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牛津上海版高一下册英语 第17讲宾语从句.docx

1、牛津上海版高一下册英语 第17讲宾语从句辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级: 高一 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间A / B / C / D / E / F段主 题宾语从句学习目标1. 掌握宾语从句的时态、语序及引导词;2. 能够在具体的语境中灵活运用宾语从句。 教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.Forrest Gump为什么说巧克力而不说棒棒糖呢,因为在美国巧克力通常有十二块或二十四块,每个都有不同的包装和口味、形状和颜色,以前没有标

2、志。只能拆开放在嘴里,品尝了之后才知道个中滋味。 知识名称-宾语从句【知识梳理1】 宾语从句的关系词及类型1. 宾语从句的关系词连接词:从属连词,连接代词,连接副词引导词有连词that (that 常可省略), whether, if; 代词有who, whose, what ,which;副词 when ,where, how, why 等。【巩固练习】1) Will you tell me I can keep healthy.2) He asked book it was.3) I think it is unnecessary for me to speak louder.4) His

3、 mother is satisfied with he has done.5) I want to know she is looking after.6) I dont know you are right.2. 及物动词后的宾语从句: 1)由从属连词引导的宾语从句 Wemustneverthink(that)wearegoodineverythingwhileothersaregoodinnothing. 2)由连接代词引导的宾语从句 Shewillgivewhoeverneedshelpawarmsupport. 3)由连接副词引导的宾语从句 Iwonderwhysherefusedm

4、yinvitation. 3介词后的宾语从句: 1)IalwaysthinkofhowIcanimprovemyspokenEnglish. 2)Theteacherissatisfiedwithwhatshehassaid.4. 某些形容词后的宾语从句: 1)IamsurethatyouwillmakegreaterprogressinEnglishthroughhardwork. 2)Wearesurprisedthathehasleftwithoutsayinggoodbyetous.5. 非谓语动词后的宾语从句: 1)Realizingthatitwasjustadifferencei

5、ncustom,theforeigner smiledandsaidnothing. 2)Onbeingaskedwhetherhehad hadagoodtimeinAustralia,heanswered “Terrible”. 【巩固练习】1. Undoubtedly speaking, Jobs digital products are of great benefit to _ applies them at work. A. whoever B. whatever C. who D. what2. You cant tell what we are discussing here

6、to _ you think may be related to the case. A. whoever B. who C. whomever D. whom3. Mum, why do you keep staring at me? Have I done anything wrong? You look stupid! The way you are dressed is _ annoys me most. A. which B. where C. how D. what4. The term “culture” really means _ you believe to be norm

7、al. This includes anything from the food you eat to the expectations you have in life. A. what B. that C. which D. why5. Someone else defines who they are and _ they stand for as public figures. A. whether B. that C. what D. how6. Employers often give jobs to they believe has work experience and a s

8、trong sense of duty. A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. whom7. The fact that fun is not equal to happiness may be the opposite of _ many people actually understand. A. why B. that C. which D. what8. In order to drag Greece out of the current economic hardships, the newly-elected premier(总理) is ready t

9、o overcome _ might face the country. A. whichever B. whoever C. however D. whatever9. These reference books donated by a non-profitable organization are available for _ wants to have it. A. anyone B. someone C. who D. whoever6. 形式宾语it 引导的宾语从句,一般谓语动词是及物动词 consider、find、make、regard、see、take、think等1)We

10、mustmakeitclearthatanyonewhobreaksthelawwillbepunished. 2)Ifinditnecessarythatweshouldaskhimforhisadvice. 3)He always takes it for granted that he can pass the exam without hard work.【巩固练习】Translation1. 我发现自己在公众面前很难表达自己的观点。( it )2. 你认为有必要再学一门外语吗?(it)3. 虽然交通被认为是这个地区最严重的问题之一,但是当地政府所采取的行动还远不尽如人意。( it)

11、4. 石油的燃烧污染环境,因此许多国家认为目前发展清洁能源是很重要的。(it)5. 高速铁路的发展使我们的出行更便捷了。(it)【知识梳理2】宾语从句的语序与语态1. 从句要用称述句语序Im not sure when they will start.He told me why he didnt come yesterday.2. 宾语从句的时态特点宾语从句的时态有时受主句时态的影响。 1)主句使用现在时(包括一般现在时与现在完成时)时,从句可以使用任何时态,从句时态可以与主句一致,也可以根据从句本身的需要使用各种时态。 Ithinkyouareright. Ithinkyouwerewro

12、ngatthattime. Ithinkshellcomeintime. Ithinkhehasalreadyfinishedhishomework. Idoubtwhetherheistellingthetruth. ShehastoldmethatshehasneverbeentotheGreatWall. 2)主句使用过去时,从句除表示“真理”可使用现在时态以外,一律使用过去时态。 Hesaidthattheearthturnsaroundthesun. 从句中含有过去时间状语时,使用一般过去时。 Ididntthinkhewaswrongyesterday. 从句中没有过去时间状语,但

13、谈论的是过去发生的事实或从句含有完成时态状语时,常用过去完成时。 Ididntthinkhehadbeenwrong. 从句中含有将来时间状语或虽不含有时间状语,但却是谈论未来发生的事实,使用过去将来时。 I wonderedwhetheryouwouldminddoingmeafavor.3. 要注意的几个问题1)后边不能直接跟that 从句的动词 这类动词有Allow, refuse, let, like, cause, force, admire, condemn, celebrate, dislike, love, help, take, forgive等。这类词后可以用不定式或动名词

14、作宾语,但不可以用that引导的宾语从句。例如: I admire their winning the match. (right) I admire that they won the match. (wrong) 2)不可用that从句作直接宾语的动词 有些动词不可用于“动词间接宾语that从句”结构中,常见的有: envy, order, accuse, refuse, impress, forgive, blame, denounce, advise, congratulate等。例如: He impressed the manager as an honest man. (right) He impressed the manager that he was an honest man. (wrong) 【巩固练习】1. It is not always easy for the public to see _ use a new invention can be of to human life. A. whose B. what C. which D. that2. It even leaves the scientists in

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