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武汉市最新 版高考英语 阅读理解专题练习及答案.docx

1、武汉市最新 版高考英语 阅读理解专题练习及答案武汉市最新 版高考英语 阅读理解专题练习(及答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1假定你是李华,收到英国笔友George的邮件,请你介绍中国家庭聚会的情况(饮食、时间、活动等)。请给他写一封邮件。 注意:词数100左右;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear George, Yours,Li Hua【答案】 Dear George, Knowing that youre interested in what our Chinese family gatherings are like, Im glad to introduce some of my expe

2、rience with you. We Chinese like to get together with our family very much, especially on important days such as festivals and birthdays. Most of the time, we bring gifts to the elders and the kids. Eating is one of the most necessary part of the gathering, which is usually prepared by family member

3、s together. Not only is the various food delicious but the time we spend making and enjoying it together is enjoyable. Adults chatting and children playing around, this is the typical scene of a happy family gathering. Hope one day you can come and experience by yourself!Yours,Li Hua【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信

4、件,要求考生以李华的身份给英国笔友George写一封邮件,介绍中国家庭聚会的情况(饮食、时间、活动等)。考生要认真阅读提示,列出提纲和要点,并以此为基础充分发挥自己的想象力,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式将各要点完整地表述出来。写作时注意时态、语态的合理运用,主次分明,同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Knowing that youre interested in what our Chin

5、ese family gatherings are like, Im glad to introduce some of my experience with you.运用了现在分词作原因状语和宾语从句; Eating is one of the most necessary part of the gathering, which is usually prepared by family members together. 运用了非限制性定语从句;Not only is the various food delicious but the time we spend making and

6、enjoying it together is enjoyable. 运用了倒装句,并列句和限制性定语从句;Hope one day you can come and experience by yourself!运用了祈使句和并列句。2阅读理解 To ensure an excellent experience during your tour of the Mark Twain House, here are some guidelines and general information:The House is Shown Only by Guided Tour. To ensure a

7、n optimum (最佳) experience, house tours are limited to 14 people, first-come, first-served. If your group has more than 10 people, call (860) 280-3130 to reserve a discounted group tour in advance of your visit. If you have a party of fewer than 10 people feel free to purchase tickets online: We will

8、 hold them at Will Call. The tour schedule is usually online about a month in advance.Our site is made up of three buildings The Webster Bank Museum Center at the Mark Twain House & Museum is always your first and last stop as it houses our ticket counter, museum store, film, exhibits and cafe. All

9、tours gather in the museum center before heading over to Mark Twains historic 1874 home. Mark Twains historic carriage house is the third building on our property, but is generally not open to the public. The hayloft (干草棚) has been repurposed into offices and the main floor of the barn is a space av

10、ailable for rent for parties and meetings.Coupons & Discounts The Mark Twain House offers only a few coupons and discounts. The price you pay for admission helps us maintain the beauty of this icon of American architecture. If you are lucky enough to find one of those special offers online or at you

11、r local library, keep in mind they are good only for the general Mark Twain House Tours. No passes or discounts may be applied to our specialty tours.(1)What kind of tour booked beforehand enjoys a discount? A.Specialty tour.B.Guided tourC.Group tour with 9 people.D.Group tour with 13 people.(2)Whic

12、h place is not available to tourists? A.The Webster Bank Museum Center.B.Mark Twains historic carriage house.C.The hayloft.D.Mark Twains historic 1874 home.(3)What is the purpose of charging admission fees? A.To earn more money.B.To well preserve the house.C.To support Mark Twains family.D.To offer

13、parties and meetings.【答案】 (1)D(2)B(3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了参观马克吐温故居的指南和信息。 (1)考查推理判断。根据The House is Shown Only by Guided Tour.部分中 的If your group has more than 10 people, call (860) 280-3130 to reserve a discounted group tour in advance of your visit.可知,如果您的团体人数超过10人,请在您参观之前致电(860)280-3130预订折扣的团体游,可知

14、,13人旅行团提前预定可以享受折扣,故选D。 (2)考查细节理解。根据Our site is made up of three buildings部分中的Mark Twains historic carriage house is the third building on our property, but is generally not open to the public.可知,马克吐温的马车屋是不对游客开放的,故选B。 (3)考查细节理解。根据Coupons & Discounts部分中的The price you pay for admission helps us maintai

15、n the beauty of this icon of American architecture.可知,你们的入场费用帮助我们保持这个美国标志性建筑马克吐温故居的美丽,可知,收取入场费的目的是保护好马克吐温故居,故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A large body of research has been developed in recent years to explain many asp

