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1、冀教版九年级上册英语第五单元课文翻译ti:UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 33 What Does Life Mean?0:00.946UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.521Great People 伟人0:04.285Lesson 33: 第三十三课:0:06.091What Does Life Mean? 人生意味着什么?0:08.785THINK ABOUT IT!0:10.323Do you have a happy life?0:12.434Why or why not?0:15.457What are your dreams for the future?0:

2、18.728What is Wang Meis idea about success in life?0:23.609So Many Questions! 如此多的问题!0:26.139Lets think of some questions about life, Wang Mei. 王梅,我们来想想关于人生的问题吧。0:29.276Okay. 好的。0:30.177Heres one: how do we succeed in life? 这儿有一个:我们在生活中是怎样成功的?0:34.233I like that question. 我喜欢这个问题。0:35.845What do you

3、 think is the answer? 你认为答案是什么?0:37.924I think that you will succeed if you work hard. 我想如果你努力的话,就会成功。0:41.390I wonder what my mother and grandfather will say. 我想知道我的妈妈和外公会怎样说。0:44.995Heres another question: what is success? 另一个问题:什么是成功?0:48.548Does it mean that youre rich or famous? 成功意味着你富有或出名吗?0:

4、50.940Is that success? 那是成功吗?0:52.673I dont know. 我不知道。0:54.042Lets write down that question. 我们把那个问题写下来吧。0:56.416Can you think of any more? 你能想出更多的吗?0:58.548Sure! 当然!0:59.501Why are people different from animals? 为什么人与动物不同?1:02.118If we didnt have language, could we think? 如果没有了语言,我们可以思考吗?1:05.238D

5、o animals think? 动物会思考吗?1:06.919What makes us happy? 什么令我们开心?1:08.600Do we need to be happy? 我们需要开心吗?1:10.541Why are some people in the world very poor? 为什么世界上一些人非常贫穷?1:13.297Can we understand everything about the world? 我们能明白世界上一切吗?1:16.035Why are there people? 为什么会有人类?1:17.682Are there people on o

6、ther worlds? 别的星球有人类吗?1:19.833Will the future be better than today? 将来会比现在更好吗?1:22.044Stop! 停!1:23.203I cant write that fast! 我写不了那么快!1:26.229PROJECT1:27.605WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?1:30.407What does life mean?1:32.638Not the word life!1:34.426I dont want you to look up life in the dictionary.1:3

7、8.256I want you to think about this: why are we alive?1:43.478With a group of classmates, think of some questions about life.1:49.254What do you want to know about life?1:52.641Make a list of questions and then, as a group, choose your Top Five Questions.2:00.000Write them down.2:01.772Take the Top

8、Five Questions home.2:05.064Ask your parents, or grandparents, for their answers to the Top Five Questions.2:12.169Write down their answers.2:14.780Discuss the answers with your group.2:17.455Now, think!2:18.895What did you learn from this project?2:21.490On your own, write a paragraph about it.2:25

9、.236Do we need to learn new things?2:28.322What do you think?ti:UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 34 A Universe of Thought0:00.971UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.522Great People 伟人0:04.357Lesson 34: 第三十四课:0:05.990A Universe of Thought 思维的领域0:08.561THINK ABOUT IT!0:09.942Why do people study?0:13.006What do you think is the

10、 most important thing for a student?0:17.732Why was Einstein successful?0:21.457Albert Einstein had one of the great minds of last century. 艾伯特爱因斯坦是上世纪具有非凡才智的人之一。0:25.883During his lifetime, Einstein thought about the universe and solved many problems in physics. 在他的一生中,爱因斯坦思考宇宙,并解决了很多物理学的问题。0:32.67

11、1Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论闻名遐迩。0:37.157What do you do with your mind? 你的智慧是用来做什么的?0:39.540You think! 你用它来思考!0:40.942This is what I think: 这就是我思考的:0:42.664E = MC2. E = MC2。0:46.309He once said, I think and think for months and years. 他曾经说:“我成年累月地思考。0:50.514Ninet

12、y-nine times, the conclusion is false. 99次结论都是错误的。0:53.618The hundredth time I am right. 第一百次我对了。”0:57.342Quick Quiz! 小测验!0:59.045Did Einstein receive the Nobel Prize for the Theory of Relativity? 爱因斯坦因他的相对论获得过诺贝尔奖吗?1:04.331No! It was for his work in another part of physics. 没有!是因为他对物理学其他领域的贡献而获奖的。1

13、:09.057Did Einstein have a wife? 爱因斯坦有妻子吗?1:11.601Yes. He had two wives. 有,他有两位妻子。1:14.184He divorced his first wife. 他与第一位妻子离婚了。1:16.927How many children did Einstein have? 爱因斯坦有多少个孩子?1:20.352He had three children. 他有三个孩子。1:22.094His first child, a daughter, was born in 1903. 他的第一个孩子是女儿,出生于1903年。1:

14、26.299Nobody knows what happened to her. 没人知道她怎么样。1:28.702Later, he had two sons. 后来,他有两个儿子。1:32.247Einsteins childhood and early years 爱因斯坦的童年及早年生活1:35.831Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. 爱因斯坦1879年生于德国。1:40.257After he had finished school, he studied physics in Switzerland. 毕业后,他在瑞士学习物理。1:45.2

15、03In 1905, Einstein began to write articles about physics. 1905年,爱因斯坦开始写关于物理的文章。1:50.530For one of those articles, he received the Nobel Prize, but not until 1921. 直到1921年,因其中一篇文章,他获得了诺贝尔奖。1:58.079Einstein,the teacher 爱因斯坦教师2:00.422The important thing, Einstein said, is not to stop questioning. 爱因斯坦说:“重要的是不要停止提问。”2:05.749He also said, Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anythi

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