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1、初二英语试题含答案单项选择题( )1. It s not polite to speak in public.A.loud B. loudly C. louder( )2.Your bike is my sister s.A.same as B. as the same C. the same as( )3. I _m in any book.A.i nterested; in teresti ng B. i nteresti ng; in terested C. i nterests; in terest( )4. Our teachers always en courage us alou

2、d in En glish read B. read C. readi ng( )5. He asked his father .A. where it happe ns B. what was happe n C. how it happe ned( )6. I don t know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you.A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if I ; - ( )7. will you stay in America? About two

3、 mon ths.v,、匕 i | lA. How many B. How ofte n C. How long( )8. He found very in teresti ng to ride a horse on the farm.A. this B. that C. it( )9. His pare nts make her at ni ght.A. stay at home B. stags at home C. to stay at home( )10. Which do you like , Jea ns or che on gsam?A. good B. better C. we

4、ll( )11. The policema n told the stude nts in the road.A. not play B. to not play C. not to play.()12. What she did us surprised.A. to make B. made C. maki ng( )13. Did Jack come to our party yesterday? No, he .A. wasn t invited B. isn t invitedC. didn t invite( )14. You worry about him. He will get

5、 well soon.A. needn t B. can t C. mustn t( )15. Will you please drive ? The train is leav ing soon.A. quick B. faster C. more slowly二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.They have to stay at home for a long time (由于)the heavy rain.2.Im a stra nger here, so I cart (适应)right now.精心整理3.Running is a good way to (保持健康).4.Yao

6、Ming father and mother are very (骄傲)of him.5.He has a lot of (经验)in this subject.三、句型转换。1.My mother said to me, Don go alone at ni ght (改为简单句)My mother told me go alone at ni ght.2.The Brow ns came to Chi na in 1997.(对划线局部提问) the Brow ns to China?3.Mr. Fat has few good friends.改为反意疑问句)Mr. Fat has fe

7、w good frien ds, ? 1 : F 、, ; I .;4.My home is about twenty minutes by bike.改为同义句)It me about twenty mi nu tes there from my house by bike.5.Its a good idea.(改为感慨句)How is!四、完形填空What do we know about the sea? We (1) that it looks very beautiful whe n the sun is shining(2) it. We also lear n that it c

8、an be very terrible whe n there is a strong wi nd. What (3) thi ngs dowe know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. (4) the map of the world, there is(5) sea tha n land. The sea covers three quarters of the (6) .Some parts of the sea (7) very shallow. But some places are

9、very deep. There is one place nearJapa n. It is n early 11 kilometers deep. The (8) mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If weput the mountain into the sea at that place, there would be (9) kilometers of water above it!The sea is salty. There is one sea called the Dead Sea. It is very s

10、alty. It is (10) salty thatswimmers cannot sink! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea.()1. A. know)2. A. inB. sayB. atC. hopeC. onD. wishD. over()3. A. ano therB. otherC. the otherD. others()4. A. Look afterB. SeeC. WatchD. Look at()5. A. smallerB. fewerC. moreD. less()6. A. la ndB. worldC. waterD. moun

11、tain()7. A. areB. isC. has bee nD. were()8. A. lo ngestB. oldestC. tallestD. highest()9. A. 20B. 2C. 11D. 9()10A muchB. tooC. soD. very五、阅读理解精心整理AWhen Mr. David retired退休,he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many vi

12、sitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most in terest ing buildi ng in the village. From morni ng to ni ght, there were visitors outside the house. They kept look ing into the rooms through the win dows and many of them eve n went into the house. He decided to drive the visi

13、tors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,If you want to satisfy your curiosity好奇心,come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spe nd every day show ing th

14、em around his house. I came here to retire, not to work as a guide 导游,he said an grily .In the end, he sold the house and moved away. r 1. Mr. David s house was that many visitors came to see small B. so quiet C. so in teresti ng D. such in terest ing 2. Mr. David put a no tice on the win do

15、w in orde drive the visitors satisfy the visitor let visitors come in and look get some money out of the visitors 3. The no tice made the visitors .A.more in terested in his houseB.lost in terest in his houseC.angry at the un fair priceD.feel happy about the p

16、rice4. After Mr. David put up the notice .A.the visitors didn t come any moreB.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his houseC.more and more visitors came for a visitor would pay the money for a visit 5. At last he had to sell his house and move away because .A.he did not like it at allB.h

