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1、黑龙江哈三中0809高一下学期第一学段考试英语黑龙江省哈三中08-09学年高一下学期第一学段考试(英语)I.听力共两节(计20分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分)听下面的5段对话,每段对话后都有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where will the woman go first?A.To the den tist B.To.the post office.C. To the bookstore2.What do we lear n from the c

2、on versati on?A.The man will go to meet the woman this evening.B.The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o clock.C.The woman can t finish making the jam before 7 o clock.3.What does the man suggest the woma n do?A.Give the ring to the policeman.B.Wait for the owner of the ring in the rest roo

3、m.C.Hand in the ring to the security (安全) office.4.What does the woma n say about Jane?A.She was abse nt all week because of sick ness.B.She was Seriously injured in a car accide nt.C.She had to be away from school to look after her mother.5.What can be in ferred from the con versati on?A.The old la

4、dy sitting next to the couple likes toys very much.B.An old lady took the couple case for suir own.C.The man forgot to put the toys in their suitcase.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分)A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选听下面的5段对话,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的5秒钟;听完后,项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第 6、7、题。

5、6.Where does the con versati on take place?A.In the restaura nt. B. In Peters on s homeO n the pho ne.7.How does the restaura nt man age to accept a large party?A.By in troduc ing the customers to a larger restaura nt。B.By putting two tables together.C.By accepti ng no more reservati ons for the ni

6、ght.听第7段材料,回答第 8、9、10题。8.How long has the woman been studying apes (猿)?A.For five years.B.After her graduati on from uni versity.C.Since she was at uni versity.9.Where did she go to live to study apes?A.The Africa n forest. B. The Asia n forest. C. The America n forest.10.What is the woma n likely t

7、o be accord ing to the dialogue?A.A stude nt at uni versity. B. An ani mal expert. C. A zoo keeper.听第8段材料,回答第11、12、13题。11.Why does Harry make the phone call?A.To in vite Susa n to a con cert. 11B.To invite Connie to a dinner.C.To in vite Connie to a con cert.12.Where did Susan go for the weeke nd?A.

8、To her friend s house.B.To her brother s house.C.To her parents . house13.Whom will Harry go to the con cert with tomorrow?A. His brother. B. Susa n. C Co nnie.听第9段材料,回答第 14、15、16、17题。14.What s Mike s problem?A. He failed in maths. B. He was injured in an accide nt. C. He has bee n ill.15.Why is Mik

9、e going to see Professor Joh nson?A.To make up the quiz. B. To pick up her no tesC. To find out how to make up the experiment16.What subject does Professor White teach?A.Maths. B. Chemistry C. Chi nese17 What s Carrie s attitude in this conversation?A. In differe nt. B. Concern ed.C. Upset.听第10段材料,回

10、答第18、19、20题18.Which of the followi ng sentences is true?A.Any pers on can join com munity affairs on con diti on that he goes to church freque ntlyB.People would not be welcome if they were not in vited.C.Do what you want to , whether you are connected or not.19.Which activity does NOT belo ng to so

11、cial life in America?A. Tours. B. Weeke nd camp ing. C. Going to church20.If there is a cooperative (合作性的) party, what should you do?A. Don t take part in them. B. Wait to be invited. C. Do your share of the work.II.单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分)21.一 Susan is going to marry Frank. ! He is twice as old as she and

12、 has no sense of resp on sibility at allA. Good for her B. You can t be serious C. Absolutely right D. Congratulations22.She is on diet now and rarely any kind of meat.A. she eats B. eats she C. does she eat D. is she eati ng23.Remember a hat when you go out in the fields ,for too much sun can serio

13、us damage toyour skin.A. wearing ; have caused B. to wear ; doC. to have put on ; have D. to be wearing ; be doing24.I know what people are say in g-but of it is true.A. nothing B. any C. n either D. none25.一 Is it difficult to order things on-line?No. In fact, couldn t be could be v

14、ery couldn t be could n eharlder26.Hannah wrote a book about her as a war reporter, became very popular after it came out.A.experienee; who B. experiences; whichC. experiences; that D. experienee; that27.After a while the rain stopped , allowing the game to .A.con ti nue B. las

15、t C. appear D. rema in28.I looked around the crowded room and struck the that I was probably the poorest pers on there.A. that B. this C. they D. it29.We were late geeing to the airport, but our plane was delayed.A. unl uckily B. hopefully C. sadly D. fortu nately30.He rose from the table , leaving

16、his dinner .A. un touch ing B. un touched C. to touch D. not to be touched31.We decided to take rooms in dow ntow n Chicago, we knew we could not really afford the rentA. while B. as if C. although D. in case32.By the n. the flood water had across 80 square miles of farmla nd.A. spread B. bee n spre

