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1、上课听力训练原文Exercise 12Part Listening ComprehensionSection A11. A) Outstanding teachers like Professor Johnson are rare. B) Professor Johnson has won a million dollars as an award. C) Professor Johnson is likely to get the benefits from the school. D) There are many teachers as good as Professor Johnson

2、.答案:A听力原文W: This school is lucky to have a teacher as good as Prof. Helen Johnson.M: She is one in a million. Weve all benefited from what she imparted to us. I wish I could have taken more courses she teaches.Q: What does the man mean?解析 关键是理解男士听说的one in a million意为“百里挑一”。点睛 习语理解题是听力考试中的常考题型之一,此类题的

3、解题关键在于对习语的正确理解。解题小偏方:A、D两项语义相对,正确答案常常来自有矛盾关系的那组选项之中。本题符合“短对话听力听到什么不选什么”的原则: A中的outstanding,rare都没在对话中出现;而B、C、D中分别出现了won(one),million,benefit,as good as。12. A) It was misleading. B) It was rather boring. C) It was enjoyable. D) It was just so-so.答案:C听力原文W: Michael, did you go to the lecture on the Fr

4、ench Revolution last night? I have never heard such an interesting history lecture before.M: Yes, wasnt it marvelous! It is said the lecturer is a self-taught man with no university education. But I think he is much better than many of our professors!Q: What did the man think of the lecture?解析 女士说她以

5、前从未听过如此有趣的演讲,男士说Yes,wasnt“marvelous!(太棒了!)可知他赞同女士的观点,故选C。其实,单凭男士的YES就可以判定他肯定了女士的观点interesting。点睛 否定形式的感叹句wasnt“marvelous!表达了更为强烈的肯定意思。看到选项中的It即需认真听对话,寻找对应物。13. A) She has to change the time for the trip. B) She hasnt decided where to go next month. C) She cant afford the time for the trip. D) She wi

6、ll manage to leave this month.答案:A听力原文M: Youre going to make a trip to San Francisco, arent you?W: Yes. But I havent got the plane ticket yet. Im thinking of postponing the trip to next month since this is the busiest month for the airlines.Q: What do we know about the woman from this conversation?解

7、析 关键是听懂女士But后的内容,特别是之后所说的“把旅行推迟到下个月”,故A正确。女士是推迟到下个月,而不是这个月,故D错;是航班繁忙(the busiest month for the airlines)而不是她没有时间,故C错;女士打算去旧金山旅行,故B错误。点睛 But转折题,But后面常常是答案所在。14. A) The apartment is better furnished. B) The woman prefers to live in a quiet place. C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment. D) The w

8、omans roommate is hard to get along with.答案:B听力原文M: I hear you are moving to a new apartment. Can you tell me why?W: Actually, I didnt want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just cant bear the noise made by people living next door.Q: What can we infer from the co

9、nversation?解析 关键是听到but后面的内容“无法忍受隔壁制造的噪音”,由此可知女士想住在一个清静的地方,故选B。选项C与对话的意思相反,故不正确;而A和D根本无原文依据。点睛 听But后面的内容马上就能解题。15. A) At home. B) In a telephone booth. C) At a meeting. D) In the hospital.答案:B听力原文M: Please hold the line, Mrs. Smith. The doctor will talk to you in a minute.W: Im afraid I may have to h

10、ang up. I dont have any more coins and the line will be cut soon. 1 think 1 would call back as soon as I arrive home.Q: Where is Mrs. Smith most probably?解析 关键词和短语有hang up,coins,the line,cut,答案为B。点睛 选项都与地点有关,抓住对话中的关键信息即可判断。16. A) Customer and salesperson. B) Teacher and student. C) Boss and secretar

11、y. D) Guest and waitress.答案:C听力原文M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.I hope they can review it first before the formal meeting.W: Certainly, sir. They will find it on their desks tomorrow morning.Q: What is the probable relationship betwe

12、en the two speakers?解析 关键是听到男士让女士复印20份并送给执行总裁以及各部门经理,女士上的语气也是遵从的,可知C正确。点睛 只要抓住关键词,把握他们的用词和语气就可以做出正确判断。17. A) He didnt buy anything while Tommy bought a lot. B) He got some medicine for his hurting foot. C) He twisted his foot and couldnt go shopping. D) He bought everything except the storybook.答案:A

13、听力原文W: Did you and Tommy go shopping this afternoon together? M: Yes, he seemed to have bought a store home, but all I got was a sore foot. I dont know, and perhaps it was not my day.Q: What does the man mean?解析 解题的关键不但要听到but后面的内容“得到的只是酸痛的脚”,而且还要理解其言外之意,即:除了酸痛的脚以外,什么也没得(买)到,故选A。其实本题but前面的信息也很重要:buy

14、a store home形容买的东西多。听懂任何一半都可以选对A。B、C均是利用foot一词进行干扰。点睛 BUT题。注意:除了理解字面意思以外,还要理解其隐含的意义。与sore常用的搭配还有sore throat“嗓子疼”,sore loser“输不起的人”等。18. A) She didnt expect her daughter to sing so well. B) She sings better than her daughter. C) She doesnt like her daughter singing. D) She herself doesnt have a good

15、voice.答案:D听力原文M: I heard your daughter sing at the school concert last night. She has a lovely voice, I must say.W: Thank you, lots of people said so to her dad also, but I dont know where she gets it.Q: What does the woman probably mean?解析 语义推测题。女士上说but l dont know where she gets it,意即她女儿唱歌好听不是遗传,也就是说女士本人并没有一副好嗓子,故答案为D。B与事实相反,A、C没有根据。点睛 解答此类题一定要把说话者的意思放在原文语境当中去理解,然后再做出正确推测。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) They often take risks. B) Theyre too conservative. C) They have no sense of security. D) They have

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