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高二英语人教版必修5课时同步练习21 Warming UpPrereadingReadingComprehending.docx

1、高二英语人教版必修5课时同步练习21 Warming Up Prereading Reading ComprehendingWarming Up & Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehendin加油ngI. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空1.n加油 I hope that what I say will _n加油_(澄清) the situation.n加油2. In this resort, you cn加油an enjoy all the comfort an加油nd _(便利) of modern n加油tourism.3. I am not

2、 sure exactly hn加油ow much money you will receive, but in加油t will _ (rough)n加油 cover your major expensn加油e.4. You should not try to _n加油_(完成) two tasks at oncen加油.5. The charming scenery and the hotn加油 spring baths combine to mn加油ake the travelers stay then加油re most _ (enjoy).6. Tn加油he three clocks a

3、re part of tn加油he largest _ (collecn加油t) of musical clocks worldwide and weren加油 made by Western artisans, primn加油arily British.7. It is a pity n加油that the industrial cities n加油built in the nineteenth cenn加油tury dont _(吸引) visiton加油rs.8. It is not wisn加油e, even foolish, to end _n加油_(冲突) with vn加油iol

4、ence. There must ben加油 good ways to solve tn加油he problem.单项填空1.People mn加油ay wonder why different words are used n加油_ these four cn加油ountries:England, Wales, Scotland, andn加油 Northern Ireland.n加油 A. to describe B. ton加油 describing C. describe n加油 D. for describe2. Now when peoplen加油 _ England you fi

5、nd n加油Wales included as weln加油l. A. stick to n加油 B. keep to n加油 C. refer to D. point ton加油3. Finally the English government tn加油ried in the early twentieth n加油century to form the Unitedn加油 Kingdom by getting Ireln加油and _ in the same peaceful wan加油y. A. to connect n加油B. connected Cn加油. connect D. con

6、necting4. Hon加油wever, the southern part of Ireland was n加油unwilling and _ to form its own gn加油overnment. A. broke down Bn加油. broke away C. bn加油roke up D. broke out5. Then加油 zone nearest France is called tn加油he South of England, tn加油he middle zone is called tn加油he Midlands and the one nearest to Scon

7、加油tland is known _ tn加油he North. A. to B. n加油as C. for n加油 D. of6. Although, natin加油onwide, these cities are not as largn加油e as _ in China, tn加油hey have worldfamous football teamn加油s and some of them even havn加油e two! A. it n加油 B. one C. than加油t D. those7. It is a pityn加油 that the industrial citiesn

8、加油 _ in the nineteen加油nth century do not _ visin加油tors. A. building;attack n加油 B. built;attacn加油k C. to build;attractn加油 n加油 D. built;attract8. What geographican加油l factors make _ difficult n加油to invade England successfun加油lly? A. so B. muchn加油 C. that D.n加油 it9. It is _ thatn加油 Arthur gave back the

9、 money he fon加油und. A. greatly to ones credit n加油 B. for his great credit Cn加油. greatly to his credit D. n加油for ones great credit10. _n加油_ , please start the work tomorron加油w. A. If you are convenin加油ent B. If it is convenient n加油for you C. If it is convenien加油nt of you D. If n加油you have convenience

10、11. Mrs. Wn加油ood makes some suggestionsn加油 and points out some itemn加油s he has n加油because of carelessness. A. taken n加油out B. put out C. picked on加油ut D. ln加油eft out12. The girl was lucky enough tn加油o the bad men加油n and ran away. A. bren加油ak away B. break awn加油ay from C. break out n加油 D. break into

11、from. 根据汉语提示n加油用本章节的短语填空,每空一词。1. 你拾金不昧的行为是非常值得表扬的。n加油It is greatly_ _n加油_ _that you gan加油ve back the money you found.2. 现在许多农民想要n加油脱离农村生活到城市里谋生。 Nowadays many fan加油rmers want to _n加油 _ _ rural life and make an加油 living in cities.3. 一年有365天。One yean加油r_ _365 days.n加油4. 这条河在这里被分成两条小溪。Thn加油e river_ _n加

12、油_ _two streams at this pn加油oint.5. 你在这一句中漏掉了最重要的一个词。 Youvn加油e _ _n加油_ the most importann加油t word in this sentencn加油e.6. 我们的幸福就在于为社会做些有价值的事情。Oun加油r happiness_ _doin加油ng something valuablen加油 for society.7. 在制订计划时,他们到图n加油书馆查阅了许多书籍。In drawing up the plan,theyn加油 went to the library to_n加油_ _many books

13、.8. 你别惹我妹妹,不然我n加油要告诉爸爸了。You _my sister _n加油_ or Ill tell my fathern加油.9. 他敲窗户以引起我的注意。He knocked onn加油 the window to_ n加油_ _.10. 一条大河把这n加油个城市的北部和南部隔开了。A large rivern加油 _ the north of thn加油e city _ the son加油uth. 阅读理解A BRITAIN is a popular ton加油urist place. But toun加油rs of the country haven加油 pros and

14、cons.Good news Freen加油 museums. No charge fon加油r outstanding collectionsn加油 of art and antiquities. Pon加油p music. Britain is the only counn加油try to rival (与匹敌) the US on this scorn加油e. Black cabs. London taxin加油 drivers know where they are goin加油ng even if there are nen加油ver enough of them at wn加油ee

15、kends or night. Choicn加油e of food. Visitors can加油n find everything from Ethiopian tn加油o Swedish restaurants. n加油Fashion. Not only do fashion junkn加油ies love deeply and respect highly brn加油and names such as Vivienne Westwood, Alen加油xander Me Queen; street styles are jn加油ustly loved, too.Bad news For

