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1、初中语法名词详解和习题练习 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-19882)初中语法名词详解和习题练习初中语法-名词知识清单知识1 名词的分类 知识2 名词的功能知识3 名词的数 知识4 名词的格知识5 名词化(一)名词概述名词用来表示人或事物的名称。名词可分为专有名词和普通名词,普通名词又可分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有单复数形式,不可数名词没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用。在考试命题中,主要是考察可数、不可数名词的区分,以及量词修饰的使用。考试的题型主要是选择题和词性转换。另外,名词的所有格也是重要的考查部分,主要是区分s和of的用法

2、。(二)基础知识梳理1. 名词复数形式的构成1)规则变化(1)一般名词后面加s。如:month-months,bird-birds。(2)以s,ss,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,后面加es。如:bus-buses,boss-bosses,box-boxes,match-matches,brush-brushes。(3)以o结尾的名词,有的加es,如:patato-patatoes,mango-mangoes,tomato-tomatoes;有的加s,如:radio-radios,zoo-zoos,piano-pianos。(4)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i再加es。如:factory-fa

3、ctories,city-cities。以元音字母加y结尾的名词,直接加s,如:toy-toys,day-days。(5)以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v再加es。如:knife-knives,wolf-wolves(例外:roof-roofs,chief-chiefs),scarf-scarfs或scarves。2)不规则变化(1)改元音字母,构成复数。如:man-men,woman-women,foot-feet,fisherman-fishermen,tooth-teeth,mouse-mice(例外:German-Germans,walkman-walkmans, human-hu

4、mans)。(2)单复数形式一样。如:sheep-sheep,Chinese-Chinese,Japanese-Japanese,deer-deer,fish-fish。 (3)词尾变化。如:child-children。(4)只有复数形式,无单数形式的名词。如: clothes,trousers,glasses,shoes。 (5)以man和woman构成的复合名词变复数时,要采用双复数形式。如:man tourist-men tourists,woman teacher-women teachers。2. 名词的数量表达可数名词:用数词直接修饰,如:one book,three watch

5、es,200 years;与量词连用,量词与所修饰名词都要用复数形式,如:three pairs of shoes,hundreds of years;与模糊数量词连用,如:a few relatives,some people,many boys,a lot of/lots of computers,a large number of students。不可数名词:与量词连用,量词有复数形式,而不可数名词不能有复数形式。如:two loaves of bread,a bottle of water;与模糊量词连用,如:some work,a little milk,much advice/t

6、ime/money,a lot of/lots of news,a large amount of information。模糊数量词修饰可数名词,有如下几个:many,a few,few,a large number of。模糊数量词修饰不可数名词,有如下几个:much,a little,little,huge amounts of,a great deal of。模糊数量词既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,有如下几个:some,any,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,enough。3. 名词所有格1)表示有生命的名词所有格(1)单数名词加s,如:Peters b

7、ag。(2)词尾有s或es的复数名词加“”,如:the teachers office。(3)不以s或es结尾的复数名词后仍加“s”,如:Childrens Day。(4)表示时间、距离,如:todays newspaper,two hours walk。2)表示无生命的名词所有格,用of+名词所有格,如:the front gate of the City Hall,a map of China。3)表示有生命的名词所有格,也可用of+名词所有格,如:a friend of mine,a book of janes,a friend of Marys sisters。【注意】Peter an

8、d Marys desk 表示“彼得和玛丽合用的桌子”Peters and Marys desks 表示“彼得和玛丽各自的桌子”名词语法经典例题1. Tomorrow Im going to my_. Its a _.A. aunt.five minutes walk B. aunts.five minutes walkC. aunt.five minutes walk D. aunts.five minutes walk2. A computer is one of the greatest _in this century.A. inventors B. inventions C. inv

9、itations D. invention3. We havent _homework to do today.A. many B. a lot of C. few D. much4. Mr. Black is a teacher full of he told us his _in the .A. experience.experience B. experiences.experiencesC. experience.experiences D .experiences.experience5. Three hours _enough for a _boy to read books.A.

