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model test 1参考答案.docx

1、model test 1参考答案Model Test 1Part I Writingsample:My View on Part-time Jobs It is quite common that many college students now take part-time jobs in their spare time. However, there is still a controversy about whether it is good or not. Some people think that taking a part-time job certainly brings

2、some benefits to students. In the first place, it is good and effective for college students to get to know the society and learn how to get along with different kinds of people. Whats more, taking a part-time job provides students with a golden opportunity to get some work experience, whichwill mak

3、e them more competitive in the job market in the future. Finally, students can make some money, which can help to lessen their families financial burdens. Of course, there are also some problems arising from students taking part-time jobs. First, some students may spend too much time on their part-t

4、ime jobs, then neglect their studies. Second, some students may be cheated by others since they are not mature enough to make correct judgments. As for me, I hold the view that college students need to have more access to the outside world.However,they should balance theirsocial practicesand academi

5、c studies. After all, they should know what their main task is.范文点评本文题目为“我对兼职工作的看法”,从三个提纲来看,有些人认为大学生找兼职工作可以了解社会、积累经验等,有些人认为兼职工作影响学习,据此判断此题为正反观点论证题,要求考生在论证两方观点后要提出自己的看法。文章开头(introduction)首先描述了大学生业余时间找兼职工作的现象,但大学生是否应该兼职成为争议。中间(body)部分是两种观点的对比论证:一段是写兼职工作的益处,并阐明原因;一段是写其弊端及其原因。考生注意在写观点对比题时一定要把握行文结构。主题句(t

6、opic sentence)一般放在句首,总述要表达的观点,接下来论据要分清层次,同时过渡词语的使用也很重要,如firstly、secondly、moreover、however、to sum up 等。最后一段(conclusion)要表达作者自己的看法,考生不要一味纠缠到底哪个观点正确,或者自己的观点是否科学合理。考试主要考察学生能否用流畅的英文来表达自己的观点,言之有物且尽量避免语法错误。Part IIReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)文章大意:Louis Kahn 是20世纪美国最重要的建筑设计师之一。他1901年出生在爱沙尼亚,

7、5岁时搬家到美国的费城。Louis Kahn的建筑设计风格受许多方面的影响:他喜欢旅游,曾经去过多个国家和地区,这些旅行经历在很大程度上影响了他的艺术风格,使他能够把传统与现代结合起来;同时Louis Kahn的成长地费城的建筑风格也影响了他的设计特点。他的设计作品遍及各地,建筑成就非凡。Louis Kahn设计的作品总体特点是坚固和厚重,这与前人的作品有着很大的不同。尽管Louis Kahn是一名伟大的建筑师,但是他并不善于经商,以至于在去世前负债累累。Louis Kahn去世后,他的儿子Nathaniel Kahn根据其父亲的经历拍摄了一部电影,名叫My Architect。电影不仅展现了

8、Louis Kahn的建筑艺术成就,同时也讲述了他的个人生活经历。他所教授的学生有些已成为了当今重要的设计师,他的建筑至今依然保持鲜活的形象和不朽的风采。1.考点:细节题解析:题干要求找出Louis Kahn 在哪年搬到美国。从文章第二段前两句话可知,1901年Louis Kahn出生在爱沙尼亚,当他5岁时搬家到宾夕法尼亚州的费城。根据常识费城是美国的一个城市,所以他搬到美国的时间是1906年。所以选B。2.考点:综合理解题解析:文章第三段介绍Louis Kahn的建筑设计风格受许多方面的影响,接下来开始列举他所去过的国家和地区。本段最后一句总结这些旅行经历在很大程度上影响了他的艺术风格,使他

9、能够把传统与现代结合起来。所以选D。3.考点:细节题解析:本题需要考生认真审题,题干要求找出Louis Kahn第一件重要建筑成就(His first important project),由文章第五段第四句可知,他的第一件重要建筑成就是Yale Art Gallery。所以选A。4.考点:细节题解析:本题要求考生找出Louis Kahn除设计公共建筑外,其最著名的住宅房屋设计有什么特色。文章第九段前两句介绍Louis Kahn设计了许多公共建筑物,如博物馆和图书馆等,但是他也设计住宅房屋,所以本题答案一定位于此段,考生要认真阅读。接着,作者介绍Louis Kahn 住宅房屋设计的特点是其建筑

