条件:施工用水、用电已接通、土建洞口已具备安装条件。Site Condition for Execution: Supply of water, power have been ready for execution and the opening of door / window of structure have been provided with the conditions of installation.二、本合同施工范围:Construction Sc

7、ope铝合金门窗制作和安装,包括原材料(粉末喷涂铝合金型材、玻璃、五金配件、胶条等)的采购;铝合金门窗的加工制作、运输、现场协调、现场安装、现场配合验收,以及因质量问题引起的维修和更换、技术指导和培训及成品保护等。Manufacture of installation of aluminum alloy door/window, including purchase of raw materials (such as aluminum alloy extrusions with powder spraying, glass, hardware accessories and plastic g

8、asket etc. ), process / manufacture, transportation, site coordination, site installation and site cooperation to acceptance of aluminum alloy door / window, repair / replacement for quality defectives, give technical direction and training in addition to products protection.三施工工期Work Period1、本工程要求工

9、期为日历天(接到甲方通知后10天内进场施工),如果甲方不能向乙方按时提供安装施工场地,工期相应延长。The work period of this project iscalendar days. Party B should enter into the site for execution within ten days upon receipt of party As Notice. Provided that party As failure to provide party B with the working site of installation on time, the co

10、rresponding extension of work period may be available.2、本合同签订后一周内,丙方应根据乙方施工总进度要求制订具体施工进度计划表,提交甲方及监理单位审批后方可实施。Party C should, within one week after signature of this contract, pursuant to the requirement of party Bs General Progress of Construction, formulate particular progress schedule which will b

11、e submitted to party A and supervisor for review and approval before implementation thereof.四各方权利及义务:Rights and Liabilities of PartiesA、甲方的权利及义务Party As Rights and Liabilities(1)合同签订后10个工作日内与丙方确认门窗加工生产图纸,并向丙方进行现场交底。To make conformation of the drawings of door / window manufacture with party C within

12、 ten days following the signature of this contract and make explanation of design / drawings with party C.(2)按合同约定组织工程验收,并按合同约定的期限办理竣工结算。To organize the project acceptance pursuant to contract stipulations and make final settlement within the time limited as contract agreement.(3)按合同的约定及时支付丙方工程款。及时支

13、付乙方总包管理费。To make payment, in time, of project cost to party C and fees of administration management to party B as contract stipulations.2、乙方的权利及义务Party Bs Rights and Liabilities(1)乙方与监理公司、甲方共同负责监督检查工程质量、进度、隐蔽工程的验收,负责协调现场各施工单位之间的协作与配合工作。Party B will undertake the shared responsibility, with the super

14、visor and party A, to make the supervision / inspection on the project quality, progress and the acceptance of hidden works, and be liable for the coordination and cooperation with other constructors on site.(2)乙方向丙方提供施工所需的施工场地和水、电等接驳点,并说明使用注意事项。乙方在甲方及监理单位的组织下及时与丙方办理土建洞口交接工作,提供施工现场水准点、水平线、满足门窗安装要求。P

15、arty B will provide the site for execution and the connecting points of water / power, which are necessary for execution and give the explanation on the notice of use thereof. Take handover of installation opening by earthwork with party C by the organization of party A and supervisor, provide the s

16、ite leveling, horizontal line, meet the requirements of door / window installation.3、丙方的权利及义务Party Cs Rights and Liabilities(1)编制详细的施工组织设计和配合计划,报监理单位、乙方、甲方现场工程管理部进行审核,按上述单位及部门的要求进场施工,并提前组织好半成品的采购、运输、保护等工作。Make preparation of detail design of execution organization and cooperation plan, which will be

17、 submitted to the supervisor, party B and party As project administrative department on site for exam and approval, conduct the site execution subject to the requirements by the parties proceeding said, and carry out in advance the works of purchase, transportation and protection of the semi-finishe

18、d products, and so on.(2)丙方在签订合同后需进行铝合金门窗施工图专业设计,经审核同意后方可进行施工。严格按审批后的加工图纸进行施工,确保工程质量和合同工期。The professional design of aluminum alloy door / window will be conducted by party C following the signature of this contract, which can not be used for execution until and unless the exam / approval. Party C s

19、hould conduct execution in strictly accordance in the drawings of manufacture with approval so as to ensure project quality and work period as stipulation hereof.(3)施工工艺流程应当明确;施工技术措施得当;进度计划安排合理、可靠、配合措施周全,按时、按质、按量完成全部工程。Process flow of execution should be clear and explicit; construction technology s