10、 is.ten-year-old B. are.ten-year-oldC. is.ten-years-old D. are.ten-years-old6. _that pair of new _expensiveA. Is.shoe B. Are.shoeC. D. Are.shoes7. Linda, Ive bought many_. Now lets make the birthday cake.A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milkC. frozen food D. rice dumplings8. The two _are my_.A. w

11、omans doctors.girls friends B. women doctors.girls friendsC. woman doctors.girl friends D. women doctors.girl friends9. Mr. Lin often gives us _by e-mail.A. some good information B. some good informationsC. good informations D. a good information10. These are _houses.A. Wang and my uncle B. the Wang

12、s and my unclesC. the Wangs and my uncle D. the Wangs and my uncles11. People waste _water every day.A. a large number of B. a huge amount ofC. many D. quite a lot12. They tended(照顾)_, and buried(埋葬)_.A. wounded.dead B. the wounded.deadC. the wounded.the dead D. wounded.the dead13. We are are_.A. Ch

13、inese.Germen B. Chinese.GermanC. Chinese.Germany D. Chinese.Germans14. Did you have a lot of _last weekendA. funny B. funnies C. fun D. funs15. Which is wrong _A. How many cartons of milk are there on the tablesB. How much carton of milk is there on the tableC. How many cartons are there on the tabl

14、eD. How much milk is there on the table答案及解析1【解析】 答案是D。在表达五分钟的路程时用名词所有格,虽然时间属于无生命但表达时间、距离、国家所有格时就用s或s形式,又因为五分钟的表达为five minutes是复数,它的所有格只要后面加就可以了,那么排除B,C答案,根据题意“我要去舅妈家”而不是“去舅妈”,因此又排除A。2【解析】 答案是B。上面四个选项中,A是发明家,C是请帖,从句意看不对。由于句中有one of.结构,可以判断出空格中要填名词的复数形式,这样就否定了D。因此,本题答案为B。3【解析】 答案是D。much修饰不可数名词,many和f

15、ew修饰可数名词,a lot of即可修饰不可数名词也可修饰可数名词。homework是不可数名词,因此答案A、C不对,又因为本句是否定句,而a lot of只能用在肯定句中,故正确答案为D。4【解析】答案是C。experience有两个中文意思,“经验”和“经历”。当表达经验时,是不可数名词,表达经历时,是可数名词。根据题意,布莱克先生是一个教学经验丰富的老师,因此此处应选experience。而后面表达他告诉我们他在美国的一些经历,是可数名词,故应选experiences。5【解析】答案是A。表达一个10岁男孩可以是a boy of ten或a ten-year-old boy。在C、D答

16、案中year后面多加了s,故都不对。容易混淆的是three hours作主语时的单复数,我们知道3小时是表示时间的概念,不管是几小时都作不可数名词,因此本题选A。6【解析】答案是C。鞋子是表示复数性的名词,一双鞋的表达为a pair of shoes,这样可以排除答案A、B。又因为数量表达为一双,故谓语动词用单数is而不是are。7【解析】答案是A。many修饰可数名词,而B、C中的milk和food是不可数名词,都可排除。根据题意“我们要去做生日蛋糕”,因此需要买的东西应该是新鲜的鸡蛋而不是饺子,故选A。8【解析】答案是D。以man和woman构成的复合词变成复数时,要采用双复数形式,即女医

17、生们表达为women doctors,这样可以排除A、C,而以girl和boy构成的复合词变成复数时,只要把后面的合成词变成复数就行了,女朋友们表达为girl friends。故D是正确的。9【解析】答案是A。information是不可数名词,它既没有复数形式,故可确定B、C不对;也不可以用具体的数量a来表达,因此D也不对。some可以修饰可数和不可数名词,因此A是正确答案。比较常用的不可数名词还有news、work、advice、music、weather等。10【解析】答案是D。空格中应填名词所有格,表达某人的房子。在表示“王家”时,应在定冠词the之后接姓的复数Wangs;在表示“王家