17、e could not work as a guideC.he made eno ugh money and wan ted to buy a new expe nsive houseD.he could no t live a quiet life in itB 根据短文,判断正T误F。One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood 木头near a river. Suddenly his old axe 斧子fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only ax

18、e. Then all at once a beautiful fairy 仙女came out and asked the man what the was matter.“I have lost my axe. he said, “It fell into the water whe n I was cutt ing the wood.The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is that yours? “ No. said the man.The fairy then showed him a silver 银axe and asked a

19、gain, Ib this yours?精心整理“ No. again answered the man.Then she showed him the old axe.“Yes, that is mine. called out theahappy“know it well eno ugh. said the fairy, “only wan ted to see if you would tell me the truth, and nowI give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides 包括)your own one.( )1. The

20、 man was poor, he had no thi ng but an old axe.( )2. The old axe fell into the river whe n the man was cutt ing the wood.( )3. The fairy asked the man if he lost a gold axe, the n the man said “ No.( )4. When he saw his own axe, the man was very happy.( )5. At last, the man had two axes.(C)阅读短文,答复下列

21、问题。LyToday is Jane birthday. It is seven o clockEverything was ready. On the table, there are manyI differe nt kinds of food. And in the middle of the table, there is a very big cake. Jane is look ing at it, and feels excited. “Why didn t they come by then? I told them to come at seven. Jane said to

22、 her moOne, two, three . Twen ty-five minu tes passed. But no one came. Jane ran to the door and ope ned it. No one was there. When it was half past seven, the doorbell rang. Jane opened the door quicklyHappy birthday to you! they said. And they gave some flowers to Jane. After that, they ate the bi

23、g cake, apples, oranges, pears, beef and so on. They sang and dan ced happily. At ten they went home. They all felt tired but happy.1.Were Jane s friends all at Jane s home at seven?2.What s in the middle of the table?3.When did Jane s friends come?4.What did they give to Jane?5.Did they have a good

24、 time?、单项选择题( )1. It s not polite to speak in public.A. loud B. loudly C. louder( )2.Your bike is my sister s.A. same as B. as the same C. the same as( )3. I m in any book.r IA. i nterested; in teresti ng B. i nteresti ng; in terested C. i nterests; in terest( )4. Our teachers always en courage us a

25、loud in En glish class.A. to read B. read C. readi ng( )5. He asked his father .A. where it happe ns B. what was happe n C. how it happe ned( )6. I don t know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you.A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if( )7. will you stay in America? About two mo

26、n ths.A. How many B. How ofte n C. How long( )8. He found very in teresti ng to ride a horse on the farm.A. this B. that C. it( )9. His pare nts make her at ni ght.A. stay at home B. stags at home C. to stay at home精心整理( )10. Which do you like , Jea ns or che on gsam?A. good B. better C. well( )11.

27、The policema n told the student in the road.A. not play B. to not play C. not to play.()12. What she did us surprised.A. to make B. made C. maki ng( )13. Did Jack come to our party yesterday? No, he .A. wasn t invited B. isn t invitedC. didn t invite( )14. You worry about him. He will get well soon.

28、A. needn t B. can t C. mustn t( )15. Will you please drive ? The train is leav ing soon.A. quick B. faster C. more slowly二、 根据汉语提示,完成句子。I /1.They have to stay at home for a long time (由于)the heavy rain. i J i 72.I m a stranger here, so I can t (适应)right now.3.Running is a good way to (保持健康).4.Yao Mi

29、 ng s father and mother are very (骄傲)of him.5.He has a lot of (经验)in this subject.三、 句型转换。l |1.My mother said to me, “ Don t go alone a改为gW单句)(My mother told me go alone at ni ght.2.The Brow ns came to Chi na in 1997.(对划线局部提问). . ,il the Brown to China?3.Mr. Fat has few good friends.改为反意疑问句)Mr. Fat

30、has few good friends ?4.My home is about twenty minutes by bike.(改为同义句)It me about twenty minute there from my house by bike.5.It s a gdod.(改为感慨句)How is!四、 完形填空What do we know about the sea? We (1) that it looks very beautiful whe n the sun is shining(2) it. We also lear n that it can be very terrib

31、le whe n there is a strong wi nd. What (3) thi ngs do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. (4) the map of the world, there is(5) sea tha n land. The sea covers three quarters of the (6) .Some parts of the sea (7) very shallow. But some places are very deep. There is one place nearJapa n. It is n early 11 kilometers deep. The

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