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RTS Web Service设计文档.docx

1、RTS Web Service设计文档Schneider Electric DMS NSReal Time System Web ServiceDesign Specification泰尔文特实时系统Web ServiceService设计文档Design DocumentTable of Contents目录1. RevisionHistory修订历史Version版本Authors作者Date日期Comments备注Tijana Brcanski25-Mar-2013, , etc.2. Overview概览RTSWS is part of DMS System, responsible

2、for providing Web Service access to DMS Real-Time services. RTSWS provides interface for distribution network data (ReliabilityData, StatusOfSupply, TroubleCal, NetAffected, AllSSM, SSMById, DynamicData, LoadFlow and StateEstimation, DynamicDataHistory, PI/Alarm, EnergyLosses) to the Clients.RTSWS是D

3、MS系统的一部分,负责提供Web Service给DMS实时服务,RTSWS为配网数据提供接口(ReliabilityData, StatusOfSupply, TroubleCal, NetAffected, AllSSM, SSMById, DynamicData, LoadFlow and StateEstimation, DynamicDataHistory, PI/Alarm, EnergyLosses)给客户端3. RTSWS Architecture RTSWS架构Figure 1. RTSWS Architecture图1 RTSWS架构Web service is a sof

4、tware system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (WSDL). Other systems interact with the web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP

5、 with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. RTSWS is a Web Service proxy component for DMS Real-Time services. It means that it receives request from RTSWSClient for particular data, dispatches request to WebProxy Server over WPI library and returns the result to the

6、client. There is also possibility that the RTSWSClient subscribe to obtain some results. RTSWSClient creates a callback object and forwards an EndpointReference to the server. Over EndpointReference, server sends results to the Client.RTSWS is deployed and tested on Apache-Tomcat web application ser

7、ver.For each functionality, methods and structures are defined into WSDL. RTSWS.wsdl is given in Appendix.Note: RTSWS expected from the client UTC time.4. RTSWS.war7.1 RTSWS.war class diagram (part 1)7.2 RTSWS.war class diagram (part 2)7.3 RTSWS.war class diagram (part 3)RTSWS web service is impleme

8、nted using Apache CXF Framework.Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP or CORBA and work over a variety of transports suc

9、h as HTTP, JMS or JBI. CXF provides tools for generating code (wsdl2java, wsdl2js and java2js), generating WSDLs (java2ws, xsd2wsdl and idl2wsdl), adding endpoints and support files(wsdl2soap and wsdl2corba), validating WSDLs (wsdlvalidate) and for using Maven. wsdl2java takes a WSDL document and ge

10、nerates fully annotated Java code which is used to implement a service. The wsdl2java command can be wrapped inside an Ant target.The default JAX-WS frontend created by wsdl2java can be customized by using a customization binding file.RTSWS Interface RTSWS接口 describes interface of RTSWS We

11、b Service. Implementation of the RTSWS interface is in class.RTSWS.java描述了RTSWSWeb Service的接口,RTSWS接口的实现是在 类中Reliability data可靠性数据 ReliabilityDataResponse requestReliabilityData (ReliabilityDataRequest param) ReliabilityDataRequest structure constains following attribute

12、s:ReliabilityDataRequest结构包括下面的属性: - String elementID id one of the following elements: HV/MV Substation, MV/LV Substation , HVTransformer, FeederBay or Entire Network. For Entire Network elementID is empty string, 字符串elementID下面元件的ID:高压变电站,中压变电站,高压变压器,馈线间隔或者整个电网,整个电网的elementID为空字符串 - XMLGregorianCa

13、lendar begDate for period between begDate and endDate function will returns desired results, XMLGregorianCalendar begDate begDate和endDate间的时间段返回请求结果- XMLGregorianCalendar endDate for period between begDate and endDate function will returns desired results,begDate 和endDate之间的时间段返回请求结果- CalcParams cal

14、cParams carries information which of the results need to return.CalcParams calcParams含有需要返回的结果信息 CalcParams structure contains following attributes:CalcParams结构包括下面的属性: - List paramName carries information which of the results need to return. EParamName enumeration contains following items: CAIDI, C

15、AIFI, SAIDI, SAIFI and ENSI. EParamName枚举包括下面的项:CAIDI, CAIFI, SAIDI, SAIFI和 ENSI. ReliabilityDataResponse structure constains following attributes: ReliabilityDataResponse结构包括下面的属性:- String elementID id of element for which the result is returned : HV/MV Substation, MV/LV Substation , HVTransformer,

16、 FeederBay or Entire Network. For Entire Network elementID is empty string,字符串elementID返回元件的id结果:高压变电站,中压变电站,高压变压器,馈线间隔和整个网络,整个电网的elementID为空字符串 - XMLGregorianCalendar begDate result corresponds to the period between begDate and endDate, - XMLGregorianCalendar endDate result corresponds to the perio