10、材料非常特殊,一般用玻璃、木头和石头。所以选D。5.考点:细节题解析:由文章第十一段第五句和第六句可知,在这个建筑上Kahn花费了他最后的12年(Kahn spent the last twelve years of his life on the project),这个建筑在他死后9年后完成(nine years after his death),所以选C。6.考点:细节题解析:从第十二段第一句可知,share a common .与题干have a common 意思相同,所以后面的内容solidity and heaviness与选项A对应。所以选A。7.考点:综合理解题解析:由文章第一

11、段第一句可知,Kahn被认为是世界上最重要的建筑师之一,所以选项A正确;根据文章第十三段最后两句,他的设计公司并没有很多钱,而且直到他死时,还负债累累(he was in great debt),由此推断出选项B正确;根据文章第十三段第六句,他不喜欢为满足客户的需求而妥协(he did not like to compromise his design ideas to satisfy a buyers wishes),由此推断出选项C正确;根据第十三段第二句 But he was not a very good businessman.说明他不擅长经商,而选项D的意思是他既善于设计又善于经商

12、,与文章内容不符,符合题意,所以选D。8. Nathaniel Kahn, Louis Kahns son made a film about his fathers life, which is called .考点:细节题解析:在文章倒数第二段提到了film,根据题干which is called后面一般跟一些特殊表达的名词,如电影名称、书名、专有名词等,而且一般首字母大写。9. The film presents not only Louis Kahns buildings but also .考点:细节题解析:由文中第十四段第六句shows a great deal about his

13、 private life可找出答案。10. Some students Louis Kahn taught at have become influential architects and his architecture has remained fresh and timeless.考点:细节题解析:由文章最后一段第四和第五句Louis Kahn在宾夕法尼亚大学任教期间教过许多未来的建筑师(While teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, he trained many future builders),一些学生还成为了重要的建筑师(S

14、ome students have become important architects),可填出答案。Part IIIListening ComprehensionSection AW: Is this the book you advertised?M: Yes, Madam. Its our regular $15.95 book on sale today for just $9.90. These are the last two. If you can buy them both you can have the pair for $16.00.11.考点:数字题解析:此对话中多

15、次出现数字,考生需要在平时训练时养成边听边记的习惯,以免遗忘。音频中提到$15.95是通常价格(regular $15.95),而今天减价只卖$9.90(on sale today for just $9.90),而且如果剩下的两本都买,只需要$16.00(have the pair for $16.00)。题目问的是当前书的单价,所以选B。M: Im sorry, Madam. The train is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat, and Ill inform you as soon as we know something.W: Thank

16、 you. Ill just sit here and read a magazine in the meantime.12.考点:细节题解析:音频中提到火车会晚点(The train is somewhat behind schedule),选项A中的cancel意为取消,选项D中的on time 意为准时,而只有选项C中late表示此意。所以选C。M: I really hate the exam. Im sure Ive got a low IQ.W: Oh, cheer up! We didnt do ittoo badly. The fellow next to me wrote h

17、is name at the top of the paper and looked at it for three hours.13.考点:推断题解析:音频中两人正在讨论有关考试的话题。男士说他不喜欢考试,并且怀疑自己的智商(Im sure Ive got a low IQ)。女士说要振作起来,我们做得不错,挨着她的那个人只在试卷的上方写了名字,而后盯了试卷三个小时,什么都没做(The fellow next to me wrote his name at the top and looked at it for three hours)。可见此人在考试中表现肯定不如他们。所以选D。W: W

18、ell, Ive got to buy a new textbook. Ive lost the one Ive been using.M: Oh, I see. Well, if I were you, Id start looking for it in the school.14.考点:推断题解析:音频中女士说她的教科书丢了,并且打算再买一本。男士使用了虚拟语气来表示建议:如果我是你我会在学校里找找(If I were you, Id start looking for it in the school)。所以选C。M: Hey, you know, the hotel clerk to

19、ld me about a great Chinese restaurant. Its really close to the hotel. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?W: Oh, Im really tired. I dont feel like going any place tonight.15.解析:音频没有直接涉及对话地点,要从关键词中进行推断。the hotel clerk (宾馆服务员)说一家中餐馆很好,同时此餐馆又离hotel不远。据此可判断对话发生的地点在宾馆(hotel),所以选A。W: Jane is said to

20、 intend to get married in November, isnt she?M: How come? Her boyfriend indicated to me that theyd wait until she gets a degree.16.考点:推断题解析:首先考生要听清问题,是true还是not true。只有把对话的每一个细节都听懂,才能理解真正要表达的意思。女士用反意疑问句表示她对此问题并不完全确定。男士说How come?表示转折,暗含目前不结婚,until she gets a degree说明要先拿学位后结婚。所以选B。W: Do you want to go

