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推荐学习高中英语 模块10 Unit 3 备课导学案6课时牛津版选修10.docx

1、推荐学习高中英语 模块10 Unit 3 备课导学案6课时牛津版选修10M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves 学生版Periods 1-2 New wordsLearning aims(学习目标):1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.2. Get students to master some important words. Important points(学习重点): To master the usages of some important words.Learning proce

2、dures(学习过程):Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit3. (方法引导:按音标正确读、背单词和短语) Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列单词和词组的用法)cure , subscribe to ,chock ,promote , scold , addictive, in some case , session1.cure;n. 药方; 药 a wonderful cure for cold

3、s_v. 治愈, 治疗 cure sb. of sth父母试图改掉孩子的恶习。 _医生治好了她的癌症。 _2. subcribe to: (1)同意,赞成Not many people subscribe to the idea that money brings happiness._我们坚定认为我们的新产品不久将有很大的市场._(2预订, 订阅, 订购 我订阅中国日报已经有好几年了。_(3)捐款 subscribe liberally to the relief fund. _ 3. choke: verb 哽咽,咽住,卡住She choked to death on a fish bon

4、e._Children can choke on peanuts. _ choke sth. back 抑制住、忍住(愤怒、悲伤) choke up 哽咽、噎住、因感情激动而说不出话 choke down 用力咽下、按捺住 choke off 抑制、使停止、阻止Ex:Hearing her mean words, I stood there trembling and tying to _ tears. A. choke out B. choke on C. choke back D. choke up4. addictive adj. 上瘾的v. n. 沉溺于, 醉心于_ _ ones ad

5、diction to golf some cases: 在某些情况下case常用短语:in case (that) _ in case of_ in that case _in some cases _ in no case _in any case _as is often the case_Ex:1)_ fire, all exits must be kept clear. ( 天津2007)A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of2) Leave your key with a neighbor _ y

6、ou lock yourself out one day. (2007北京)A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case6. promote: vn. _ adj._ (1) 提升;擢升(常与to连用)我们的老师已被提升为校长了。_(2)促销,推销;促进,推进 促进对外贸易_ 促销新产品_用promote及其相关词的适当形式填空1. It has long been known that regular exercise _ good health.2. There was a _ in the supermarket and they w

7、ere giving away free glasses of milk.3. How can you expect to be _ without working hard?4. The author organized a _ tour for the sale of his new book.(Promotespromotionpromotedpromotional)7. swallow (1)吞咽,咽下My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.He put a grape into his mouth and sw

8、allowed it whole.(2)哽咽,压制住 He swallowed hard and said, Dad, Ive got something to tell you.(3)n. C 燕子相关短语: swallow up 吞没;消失在中swallow ones words 收回自己的话 swallow ones pride 放下架子,不顾自己的尊严 说出下列swallow的词义 1. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow._ 2. She swallowed the insult without comme

9、nt._ 3. The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow._4. Though she was really angry, she swallowed her anger and turned to face him._5. There were two swallows nesting above our front door._6. Peter book a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies._(吞下,咽下/忍受/相信/抑制,掩饰/燕子/一口,一次吞

10、咽的量 )8.scold vt/vi scold sb. for sth. _The parents scolded him severely for lying to them._9.session: n. 会议, 一届会议:Where was the first session of the U.N general Assembly held?_ (从事某活动)一段时间: a recording sessionhave quite a session with sb 和某人纠缠了一阵子 in session 在开会,在开庭, 在上课Step3:ConsolidationFinish the

11、 exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 114.Step 4: 当堂检测:一、Word formation 1、bath vt/vi 给洗澡 2、infect 感染 adj 传染性的 3. unprotected 反 保护 n 4. distribution 分布 经销的,分销的 5.tasteless 美味的 v品尝 6.promote 提升 提拔n 7.unnecessary 必要的adv 必要的 必要性 8.addictive 对入迷 上瘾的 n 入迷 9.class 阶级 将分类 经典的 10.physically 身体的 n 物理 11.psyc

12、hologically 心理上的 心理学家 心理学 12.forgetful 易被忘的 令人难忘的 过去式 完成 13.subscribe 描述 开处方 14 eraser v 抹去 15 withdrawal v收回 二根据中文提示或首字母或所给词汇完成单词拼写,注意格式。 1、The garden was b (沐浴) in moonlight . 2、This apple is quite t _ ;it is neither sweet nor sour . 3、Shes so f _ that she has to make a note of everything . 4、Im afraid your sons been I _ (卷入) in an accident . 5、It is l _ (可能) that the train will be late . 6、His _

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