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1、人教版新目标英语七年级下册重点词组句子汇总七下16单元必背句子与词组Unit1 Wheres your pen pal from?1. -你的笔友来自哪里? - Where is your pen pal from? (无“实义动词come, 用is/are”)-他来自加拿大。- He/She is from Canada.同义句:- Where does your pen pal come from? (有“实义动词come, 用do/does”)- He/She comes from Canada.来自:be from = come from练:Theyre _ Australia, a

2、beautiful country.A. come from B. comes from C. from D. for2. -你的笔友来自加拿大吗?- Is your pen pal from Canada? (用法同上)-是的。- Yes, he/she is.同义句:- Does your pen pal come from Canada? (用法同上) - Yes, he/she does.3. 他来自澳大利亚:He is from Australia. 他是澳大利亚人:He is Australian.4. -你的笔友住在哪里?- Where does your pen pal liv

3、e? -他住在多伦多。- He/She lives in Toronto.居住在某地:live in sp练:- When _ the girl _ her homework? - In the evening.A. does, does B. does, do C. is, do D. is, does- _ your sister have a pen pal? Yes, she _.A. Is, is B. Does, do C. Can, can D. Does, does- Ling Tao is a Chinese, but now he _ in the UK.A. live B

4、. is C. is from D. comes from5. -你的笔友说什么语言?- What language does your pen pal speak?-他说英语。- He/She speaks English.说某种语言:speak+语言; 其他用法:speak a little+语言;speak in+语言;用某种语言说某东西:say sth in+语言;对某人说:say to sb 告诉某人:tell sb练:My new pen pal _ me that he can _ Chinese but only a little.I cant _ French, but I

5、can _ it in English.6. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去看电影:I like going to the movies with my friends. 句型:喜欢做某事:like doing sth = like to do sth 去看电影:go to the movies 看电影:see a movie7. 写信给某人:write to sb = write a letter to sb互相写信:write to each other 互相写电子邮件:write e-mails to each other8. 一部动作电影:an action movie9. 告诉我关于你自己:

6、tell me about yourself讲故事:tell a story 讲故事给某人听:tell a story to sb10. 在周末:on weekends 在平时:on the weekdays11. 相似单词比较:(1) 信:letter 一点:little (2) 法国:France 法语:French12. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:He likes reading.(2) like prep. 像; 如:He looks like his mother.13. (1) country n. 国家; 如:There are many countries in th

7、e world.(2) country n. 乡村;如:乡村音乐:country music He lives in the country.14. (1) from perp. 来自; 如:My pen pal is from Canada.(2) from prep. 从; 如:Lets read from the beginning of this book.Unit2 Wheres the post office?1. 问路:(1) Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?(2) Excuse me, can you tell me th

8、e way to the post office?2. -这儿附近有一个邮局吗?- Is there a post office near here?-是的。- Yes, there is. (否定:No, there isnt.) there be翻译为“有”,不能拆开翻译。用法:There is+单数/不可数;There are+复数; 在附近:near here = in the neighborhood3. 邮局在哪里?- Where is the post office?-它在第五大街上。- Its on Fifth Avenue. (第五:用序数词fifth)在街上:介词用on4.

9、 它在沿大桥街右侧:Its down Bridge Street on the right.沿街左侧:downstreet on the left5. 散步通过花园:Take a walk through the park. (指“穿过park的内部”)6. 在宾馆旁边是一间有着漂亮花园的小房子:Next to the hotel is a small house with a beautiful garden. (不能用has)7. 我爸爸很享受散步的乐趣:My father enjoys taking a walk very much. 句型:享受做某事的乐趣:enjoy doing st

10、h 散步:take a walk 去散步:go for a walk 走着去某地:walk to sp = go to sp on foot8. 这是花园之旅的开始:This is the beginning of the garden. 开始,开端:beginning 如:Lets read from the beginning of this book. 在的开端:at the beginning of9. 大桥街是一个很好玩的地方:Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.10. 让我告诉你去我家的路:Let me tell you the wa

11、y to my house. 去某地的路:the way to sp. 在某人去某地的路上:on ones way to sp. home, there, here前的介词“to”要省略 做某事的好方法:a good way to do sth11. 比较:(表示“位置”)在前面:in front of 在后面:behind(表示“时间”)在之前:before 在之后:after比较:(1) in front of在(外部)的前面; 如:There is a big tree in front of my house.(2) in the front of在(内部)的前面; 如:The tea

12、cher is in the front of classroom.12. 在左边/右边:on the left/right.在左边/右边:on the left/right of13. 笔直走:go straight 沿着街(路)走:go downStreet/Road(两者合并)沿着街(路)笔直走:go straight downStreet/Road14. 向左转:turn left 向右转:turn right 掉头:turn around15. 玩得(很)高兴:have a good time = have (great) fun句型:很高兴做某事:have (great) fun

13、doing sth16. 打的:take a taxi 打的去某地:take a taxi to sp = go to sp by taxi乘公交车:take a bus 乘公交车去某地:take a bus to sp = go to sp by bus17. 我希望你过一个愉快的旅途:I hope you have a good trip.对于别人的赞美与祝愿,回答用“Thanks, Thank you”来表示“感谢”18. 到达某地方:(1) arrive in+大地方; arrive at+小地方;(2) arrive单独使用;如:When he arrives, the class

14、is over.(3) get to+地方;到家:get home 到达那里:get there 到达这里:get here19. 穿过:(1) 从表面穿过:across 穿过马路:walk acorss the road(2) 从内部穿过:through 穿过公园:walk through the park20. 在上面:(1) on (指“表面接触”) 如:There is a book on the desk.(2) over (指“表面不接触”,悬空) 如:There is a bridge over the river.21. 不定冠词a/an与定冠词the的选择使用看“翻译”。(1

15、) 翻译为“一”,用a/an;(2) 翻译为“这”或“不需要翻译”,用the;如:(1) There is _ old man next to _ post office.(2) Do you know _ London? - Of course. Its in _ United Kingdom.22. (1) straight adv. 笔直地; 如:Go down straight and turn left.(2) straight adj. 直的; 如:He has short straight black hair.23. (1) turn v. 转弯; 如:向后转:Turn around.(2) turn n. 轮到某人的一次机会; 如:Its your turn to tell a story.24. (1) left n. 左边; 如:Turn left.(2) left v. 离开leave的过去式; 如:He l

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