18、的”时,the Wangs后面加“”,这样就成为the Wangs,而表达“我舅舅的房子”就简单多了。因此选D。11【解析】答案选B。A和C答案都是修饰可数名词,由于本句中water是不可数名词,因此排除A、C答案。D答案表达不准确,修饰名词时必须是用a lot of结构,a lot只能修饰动词,并放在动词之后,如:Thanks a lot;Help me a lot。12【解析】答案是C。一些形容词加定冠词the,可以作名词使用,表示具有这一特征的一类人或事物。如:the young 年轻人,the old 老人,the rich 有钱人,the poor 穷人。13【解析】答案是D。本题考

19、查专有名词Chinese和German的复数形式。Chinese“中国人”的单复数形式相同;而German“德国人”的复数形式是Germans。这种不规则的专有名词还有Japanese,deer,walkman,human。14【解析】答案是C。本题考查fun和funny的用法。fun的意思是乐事、有趣、乐趣,是不可数名词,它没有复数形式,故D项是干扰项;而funny意思是滑稽可笑的,是形容词性质的,不可能去y加es变为复数,故B项也是干扰项。根据句中修饰语a lot of,因其后应跟名词,因此选C。15【解析】答案选B。一盒牛奶表达为a carton of milk,谓语动词用单数;两盒牛奶

20、表达为two cartons of milk,谓语动词用复数,因此A项正确。C项问的是桌上有几个纸盒,纸盒是可数名词,谓语动词用复数,也正确。D项问桌上有多少牛奶,牛奶是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,也是正确的。所以只有B项存在错误。强化练习(一) 中译英1. 今天的报纸 2. 去他兄弟家3. 孩子们的新书包 4. 中国的教育5. 很多有用的信息 6. 一群鹿7. 小明的几个同学 8. 20分钟的车程9. 一张我父亲本人的照片 10. 我阿姨的房子11. 三双新鞋 12. 几百辆自行车13. 大量的牙齿 14. 房间的门15. 几把刀 16. 一张世界地图17. 儿童节 18. 许多德国人19.

21、 上海的天气 20. 五英尺深的洞(二) 用适当的名词填空1. Most _can sing this popular song. (Germany)2. Its my _to help you with English. (please)3. During his _from me, I was busy inside and outside. (absent)4. He bought three _of bread for breakfast. (loaf)5. The _are all tall and strong. (speech)6. Lu Xun was one of the m

22、ost famous _at that time. (write)7. Some of people have good_. (memorize)8. Please tell me the_. (true)9. The _of the people on the plane surprised us a lot. (die)10. I have got Toms_. (invite)(三) 选择题1. There is no _in the room.A. chairs B. cotton C. desks D. books2. _room is very nice.A. Toms and J

23、ohns B. Toms and JohnC. Tom and Johns D. Tom and John3. There is _bread in my fridge. Please buy _on your way home.A. a little.some B. a little.anyC. little.some D. little.any4. The park is only _walk from our school.A. ten-minutes B. ten minutesC. ten minute D. ten minutes5. Thanks for your_. _help

24、ful.A. advices.Theyre B. advices.ItsC. advice.Its D. advice.Theyre6. -What are those women-They are_.A. policewomans B. policewomenC. women policeman D. woman policewomen7. A friend of_will come to see_tomorrow.A. me.mine B. C. D. mine.mine8. Your trousers _too dirty. You must have _wa

25、shed.A. B. C. are.them D. is.them9. How many _did they buy yesterdayA. rice B. bag of rice C. bags of rices D. bags of rice10. Nowadays _are not always made of_.A. B. C. glass.glasses D. glasses.glasses参考答案(一) 中译英1. todays newspaper 2. go to his brothers3. chil

26、drens new schoolbags4. Chinese education5. much useful information6. a group of deer7. a few classmates of Xiao Mings8. twenty minutes ride9. a photo of my father 10. my aunts house11. three pairs of new shoes 12. hundreds of bikes13. plenty of teeth 14. the door of the room15. a few knives16. a map of the world17. Childrens Day18. many Germans19. Shanghais weather20. a five-foot-deep hole(二) 用适当的名词填空1. Germans 2. pleasure 3. absence 4. loaves 5. speakers 6. writers 7. memories 8. truth 9. death 10. invitation(三) 选择题1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B

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