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人教版高中英语必修3 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note学案6.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修3 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note 学案6Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note【学习目标】 掌握本单元的常用词汇表达。【学习重难点】 熟练记住常用词汇与词组。【学习方法】 速读、细读、归纳、练习【学习内容】一、重点词汇1. permit v. 允许,准许 n. 许可证;通行证They absolutely will not permit you to photograph any of the art work in the museum. 他们绝对不会允许你给博物馆里的任何展品拍照。 permit 和all

2、ow意思相近,都表示“允许,准许”, permit稍正式一些。二者用法相同。allow / permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事allow / permit doing sth. 允许做某事with/ without permission 经过/未经过允许allow for 考虑,顾及根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。 Please _ to introduce Miss Mary.(2)我们办公室禁止抽烟。 We _ smoking in our office. (3)我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。 We must _ his inexperienc

3、e.(4)如果天气允许,周末我将去郊游。 If _ (Weather permitting), Ill go outing this weekend. (5)未经教授允许,没人可进实验室。 Without _, nobody can enter the laboratory.答案:permit / allow medont allow / permitallow forweather permitsthe professors permission2. fault n过错,缺点,故障Her only fault is stubbornness. 她的唯一缺点是固执。find fault wit

4、h sb. 挑某人的毛病commit a fault 犯错误correct a fault 改正错误be at fault 有过错;应受责备根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)错不在我。 Its not _.(2)他总是挑别人的毛病,而自己做得更差。 He always _ others and does worse himself.答案:my faultfinds fault with3. spot n. 污渍,小点,地方 vt. 看出;看见,发现Having searched for a long time, I finally spotted my purse. 寻找了好久,我终于看到了钱包

5、。 on the spot 当场;立即put sb. on the spot 使某人为难根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)从人群中我看到了父亲。 I _ my father in the crowd.(2)他的名声没有被玷污。 There isnt _ on his reputation.(3)医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到现场了。 The doctor was _ a few minutes after the accident.答案:spotteda spoton the spot4. passage n. 船费;通道;一段(文章)This passage will take us to th

6、e other building. 穿过这条通道,我们就可以到达另一座大楼。 earn ones passage 在船上做工充作船费underground passage 地下通道根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)中间是走廊,走廊的每边各有一间房。 There is _ with a room on each side.(2)我们将读一篇有关马克吐温的短文。 Well read _ about Mark Twain. (3)这房子有一条地下通道。 The house has _.答案:a passagea passagean underground passage5. amount n. 数量;

7、总数;总额During the last two years, he accumulated a great amount of wealth. 在过去的两年里,他积累了大量财富。a large / great amount of 大量的;许多的注意: a large amount of 和large amounts of 的意思相同,它们之后都只能带不可数名词,但large amounts of短语作主语时,谓语应用复数。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)账单上金额总计多少? What is _ of the bill?(2)每年她花大量的钱买衣服。 She spends _ money on

8、 clothes every year.(3)需要大量的资金。_ money is required. _ money are required.答案:the amount a large amount ofA large amount ofLarge amounts of二、重点短语1 .bring up 抚养,培养;教育;提及,提出;呕吐Born in Guangzhou, he was brought up in Wuhan.他出生在广州,生长在武汉。 bring about 引起; 致使; 造成; 达成bring along 带来bring around 使复苏; 使恢复健康bring

9、 back 回忆; 使记起bring down 使落下,使倒下,击落bring in 引进; 推广; 吸收参加bring over 使相信; 把带过来bring through 救活,使脱险 bring together 使和解 用适当的介词或副词填空(1)我姑姑养了4个孩子。 My aunt brought _ four children.(2)主席先生,我想提出一个关于城市环保的问题。 Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring _ a question about city environmental protection.(3)这个贪吃的孩子把吃下去的东西

10、全吐了出来。 The greedy child brought _ all he had eaten. (4)赌博终于毁了他。 Gambling has brought _ his ruin.(5)你为什么不把你弟弟带来? Why dont you bring your brother _?(6)几个女孩在高温中昏倒,但医生很快使她们苏醒过来。 Several girls fainted in the heat but the doctor soon brought them _. (7)他病得很重,但医生的细心护理挽救了他的生命。 He was very ill but the doctor

11、s carefully nursing brought him _.(8)我们所说的话使他转而同意我们的意见。 What we said brought him _ to our opinion.答案:up ;up ;up;about;along;around; through;over2. go ahead 开始;领先,进行There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now. 目前似乎没有理由继续进行该项目。 ahead of time / schedule 提前go straight ahead 直走ahead of 在前头;早于;

12、超过根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)-我现在可以开始吗?-开始吧。- May I start now?- _!(2)尽管主席生病了,但会议仍照计划继续进行。In spite of the chairmans illness, the meeting will _ as planned. (3)沿着这条路直走,然后右转。 _, then turn right. (4)同我们一样,他们也提前完成了任务。 They fulfilled their work _ as we did ours.答案:Go aheadgo aheadGo straight aheadahead of time3. by

13、accident / accidentally / by chance 偶然,无意中;不小心Everything seemed to have happened by accident. 一切似乎是偶然发生的。 have an accident 遭受意外meet with accidents 遭不测;失事根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)哥伦布偶然发现了美洲。 Columbus discovered America_.(2)这样喝醉的驾驶员是很可能会发生事故的。 Such a drunk driver is likely to_.答案:by accidentmeet with accidents4. account for 解释,说明He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法说明他旷课的原因。keep an account of 记录,记载on this / that account 为了这个/那个缘故on account of 因为,由于bank account 银行账户on no account 决不根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)她无法解释其错误。 She could not _ her mistak

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