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1、9秋期英语II复习应考指南09秋期英语II(2)复习应考指南(适用于本期学开放英语4的重本学员)巴南电大 罗承芳第一部份课程考核说明一、 复习应考基本要求本学科是由本科各专业均需开设的一门公共必修课,其中央本学员在学完本门课程后需参加今年9月由国家教育部命题的网络教育统考,重本学员则需要在09年7月参加该门课程的终结性考试, 所以本应考指南只适用于本期参加了英语II(2)课程学习的重本学员。本门课程所有与考试相关的要求均由重庆电大制定,复习时请以重庆电大下发的有关资料及重庆电大教案平台上所挂内容为准。1.考核目标本课程的考核目标主要体现在以下两个方面:(1)语言知识语法与功能:学生应能基本掌握

2、并恰当运用所学的基本语法知识和语言功能,具体内容参见开放英语4的“内容概览”。词汇知识:学生应能掌握2,800词左右的常用词汇(包括英II(1)要求掌)握的1,600词)和相关的常用词组,具体词汇参见开放英语4的单元词汇表。(2)语言运用学生应能使用简单的日常生活用语;能够读懂与教材中课文难度相当的一般题材的简短英文材料,理解正确,并能够读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如通知、介绍和广告等;能写简短的应用文,如日记、信函、通知等。2. 考核方式笔试, 闭卷. 考试时间90分钟3. 适用教材考试命题的教材为开放英语4(高等教育出版社)。4. 命题依据本课程的命题依据是开放英语4课程的教案大纲、教材、

3、实施意见。5. 试卷结构考题类型及分数比重为:I.单项选择: (30%)II. 完形填空(20%)III.阅读理解(30%)IV. 写作 (20%)二、复习应考资料及其使用本学科本次考试有下列3种资料,可供学员复习应考用。(一)中央电大电大印制的形成性考核作业册的4次作业本课程使用的是中央电大下发的作业册,期末考试出题的是重庆电大的责任老师,虽然看起来中央电大的作业册的用处不大,但英语作为一门语言,其语法规则是一定的,重庆电大老师出题时,必然也会把中央电大的作业册作为重要的参考资料,所以作业册大家仍然应该认真复习。形成性考核作业老师均作过评讲,请按老师平时所评讲的要求掌握。(二)在线自测题在线

4、自测题的内容由市电大课程责任老师设置,并且给出了相应的解读,这四套自测题既是对平时作业的补充,同时也是对考试内容的补充和强调,请各位学员一定要引起重视。(三) 重庆电大课程责任教师挂出的期末复习题本期重庆电大的课程责任老师给出了期末复习题,考虑到这份复习题对本次考试的针对性很强,所以本校的课程辅导教师将其整理了出来( 见本应考指南第四部分).这套复习题对大家复习应考的参考价值应该是很大的,请大家一定认真用好。三、 复习考试重点辅导根据重庆电大期末复习指导意见,结合我校学员情况,对本期复习应考重点作如下分析辅导。单 元重点掌握Unit 19重点掌握:现在分词的用法、比较结构the

5、e more的用法、连接词语的用法和the+最高级+现在完成时+ever结构Unit 20重点掌握:过去分词的用法、情态动词can和must在被动句中的用法、真实条件句掌握:现在完成时和现在完成进行时Unit 21重点掌握:将来进行时、真实条件句、不定式的完成式用于引述动词的被动形式掌握:表示建议、劝告和指令的情态动词Unit 22重点掌握:不定式的进行时掌握:be going to 表示预测和likely, probably用法;so的用法和将来完成时Unit 23重点掌握:连接词的用法、whom的用法、间接引语和引述动词的用法掌握:与媒体相关的语言Unit 25重点掌握:used to 和

6、be/get used to 用法掌握:与技术相关的词汇、表达因果关系、如何描述技术问题和建议解决办法、进一步学习写电子邮件Unit 26重点掌握:与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句、动名词的用法掌握:与移动鲜花、计算机和电子邮件相关的词汇、生气与烦恼的表达方式Unit 27重点掌握:现在分词与过去分词的用法掌握:与计算机和互联网相关的词汇、如何报告点茶结果、委婉提问的方式Unit 28重点掌握:被动语态、含有情态动词的被动语态和连接词语的用法掌握:描述科技发展的词汇、议论文的结构Unit 29重点掌握:to allow, to let 和 to make 的用法掌握:与科技发展相关的语言、议论文的结

7、构、all, every 和eachUnit 31重点掌握:to suggest, to recommend 和to advise的用法掌握:与旅游度假及环境相关的词汇、副词用来表明态度和议论文的结构Unit 32重点掌握:用should对过去的事情表示遗憾、责备、与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句、unless, when 和if 掌握:与空中旅行相关的词汇和写投书信Unit 33掌握:与旅游和探险相关的语言、旅游指南的写法Unit 34重点掌握:动词to get 的用法、过去分词和现在分词用作形容词掌握与冒险和度假活动相关的词汇、级别形容词和极限形容词Unit 35重点掌握:间接引语,掌握与太空和

8、太空旅游相关的词汇和了解构词法四、 期末复习题(附答案) 英语II(2) 期末复习题I.单项选择1. All CFC coolants must _D_from fridges.A. remove B. been removed C. be removing D. be removed2. _C_I buy a bike, Ill have to use the bus.A. if B. When C. Unless D. Because3. They agreed _A_him 100.A. to pay B. paying C. pay D. paid4. _A_ average wome

9、n live longer than men.A. On B. In C. By D. At5. A lot of food _D_nowadays is convenience food.A. buy B. buys C. buying D. bought6.Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?Not at all._D_.A. Ive no time B. Id rather notC. You can leave D. Id be happy to 7. In some parts of

