1、3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language (USA)The 1st and 2nd 100 Words 1. about 2. after 3. again 4. air 5. all 6. along 7. also 8. an 9. and 10. another 11. any 12. are 13. around 14. as 15. at 16. away 17. back 18. be 19. because 2
2、0. been 21. before 22. below 23. between 24. both 25. but 26. by 27. came 28. can 29. come 30. could 31. day 32. did 33. different 34. do 35. does 36. dont 37. down 38. each 39. end 40. even 41. every 42. few 43. find 44. first 45. for 46. found 47. from 48. get 49. give 50. go 51. good 52. great 53
3、. had 54. has 55. have 56. he 57. help 58. her 59. here 60. him 61. his 62. home 63. house 64. how 65. I 66. if 67. in 68. into 69. is 70. it 71. its 72. just 73. know 74. large 75. last 76. left 77. like 78. line 79. little 80. long 81. look 82. made 83. make 84. man 85. many 86. may 87. me 88. men
4、 89. might 90. more 91. most 92. Mr. 93. must 94. my 95. name 96. never 97. new 98. next 99. no 100. not 101. now 102. number 103. of 104. off 105. old 106. on 107. one 108. only 109. or 110. other 111. our 112. out 113. over 114. own 115. part 116. people 117. place 118. put 119. read 120. right 12
5、1. said 122. same 123. saw 124. say 125. see 126. she 127. should 128. show 129. small 130. so 131. some 132. something 133. sound 134. still 135. such 136. take 137. tell 138. than 139. that 140. the 141. them 142. then 143. there 144. these 145. they 146. thing 147. think 148. this 149. those 150.
6、 thought 151. three 152. through 153. time 154. to 155. together 156. too 157. two 158. under 159. up 160. us 161. use 162. very 163. want 164. water 165. way 166. we 167. well 168. went 169. were 170. what 171. when 172. where 173. which 174. while 175. who 176. why 177. will 178. with 179. word 18
7、0. work 181. world 182. would 183. write 184. year 185. you 186. your 187. was 1. able 2. above 3. across 4. add 5. against 6. ago 7. almost 8. among 9. animal 10. answer 11. became 12. become 13. began 14. behind 15. being 16. better 17. black 18. best 19. body 20. book 21. boy 22. brought 23. call
8、 24. cannot 25. car 26. certain 27. change 28. children 29. city 30. close 31. cold 32. country 33. course 34. cut 35. didnt 36. dog 37. done 38. door 39. draw 40. during 41. early 42. earth 43. eat 44. enough 45. ever 46. example 47. eye 48. face 49. family 50. far 51. father 52. feel 53. feet 54.
9、fire 55. fish 56. five 57. food 58. form 59. four 60. front 61. gave 62. given 63. got 64. green 65. ground 66. group 67. grow 68. half 69. hand 70. hard 71. heard 72. high 73. himself 74. however 75. Ill 76. Im 77. idea 78. important 79. inside 80. John 81. keep 82. kind 83. knew 84. known 85. land
10、 86. later 87. learn 88. let 89. letter 90. life 91. light 92. live 93. living 94. making 95. mean 96. means 97. money 98. morning 99. mother 100. move 101. Mrs. 102. near 103. night 104. nothing 105. once 106. open 107. order 108. page 109. paper 110. parts 111. perhaps 112. picture 113. play 114.
11、point 115. ready 116. red 117. remember 118. rest 119. room 120. run 121. school 122. sea 123. second 124. seen 125. sentence 126. several 127. short 128. shown 129. since 130. six 131. slide 132. sometime 133. soon 134. space 135. States 136. story 137. sun 138. sure 139. table 140. though 141. tod
12、ay 142. told 143. took 144. top 145. toward 146. tree 147. try 148. turn 149. United 150. until 151. upon 152. using 153. usually 154. white 155. whole 156. wind 157. without 158. yes 159. yet 160. young 1. alone 2. already 3. although 4. am 5. America 6. anything 7. area 8. ball 9. beautiful 10. be
13、ginning 11. Bill 12. birds 13. blue 14. boat 15. bottom 16. box 17. bring 18. build 19. building 20. built 21. cant 22. care 23. carefully 24. carried 25. carry 26. center 27. check 28. class 29. coming 30. common 31. complete 32. dark 33. deep 34. distance 35. doing 36. dry 37. easy 38. either 39. else 40. everyone 41. everything 42. fact 43. fall 44. fast 45. felt 46. field 47. finally 48. fine 49. floor 50. follow 51. foot 52. friend 53. full 54. game 55. getting 56. girl 57. glass 58. goes 59. gold 60. gone 61. happened 62. having 63.
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