17、d between begDate and endDate,- CalcValues calcValues results of ReliabilityData function, contains list of CalcValue object. CalcValues structure contains following attributes: - List calcValue results of ReliabilityData function, item of EParamName enumeration and corresponding value. CalcValue st

18、ructure contains following attributes: - EParamName paramName one of following item CAIDI, CAIFI, SAIDI, SAIFI and ENSI, - double paramValue results of ReliabilityData function.Status of supply StatusOfSupplyResponse requestStatusOfSupply (StatusOfSupplyRequest param) StatusOfSupplyRequest structure

19、 constains following attributes: - String elementID id one of the following elements: Busbar, Section, HVTransformer, MVTransformer, MV/LV Substation , ConsumerGroup, Generator, Motor or Capacitor. StatusOfSupplyResponse structure contains following attributes: - String elementID id of element for w

20、hich the result is returned : Busbar, Section, HVTransformer, MVTransformer, MV/LV Substation , ConsumerGroup, Generator, Motor or Capacitor, - ECurrentStatus currentStatus result of StatusOfSupply function. ECurrentStatus enumeration contains following items: TA_UNKNOWN, TA_GROUNDED, TA_UNENERGIZED

21、, TA_ENERGIZED, TA_GENERATOR and TA_MESHED.Trouble ticket ETroubleTicketResponse requestNewTroubleTicket (NewTroubleTicket param) NewTroubleTicket structure constains following attributes: - BigInteger customerID id of customer, - XMLGregorianCalendar callTime call time of new trouble ticket, - Trou

22、bleDescription troubleDescription description of new trouble ticket. TroubleDescription structure contains following attributes: - ETroubleManifestation troubleManifestation trouble manifestation, - EFaultCause troubleCause trouble cause, - XMLGregorianCalendar troubleTime time of trouble, - EWeathe

23、rCondition weatherCondition weather condition, - String location location of trouble, - String otherInformation additional information about trouble. ETroubleManifestation enumeration contains following items: E_NoPower, E_PartialPower, E_HighVoltage, E_LowVoltage, E_FlickeringLights and E_Other. EF

24、aultCause enumeration contains following items: E_WEATHER_ICE, E_WEATHER_LIGHTNING, E_WILDLIFE_SQUIRREL, E_WILDLIFE_BIRD, E_BURNED_OVERLOAD, E_BURNED_WEATHER, E_WIREDOWN_ACCIDENT, E_WIREDONW_TREE, E_WIREDOWN_VANDALISM and E_UNKNOWN. EWeatherCondition enumeration contains following items: E_Sunny, E_

25、Rainy, E_Cloudy,E_Snowly,E_Windy and E_Stormy. ETroubleTicketResponse enumeration contains following items: E_UNKNOWN, E_NOT_ACCEPTED and E_ACCEPTED.NetAffected results void subscribeNetAffectedResults(W3CEndpointReference param) W3CEndpointReference - Client creates callback object and forwards End

26、pointReference to the server. Over EndpointReference, server sends results to the client. void unsubscribeNetAffectedResults(W3CEndpointReference param)W3CEndpointReference - client forwards EndpointReference to the server. Server cancels subscription based on EndpointReference.Through OnNetAffected

27、Changed method, RTSWS obtains the results from the WebProxy. Then call netAffectedResults method that is on the client. void netAffectedResults (NetAffectedResults netAffectedResults) NetAffectedResults structure constains following attributes: - BigInteger id id of element, - EElementType elementTy

28、pe element type, - BigInteger nStatus operation that was performed on the element - Double fTime client time, - Double fTimeA server time, - List affectedObject list of affected elements. EElementType enumeration contains following items: SWG, FUS, SUP and CMX. AffectedObject structure contains foll

29、owing attributes: - BigInteger id element id, - EitemType itemType type of element , - EAffectationType affectationType affectation type. EItemType enumeration contains following items: TSM, JOI, SEC and TSH. EAffectationType enumeration contains following items: E_ENERGIZED and E_UNENERGIZED.SSM se

30、quence SSMDescriptions requestSSMDescriptions() SSMDescriptions structure contains following attributes: - List ssmDescriptionList SSMDescription is structure.that contains: - java.math.BigInteger id id of SSM sequence - String description description of SSM sequence SSMResponse requestSSM(BigIntege

31、r param) param id of SSM sequence. SSMResponse structure contains following attributes: - XMLDocument ssmSequence XML of ssm sequence - XMLDocument affectedElemSimulation XML od affected elements in simulation - XMLDocument affectedElemRealTime XML of affected elements in real time XMLDocumentis structure.that contains: - org.w3c.dom.Element anyDynamic data动态数据Dynamic data on callback回调动态数据 void subscribeD

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