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1、检验医学英文杂志解析临床检验相关英文杂志1.Clinical Chemistry临床化学杂志, 2006年影响因子5.454. 2005年:7.717. 临床化学(检验)专业的王牌杂志.网址:http:/,该杂志由美国临床化学协会(American Association for Clinical Chemistry)主办,编委和主编都是检验界最顶级的专家,现任编委为Nader Rifai,是心血管疾病标志物的专家。来自中国的编委只有一个,是香港中文大学的卢煜明教授,循环核酸检测领域的权威。该杂志为月刊,主要刊登检验医学领域最激动人心的成果,包括:实验室指标的

2、评价(主要是心血管,内分泌领域大样本的,前瞻性的研究),新的检测方法评价,临床病例学习(都有顶级专家点评),专家评论等。我国平均每年在该杂志上发10-15篇论文,多数是中科院以及各医科大学从事分子生物学,生物化学的单位发的,纯由医院检验科发的文章较少.以下是杂志的英文介绍(摘自杂志主页):Clinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today s clinical laboratory. In addition to being t

3、he most cited journal in the field (over 18,000 citations in 2005), Clin Chem has the highest Impact Factor (7.717 in 2005) among journals of clinical chemistry, clinical (or anatomic) pathology, analytical chemistry, and the subspecialties, such as transfusion medicine, clinical microbiology. The j

4、ournal issued monthly, publishes contributions, either experimental or theoretical, that concern basic materials or principles, analytical and molecular diagnostic techniques, instrumentation, data processing, statistical analyses of data, clinical investigations in which chemistry has played a majo

5、r role, or laboratory animal studies of chemically oriented problems of human disease.2.Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine临床化学和实验室医学杂志http:/年影响因子1.725. 是FESCC(欧洲临床化学和实验室医学学会论坛)和IFCC(国际临床化学和实验室医学学会论坛联合会)的官方出版物。该杂志主要刊登临床生物化学,病毒学,遗传学,免疫学,血液学,微生物学方面的文章。内容涉及实验室指

6、标的评价,仪器试剂的评价,参考范围的制定等。北京中日友好医院检验科鄢盛恺主任是这本杂志的编委。比起Clinnical Chemistry来,这本杂志的文章质量还是查了一点,文章数据量不是很大,新颖性可能有所欠缺,但是文章设计十分严谨。我认为这本杂志和Clinnical Chemistry都是检验人必读的两本杂志。以下是杂志的英文介绍(来源于杂志主页):CCLM is an official journal of the Belgian Society of Clinical Chemistry (BVKC/SBCC), the German United Society of Clinical

7、 Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL), Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC), and the Slovenian Association for Clinical Chemistry. CCLM keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments in the clinical laboratory sciences. It reports on progress in fun

8、damental and applied research. Areas covered include: clinical biochemistry, molecular medicine, hematology, immunology, microbiology, virology, drug measurement, genetic epidemiology, evaluation of diagnostic markers, new reagents and systems, reference materials, and reference values. CCLM further

9、 promotes communication concerning these topics by the publication of news, letters and meeting reports. New teaching and training methods applicable to laboratory medicine are also covered.In addition to original research reports, authoritative reviews written by leading experts in the field keep y

10、ou informed of latest advances in the clinical laboratory sciencesCCLM is closely linked to the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC) and publishes regularly approved IFCC recomme

11、ndations and other IFCC documents, as well as selected EFCC recommendations and EFCC news3.International Journal of Laboratory Hematology国际实验室血液学杂志原名叫Clinical and Laboratory Haematology,07年才改名为International Journal of Laboratory Hematology,是ISLH(International Society for Laboratory Hematology)的官方期刊。

12、著名的血常规复片标准(俗称推片41条)就是出自该杂志。2006年影响因子0.921。杂志很多内容大多是关于血常规,骨髓片,血液病分子诊断的。不得不佩服老外确实厉害,小小的血常规,也能做出很多优秀的论文。搞临检的同行可以看一下上面的文章。这是杂质的链接为:著名的复片41条http:/的官方网站http:/ Journal of Laboratory Hematology is an international journal

13、providing a forum for the communication of new developments, research topics and the practice of clinical and laboratory haematology. The journal publishes: invited reviews; full length original articles; case reports; technical reports; regular book reviews; notices and correspondenceIn addition, t

14、he Journal publishes Synoptics, an occasional review series presenting a written summary of meetings which readers might have missed. An active and positive editorial policy ensures that work of the highest scientific standard is reported, promoting effective communication amongst practising haemato

15、logists.4.Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine病理学和实验室医学档案美国病理医师学会(College of American Pathologists )的官方期刊。2006年影响因子为,1.605.在国外,病理和检验是在一起的。这本杂志有一半的文章是刊登检验的(还有一半是病理)。特别是一些新技术,比如:分子病理学(个人认为相当于我们的临床生物化学),细胞遗传学,HLA配型,实验室管理等。这本杂志有该杂志免费对全世界开放。以下是杂志的英文简介(来源于杂志主页)The Archives of Pathology & Laboratory

