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考点08 完形填空说明文解析版.docx

1、考点08 完形填空说明文解析版考点08 完形填空说明文Passage1 (2021上海浦东新区高三二模) Have We Reached Peak Trade?Globalization is usually defined as the free movement of people, goods and capital. Its been the most important 1 force of modernity. Until the financial crisis of 2008, global trade grew twice as fast as the global econ

2、omy itself. 2 , thanks to both economics and politics, globalization as we have known it is developing fast.The question is: Have we reached peak trade? If you think of it in terms of the flow of digital data and ideas, no its actually 3 .” Indeed, the cross-border flow of digital data e-commerce, w

3、eb searches, online video, machine-to-machine interactions has grown 45 times larger since 2005 and is 4 to grow much faster than the global economy over the next few years.Theres no doubt globalization has increased wealth at both global and national levels. But free trade can also widen the 5 gap

4、within countries, in part by creating concentrated groups of economic losers. Free trade has made goods and services cheaper for Americans think of all the inexpensive Chinese-made goods at Walmart but it hasnt always 6 their job prospects. From l990 to 2008, the areas most 7 to foreign competition

5、saw almost no net new jobs created. Thats one reason the new generation of Americans is on track to be 8 than their parents.The gains of free trade do not always 9 the losses. This realization that the tide of 10 doesnt raise all boats has fed into the anti-free trade movement. And companies themsel

6、ves are 11 globalization.Nevertheless, there is one reason to be 12 about the future of globalization at least, the new information-based kind. McKinsey data estimate that the companies responsible for the jump in flows of digital goods, services and information will include a much higher proportion

7、 of small businesses than in the past. An estimated 86% of tech-based startups surveyed by McKinsey now do some cross-border business 13 before the arrival of the Internet, when globalization was dominated by super powers. That means that more of the wealth generated by globalization could flow down

8、 to the 80% of the population that hasnt 14 as much as it should have.If those individuals feel they are being empowered by open borders and freer trade, it could help swing the political pendulum (钟摆) back toward globalization in some form. Despite its laws, it has been an economic force that has l

9、ifted more people out of 15 than anything else the world has ever known.1Apolitical Bcultural Ceconomic Dnatural2AOtherwise BHence CMoreover DYet3Adepressing Bincreasing Capproving Doperating4Aprojected Btracked Csignaled Dneeded5Aprice Bwelfare Cpension Dwealth6Aruined Bhelped Cforeseen Dreversed7A

10、resistant Bsuited Cexposed Dinaccessible8Ahappier Bhealthier Cwealthier Dpoorer9Aoutweigh Bbalance Csuffer Dsubstitute10Amaterialism Bmodernization Cglobalization Dconsumption11Awithdrawing fromBcounting on Cprofiting from Dinsisting on12Aconfused Bconcerned Coptimistic Dcurious13Aadaptable Baccessi

11、ble Caffordable Dimpossible14Astriven Bconsumed Cbenefited Ddigested15Afear Bpoverty Cfrustration Dembarrassment【答案】1C2D3B4A5D6B7C8D9A10C11A12C13D14C15B【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章以人们是否已经达到贸易巅峰为题,就全球化和自由贸易给世界带来的影响展开了说明。1考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是现代化最重要的经济力量。A. political政治的;B. cultural文化的;C. economic经济的;D. natural自然的。呼应后文“th

12、anks to both economics and politics, globalization as we have known it is developing fast.”可知全球化是现代化最重要的经济力量。故选C。2考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,由于经济和政治的双重原因,我们所知道的全球化正在快速发展。A. Otherwise否则;B. Hence因此;C. Moreover此外;D. Yet然而。上文提到全球贸易的增长速度是全球经济增长速度的两倍,后文则说全球化正在快速发展,前后为转折关系,应用yet。故选D。3考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你从数字数据和思想的流动的角度来看,不它

13、实际上是在增加。A. depressing使沮丧;B. increasing增加;C. approving支持;D. operating操作。根据后文“has grown 45 times larger since 2005”可知,贸易在增加。故选B。4考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,数字数据的跨境流动电子商务、网络搜索、在线视频、机器对机器互动自2005年以来增长了45倍,预计未来几年的增长速度将远远超过全球经济。A. projected预测,规划;B. tracked跟踪;C. signaled示意;D. needed需要。根据后文“to grow much faster than the

14、 global economy over the next few years.”可知此处是对未来增加速度的预测。故选A。5考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,自由贸易也会扩大国家内部的贫富差距,部分原因是通过创造集中的经济输家群体。A. price价格;B. welfare福利;C. pension退休金;D. wealth财富。结合上文“Theres no doubt globalization has increased wealth at both global and national levels.”可知本段主要是在说明全球化对财富的影响,but表示转折,说明自由贸易也会扩大国家内部的贫

15、富差距。故选D。6考查动词词义辨析。句意:自由贸易使商品和服务对美国人来说更便宜想想沃尔玛那些廉价的中国制造的商品但它并不总是有助于他们的就业前景。A. ruined毁灭;B. helped帮助;C. foreseen预见;D. reversed颠倒。结合前文提到廉价的商品和but可知,此处是指虽然商品便宜但对就业没有帮助。故选B。7考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从1990年到2008年,受外国竞争影响最大的地区几乎没有净新增就业机会。A. resistant抵抗的;B. suited适合的;C. exposed暴露的;D. inaccessible难以接近的。根据前后文语境“the areas

16、most to foreign competition”可知此处指受外国竞争影响最大的地区,即暴露在竞争大的地区,短语be exposed to“暴露于”。故选C。8考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是新一代美国人比他们的父母更穷的原因之一。A. happier更快乐的;B. healthier更健康的;C. wealthier更富有的;D. poorer更穷的。上文提到受外国竞争影响最大的地区几乎没有净新增就业机会,也就是说年轻人找不到工作,因此更加贫穷。故选D。9考查动词词义辨析。句意:自由贸易的利并不总是大于弊。A. outweigh比重;B. balance平衡;C. suffer遭受;D.

