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英语人教版八年级下册Unit4 Why dont you talk to.docx

1、英语人教版八年级下册Unit4 Why dont you talk toUnit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B (2a-2e)一、Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Knowledge Objects:Words: opinion, skill,Typical, cut out, quick, continue, compare with, crazy, push, development, cause, usual.Structures:The tired children dont get home unti

2、l after 7:00 pm.Many of them are leaning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university.Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.ents reading skills by finding the topic sentences and guessing the 2. Ability

3、 Objects:(1) Train studmeanings of new words from the context.(2) Encourage students to talk about after-school activities and express their own opinions about them.3 Moral ObjectsLearn to compare the problems of Chinese families with American families and summarize the similarities and differences

4、between Chinese and Western cultures.二、学情分析 (一)教学内容分析:这一课时是人教版新目标八年级下第四单元的Section B 2a-2d。第四单元的语言目标是能询问、陈述自己或他人的困难和麻烦,能针对别人的困境提出解决的办法和建议。Section B部分进一步拓宽了本单元的话题内容,不仅探讨了如何通过各种活动来减轻压力,还比较了东西方家长对子女教育的态度和做法。该部分的学习将有利于学生学会换位思考,帮助他们逐步建立正确积极的生活态度和价值观。2a-2e是Section B 的阅读教学部分,学习内容如下:1. 谈论课外活动和课外学习班给学生带来的问题并能

5、用目标语言给出建议。2. 本篇阅读材料属于本单元的第二次阅读,侧重于阅读策略的指导,要求学生掌握并能使用阅读策略阅读文本,获取信息。(学会在语境中感知和体会词汇含义,学会根据上下文猜测生词的含义)3. 在理解所读内容的基础上总结出中美家庭共同存在的问题,并能用自己的话来阐述文中不同人的观点和看法。学生能就此问题提炼自己的观点和建议,并尝试另写一段,拓展阅读文本内容。(二)学生情况分析:本课的授课对象是德阳市第八中学校八年级下册的学生,班级学生数量不多,学生接守过相关语言材料的英语学习指导,有一定的语言阅读基础,接受能力较强;具有良好的学习习惯;习惯于小组合作探究学习。但学生对英语知识的建构,阅

6、读技巧的运用,阅读能力的开发等仍然处于待提高阶段,特别是学生对泛读材料的阅读技巧还不熟练,常常把泛读材料当成精读材料来阅读,导致阅读速度慢,阅读效率低。所以教师在设计课程时充分考虑了其实效性,把泛读课技巧与精读课阅读策略结合起来,上课过程中鼓励他们树立信心,积极参与,习惯于师友互助课堂教学模式下的小组合作探究学习,敢于开口,积极参与。三、重点难点 1、Teaching Key and Difficult Points(1)Learn to talk about the problems between Chinese families and American families.(2)Try

7、to understand the meanings of new words from the context.(3)Grasp the reading skills to the extensive reading materials, and try to get the main idea of an article quickly.四、Classroom design.Divide students into six groups, each group has a group leader. They can study and discuss questions together

8、, and help each other. 五、教学过程Step1:Before reading- A Survey1.What do you usually do on weekends?Ss: I usually take too many after-school classes on weekends.2. Do you like after-school classes? Ss: I like some of them. 3. What kind of classes do you like? Why?S: I like / football training class / si

9、nging class/dancing class. Because they are interesting.T: Although you can learn many skills, these after-school classes can cause a lot of stress? Do you think so?S: Yes, I do.4. What kind of after-school classes dont you like? Why not? S: ( English training class, Olympian math class.)Ss: These a

10、ctivities make me tired, I dont have any free time to do things I like. T: Do you like to compete with others?S: No, I dont. But my parents want me to do that.T: So its your parents to push you so hard. But they really hope you have a good development in the future. T :Ok, today we are going to read

11、 a passage about students after-school activities in American. Whats the school life for American children?【设计意图】:了解学生的课外活动,试图找出课外活动和课外学习班是一个普遍现象. 激活学生已有知识, 激发学生的浓厚兴趣,上课一开始就抓住学生的注意力,让学生带着兴趣及对阅读的预知期待着阅读的展开。同时,在谈论这一话题的过程中,梳理了本课时的词汇, 帮助学生扫清影响阅读理解的障碍,降低阅读难度,使其在阅读时能顺利的捕捉信息,为后续的重建信息做好铺垫。Step 2 SKim-readin