16、 Medicine is the official journal of the College of American Pathologists, an organization whose mission is to represent the interests of patients, the public, and pathologists by fostering excellence in the practice of pathology worldwide. The ARCHIVES is published monthly by the College with the c

17、ooperation of the American Medical Association (AMA) and is a member of the consortium of AMA journals.The ARCHIVES publishes original, peer-reviewed articles for pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists. This information is intended to help laboratorians keep abreast of the everincreasing kn

18、owledge base necessary to the successful practice of pathology and laboratory medicine. The journalactively pursues articles that focus on new and/or complex technologies/disciplines, such as molecular pathology, cytogenetics, HLA, cytometry, informatics, and the science of medical laboratory manage

19、ment.5.Laboratory Medicine实验室医学美国临床病理学会(American Society for Clinical Pathology)的官方杂志。搞不懂它与College of American Pathologists 有什么区别.2006年影响因子为:0.188,不太入流的杂志.可能术主要工美国的检验人员进行继续教育的。连接:Published by the ASCP, Laboratory Medicine is devoted to the continuing education of laboratory professionals. The monthl

20、y magazine features articles on the scientific, technical, managerial and educational aspects of the clinical laboratoryAnnals of Clinical & Laboratory Science临床和实验室科学年报由美国临床科学家学会(The Association of Clinical Scientists)主办的刊物,季刊,主要刊登一些病理学,临床化学,生物技术,分子生物学,细胞遗传学,微生物学,免疫学,血液病学,输血医学,器官移植等方面的文章,与检验还是有一点关系

21、的,虽然不是很密切,国内学者也时不时在上面发文章,比如,2007年第四期就有两篇国人的文章,2006年影响因子:1.227,以下是他的官方网站,上面有关于该杂志的介绍。该杂志对国人不免费。http:/ Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science welcomes manuscripts that report research in clinical science, including pathology, clinical chemistry, biotechnology, molecular bio

22、logy, cytogenetics, microbiology, immunology, hematology, transfusion medicine, organ and tissue transplantation, therapeutics, toxicology, and clinical informatics.6.Journal of Clinical Microbiology和Clinical Microbiology Reviews临床微生物学杂志http:/这两本本杂志是美国微生物学会(The American Society for Micro

23、biology ,http:/的官方期刊,ASM共有十二本期刊(http:/,与检验的关系都较为密切,毕竟微生物检验是检验的重要组成部分。其中个人认为Journal of Clinical Microbiology(影响因子:3.445),Clinical Microbiology Reviews(影响因子:12.643)与检验的关系最为密切,不同的是,前者主要刊登论著,后者主要刊登综述(都是本领域大牛撰写的综述)。可以毫不夸张地说:是微生物检验同行的必读杂志。The Journal of Clinical Microbiology

24、 publishes the most current research on the microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, with emphasis on their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology.Clinical Microbiology Reviews offers a variety of reviews of developments in clinical microbiology and immunology,

25、 providing an excellent and timely overview of topics of concern to microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, pathologists, public health workers, and infectious disease specialists. Bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology are among the fields covered.7.Journal of Clinical Laborato

26、ry Analysis临床实验室分析杂志主要介绍一些新的检测方法以及评价,包括免疫化学,毒理学,血液学,血液病理学,免疫病理学,临床化学等。是从事方法学研究的检验人员重要的参考资料,2006年影响因子1.904。以下是杂志的英文简介(来源于杂志网站)Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis publishes original articles on newly developing modes of technology and laboratory assays with emphasis on their application in current

27、 and future clinical laboratory testing. This includes reports from the following fields: immunochemistry and toxicology hematology and hematopathology immunopathology (including immunohistochemistry and molecular probe assays) microbiology genetic testing immunohematology and clinical chemistry.8.S

28、candinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation斯堪的纳维亚临床和实验室研究杂志http:/是一本综合性的检验杂志,但是感觉比起Clinical Chemistry和Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine来还是差了点。由斯堪的纳维亚临床化学协会(Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry)主办的杂志,主要影响力貌似在北欧。2006年影响因子:1.216

29、。以下是杂志的英文简介(来源于杂志网站)The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation is an international scientific journal covering clinically oriented biochemical and physiological research. Since the journal was launched in 1949, it has been a forum for international laboratory medicine, closely

30、 related to and edited by The Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry. The journal contains peer-reviewed articles, editorials, invited reviews, and short technical notes. Additionally, several supplements are published each year, consisting of monographs, and symposium and congress reports cove

31、ring subjects within clinical chemistry and clinical physiology. The short handling time, currently 14-16 weeks from receipt of manuscript to acceptance, guarantees that the journal is at the forefront in the field of clinical and physiological research. The supplements consist of monographs and symposium reports covering clinical chemistry and clinical physiological subjects.9.Clinical Immunology临床免疫学学杂志临床免疫学会(Clinical Immunology Societyhttp:/的官方期刊,以前叫ClinicalImmunology and Immunopathology,06年影响因子3.217。也刊

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