17、 substitute替代。根据前后文语境“The gains of free trade do not always the losses”指利大于弊,应用outweigh。故选A。10考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种意识到全球化的浪潮并不能使所有的船只都受益的认识助长了反自由贸易运动。A. materialism唯物主义;B. modernization现代化;C. globalization全球化;D. consumption消费。根据上文可知自由贸易是全球化的产物,所以是指对全球化的认识。后文“globalization”也是提示。故选C。11考查动词短语辨析。句意:公司本身也在退出全球化

18、。A. withdrawing from退出;B. counting on依赖;C. profiting from得益于;D. insisting on坚持。根据上文“the anti-free trade movement”可知,意识到全球化具有局限性的认识助长了反自由贸易运动,因此推测公司会退出全球化。故选A。12考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我们还是有理由对全球化的未来持乐观态度至少是对以信息为基础的新型全球化而言。A. confused困惑的;B. concerned关心的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. curious好奇的。根据后文“McKinsey data est

19、imate that the companies responsible for the jump in flows of digital goods, services and information will include a much higher proportion of small businesses than in the past.”可知全球化还是存在一定益处,应该对其未来持乐观态度。故选C。13考查形容词词义辨析。句意:据麦肯锡调查,86%的科技初创公司现在从事跨境业务这在互联网到来之前是不可能的,当时的全球化被超级大国主导。A. adaptable适合的;B. acce

20、ssible易接近的;C. affordable负担得起的;D. impossible不可能的。结合后文“when globalization was dominated by super powers”可知当时的全球化被超级大国主导,所以86%的科技初创公司现在从事跨境业务这在互联网到来之前是不可能的事情。故选D。14考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着,全球化所产生的更多财富可能会流向80%的人口,而这些人并没有获得应有的好处。A. striven努力;B. consumed消耗;C. benefited受益;D. digested摘要。根据上文“That means that more of

21、 the wealth generated by globalization could flow down to the 80% of the population”可知全球化所产生的更多财富可能会流向80%的人口,所以是指这部分从中受益。故选C。15考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管有法律,但它已经成为一种经济力量,使世界上有史以来最多的人摆脱了贫困。A. fear恐惧;B. poverty贫困;C. frustration挫折;D. embarrassment尴尬。结合上文“Despite its laws, it has been an economic force that has lif

22、ted more people out of”可知自由贸易成为一种经济力量,因此可以帮助更多的人摆脱贫困,out of poverty“摆脱贫困”。故选B。Passage2 (2021上海黄浦区高三二模)Being Bigger isnt Necessarily Considered BetterThe firm, which famously started life in 1939, has now declared a new age: that of smaller start-up. By 2014, when Ms Whitman announced HPs decision to

23、 separate its computer and printer business from its corporate hardware and services operations, the company had grown into a clumsy 16 . Its fortunes started to 17 with a series of expensive and much criticized purchases. By 2012 it had lost its position as the worlds leading supplier of PCs to Len

24、ovo. The dramatic 18 was aimed at helping the firm adapt to the new age of mobile and online computing, responding to shareholder demands for more aggressive 19 .“I would go from laser jet printing to our big enterprise services contracts where we were running the back end of IT for many big compani

25、es and organizations. These two things are not like each other. So the ability to focus and engage with customers on a(n) 20 set of objectives and business outcomes. I can already see the difference.” Ms Whitmann, who now heads the new spin-off, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) selling servers and s

26、ervices, says the change has already 21 her performance. “One big change is it 22 each of the divisions to pursue the strategy that is right for them. 23 , there is no way printer and PC company HP Incs decision last year to buy Samsungs printing business for $1bn would have happened when it was par

27、t of the larger firm. So its that ability to drive your own program, not 24 by other businesses that dont have the same characteristics.” Ms Whitman is so convinced her strategy is working that shes 25 HPE further, spinning off both its business services division and its software business into separ

28、ate companies last year.Her assumption that bigger doesnt always mean better seems 26 . After all, a larger company should find it easier to dominate the market it operates in. But the rapid rise of much smaller start-ups, competing and often overtaking these established powerful companies means the

29、 accepted wisdom that 27 equals success is being challenged. 28 in 2014, eBay carved PayPal, the electronic payments arm it bought in 2001, off from the main online sale business.Box, a cloud storage company, is another case in point. Founder Aaron Levie says “Whether Uber, Airbnb, those same lesson

30、s 29 , which is if you can build something thats cheaper, faster and more scalable and delivers a far better customer experience than what the traditional sellers were able to do, then you can be extremely 30 .”16Aappearance Bconstruction Cgiant Dpossession17Adecline Bincrease Cstay Dvary18Aadventur

31、e Bcombination Cdevelopment Dsplit19Abehavior Bgrowth Cmarkets Dpolicies20Aambitious Bcomplex Cnarrow Doverall21Adelivered Bimproved Cmeasured Dstandardized22Aallows Bemploys Creminds Dthreatens23AAll in all BFor example COn the contrary DWhats more24Aheld back Bkept on Clooked over Dtaken down25Adissolved Bexpanded Coperated Dshrunk26Afundamental Breasonable Csurprising Dwidespread27Adiligence Bdiscipline Cprofit Dsize28AComparatively BGenerally CSimilarly DUnexpectedly29Aapply Bfail Chide Dincrease30Afriendly Bmiserable Cmotivated Dtroublesome【答案】16C17A18D19

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