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1、Susie根据句意及所给词的首字母完成单词根据句意及所给词的首字母完成单词1. Hes from C_. He is Chinese.2. This year Im t_ years old and next year Im thirteen.3. Tom and Tony are my good f_. We are all in Class Two.4. There are 64 s_ in my class. We are all good friends.5. Five and six is e_.6. We watch three football m_ a week.7. Tom

2、and Bill are E_. They are from the UK.8. Nice to m_ you.9. We all like l_ to music.10. When the teacher comes into the classroom you must s_ up and say hello to him.11. Dont o_ the door. Its cold outside.12. Please w_ these words in your exercise book.13. I know Beijing and Shanghai are big c_ in Ch

3、ina.14. Nancy is from E_. She is English.15. In Chinese the f_ name is first and the g_ name is last.16. There are 40 c_ in our school.17. Tom is a good s_ in our class.18. What is your n_? Li Lei.19. We like our t_ Miss Yang. She teaches us very well.20. They are from E_. They are English.21. Six a

4、nd Seven is t_.22. This is my f_ lesson, so I dont know all your names.23. You can see a piece of chalk and draw it on the b_.24. Can you w_ an e-mail to me soon?25. Im very nice to m_ you.26. W_ Betty ad Tony to our school.27. He is from A_. He speaks English very well.28. He can play football and

5、table t_.29. Can you r_ a bike?30. Amy is a very good s_.31. Sandy likes l_ to music every day.32. What do you do after school? We play f_.33. S_ is a good sport in summer.34. Her f_ color is red.35. They are from Beijing I_ School.36. My fathers brother is my u_.37. Lucy is my mothers daughter, so

6、she is my s_.38. Tonys mother works at a hospital, and she is a d_.39. Is Li Mings father a f_ manager?Yes, he is.40. My father works in a hotel, and he is the hotel m_.41. What are your parents j_?42. My aunt and my mother are s_.43. Paul and Peter are not brothers. Theyre good f_.44. Dad, t_ is Ma

7、ry. She is my friends.45. Theyre my p_. Im their son.46. Playing the p_ is hard for me. I like the guitar. 47. There are many f_ in the city and many workers work in them.48. Beijing U_ is a good place for students.49. Tom, our teacher asks you to go to the teachers o_.50. He is ill in h_.51. This i

8、s a p_ of her family.52. She is an office s_.53. There are two l_ in our school. There are many books in it.54. I have two English Chinese d_.55. Twenty and twenty is f_.56. How many s_ are there in your class?57. There arent a_ desks in the classroom.58. What are those? -T_ are chairs.59. Many stud

9、ents like playing c_ games.60. Is there a s_ lab behind your classroom?61. Dont sit n_ to me.62. W_ is the gym? Its in front of the lab.63. We have dinners in the d_ hall.64. There is a big tree in f_ of our classroom.65. There are many labs in these tall b_.66. Can you answer these q_?67. Its not i

10、n front of the gym. Its b_ the gym.68. T_ are some blackboards on the wall.69. TV is short for t_.70. How old is your brother? He is f_. He is a middle school student.71. Tom, its six t_. Please get up soon.72. Jim sits n_ me. We are in Row Three.73. Kate Green and Jim Green are Mr. Greens c_.74. Yo

11、ur mothers father is your g_.75. Your mothers mother is your g_.76. Your grandfathers son is your u_.77. Your fathers daughter is your s_.78. Your sister is your mothers d_.79. Your brother is your fathers s_.80. Please look at the b_ and read after me.81. Have you got any b_ or sisters?82. How many

12、 p_ are there in your family.83. Have you got a pen? No, I h_.84. There are five p_ in my family.85. What c_ are the pens? Black.86. These are my b_ friends.87. He is f_ Beijing University.88. Mary h_ got a good friend.89. Can you help h_ with his English?90. Here is a p_ of his family.91. I like ea

13、ting v_ but I dont like meat.92. We must eat h_ food.93. I like cold d_.94. Look, the baby is drinking m_.95. I like meat, eg beef, c_ and pork.96. Its bad for small children to eat too much c_.97. There is some pork in the f_.98. Dont d_ too much Coke. Its an unhealthy drink.99. She likes having n_

14、 for breakfast in the morning.100Whats your f_ food? Hamburgers.101.There are thirty-five students in my class. Thats f_ girls and twenty boys.102.Yes, youre r_!103.Te h_ is unhealthy.104.How many months are there in a year? There are t_.105.There are many b_ in our school.106.Id like some hamburger