12、g1 What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?2. Who gives their opinions about the problem?Reading Strategy: SkimmingThis means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word. It is still a good idea to read the first sentence or the la

13、st sentence in each paragraph a little more carefully.【设计意图】:通过快速浏览,找到每段主旨大意。这是英语泛读课的阅读方式之一,浏览网页、阅读报刊等首先用到的就是略读。在把握文本段落大意的基础上理清文本的篇章结构。同时,要求学生展开小组合作探究,养成自主学习与师友互助学习相结合的良好习惯。Step 3 Intensive reading: Read each paragraph and complete the tasks.Paragraph 1:How many kinds of after-school classes are men

14、tioned in the reading passage?What are they? Why?Many children learn exam skills-So that they can get into a good high school.Others practice sports after school-so that they can compete and win.Reading Strategy(阅读策略):Guessing the MeaningParagraph2:1. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very _.

15、2. What after-school activities do children take?3. Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?4 Do you think the Taylor children are under great pressure? How do you know?Paragraph3: Read and circle again, judge T or F.1. Linda Miller thinks parents should send t

16、heir small kids to all kinds of classes.2. Linda thinks some parents push their kids too much.3. Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion?Paragraph4: Read and circle again, judge T or F.1. Alice thinks kids shouldnt have time to relax and think for themselves.2. Does Dr. Green agree wit

17、h Cathy or Linda? What does she say?Help students to understand some details in the last passage.Step4 After-reading: RetellingAsk students to fill in the blanks according to the passage.These days, children are sometimes _ on weekends than weekdays because they _ take so many _ classes. Cathy Taylo

18、r believes that the after-school activities are _ for his childrens future. He really wants them to be _. Linda Miller says, “In some families, _ starts very young and _ until the kids get older. The parents are always _ their small kids with other children. Its _.” She thinks that people shouldnt _

19、 their kids _. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can _ a lot of _ for children. She says, “Kids should have time to _ and _ themselves, too. _ its normal to want _ children, its even more _ to have _ children.”Tell them retelling is a good way to remember the details, and encourage them to r

20、etell after class.复述课文是训练学生记忆的有效手段。课文复述不仅要求学生读懂、熟读课文,记得课文的主要内容,而且要记得课文中的一些重难点语句,这就要求学生细心耐心的去阅读课文,理解课文,并且抓住课文的主要细节,也让学生从中养成良好的阅读习惯。课文复述也可以调动学生参与的积极性从而让学生开口说英语。Step5Summary and discussion1 Summary: Summarize the structure of the passage; tell students it can help them to write their own passages.【设计意图

21、】教师的阅读设计不能仅停留在对文本内容的处理上,而要引导学生对所学内容进行梳理,文本知识框架不仅包括篇章内部结构及逻辑关系,而且包括作者特定的写作手法。同时也为下面的讨论提供语言支持。2 Discussion: What do you think of after-school activities?T:Now more and more children are having different kinds of after-school classes. As a middle school student, what do you think of it? Talk about the

22、advantages and disadvantages of having after-school classes. Fill in the table and have a debate.【设计意图】: 进行课外补习到底是利大于弊,还好是弊大于利,引导学生进行一番辩论并且能给出原因。提示学生应用所学的句子.教师可提供分正反两方一些帮助。Step6 Homework:1. What do you think of the after-school classes? 2. What should you do to relax? Write an article about it.引导学生能

23、就课堂上讨论的问题提炼自己的观点和建议,并尝试另写一段拓展阅读文本内容。Blackboard Design: Maybe you should learn to relaxWords: opinion, skill. Typical, cut out, quick, continue, compare with, crazy, push hard, development, cause, usual.Structures: Why dont you ? /could /shouldConjunctions: until, so that and althoughOpinions:The Tay

24、lors: Being successful is important.Linda Miller: Let kids be kidsDoctors: Its more important to have happy children than to want successful children.Teaching Reflection:六、教学活动(略)七、教学反思 该阅读课从课堂教学模式上来说,我尽力想把它设计成一堂小组师友互助学习的教学模式,学生通过阅读,在小组内进行合作探究,以达到兵教兵,兵帮兵的目的,但是,从课堂效果反映出学生小组合作学习的参与度不够,小组内师友互助的力度还不够,这两点在今后的教学过程中还应该进一步强化。 其次是学生的阅读技巧还有待进一步提高,特别是泛读课学习策略还不够熟练,阅读速度较慢,阅读效果还不高,学生的语言输出能力还需要不断提高,我自己本人在课堂设计和引导方面还需用功。

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