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DIY 窍门2.docx

1、DIY 窍门2大众机械 (美国)杂志创刊110年周年,推选出来110个小窍门, 选自这110年来所有付印的DIY文章, 号称是110年人类智慧的结晶啊! 继续上一帖,DIYer 应该知道的110个小窍门_转摘 1 - 3031.Gloves Pad LaddersFit cotton gloves atop ladder rails to prevent scratches where the ladder rests against paint or masonry. March 1959用手套做梯子垫用棉手套套在梯子的扶手上,可以防止梯子刮伤油漆或瓦片32.Tire Sled Slides

2、 Heavy StoneHaul a heavy boulder out of a yard, our June 1951 issue suggested, by using an old tire to make a sled.Use a bolt and nut to fasten two thick lumber planks in a cross shape and wedge them inside the tire.Drill a hole in one plank near the end. Loop and fasten a chain through the plank an

3、d around the tire.Roll the stone onto the planks; hook the chain to a tractor or a truck to tow away the sled.The stone rides above grade in the tire opening while the tire edge drags on the ground.用轮胎”旱橇“拖动大石头想把你家院子里的大石头搬走,可以用旧轮胎做一个橇。找两块木板绑好成十字形,撑进轮胎里,在其中一个的一端打孔,用铁链绳索穿过打好的空,穿过轮胎。再把大石头滚进轮胎架在木板上。这样牛可

4、以用拖拉机把石头拖走了。(说句实话,这好像也是个馊主意,太费劲了,1951年都有火箭了)33.Thirst: The Other Mother of InventionTo quickly make a bottle opener, drive a nail into a board so the head stands proud inch.Bend the shank and grab the bottle by the nailhead. March 1966简易开瓶器口渴去找不到开瓶器,找块木板,在木板上凿一个钉子,留1厘米不要完全楔进去,把钉子尖端咋完。你就有一个开瓶器了。34.Ra

5、ttrap ReuseWe had a door that we wanted to keep closed, and not having any suitable ready-made device at hand,we made one from a spring rattrap, we said in our May 1927 issue.Saw off the bait end of the trap and screw the remaining part to the door casing.Protect the adjacent surface with a piece of

6、 tin. This door closer works perfectly, and is cheap.巧用老鼠夹关紧门锯掉放诱饵的一端,把老鼠夹钉在门的合页端,让老鼠夹的弹簧顶着门框,这样就可以关紧门了。35指南针找准点想要在墙的外侧找到一个与内侧墙对应一致的点,找一块磁铁固定在墙的一侧的一点,用指南针贴近墙的另一侧,指针所指的方向就是你要找的那个点,当指针水平的时候,就是对应点所在之处。36How to Haul a SawIts tricky to protect a large push-style handsaw when transporting it along with sa

7、whorses.Our November 1983 issue solved the problem. Cut a saw slot in each end of the sawhorse crosspiece.When finished using the saw, drop it in the slot.怎样拉锯那种长大的手锯要是和锯座一起运输,可能会磕磕碰碰。其实可以在锯座的两端开口来放锯。用完的时候可以直接把锯卡在锯槽里。37Bucket StabilizerTo prevent a bucket or other round container from sliding around

8、 on top of a bench while scouring the inside,our March 1934 issue said, lay the bucket on its side and wedge auto tire tubes beneath the curved exterior.To update the tip, use bicycle inner tubes.圆木桶的固定清洗圆木桶内壁的时候,它总是滚来滚去,可以在桶底下垫条自行车胎。38New Life for a Broken BroomA broken broomstick is just another n

9、ew tool. In March 1981, we showed how to shape a broken handle intoa spike to make a dibble for digging holes for bulbs and seeds. A broken shovel with a D-handle also works well.In July 1946, the broomstick entered the game room as a dart rack: Plane an 8-inch length of broomstickso that it can be

10、fastened to a backboard. Drill holes for the darts at a 45-degree angle inch in diameter, inch deep, spaced 1 inch apart on center.木柄的新用途坏了的扫把,铁锹木柄,可以做成圆锥形,在播种子或菜苗时点坑用。还可以用来放飞镖,在木杆上斜向下45度钻孔,就可以把飞镖扎在上边了。39A Chisel ManicureBecause a dull wood chisel produces slipshod work, use a method we suggested in

11、 June 1948to test the tool for adequate sharpness. Push the chisel cutting edge gently over the top of a thumbnail.If it slides without catching, the chisel needs to be sharpened.木工凿子锋利不锋利要检查木工用的凿子要是不是钝了,可以用凿子在指甲表面推几下,要是很顺滑,就说明它该磨了。40Crescent as CaliperTo measure a drill bit to bore a pilot hole for

12、 a nut and bolt assembly, our August 1965 issue recommendedusing an adjustable wrench as a crude caliper to determine the bolts diameter.Then match the wrench jaws reading with a corresponding drill-bit diameter.活扳手作卡尺用在用木钻打孔的时候,可以用活扳手做卡尺测量孔径,用活扳手调好卡住钻头,再用尺子测量扳手的两个爪。41Baste the BrakesWhen replacing

13、brake fluid, its necessary to flush out the system. Dont do that by reusing the old muddy brown fluidin the reservoir, we said in November 1992. Use a turkey baster to siphon the excess fluid from the reservoir,then add a little clean fluid to flush out the reservoir.And dont use that baster on poul

14、try ever again.更换刹车油再换刹车油的时候,可以利用虹吸现象,用一根细管抽出油仓里的脏刹车油,最后再用一点新油清洗一下。42Sandpaper SaverTo unclog sandpaper, rinse it in lacquer thinner, then buff the paper with a wire brush. September 1954拯救我们的砂纸把用过的砂纸在油漆稀释料涮几下,再用刷子刷几下,你就可以继续用了。43Bolt + Nuts = WrenchIf in need of a wrench and one is not at hand, take

15、 a large bolt and run on two nuts,allowing a space between them to fit over the nut to be turned, we said in March 1910.This will make a serviceable wrench, a substitute that will prove very beneficial in case of an emergency.镙钉 + 镙帽 = 扳手用一个大个的镙钉和镙帽可以快速组装出一个简单的活扳手。44Better Paper CutsWe shared the se

16、cret to making neat cuts in large spools of paper in our March 1969 issue.With the spool standing vertically, unfurl the length of paper planned for use.Begin the cut a few inches from the top, slicing downward.The uncut section supports the sheet so it doesnt droop and tear. Snip off the top portio

17、n to finish the cut.成卷的纸要怎样裁把纸卷竖起来,量好长度,在要裁的地方从上往下开始,但要在最上边开口处留几厘米,这样最上边相连的地方可以起支撑作用。45Fuel-Spray StiflerServicing a fuel-injection system opens up lines with pressures that can top 60 psi, we warned in August 2002.Thats enough to spray atomized gasoline across the shop. Heres how to protect your eyes: Wrap a screwdrivershank in a shop towel and use the tip to depress the Schrader valve stem in the fuel rails diagnostic fitting.堵住油嘴喷油油路内可能有很高的压力,不小心就弄得满屋子都是。可以用抹布包住改锥,在调油门的地方,慢慢降压。

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