15、s with some meat and p_.107.Whats your favorite d_? Coke.108.Would you like to go to the c_ to see a film?109.W_ is the fourth day of a week.110.Jackie Chan is my favorite f_ star.111.S_ is the last day of a week.112.We often watch three football m_ in a month.113.Manchester United is my favorite t_

16、.114.Would you like to have dinner with us? Thats a good i_.115.On Saturday e_ we usually watch TV at home.116.T_ is between Wednesday and Friday.117.Lets go to watch football team in the s_.118.We have no classes on S_ and S_.119.School starts in the m_ every day.120.There are seven d_ in a week.12

17、1.T_ is the fifth day of a week.122.Would you like to see a film in the c_/123.He i_ me to his birthday party.124.M_ show is on on Sunday evening.125.Whats the p_ of the apples? Three yuan a kilo.126.We often play games on the p_ after class.127.We s_ at home and watch TV on Sunday.128.H_ is my favo

18、rite subject.129.I dont like s_ and maths.130.In the lab we have c_. Its very interesting.131.Seven thirty means h_ past seven132.What day is it t_? Its Friday.133.We draw pictures in the a_ lesson.134.We play computer games on W_ afternoon.135.We dont have any c_ on Saturday and Sunday.136.Koalas a

19、re form A_.137.Bettys s_ lesson is at half past ten.138.Whats the time? Oh, its about eleven o_.139.Who do you t_ about? Our teacher.140.We have b_ in the morning.141.I often do my h_ at half past six in the evening.142.When do you f_ your Chinese lesson?143.Two h_ apples make one apple.144.After Ch

20、inese lesson, we have a b_.145.When do you g_ up in the morning? At about six oclock.146.We give her an English-Chinese dictionary as a birthday p_ for her.147.We u_ have a party at home.148.Let Tom h_ a birthday party.149.I like p_ basketball after school150.He doesnt like reading. What about s_ in

21、 the river?151.Can you m_ a cake?152.His birthday present is a cinema t_.153.Damings uncle likes reading and he reads lots of books and m_.154.My mother buys a p_ of jeans for me.155.She often goes to the c_ to listen to music.156.Their birthday p_ are jeans and trainers.157.Linglings father often w

22、_ the football on TV.158.Li Yuchun and Guo Feng are his favorite s_.159.She is n_ late for school.160.Good h_ can give you much help.161.Tony always likes to receive birthday p_.162.Tom and Jim are in d_ classes.163.Saying “Thank you” is a good h_.164.We always send him a p_ on Christmas.165.We can

23、go to the cinema with a cinema t_.166.What do you t_ of the weather? Its rainy.167.He likes music and he often goes to the c_.168.The Arctic animal is the p_ bear.169.Pandas live on b_.170.An e_ is the biggest animal on land.171.The zoo has many pandas, giraffes and many m_.172.Ten hundred is t_.173

24、.France is in E_.174.Pandas are my favorite a_.175.China is an A_ country and New Zealand is an O_ country.176.C_ are the most important animals in the desert.177.The kangaroo lives in the g_. It eats grass and l_.178.P_ are a national treasure of China.179.Do tiger eat g_? No, they eat meat.180.The

25、re are many kinds of a_ in the zoo.181.How many c_ are there in your family?182.The kangaroos only live in A_.183.Look at the two girls. W_ is your sister? The one behind the tree.184.How do I write my homework on the c_?185.First you open a new d_.186.F_ he finds out the answer to the question.187.

26、The k_ is used for putting information into the computer.188.We can use the p_ to print the document.189.I receive some e_ this week.190.Fist you connect the m_ to the computer.191.Finally you can s_ on the computer.192.What do you do n_?193.Whats the m_ used for?194.My friend Tom often d_ music fro

27、m the Internet.195.How many e_ do you send every week?196.Do you often go o_?197.Do you make travel p_ on the Internet?198.They are our grandparents and we are their g_.199.Before you buy a plane ticket you must look at the t_ first.210.I also get i_ for my lessons on the Internet.211.T_ of students

28、 like to go online.212.Taiwan Channel c_ the main land and Taiwan Island.213.I often go to school early, but s_ Im late for school.214.The food id very delicious. Thank you for i_ me.215.I dont know which book to c_. There are many books.216.There are two t_ students in our school.217.Think h_ and work h_. 218.His h_ stopped b

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