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Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.docx

1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister词汇精讲1. both(1) 代词,意为“两者,双方,两人”。例如:Both of the flowers are very beautiful. = The flowers are both very beautiful.这两朵花都很漂亮。(2) 形容词,意为“两者的,双方的”。例如:She wants both dictionaries. 这两本字典她都想要。Both the answers are wrong. 这两个答案都是错的。(3) 副词,意为“两者,两者都是”,常用于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动

2、词之后。 例如:They can both dance. 他们俩都会跳舞。(4) bothand意为“和都,既又”,用于连接两个并列成分,连接并列主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。例如:Both you and your sister like it very much. 你和你姐姐都非常喜欢它。【拓展】(1) 当both用于否定句时,表示“并非两者都”。例如:I dont like both the sweaters. 这两件毛衣,我并不都喜欢。(2) bothand的否定形式为neithernor意为“既不也不”。例如:He can speak neither French nor Engl

3、ish. 他既不会法语也不会英语。2. outgoing与quiet outgoing作形容词,意为“外向的,友好的;擅于交际的”,其比较级为more outgoing。其反义词为quiet,意为“安静的,文静的”,可作定语或表语。例如:They walked to a quiet place. 他们向一个安静的地方走去。You have a cold, so you must keep quiet at home. 你感冒了,所以必须在家静养。He is more outgoing than me. 他比我更外向。【拓展】calm,still,quiet与silent:(1)calm 意为“

4、镇静的;平静的”。指不受干扰时的宁静、平静;指人时表示沉着的、镇定的。(2)still 意为“不动的;静止的”。指物理上的安静状态。(3)quiet意为“安静的;静止的”。指寂静的状态,没有吵闹、骚乱,指人表示娴静、文静。(4)silent意为“沉默的;无言的”。主要指人,指不发出声音或不说话,强调无声的状态。例如:When we face danger, we should keep calm. 面对危险,我们应该保持沉着、冷静。The baby kept still when she was taking photos. 当给这个婴儿拍照时,她一动也不动。Be quiet, everyon

5、e. The teacher is coming. 同学们,安静!老师来了。We shouldnt keep silent when the teacher asks us some questions.当老师问我们问题时,我们不应该保持沉默。【注意】quiet意为“安静的”,quite意为“相当”。3. winwin作动词,意为“赢得;打败;战胜”,其现在分词要双写n,为winning;过去式和过去分词均为won。例如:He won a prize last week. 他上周得奖了。They won the basketball match yesterday. 他们昨天赢得了那场篮球比赛

6、。He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了。【拓展】win与beat:(1) win强调赢得“比赛、游戏、战争”,获得“名次、奖品”。例如:win a prize得奖win a game赢得比赛win a honor赢得荣誉 win a battle 赢得战斗win a match赢得比赛 win a scholarship赢得奖学金(2) beat强调“打败,战胜”,其后只能接比赛、竞争的对手,即beat只能接表示人的词语作宾语。例如:beat a team 战胜/打败一队(组)beat a nation战争/打败一个

7、国家beat an opponent战胜/打败一个对手4. heavy 与thinheavy和thin是一组意义相反的形容词,都可用来描述人的体型。heavy意为“胖的,笨重的”,比较级形式为heavier;thin意为“瘦的”,其比较级形式为thinner。例如:He is very heavy, but his brother is thin. 他很胖,可他的哥哥却瘦。【拓展】heavy还可意为“重的;剧烈的;大的”等。例如:heavy rain/snow/smoke大雨/大雪/浓烟heavy smoker/drinker/eater烟瘾/酒瘾/食量大的人have a heavy cold

8、患重感冒heavy(busy) traffic 交通拥挤5. care aboutcare about意为“关心,在意”。例如:She does not care about her husband at all. 她根本不关心她的丈夫。Dont you care about this countrys future? 难道你不为国家前途担忧吗? I dont care about money. 我不看重钱。【拓展】care for意为“照顾,照料;想要;喜欢”。例如:Would you care for some more tea? 想再喝点茶吗?The mother cared for t

9、he sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子。I dont care for riding on a bike very much; Id rather go on foot. 我不太喜欢骑自行车, 宁愿步行。6. seriousserious作形容词,意为“严肃的、认真的、严重的、危险的”。比较级为more serious。常用搭配为:be serious about意为“对认真”。例如:How serious the matter is! 问题是多么严重啊!I stopped laughing when I realized he was seriou

10、s about it.当我意识到他不是开玩笑时,我就不再笑了。7. touch(1)touch作动词,意为“感动;触摸”。例如:Dont touch the paint until its dry. 油漆未干,切勿触摸。His sad story touched our hearts. 他的悲惨的故事深深打动了我们的心。The peak seems to touch the sky. 山峰似乎已触及天空。(2)touch作名词,意为“接触;联系”。例如:The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。They keep close touch wi

11、th me. 他们和我保持密切联系。8. reach(1)reach作动词,意为“伸手;到达;抵达;取得联系”。例如:He reached into his pocket to get his car keys. 他把手伸进口袋里拿车钥匙。We reached the nearest railway station last night. 我们昨天晚上到达最近的火车站。The garden reaches the lake. 花园一直延伸到湖边。We tried to reach them by phone. 我们试着用电话跟他们联络。(2)reach作名词,意为“范围”。例如:The boo

12、k is out of my reach. 那本书我够不到。词汇精练I. 汉译英。1. 相反的观点_ 2. 跑得快 _3. 跳得高 _ 4. 工作努力 _5. 擅长 _ 6. 赢得比赛 _7. 使显现 _ 8. 两者都_9. 玩得开心_10. 关心,在意_答案与解析 1. opposite views/opinions 2. run fast 3. jump high 4. work hard 5. be good at/be talented in/do well in6. win the match 7. bring out8. bothand 9. have fun/have a goo

13、d time/enjoy oneself 10. care about II. 根据首字母填空。1. He doesnt do well in math, a_ he is good at English and Chinese.2. Most of them have strong i_ in learning English well.3. Jane isnt very o_. She likes to stay at home and do some reading.4. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li. Liu Li is q_ than Liu Ying.5. B_ of the twins are funny. 答案与解析 1. although 2. interest 3. outgoing 4. quieter 5. Both III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She is a little _(heavy) than her sister.2. This book is _(interest) and I like it very much.3. He is not funny, and he is always very _(serious).4. Is Jack

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