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1、届河北保定一中高三英语第一次模拟试题2020届河北保定一中高三英语第一次模拟试题英语试题命题人:陈立华陈文红审定人:张立华刘红彩本试卷由四部分组度.展中,第1、二部分和第三群分的第一为选蟀题.巧三推 分的第二”和第四部分为非选择睡.考试时间】加分钟,满分150分.第一部分听力(共网节满分既分)做期时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的 答案转除到答睡卡上.第一节共岳小题r每小啊】.5分,懵分二5分*所卜面号段对话.筋段刈话后有一个小睡.从庵j中所给的k氏4,三个选项中延 川最佳选项.听完诲度对话、,你所有I。秒钟的时间耒回答有关小题和阑4下一小题. 每段对话仅接一

2、遍.1.Whfii will JfiTK* jwliahly do next?. pkiv teinC%EL Go for a walk.C. Read n book2.WhsT docm the worron think of the 廿aA. k II h” long vftRirion,Lk It s only b drtisnxC hhD be Rrc fi* S. How niitir the woman 弭E tc Tokyo?Ab By enr+It Hy ven in.C by bvsl. 优】阳【is rhe rdBticmshi|i heiwpen ih? sjjefike

3、rs?. Intcrvii wer and iimrvirwvr*K I eftcher and 得turienLC Xxrivr aiki ivuirm.5.h?re(kxhs 1 his con 正阳Hnn pmhahly tskt* placp?,t fl gfis ftwioruK. Al a rztfmrMit,C At 息 dietLtrr.岛三英砺试题笛】画共】?可)第二节(共15小融i柘小的1.5 if.满分组5分)所卜向$段灼话或独白.出段对话或独白后有几个小数.从地中所给A、B,C三 个选项中选出最佳选项.听后反对语或独白曲你将行时同问谈各个小密句小弟15秒 仲!听完后.各

4、小也给出5件怦的作答时间.斛区对话或发白读网遍.所第6取材料.轲界第6、7期.6.Wbai will the woman take?Ai Some beautiful po?MraidsK Hand-Tnade silk hau.C. Some local cod.7.How much should ihc woman pay?A. 50 yuan.K. SO yuan.C* 100 yuarL所第7璋材料.轲存第8、9施.6.Why(Ioc9 the num want IO see Dr. Carter?、He hit a ladder.Ik He l)rdke his left.C. He

5、 hud his foot9.Whai does the woman advi the man to do?儿 Conic to the office inifncdiatrly*K. Wait for Ir. (artrr at home.C. Take off the paint tin himsclL所第8段材料,回有第10至12题.10.What do all the rooms in the hotel haw?A. Balconies,H KinKfiar bedsC. The access to pools11.Why & prCpIe chdO5e the hold?A. Ta

6、 relaxH To ro shopping.C. To vimI a palace.12.What may change the woman,s mi nJ7A. The food.B . Thu Price.C. The surroundings.高三英谙试跑第2页(共12页)听第9段材.网答第13至16矗.13.Who are living in the old houe mow?A. Brth and bcr parentsR .Xfny and her parrnU.C Beth and Amy,14.What does Amy want to do?A. Go to college

7、.K Work arg irachrrC. Open a 1 Ore-15.Whai did Amy cwnplain about?A. Her uarcfit $ ran her life.IL. I Ici pniit Oj|Xcxl laci |Lii.C. Her parent s controlled bar money.16.WTiat will Belh do for her family?A.Make a plan.B.Find a spotC Carry nuny things.蜥第】0段材,4,回答第17至20题.17.Which country is ihr pirsen

8、i u%)rfd,s moE-vishtd country?A. France.氏 ChinaC Japan.18.What dor?6 W out er think caused an increase in tourism in 人a?A.IScMitiful touriM attractions.B.Current passport rules.C.Better tr&n9fonation.19.WTicn k the bc?t lime (or visitors o t ravd to Ch ma?A. From March to May.Ik Krom April to JuneC

9、From September to (kioher.20.What is the text mainly about?A.The dcvvlopmcnt of tourin in Ai.B.rbe reasons kr people visiting Aoa.C.The growth in tourism in China.高三英语试尊第3页(共】2页)第二部分阅读理解(共两节.满分如分)第一节(铢15小题柘小512分满分30分)阅设下面短文,从每腿所给的A. B.CftlD四个选项中,选出显佳埠哽.AThere 15 always MrmcthinR Rping on at ihc Nati

10、onal Musrum of America HiMory? I hi& pugc 2 diviclrd mt。the following parFlhm to Do1-eam the story behind ihc American national anthem (国歌) consider theroic of the Pre5idrnt cfiscovcr 200 years of (ami ly history in a England house and more in our exhibilionsViz our introdiKtory film- W the Pepl,. i

11、n the ZNet Brothers Theater.Create in our S|Mirk Ib han for V hfttoigTo enter the bail di ng quickly, plraw? ak your Mudcnt s( to carry as litilr at possible backpack5 kib.etc ) Sicrunly checks arc now requtred af Mumm x-i5itor and all arc warvhrdSome Simple Ruk$*io ensure thr enjoyment and safety o

12、f al I Museum ,isi tor?*, plea5c 5lvirc the rules wilh your tudcnlsWal ki ng and taIk mg are appropriate*, while running and shouting arc ndl.f-Qod. dritik* and guru arc not allowed in the Mumni cmxpl the specif ic eating ar learn in the Museum?A.The family history in a New ErRland houMr.B.The film

13、about Warner BrothersC.The 卧Kric of all ihc prvidcnt&D.The art of a 200-year-old house.高三英语试题第4页(共1 2页:,22.Wliat are t be visitor,required to do in the museum?A Walk quietly.B.Avoid cating and drinking.C.Kerp their hand,off I hr cxhilii Is-.1), Turn off ibeir edi phones 23. Who is the text aimed at?

