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本文(新目标八年级英语上册Unit3Immoreoutgoingthanmysister第1课时教案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新目标八年级英语上册Unit3Immoreoutgoingthanmysister第1课时教案英语 八年级上册Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister.Period 1Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c教学目标要求1能够谈论人的个性特点,如:Sam has longer hair than Tom.2能够简单比较人物特征,如:Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom.3能听懂并指认所学人名,如:Tara, Tina, Tom, Sam

2、, Peter, Paul等。4能初步用-(i)er和more对形容词和副词进行比较并学习了解形容词副词比较级的构成规则,如:smart / smarter; friendly / friendlier; outgoing / more outgoing等。5能在教师指导下了解形容词副词比较级的特殊变形,如:good / better; well / better等。6能认读并能工整书写所学单词:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working等。7能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如:Thats

3、Tara, isnt it? No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Tara.教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间3 m1复习已学目标语和导入谈论人物个性特点的话题(指向一名学生)Look at him and answer my questions.What does he look like? (He is tall and thin. He has short hair.)2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动OK. Now lets see two pictures. Lets do pair work:

4、Describe the people in the pictures about their height, build and hair.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生Well, lets read the words together.学生齐读单词(强化)导入时间1 m3导入新课话题Well, were going to learn Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.4引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. Period 1教师询问几个学生:Are you outgoing

5、? 1a时间6 m5读图,了解主题图场景和人物First, look at the picture. Please watch and read. Then, answer: Who are the pupils?What are they doing on the stage?(Theyre some twins. Theyre performing.)You may answer either in English or in Chinese.OK. Answer my questions.(点击中间女孩)Who is the girl? What does she look like?

6、(Tara. She is not very tall but her hair is long.)She is singing loudly. (随机教授单词loudly.)(点击左上女孩)Who is the girl? (随机教授名字Tara) What does she look like? She is playing the electronic organ quietly. (随机教授单词quietly)(点击右上男孩)Who is the boy?(随机教授名字Sam) What does he look like?6运用课件,激活学生曾学过的谈论人物特点的词汇Now, Let

7、s describe the pupils in the picture.学生描述途中人物的特点。教师给予评价(肯定或“纠正”,即让他们初步接触未学的描述人物个性特点的单词)7理解辨认有关描述人的个性特点的单词Please open your books and turn to page 17. Look at 1a. Match each word with its opposite.(教师点击,示范tall的反义词short)学生个人活动,复习已知的单词,接触未知的生词Now, lets check.核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价。8学习并复习副词的形式Lets learn thes

8、e words. Listen and repeat, please.让学生观察loudly和quietly的共同特征,教师随即小结:大部分的副词都是以 -ly结尾。1b时间7m9听前活动,了解对话谈论的人物。There are three pairs of the twin brothers and sisters in the picture. Lets observe the names.(学生齐读名字猜测孪生兄弟或姐妹,教师纠正发音。)Why do you say Tom and Sam are twins? Why are Tina and Tara twin sisters? (学

9、生能说出名词的特点)Both Tara and Tina have “T” and “a”;Tom and Sam both have three letters in the name and they both have “m”.(让学生初步接触单词both)10通过听力导入比较人物特征的功能项(目标语)Lets do listening practice. Dont look at your books. Listen carefully. Then answer:How many pairs of twins do you hear?11听辨对话,感受目标语Now open your

10、books and look at 1b. Listen again and number the pairs of twins in the picture.核对答案。12视听会话的动画,并模仿跟读会话Look, listen, watch and repeat.13初步了解形容词、副词的比较级形式Now please read the comparatives of the words in 1a.14进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子。Read and learn. 1c时间5 m15组织Pair-work,学生扮演角色模仿1a图片中的会话Please practice the con

11、versations in pairs.总结1a会话中对比人物特征的词语和句型 16针对目标语进行控制性的实践活动Work in pairs. Make conversations about the twins.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生2a时间5 m17听前预热,熟悉听力中的重点词汇Please take out your exercise book and do a dictation:1funny, friendly, outgoing, hard-working. smart, lazy2run fast, jump high, work hard, get up early学生

12、对照课本核对答案。Lets read the words together. (纠正发音,随机教授单词hard-working)18在语境中听辨形容词和副词的比较级1Are the words in the box used with -(i)er or more? Predict by yourself.2Now well listen to a conversation, check if you are right.核对答案 19朗读各词的比较级形式,进一步熟悉词汇读音。同上2b时间5 m20听前活动,了解听力策略:边听边记录How can you take notes quickly

13、when you are listening? 学生总结:运用首字母或首尾字母代表相关词汇是听力中能够快速记录的一种手段。如:h=hard, hw=hard-working21听力策略演练:学习快速记录。I will read some words quickly, and you take notes quickly, and then tell me the order of my words.教师打乱顺序快速读出1a的词汇。核对答案22听力实践,从对话中获取信息OK. Listen to the conversation. How are Tina and Tara different?

14、 Fill in the boxes.核对答案23进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子。Read and learn. 2c时间4 m24结对口语活动,练习目标语言句型1教师扮演Student A,一学生为Student B,师范表演:Student A: Is Tom smarter than Sam?Student B: No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Sam taller than Tom?Student A: Yes, he is. Sam is taller than Tom.2将学生分为Student A和Student B。3St

15、udent A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on Page 81. Ask and answer the questions about Sam and Tom. 小结时间3 m25本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标1抽查两对学生的会话表演2Read the sentences together.3When we compare people, we should use comparatives. Read the words. 作业时间1 m26Homework(布置作业)1听教材会话录音并进行模仿朗读。2工整抄写并熟读记忆本课出现的描写人的个性特点的单词。3写几句话比较你和你的朋友。

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