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1、湖北省天门市渔薪高级中学高二英语上学期期中试题湖北省天门市渔薪高级中学2016-2017学年高二英语上学期期中试题第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Drinking more water.B. Going inside the room.C. Going for a cup of

2、coffee.2. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a hotel. B. In a concert hall. C. In a classroom. 3. What will the speakers probably take place? A. Work. B. Go for a trip. C. Meet their neighbors. 4. What does the woman mean? A. All the TV sets are sold out. B. People are selling th

3、eir TV sets. C. All the TV sets are sold at a low price. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and secretary. B. Coach and athlete. C. Doctor and patient.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完

4、后,各小题将给出5秒种的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。 6. Where does this talk probably take place? A. In the street. B. At a shoe shop. C. On the bus. 7. Why does the woman think of buying Tom a pair of iron shoes. A. Tom likes iron shoes. B. Toms shoes were easily worn out. C. Tom asked the woman to buy him

5、a pair of iron shoes. 听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。 8. Why does the woman use right hand? A. She was born right-handed. B. Her mother wanted her to be the same as other people. C. Her father didnt allow her to use left hand. 9. What do we know about the man? A. He often lends his car to others. B. He drives with

6、his left hand. C. His friends often give him a ride.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is Mr Garson doing when Mr Prince calls him? A. Attending a meeting. B. Having a talk with his customer. C. Having lunch with his friends. 11. Whats Mr Princes telephone number? A. 68624127 B.68262714 C. 68261427 12. When

7、 can Mr Garson ring Mr Prince? A. In the morning. B. After lunch. C. In the evening.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What did the woman do? A. A teacher. B. A reporter. C. An editor. 14. Why did the woman change her job? A. She didnt get a high salary. B. She wanted to work in her husbands company. C. Her work

8、place was too far from her new house. 15. What does the man want to put in the newspaper? A. A house-seeking advertisement. B. A house-selling advertisement. C. A house-renting advertisement. 16 .Where is the man moving? A. England. B. America. C. Finland. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What was Miss Richar

9、ds? A. A PE teacher. B. A music teacher. C. A chemistry teacher. 18. What question did Miss Richards ask her students? A. What is water? B. What colour is water? C. Where did you wash your hands? 19. How did Miss Richards feel before Dick answered her question? A. Disappointed. B. Angry. C. Excited.

10、 20.What can we learn from the passage? A. Dick was a top student in class. B. The students were active in class. C. Miss Richards was rather patient. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分.)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分。) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A ,B ,C ,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A When you choose to send one of our free E-cards, you save paper an

11、d give friends and family the opportunity to enjoy the wonder of nature.Celebrate the beauty of our natural world and send an E-card to friends and family who care about protecting our planet. Feel free to set your E-card to arrive on any day you please.Looking for something to do besides sending an

12、 E-card?Check out our Everyday Environmentalist page with eco-tips on how to live greener, and become an e-member of our free global online community or calculate your carbon footprint. You can even upload your photos to our site and your photo may be featured in an E-card next year!21For what purpo

13、se is the passage written?A. Offering free E-cards to call on planet protection.B. Celebrating the beauty of our natural world.C. Introducing various cheap and wonderful E-cards.D. Advertising the E-cards for some commercial profit.22To your little sister who is an animal lover, youd better send her

14、 _.A. a special occasion E-card B. a habitat E-card C. a seasonal E-card D. a wildlife E-card23For your fathers birthday, youd better choose an E-card from column.A. Seasonal E-card B. Special Occasion E-card C. Habitat E-card D. Best of Nature E-card DB Once upon a time the colors of the world star

15、ted to quarrel.Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority.”Blue interrupted, “You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the

16、water that is the basis of life.”Yellow chuckled(咯咯地笑). “The sun is yellow, as well as the moon and the stars. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile.”Red could bear it no longer. “I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood-lifes blood! I am the color of danger and bravery

17、. I bring fire into the blood. I am the color of passion and love.”Purple stood at his full height. “I am the color of royalty and power. I am the sign of authority (权力) and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey.”Finally Indigo(靛蓝) spoke with determination, “Think of me and I am th

18、e color of silence. I represent thought and reflection. You need me for balance and contrast(对比), for prayer and inner peace.”The colors went on boasting(吹嘘), each showing off his or her own advantages. Suddenly there came a flash of bright lightening. Thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour

19、 down. The colors were scared to death.In the midst of the quarrelling, rain began to speak, “You foolish colors. Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me.”Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands

20、.From then on, when it rains, colors will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color. Whenever a rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another. 24Why did the colors quarrel?A. Because they often fought for some reasons. B. Because they were not liked by each other.C. Beca

21、use they all claimed to be the best. D. Because they all wanted to rule other colors.25To show their power, the kings would prefer _.A. yellow B. red C. indigo D. purple26We can know that _.A. the colors lived in peace at last B. rain was the ruler of the colorsC. the colors kept quarrelling all the

22、 time D. thunder was angry with the boasting27The rainbow across the sky reminds us that_ .A. the rain bow is the sign of the rain B. each color is unique and different C. everything should be put in right order D. joining hands makes perfectC When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I c

23、ould leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm, in the winter especially, we wear quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that one big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to m

24、ention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, bu

25、t that can be quite dangerous. Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety

26、of goods is very surprising - and , what is more, shops are often only a short walk away. Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is , when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable.

27、I certainly hope to move back there soon.28What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child ?A. Staying on the farm. B. Leaving home for the city. C. Moving to the countryside. D. Running away from the school.29 Which of the following is true about the writer?A. He lives in the city now

28、. B. He is in good health.C. He prefers driving a car. D. He is very old now.30 In the passage, the writer tries to _.A. persuade the reader to live in the city B. describe his life in the countrysideC. show an interest in the outside world D. express his opinions about way of life 31 How is the pas

29、sage mainly developed?A. By inferring. B. By listing examples. C. By comparing. D. By discussing.DA few years ago, a company called Space Marketing came up with a plan to send a milelong advertisement into space. To advertising agencies, it would have been “a dream come true”. However, advertising s

30、tandards agencies finally decided not to allow Space Marketing to go ahead with their plans and they were forced to give them up.Space may indeed be the final place for advertisers, because on Earth we are already surrounded by advertising wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Apart from the ob

31、vious adverts that we see every day on TV, and in newspapers and magazines, there is a whole other world of advertising messages for our attention. There are ads that we see on the side of the bus we catch to work, for example. And what about the logos (商标) we see on the clothing of the people we wa

32、lk past in the streets?Most of the time, we are probably not even aware of (意识到的) these less obvious advertising methods, but that doesnt mean that they dont work. Take product placement, for example. You are in a cinema, watching the latest Hollywood movie. Look carefully at the make of car your favorite actor is driving. And what about his watch?

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