16、servin加油ce. “Its part of the image of the n加油place. People can dine on加油ut on the rudeness they haven加油 experienced,” says Professorn加油 Tony Seaton, of Luton Univen加油rsitys International Tourism Researcn加油h Center. Poor public transporn加油t. Trains and buses are promised to dn加油efeat the keenest tour

17、ists, althon加油ugh the over crowded London tube is inn加油explicably (不可理解的) popular.n加油 Lack of languages. Speaking slowly andn加油 clearly may not get many foreignn加油 visitors very far, even in the ton加油urist traps. Rain. Still inn加油 the number one compn加油laint. No air-conditioning. Son加油 that even spl

18、endidly hot sun加油mmers be come as unben加油arable as the downpours. Overpn加油riced hotels. The only n加油Europe an country with a hign加油her rate of tax on hon加油tel rooms is Denmark. Ln加油inceasing hours. Alcohol (酒) n加油is in short supply after 11 n加油p.m. even in “24-hour cities.”n加油1. What do tourists com

19、plain most? An加油. Poor service. B. Poor public tn加油ransport. C. Overpriced n加油hotels. D. Rain.2. What dn加油o we learn about pop mun加油sic in Britain and the US n加油through this passage? A. Pop music inn加油 Britain is better than that in then加油 US. B. Pop music in Britain加油n is worse than that in the USn

20、加油. C. Pop music in Britain is asn加油 good as that in the US. D. n加油Pop music in Britain is qun加油ite different from that in then加油 US.3. When is alcohol not able n加油to get? A. At 12:00 p.mn加油. B. At 10:00 pn加油.m. C. At 11:00 p.m. n加油 D. At 9:00 p.m.B There is no bettn加油er way to enjoy Scottish tradit

21、ions n加油than going fishing and tasting a ln加油ittle bit of whisky (威士忌) at a quiet n加油place like the Inverlon加油chy Castle. When Queen Victoria vn加油isited the castle in 1873 she wrote n加油in her diary, “I neven加油r saw a lovelier spot.” And shen加油 didnt even go fishing. Scotlan加油nd is not easily defined

22、. In certain mn加油oments, this quiet land of lakes andn加油 grasses and mountains changn加油es before your very eyes. When evn加油ening gently sweeps the hiln加油lside into orange light, tn加油he rivers, teeming with fish,n加油 can turn into streams ofn加油 gold. As you settle dn加油own with just a fishing n加油pole a

23、nd a basket on the ban加油nk of River Orchy, near the Inven加油rlochy Castle, any frustration (烦恼n加油) will float away as gently as tn加油he circling water. Its just you andn加油 purple, pink, white flowers, seekinn加油g a perfect harmony.n加油 If you are a new comer to fishin加油ng, learning the basicsn加油 from a

24、fishing guide may ln加油eave you with a lifetimes fun. For mann加油y, fishing is more than a sport; it in加油s an art. Scotland offers interesting n加油places where you can ren加油st after a long days fishing. Set againn加油st a wild mountain and hidden n加油behind woodland, the bn加油eautiful Inverlochy Can加油stle

25、Hotel below the n加油Nevis is a perfect place to see thn加油e beauty of Scotlands mounn加油tains. Ben Nevis is the highest of n加油all British mountains, and reaching itn加油s 1343-metre top is a chn加油allenge. But its not just wn加油hat goes up that matters; n加油what comes down is unique. n加油More than 900 metres

26、 high, on the n加油mountains north face, lies an alln加油-important source of pure water. Its nn加油ame comes from the Gaelic language “usn加油quebaugh” or “water of lifen加油”; and it is the single mosn加油t important ingredient (原n加油料) in Scotlands best known drink: whin加油sky.4. The story of Quen加油en Victoria

27、 is to show that n加油 . A. the Queen is rich in n加油tour experience B. n加油the Castle is a good placn加油e to go in Scotland C.n加油 tasting whisky is better than goin加油ng fishing D. 1873 is a special yn加油ear for the Queen5. How is Paragran加油ph 2 mainly developed? A. Byn加油 giving descriptions. Bn加油. By fol

28、lowing time order. C. By n加油analyzing causes. D. By n加油making comparisons.6. Whatn加油 is the main purpose of the passage? n加油A. To introduce Scottish n加油traditions to tourists. n加油B. To show the attractionsn加油 of Scotland to readersn加油. C. To explore geographical chan加油racteristics of Scotland. D. To

29、 desn加油cribe the pleasures of lifen加油 in Scotland. 语法填空n加油阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括n加油号内单词的正确形式。 Music is in the comers n加油of everyday life. It is n加油said to be 1 (benefit) to usn加油 both physically and n加油mentally.There are many ways to make n加油music. For example, if you blow n加油into bamboos or shellsn

30、加油, 2 (permit) air to con加油me in, they can produce pln加油easant music. A recenn加油t discovery suggests that music is n加油played much earlier than we think. n加油In 2019, deep in 3 cave in Slovn加油enia occupied 45,000 yn加油ears ago by Neanderthn加油als, a leg bone of a bear win加油th four finger holes wan加油s found, 4 suggested that fln加油utes(笛子)had come into n加油 5 (exist) at that time. Later, manyn加油 other 6 (tradition) mun加油sical instruments likn加油e drums were unearthed. An加油ncient people even n加油7 (seek) a way to make music out of

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