16、ects of willpower. Most of the researchers exploring self-control do so with an obvious goal in mind: How can willpower be strengthened? If willpower is truly a limited resource, as the research suggests, what can be done to make it stay strong? Avoiding temptation (诱惑) is an effective method for ma

17、intaining self-control, which is called the out of sight, out of mind principle. One recent study, for instance, found office workers less attracted to candy in the desk drawer than that on top of their desks, in plain sight. The research suggesting that we possess a limited reservoir of self-contro

18、l raises a troubling question. When we face too many temptations, are we to fail? Not necessarily. Researchers dont believe that ones willpower is ever completely exhausted. Rather, people appear to hold some willpower in reserve, saved for future demands. The right motivation allows us to tap into

19、those reserves, allowing us to carry on even when our self-control strength has been run down. High motivation might help overcome weakened willpower-at least to a point. Willpower may also be made less vulnerable (脆弱) to being exhausted in the first place. Researchers who study self-control often d

20、escribe it as being like a muscle that gets tired with heavy use. But there is another aspect to the muscle comparison, they say. While muscles become exhausted by exercise in the short term, they are strengthened by regular exercise in the long term. Similarly, regular practices of self-control may

21、 improve willpower strength. The evidence from willpower-exhaustion studies also suggests that making a list of resolutions on New Years Eve is the worst possible approach. Being exhausted in one area can reduce willpower in other areas, so it makes more sense to focus on a single goal at a time. In

22、 other words, dont try to quit smoking, adopt a healthy diet and start a new exercise plan at the same time. Taking goals one by one is a better approach. Once a good habit is in place, Baumeister says, youll no longer need to draw on your willpower to maintain the behavior. Eventually healthy habit

23、s will become routine, and wont require making decisions at all.(1)From the studies in the passage we learn that _. A.people have unlimited self-controlB.high motivation ensures ones successC.willpower is hardly completely exhaustedD.too many temptations often lead to failure(2)The underlined phrase

24、 tap into in Paragraph 3 most probably means _. A.make use out ofC.buildD.increase(3)The author compares selfcontrol to muscles _. prove the long-term effect of show the significance of regular argue that self-control can he easily used explain the bene

25、fits of practicing self-control(4)To develop a good habit, which of the following does the author prefer? A.I will give up dessert and do exercise.B.I will set three goals this new semester.C.I will read an English novel every month.D.I will keep myself from any temptation.【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)D(4)C 【解析】

26、【分析】本文是一篇议论文,列举了关于意志力的几种研究和观点,作者认为有了明确的目标,良好的自我监督和练习,就可以在面对诱惑时使意志力保持坚强。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Researchers dont believe that ones willpower is ever completely exhausted. Rather, people appear to hold some willpower in reserve, saved for future demands.”可知,研究人员不相信人的意志力会完全耗尽,他们还有备用的和为将来需求节省的意志力。所以从文章中的研究我们

27、了解到意志力几乎没有完全丧失。故选C。 (2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的The right motivation allows us to tap into those reserves, allowing us to carry on even when our self-control strength has been run down.可知,正确的动机使我们能够利用这些储备,即使我们的自我控制能力已经被消耗殆尽,我们仍然可以继续前进。所以通过上下文的语境,判断出tap into指利用,与make use of同义。故选A。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“While muscle

28、s become exhausted by exercise in the short term, they are strengthened by regular exercise in the long term. Similarly, regular practices of self-control may improve willpower strength.”可知,虽然肌肉在短期内会因运动而疲惫不堪,但长期而言,它们会通过经常锻炼而增强。同样规律的自我控制可以提高意志力。两者相比是为了说明同一个道理:长期的锻炼和自我控制的好处。所以作者把自我控制比作肌肉是为了解释自我控制的好处。故

29、选D。 (4)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“Taking goals one by one is a better approach. Once a good habit is in place, youll no longer need to draw on your willpower to maintain the behavior. Eventually healthy habits will become routine, and wont require making decisions at all.”可知,作者认为一个接一个的制定目标是一个更好的方法。一旦养成好习惯,你就不

30、再需要依靠意志力来维持自己的行为。最终健康的习惯将成为惯例,而且不需要做任何决定。所以C项I will read an English novel every month.是先设立目标,然后成为好习惯,作者更喜欢这种目标。故选C。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,同时根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。4Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. The hi

31、story of the world is but the biography (传记) of great men, argued Thomas Carlyle, the advocate of what has come to be known as the Great Man Theory of History. This theory suggests that the broader movements and outline of history all go back to the leadership of great individuals who had unique influence on their times. Whether or not Carlyles theory proves true is debatable, but that certain individuals cast long shadows is not. As one who is entrusted with a leadership position, I find it profitable to read of others who have led. Wherever you find m

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