21、 to the lecture on Friday? I heard that thelecturer spent a year living in the rainforest.M: Great, I am doing a report on the rainforest. Maybe I can get some ideas to add to it.17.考点:推断题解析:音频中女士提到周五晚上的演讲是关于演讲者在雨林中的生活。男士说他的报告正好与此演讲内容有关,他能从中得到一些想法用来补充他的报告(get some ideas to add to it)。所以选B。M: How abo

22、ut going on a picnic tomorrow, Grace? You know youll enjoy a picnic as much as anybody.W: Thats true. But whats a picnic without food and good weather?18.考点:推断题解析:but一词在听力中至关重要,后面内容常设为考点,需考生多加注意。音频中男士建议去野餐。女士说Thats true首先肯定了男士的说法,而But whats a picnic without food and good weather(没有食物和好天气的野餐会是什么样),表明

23、在女士看来food和good weather对于野餐来说很重要,暗示了明天天气不好,不适合野餐。所以选C。M: Hi, darling! I have a one-month vacation saved up. How about a trip to Europe?W: I could go for that. But Im afraid our budget is a little tight this year.M: Oh, but I really need to leave this town for a change. Working day after day has worn

24、me out. Do you have any other suggestions?W: How about the countryside? There must be many interesting places, and we could enjoy the fresh air and the delicious special local products.M: Wonderful! I think thats a great idea. How soon until we can make this happen? I cant wait!W: I have an appointm

25、ent with my dentist tomorrow. What about next Monday?M: Perfect. Ill start preparing tomorrow. If were going to drive, Ill need to fill up the tank.W: But Id rather travel by bus or train. It would cost much less than driving. Oil prices are soaring nowadays, you know.M: We can take the train. That

26、will be faster. Ill book the tickets tomorrow morning.W: Great! Oh, one more thing, dont forget to check the weather before we go. Id hate to get caught in the rain.M: No problem. Im really looking forward to the coming week.W: Me too. Now lets make a list for what we need to take with us.19.考点:主旨题解

27、析:选项A、B、D在音频中都有所涉及,但不是谈论的焦点。音频从头至尾一直都是围绕有关度假的话题(vacation),所以选C。20.考点:推断题解析:从女士说的第一句话中的两个关键词could、but可以推断出计划不能实行。could表示假设,表示她愿意去但去不了。but一词引出不能去的原因,考生需注意此点。But Im afraid our budget is a little tight this year(但我恐怕我们今年手头有些紧),所以选B。21.考点:综合理解题解析:考生需要注意问题中的一个关键词not。四个选项在对话中都有提到,但是女士否定了选项B中的to fill up the

28、 tank(给车加油),她说坐火车或汽车比开车花费低(It would cost much less than driving),所以选项B不是他们旅行前要做的事情,符合题意,所以选B。M: Do you know anything about parking rights on the campus? I was wondering whether students are allowed to park their cars on the campus or not?W: Yes, I think its possible for postgraduate students but not

29、 for undergraduate students.M: That doesnt seem very fair.W: No, I suppose not, but there simply isnt enough room on the campus for everyone.M: Do you need a parking permit?W: Yeah, I believe you do.M: Where do I get that from?W: I think you can get it from the administration office.M: Wheres that?W

30、: Its in the building called Block G. right next to Block E. You go along Library Road, past the tennis courts on your left and the swimming pool on your right and the administration office is opposite the car park on the left. You cant miss it.M: Oh right. By the way, what happens to you if you don

31、t have a permit? Do they lock your wheels or give you a fine?W: I think they take your car away.M: Oh really?W: Yeah. And then they fine you as well because you have to pay to get the car back.M: Id better get the permit then. Ill go straight over there. Bye and thanks for your help.W: You are welco

32、me.22.考点:细节题解析:音频中男士问校园内的停车规则(parking rights),所以下句即此问题的答案I think its possible for postgraduate students but not for undergraduate students研究生可以在校内停车,而本科生却不可以)。所以选B。23.考点:细节题解析:音频中男士觉得停车规则不公平(That doesnt seem very fair),紧接着女士附和说她也这么觉得(I suppose not),选项B符合题意,所以选B。24.考点:细节题解析:音频中直接问到administration office的位置,女士回答Its in the buil

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