20、hould be proper; progress plan will be reasonable and reliable; with full set of comprehensive measures and accomplishment of all projects in time, meet the requirements of quality and quantity.(4)参加工程竣工验收,竣工验收合格后,应及时向甲方办理竣工资料的移交,编制工程结算。Take part in the final acceptance and should conduct the transf

21、erence of completion materials to party A in time following acceptance of completion in addition to the preparation of project settlement.(5)丙方为一切进入本合同工程施工现场的管理人员、施工人员办理意外伤害保险。Party C should liable for conducting the insurance of accident injury for all persons who enter into the construction site i

22、ncluding the administrator and worker.三、质量与验收Quality and Acceptance1、门窗在设计、制造、运输、安装等过程中应符合现行国家标准。丙方应按施工技术规范和质量验收规范施工。每月甲方组织由监理公司参加的月度综合检查质量评定,必须达到国家规定的合格标准且达到合同要求。The design, manufacture, transportation and installation of door / window should conform to the existing States norms. Party C should mak

23、e execution in accordance with the technical specifications and quality acceptance norms. The monthly quality assessment which is organized by party A with the participation of supervisor should reach State standard and the requirement hereof.2、铝合金门窗安装施工前应编制详细的施工组织设计和进度方案,并经甲方、监理单位批准。丙方在施工前必须现场复核门窗洞

24、口尺寸,铝合金门窗加工大样图纸必须经过甲方确认。Detail design of execution organization and schedule program should be prepared for approval by party A and supervisor before installation of aluminum alloy door / window. Party C should before execution review and recheck the size of door / windows opening on site and the sa

25、mple drawings should be subject to party As confirmation.3、甲方有权对进场的铝合金门窗进行现场随机抽检,若抽检结果不合格,则认定该批次门窗不合格,由丙方承担检测费用及由此造成的全部责任和损失。Party A is entitle to make the on- site inspection of random sampling of aluminum alloy door / window, if sampling unqualified, the batch door / window will be deemed as the l

26、ack of conformity, for which party C should undertake all liabilities and losses arising therefrom.4、关于铝合金门窗制作、安装工程验收。丙方完成合同约定的工作内容并自检合格,可向甲方申请工程验收。甲方按国家和行业现行规范标准、地方规定、工程验收程序组织验收。In the respect of manufacture of door / window and acceptance of installation, party C make completion of the works as se

27、t in contract and self-inspection to be acceptable before submitting the application of acceptance to party A which will organize the acceptance subject to the existing norms / standards by State and industry, local regulations and the procedure of engineering acceptance.四、合同价款Contract Payment1、本合同采

28、用固定综合单价合同。The cost of this contract is subject to the fixed comprehensive unit price.2、铝合金门窗合同综合单价约定如下:(附详细的门窗规格面积一览表)The comprehensive unit price is agreed as following, attached with List of Detail areas of Door / Window.3、本合同的工程款总价暂定为人民币。投标综合单价为本次招标的各类型铝合金门窗从供货、安装至验收合格交付使用及维保的一揽子报价,其中包括了原材料的采购、加工

29、制作、运输、现场安装、技术指导和培训、成品保护、投标人的利润、税金以及原材料涨价等合同明示或暗示的所有一切费用。以上综合单价不论工程量增减,固定单价不变,工程量按实际计算。Provisional price hereof isRMB. The comprehensive unit price in bidding is the package quotation of aluminum door / window of various kinds in this bidding including from goods supply, transportation, acceptance to

30、 delivery for use and maintenance, which is inclusive of all costs and expenses, expressed or implied herein, concerned purchase of raw-material, manufacture, transportation, installation on-site, technical direction / training, products protection, bidders profits, taxes and the price arising of ra

31、w-material and so on. No alteration of the fixed price will be taken regardless of addition or subtraction of works quantity which will be calculation on actual construction.4、丙方向乙方支付合同总价款3%作为总包配合费(水、电、脚手架、塔吊、垂直运输费等其他相关费用)。The 3% payment of total cost on contract, which paid by party C to party B, shall be deemed as the fees of general contracting cooperation including the expenses for water, power, scaffolding, crane, vertical transportation and so on.五、合同价款的支付方式Payment of Contract Cost工程竣工验收全部合格,竣工资料交付齐全、正确、有效、手续完备,结算完成并经甲方、丙方确认结算总价款后30日内付至结算总价款的95%。剩余5%作为质量保证金自工程竣

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