14、A History k)%xr5. B. Inebor art vities fans-.C. Parents and children. IX Teachrr* and students.RCraig lUiicklnim*(nt her and car fane built a BatniolGlu for hi* 5On hope for using t hr -vehicle to brighten the lives of eick uhiklrE, And now he hopre ure it (or more than jtwt hk sons hope after seein

15、g ihc childfrnV reaction io the Bfittnobi IeBacd on the number of (allures he had seen tn car gioup- he crtiniatcd that orJy abovt one in 5。attempted coretmction? was actually finished and he realized what an inacdil)k opportunity he had.Xtr. Blackburn started the project at the brfdnnin cA 201 8 af

16、ter hearing a friend in the US was dbing the Mine thiffi. It started with imponing a.n outer shell bbm:- before pidkinp brains of a friend who had a kickaround as a worker m a car factory to R、in knowledge of how to huild the car. With the help rf his friend. Mr. Bheiebunn built the Iki mobile in 18

17、 months、31h the cwt recking six figure?.Mr. Wackbum heped to acid a flamclhrowcr(喷火器)onto the hade of thr vehicle and Qid he had t hove hl alxxit building ihc more recent Bai man T umblcr from the series film liart Knight. Though Mr. Blac kl)um e neo unt cred plenty of difficulties to get over durin

18、g the con5truction in SeptanIrr 0019,Rhe car wide ip firM 4mjw at the Carnival of Flowers in loowoomlia. Wore Ijeing used ly Nackbum*s son for his hope.“It was grrL h w” 内 good 。“e the IddJ find aduh,cxcitemmt at seeing the Ikitnmbilc Mr. Blackbum aid. Aw a rreuh. the ar lovers hope to make the var

19、work on thr roads as 500n as possible, s he can vi$il 5in* dreanLH T。d5na1e tt W sick diildrcn.C. To pjiy hi* rrq)E$ to the film Dark Knight.Da To,how off at the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoxnba1ft三英游试题第5页(按1 2页)25.How did Bhdcbum feel about the- rarmaldnR at firrt? Uo|j. Con/uscd.26.How efid Blackb

20、urns f ri end hdp him?A. Eiy of fering hifn financial MippOrL氏 By making an outer fhdl for him.C. By faring thout llattiuin.C、trip to the theater, rraiscum or art gallery could help you live longer. And the more erf ten the l)ilcr a new Mudy vurrcE KrMrarvbcrs from Uravrnity CoHcrc London (UCL) foun

21、d that People er康aged tn the arts tnOre (requmtly had 4131M lbwer ri& oi dyinft early when compared to thojc who didnt Eren Ruing to bc !beater or nniTisn once or twice a year wax linked with * 14% lower While other health behavior* like smoking. alroliol and exercise are uncloubtcdly bigger

22、predictors of the rate of death* tbc lci*mrv and pleasure adivitic? people dont think as a health related artiMty do support Rood hralth and long life. aid Fan court w tti5ociate prolexeor at VCI/ji Reheard) Departfnent of Science and Health.How often an individual engaged in art activities, dw incl

23、uding exhibitions. EnrerZ and Opera but not cincnm. wie TncMMircd H the Vari of the 51udy in 2004 IO SOOS*. *J1k HuJy Iwksl at a q! coiioud. hvallh aud wlioI 伉45IO Uy andupkiin why there is a link bYween -arts enRaRrment ml living longer althouRh as an observational stub il cant establish cauMr. Par

24、t of the reason, tbe Judy said . corner derwn to ?orial and economic diffcrvrrv5 among those who go and dont go to miiMMims. exhibitions and art galknes. Wealth, they found. explained about 9% of the avociation. C,ogpitivc ( 认知的)di (crmrc?. social enagefnent a.nd menfal healthr*三英诩H咫第6页(共1 2页)al?o p

25、layed a role.*Thing5 like ke time and occupational NMus made do material MkrcnccJ 5aid Eancovrt- * but engagement in arH ran reduce Mress and build creatinty that Mlcwy people to adapt to changing cirvurnMancr It als brlpi (ircplc build social capital - acceding einaional supiurt and infornnlion tha

26、t helps people age more successfully. A greater 5cn5e of purpOM- could ako play a role. If ihk study) k added io the larger body of evidence, we arc getting an incrcajingly ridh pirturc on how art? can benefit health and it V not about one singk outcome. It on havr wide ranging benefit and Nippon br

27、allhicr lives lived longer.Thi5 Tudy did nOt Idbk al hc effect (J hikinR Part n h ri-related art iMtic5 but a World Health . By presenting faci$29.What does the new giudy surrE?A. EnKaganant in art aclivitic? euH help pcopk live longer.H. Arts enjiaRcnient physa big part in people s pood health.C Smoking- al echo md exerdse an: good to peoples bcaltLIX SmokinR- alcohol and exercise could tower thr risk of death.30.Which of the following is not much o( an an “dvity?X. ( ioinK to the theatre.Ik Attendif)g a concert.C Vi?itinR the mu5clim.D Watching a fnOvie.31.Wha

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