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本文(国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语2》期末试题标准题库及答案3936号.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、国家开放大学电大专科商务英语2期末试题标准题库及答案3936号最新国家开放大学电大专科商务英语2期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:3936) 考试说明:本人汇总了历年来该科的试题及答案,形成了一个完整的标准考试题库,对考生的复习和考试 起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。内容包含:交际用语、词汇与结构、阅读理解、翻译。做 考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(Ctrl+F),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速 查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核、机考及教学考一体化试题答案,敬请查看。商务英语2题库一一、交际用增(每小JE 2分,共计10分):选择正魂的语句完成下列对话,弁格答案

2、序号写在答霆纸上。! 一 Do we need io (ill in the application form?. How about your friend IJ Yan? Docs she work in the same department with you?A.Shr is fig thank you and you?K She is thnnk you and she1II be happy to see you agnin.(L She 15 fine, thnnk you, and she works in the Auditing DepartmentIn most case

3、s it is the total income rrceivecLA.When do you start to learn Rbout taxable income?B.Why do you want to know taxable income?(:. Whar docs taxable income rrfcr to?h Do you mean that dejjosits and withdrawals are posted to my Account inmirdiately?A. Yest we prtxress cah transactions during the workin

4、g day. Yrs. wr process cgh transactions as soon as they Take place.C.Ycst wc process cash transactions on the second day.5一How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?A. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food. 氏 People should have balanced food to get diffe

5、rent nutrients they needC I agree with you On this pointe and we should pay more to attention to food safetye二选择填空(每小越2分.共计30分)6-20:阅读下面的句于.从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能境入空白处的星佳选项,并将答 案序号富在签18纸上矿6.I know personal selling is nlso n very effective building buyers* confidenceA. (or to B- for wnh7.The profita

6、ble sales volume is the volume of salts thnt actually will buniisessthe most profit.A, earn B getC. take8.Whats the insurance for the shipmentvA. rate B- valueC. ratio9.You should make sure that your password is long enough xo prevent it beingeasily hacked.A. in B. fromC out10.Those enterprises that

7、 only seek profits without awareneAs of protectionare short-sighicd.A. sustainable B. environmenulC. social11.Hix failure not working hard enoughsA. resulted in B benefited fromC. acted anX2. We arc under the to finish the TV commercial before the deadline.A. fire R gC. sea13. Remember we wnnt to cr

8、eate forwnrd looking im叫 as well increase the of owr brnnd.A. nwftrd B. availabilityC. nwarcneMn1 N”w wr nrr ublr lo brownc hopji in the world in uur own home.A. the mot fancy B. (itncie9iC the (nncicfitprrcrntnc15. (xmniimpttnn and invrtrncni# mconwhilr. accounted (or 4. 5 and 1 2points of firttpjA

9、rtrr growth .A rcnpectfully Bk respectively( rchpcrtnblyM dinH B. being floodedC, being winhcA toA compnny can ndvcrtinc in various woy. depending on upend* fur B. how longC. how much!9 our income i. tnx we should pay.A The higher, the more B. Higher, moreC The highest the moRi20.O

10、ur new supply chain by the mm,欧mem.A h9 rcnlly been pushed K Kan really pushedC. did really punh三固读理IW (督小分,共计40分)文内8判断怡出的III句泉否正翰,正瑜的的期“F:并将答案R庄答皿蛾上。Dear Sir or MMiim.Wc hnvc received an order for US $ 3 200000 wurih of goodn (rani Delta Co. Ltd. I25A Kusten Avcnuc New York. I J. S. A your bnnk mm

11、a reference. Could you plranr confirm thnt they have Mjfficient ftindn h cover thh amount nnd thnx they hnvc n relinblr crrdil rating?Wr would be niOMt grnteful for your and nny ndvicr you Rive un will br keptntrictly confidcnTinl.A Htampcd and addrcRncd envelope hxn been included for your rrply Thn

12、nk you in advance.Sincerely ycurs.John Taylor21.John Taylor*5 company hs received US$3.2OQOOO worth of goods from Delta Co. Ltd.22.The letter it written to a reference bnnk23.John Taylor wnntn tu know i( Deltu Co, Lui. i tru-itworthy ns a corporntc pnrtncr.24.The ndvicc that the bnnk rivci* won*t he

13、 kepi in con(idencs25.John TnylorS company hnn paid for the banks reply.2630Bh)读短文,从AJkC三个地项中选出一个正瑞答案,并将答卷序号耳在答皿峨上. Buinm EthicxNowndnyne more and more nttenfion in being paid to MBuninrs Kthics0. But what does it nicMn? Whnt the importance of clhicu in bunincAs?BunincM ethics is not nbout prrMonuli

14、fy though n good pcrfionnlity in vnlunblc. Ethio in the primary element mid prrrn|uisiic for n muccvsmFuI biiMincMA No rnatlrr what you do you should think of businenft as a rnnttcr o( integrity. Nowaday the slip in pihicn nnd the abncnce of social rrsponnibihty rspcciAlly intrgnty have led to a cri