17、ad C. bee n spreadi ng D. spreaded33.I only smoke , at a party or whe n we go out to eat.A. i n a mome nt B. till nowC. less ofte n D. every now and the n34.The phone was ringing but by the time she got in doors , it .A. stopped B. had stopped C. would stop D. would have stopped35.I thought we agree

18、d to talk to each other before mak ing any decisi onsA. previous B. concerned C. major D. possible36.Homes have been found for about 5,000 of the animals , but the rest to be killed.37.Weather forecasters warned the citize ns in coastal regions possible floodi ng.A.on B. in C. aga inst D. of38.This

19、is a long and slow process that can take 90 much as B. no Ion ger tha n C. up to D. masses of39.Your pictures are so good-you could pain ti ng as a professi on (职业)A. took up B. brought up C. pick up D came up40.The study shows that drug use is the main of crime and viole nee.A. reas on B.

20、 expla nati on C. cause D. excuseIII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One night last summer, my neighbor Debbie came over and knocked on my door. I m leaving for_Jim, ” she said. “ Would you mind dropping by my house in a while and_42_ on my mother? ”“ Not a problem. ” I said. I d lived n ext door to Debb-y

21、eHolhle_49_, Nan, for about six mon ths , and we d become fast friends. Debbie always worked at night. She _44_ leaing her mom alone , so she asked if it was okay if she_45_one of those baby monitors (监视器) and gave me a receiver.1 was glad to help. _46_. I ve bee n bli nd since 1 was a baby and out

22、of work for years .In fact. at 54. Icome to won der if f had much _47_ any more.Like me. Nan was _48_-a nd was also hard of heari ng. That evening Nan and I chatted for awhile_49_.If you re okay, ,“ “ Isaiidik I ll go back. ”,BeftadeI sfe_50_he baby monitor was working.“ Goodnight, Nan, ” I said. I

23、_51_my stick and headed out of the door. “ Seyou tomorrow, ” Nancalled beh ind me. I locked the door and _52 _my way home.Several minutes_53_ , l heard a sound. It was Nan on the_54_. “ Jim! Jim! ” I heard over the is_55_! Help! ”I went as _56_ as I could to Debbie s. I got to the fron

24、t door. I could _57_ a heavy, thick smoke. I put myhand on the doorknob , and reached for my key and_58_the door. , Jim. HereHelp! ” Her voice was weak.“ Let s get out of here! ” I shouted. GhartoinigIhetarted to move on. I tapped with my stick _59_wefound the front door. We felt our way down the st

25、eps , _60_in the sweet, fresh summer air, and to the gate of her yard. “ Thank yoiLord. We re all safe. ”42.A. check ing43.A. fatherB. tak ingB. motherC. putt ingC. sisterD. keep ingD. brother44. A. thought about B. worried aboutC. cared forD. looked for45. A. soldB. suppliedC. broughtD. equipped46.

26、 A. At allB. 1n allC. After allD. Above a1147. A. valueB. priceC. moneyD. service48. A. deafB. oldC. wiseD. bli nd49. A. long beforeB. before longC. once aga inD. as usual50. A. thatB. whetherC. whe nD. how51. A. set upB. put upC. picked upD. made up52. A. movedB. pushedC. pulledD. made53. A. i nste

27、adB. 1aterC. thenD. ago54. A. n eighborB. receiverC. workerD. phone55. A. on fireB. i n troubleC. in dan gerD. on sale56. A. fastB. slowlyC. safelyD. well57. A. seeB. feelC. tasteD. smell58. A. unl ockedB.shutC. brokeD. knocked59. A. whe nB. afterC. un tilD. since60. A. show ingB. no tici ngC. losi

28、ngD. breath ing阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2 分卜,满分40分)AProblem PageDear Lifeline ,I shall be getting married in August. My mother wants me to have a white wedding in church, because I am the only daughter, and she wants me to have the kind of wedding that she had. I , on the other hand, would like to have a simpl

29、e wedding and a small party afterwards for my immediate family and close friends. I don parents to go to a lot of expense just for one day ; I d rather they spent the money on things that my husbandrad I will need , that will last us for many years.Do you agree with me that this is a reas on able po

30、int of view? Can you thi nk of a way in which I might persuade my pare nts to think as I do?Yours,Mon ey-C on sciousDear Money Conscious ,We agree that your point of view is reason able ; but reason isn t everyth ing. Your pare nts clearly d0 not mind going to a lot of expense , as you put it. They

31、would mind more if you prevented them from doing so. There isfact, no reason why a white wedding in church should Cost a lot of money. Such a wedding can be very simple , yet it can give you the sort of happy, memories that your mother has of her own weddi ng day.We suggest you meet your mother halfway. Have a simple church weddi ng and a simple party afterwards. Ifit means so much to your mother, perhaps you owe it to her to do as she wishes. We are sur

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