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最新 中考英语完形填空英语期末复习1.docx

1、最新 中考英语完形填空英语期末复习1最新 中考英语完形填空英语期末复习1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Have you ever been to Thailand? For thousands of tourists from China, this small country in Southeast Asia is an excellent place to 1 . Bangkok (曼谷) is the 2 of Thailand. There are many temples (寺庙) in Ban

2、gkok. You can 3 some monks (僧侣) walking along the streets. The 4 time to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th, because it is the time of 5 . People sing, dance and go on the streets to 6 water at each other. The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck. On the

3、one hand, beaches and sunshine are a lot of travelers choices. In this country, there are many hotels facing the sea, so you can have fun on the beach or 7 in the sea. On the other hand, Thailand is a good place to try 8 food. You can eat seafood at any restaurant or buy some tropical (热带的) fruit su

4、ch as mangoes and durians (榴莲) at 9 prices. If you go to Thailand, you wont forget to 10 an elephant. The elephant is a symbol of Thailand. Its believed that Thailand is one of the most fascinating travel places.1. A. take a holidayB. take the busC. take risks2. A. worldB. countrysideC. capital3. A.

5、 hearB. seeC. listen4. A. mostB. worstC. best5. A. the Water FestivalB. ChristmasC. Thanksgiving6. A. lookB. throwC. arrive7. A. swimB. walkC. lose8. A. terribleB. sourC. delicious9. A. cheap B expensiveB. low10. A. hitB. rideC. drive【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】短

6、文大意:这篇短文介绍了去泰国旅行的最后的时间和要参观的地点和要做的事情。 (1)A. 考查动词短语。句意:这个东南亚小国是度假的好地方。take a holiday度假;take the bus坐公交;take risks冒险。根据For thousands of tourists from China,成千上万的来此中国游客,可知是来度假。故选A。 (2)考查名词。句意:曼谷是泰国的首都。world世界;countryside乡下;capital首都。根据常识可知曼谷是泰国的首都。故选C。 (3)考查动词。句意:你可以看到一些僧侣在大街上走。hear听到;see看;listen听。根据wal

7、king along the streets. 在大街上散步应该是看见,故选B。 (4)考查形容词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是4月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节. most最多;worst最糟;best最好的。根据to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th,可知4月13日至15日是泰国的泼水节,因此应该是去泰国最好的时候,故选C。 (5)考查名词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是四月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节。 the Water Festival泼水节;Christmas圣诞节;Thanksgiving感恩节。根据The local

8、 people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck. 当地人认为可以冲走霉运,带来好运。与水有关的节日应该是泼水节。故选A。 (6)考查动词。句意:人们走在街上,唱歌,跳舞相互泼水。look看;throw抛,扔;arrive到达。根据上文it is the time of the Water Festival. 这是一年的泼水节,可知人们相互泼水。故选B。 (7)考查动词。句意:在这个国家,有许多面朝大海的宾馆,你可以在海滩玩,也可以在海里游泳。swim游泳;walk走;lose失去。根据in the se

9、a在海里,可知是游泳。故选A。 (8)考查形容词。句意:另一方面,泰国还是一个品尝美食的地方。terrible糟糕的;sour酸的;delicious可口的。根据try品尝可知品尝的当然是美食了。故选C。 (9)考查形容词。句意:你可以以较低的价格在任何饭店吃到海鲜或买芒果,榴莲之类的热带水果。cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;low低的。根据prices可知,price的修饰语只能是low或high,at high price,以低价,故选C。 (10)考查动词。句意:如果你到泰国去,不要忘了骑大象。hit击打;ride骑;drive驾驶。根据an elephant可知,是骑大象。

10、故选B。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。 做完形填空题盲目性的重要步骤,对于解析命题中的逻辑推理、上下文及情景语境方面的内容起着决定性作用。每篇文章都有一个主题思想,段与段之间有承上启下、前呼后应的句子,段与段、句与句之间紧密相连从而形成一个有机整体。因此在做完形填空的时候一定要一气呵成去读短文,不要中断思路。 2阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Run for Class President Two months ago, when our class election (选举) started, I decided to run fo

11、r class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was 1 that people would feel bad for me if I lost. I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasnt to make promises to do things I couldnt 2 but to show my class why I wanted to

12、be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was 3 prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong. However, when I gave my speech on Election

13、Day, the response (反应) wasnt what I had 4 . Few people actually listened. When it was my opponents (对手的) turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer. It was obvious who would 5 . For the rest of th

14、e day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through. My 6 was right: I didnt win. The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People 7 about the election and talked to me just as they

15、 did before. I dont regret putting time and energy into the election because Ive learned that things arent always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build 8 since then Ive learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.1. A. boredB. afraidC. excitedD. hopeful2. A. compareB. rememberC. manageD. repeat3. A. fullyB. quicklyC. freshlyD. physically4. A. fearedB. facedC. mentionedD. pictured5. A. insistB. returnC. waitD. win6. A. suggestionB. predictionC. directionD. introduction7. A. forgotB. wroteC. ca

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