10、the world, tea _B_with milk and sugar. A. is serving B. is servedC. serves D. served8. Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _C_ be here at any moment.A. must B. need C. should D. can9. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _D_.A. it B. those C. them D. one10. _A_down the radio. The babys a

11、sleep in the next room.A. Turn B. Turning C. Turned D. To turn11. Paul doesnt have to be made _B_. He always works hard.A. study B. to study C. studies D. studying12. I first met Lisa three years ago when we _C_at the radio station together.A. have worked B. had been workingC. were working D. had wo

12、rked13. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _D_, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A. whom B. whereC. which D. while14. -When shall we meet again?-Make it _D_day you like。 its all the same to me.A. one B. anyC. another D. some15. All the leading newspapers _A_the trade talks between

13、 China and the United States.A. reported B. printedC. announced D. published16. You dont need to describe her. I _B_her several times.A. had met B. have metC. met D. meet17. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard_D_.A. the better voice B. a good voiceC. the best voice D. a better voice18. Doe

14、s this patients record need _C_now? Now, you can finish it later.A. completer B. to completerC. completing D. completed19.My boss is _B_holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me.A. never B. alwaysC. sometimes D. seldom20.China is no longer what it _A_.A. used to be B. was used to beingC. used

15、to being D. was used to be21. That dinner was the most expensive meal we _D_.A. would have B. have hadC. have ever had D. had ever had22. Robert is said_A_ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A. to have studied B. to studyC. to be studying D. to be studied23. If he _B_, he _that food.

16、Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned。 would not takeB. had been warned。 would not have takenC. would be warned。 had not takenD. would have been warned。 had not taken24. I was sick, but I _D_it at the weekend.A. got by B. got atC. got up D. got over25. The doctor advised the

17、astronaut _B_every two hours.A. rest B. to restC. resting D. rested26. John was bored, _B_he left his life in England.A. in addition B. soC. however D. furthermore27. These new processes_A_.A. should be controlled B. should controlC. should be controlling D. should controlled28. Improved health brin

18、gs population growth, _B_people to move out of rural areas.A. causes B. causing C. caused D. cause29. _D_the families, _the standard of living.A. Smallhigh B. Smaller higherC. Smallesthighest D. The smallerthe higher30. That smells lovely _B_delicious food!A. Which B. What C. What a D. How31. New re

19、gulations _D_last year to guarantee airline safety.A. introduced B. was introducedC. introducing D. were introduced32. Could you tell me _D_?A. how long you live here B. how long have you lived hereD. how long you have lived here D. how long did you live here33. Strike _A_ the iron is hot.a. while b

20、. although c. because d. that34. According to the bible, God _B_ human beings.a. invented b. created c. discovered d. found35. My uncle _B_ come to this park a lot when he was in university here.a. was used to b. used to c. got to d. had to36. Its not what you have said but what you have done that r

21、eally _C_.a. forces b. counts c. values d. calculates37. I was too sleepy to be _D_ of how cold it was.a. certain b. confident c. apparent d. aware38. Although they were twins, they have _B_ in common _ that they share the same interest in pop music.a. much, for b. little, except c. few, in d. a lot

22、, except39. Ann is always making empty promises. _A_ nobody believes her.a. As a result b. As the result c. In fact d. As a matter of result40. As president, he _D_ the men to his cabinet whom he considered most capable for the jobs.a. applied b. arranged c. named d. appointed41. When reading the ne

23、wspaper in the evening, I often fall _C_.a. slept b. sleep c. asleep d. sleeping42. The illness was not brought about by natural _C_.a. sources b. reasons c. causes d. originsII.阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的,四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。A.After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing 1 _ about h

24、im, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a 2 city business- man, wearing a dark suit and carrying a briefcase. I did not say anything to the man and just carried on with my reading. Suddenly he .3 the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and put it

25、 into his mouth. I was too 4_ to say anything. Anyway, I decided to pay no attention to it. I always avoid_ 5 if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my reading.When the man took a second biscuit. I did not look up and made no sound. I _6_ to be very interested in my reading. After a

26、 couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and 7 at file man. He was staring at me 8 . I was ready to get up and leave when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the coffee bar. I felt happy that the man had left and I decided to wait two or t

27、hree minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee, 9 my newspaper mid stood up. To my 10 , I found on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits.D1. A. additional B. pleasant C. important D. specialD2. A. confused B. curious C. dusty D. typicalA3. A. reached B. remained C

28、. passed D. calledA 4. A. shocked B. careless C. content D. determinedB5. A. adventure B. trouble C. accident D. contactB6. A. prepared B. pretended C. preserved D. presentedC7. A. spoke B. exclaimed C. glanced D. studiedC8. A. swiftly B. loudly C. angrily D. bravelyD9. A. threw B. tore C. found D.

29、foldedA10. A. surprise B. disappointment C. satisfaction D. fearB.Ian and Shiree are a very unusual couple. Although they (1)_ in the heart of London, they try to grow as much of their own food as possible. At the moment they (2)_an allotment from the local council to grow food on, but they plan(3)_

30、more land soon. We (4) _growing our own food five years ago, said Ian, since then we (5) _about half of the vegetables we need and a quarter of the fruit. We (6)_on the allotment for three years. We (7)_our own garden before that. They do not plan to stop there though, By this time next year we (8)_enough land to grow about 75% of our food, said Ian. Why do they do this? We (9)_about the chemicals used to grow our food, said Shiree. More and more people(10)_the same in the future, predicted Shiree.A

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