15、nin in buttincs crk)UM|y influvnciriK social dcvclopmcntx)ple know the importance of buntncsn ethicoris on problem% in bgi心n. such fuhling harmful mAtcrinln to produrtfiH It worsens the compAnyf reputation.(: If reduce* peoplefA truhl hetwcvn each other.28 Whui in people1 n nttitudc towards huNincn:

16、* ethics?A. All people pny nttcntioti to buHincHB cthirs.H. Loti ol peoplr know itn tmpartftncr hut omr Mill don11 honor it.C Most people Atinch importance to it and follow ih29 Which of the (ollowmg itemn is NOT mentioned in this passage?A. NowMv thr al)5tfnce of ethics, rspccinlly integrity Iuiji

17、led to n crtnh in buNineMH world.A ManuhcturcS inimornl bchnviurx do littlr hnrm to conjvumcrC Mcdm very importnnt for peoplr to knpw mure about com modi tic a.30. Whit ia the author*b attitude toward immoral behaviors in business?AffirmativeA. Critical.C. Indifferent.四、翱译(每小题4分,共计20分)3135JB:英译汉,从AJ

18、KC三个选项中选出一个爆佳答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。31. In order to succeed in business, the following two principles of marketing should be kept in mind.A.企业若想取得成功必须牢记以下原则“B.为了取得商业成功,两条市场惊则应当被置于脑海中.C.为了在商业上取得成功.以下两条营销原则应该牢记在心.32.But pricing is based on the nt;eds of rnrgct customers and il differs from place to place and

19、 over lime.A.但定价是基于目怀客户需求的.它不同于地点.随着时间的推移B.但定价是基于H标客户需求的.它随移不同的地点和时间而推移C.但定价是基于目标客户需求的并且价格也因地域和时间而有所不同.33.It is important to protect your personal information when banking online.A.在银行上网时要防止你的个人信息泄露这点很重要B.进行网上银行操作时.保护好你的个人信息非常1ft要C.上网之前把银行卡的信息保存好是很重要的.34.Needless to say our cuxlomtrs were very happy

20、 with the quality o( service.A.不必说客户是否满意我们的服务庾量.B.不用说.客户非常满意我们的服务质岐.C.客户是否潜意我们的服务质fit是不用说的.35. It shows that money has been lent or borrowed, invested or passed from one account to anothenA.它表明钱已借出或借入、已投资或从一个帐户转到另一个眼户.R.表明钱巳借人或借出巳花价或从一个帐户转给另一个人.C.它表明钱已被借贷.已投资或从一个联户转到其它喉户.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)1,交际用语(共计10分.

21、每小1B 2分)15题:选择正嘛的谙句完成下列对话.井将答案序号与在答JK纸上。L A 2C3. C 4- B 5. A二词汇与结何(共计30分,每小lg12分)62。题:阅读下面的句于,从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的裹隹选项,并将答 案序号写在答题纸上.6. B 7. A8.A 9. B 10. B11. A 12. B13. C 14.C 15. B16.C 17. Bl&C 19. A 20. A三阅读理解(共计4。分,每小58 4分)2125腰:根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的与”,并将答案写 在答21. F 22. T23. T 24. F 2

22、5. F2630题:阅读短文,从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答案序号写在答腰纸上。26. C 27. A四、痢译(共计20分.每小越4分)28.3 29. B 30. A3135ffi:英译汉,从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。31. C 32-C33. B 34. B 35. A商务英语2题库二-、交际用语(苗小E 2.共计1。分)I -5底:迭择正碑的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答IE纸上。I. - Morning. Daniel. Today Id like to discuss the promotional events of ou

23、r products with ygA. I can1 ( agree with you more on that.ft()ur cutuniers art satisfied with our products.()k 1 think we should draw up a thorough phn2 h tr pnjiiblr to find alternative payment terms for this order?A.Pm alraid nob We insist on n letter of credit*B.N 1 flunk thr price is reasonable.

24、C I van * l be of any help tn this rcspcvt3. Il meemy that the sale、volume has not reached our objective.A- It doen *t really matter.B.It *s trur. I * ni jtnrry about that-C Thank you for your cooperation.1. Now shall wr move on to I he ncxi question?A.I hiink you for your questions on commodity ins

25、pection.11 Sure. Let t/iik a bout the time of shipment and paymen!(. Importers must have the righi to re-inspect goods upon arrival5- rm ftfraid thr goods we received yesterday are short of weight.A Im rtf raid we really couldn * t accept ihaB.Really? You should check it again.C If m *orry to say th

26、e shipment didi/t turn out to be sahxfactory.2,选择填空(每小魄2分,共计30分)6-20R:下面的句孑,从A、B、C三个选顼中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选顼,井将答 案序号写在答题蚯上.6.People arc allowed to their money at ATMs.Z devote 3 depositC demand7.What a ! I didnt expect confidential! I. Plrne transfer the remaining account baluncef after deducting ail bankcharges (if any) to our A/C 7654321.A It iu important to protect your information when bnnkinR online.A. individual B. personalG plenty13.A company can advertise in various wnyyt how

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