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1、TED演讲教育教师 【ted演讲】世界上最聪明的孩子说:家长请重视孩子的想法 3岁开始阅读各种书籍;4岁开始写作;6岁用妈妈买的笔记本电脑写作;8岁出版12万字的故事集飞扬的手指,轰动美国;11岁被美国媒体誉为“世界上最聪明的孩子”她就是美国广播公司誉为“美国文坛小巨人”的美国华裔女童邹奇奇。 在ted演讲里,邹奇奇用犀利幽默的语言,提醒家长们在告诉孩子们该如何做的同时,也要尊重孩子们的意见,重视他们的想法。 请舍弃年龄歧视这个词 你们是否还记得,上次有人说你有孩子气是什么时候?对于像我一样的孩子们,被称为孩子气是时常发生的事。每次,我们无理要求,不负责任时,就会被称为孩子气,我很困惑。 但是

2、,从帝国主义和殖民主义、世界大战、george w. bush等事件来看,你们这些成年人,是谁不负责任呢? 现在,我们来看看孩子们都在做什么。anne frank通过他对大屠杀有力的记录感动了数百万人,ruby bridges在美国帮助消除了隔离。最近charlie simpson通过他的小单车凑集了120,000英镑帮助海地。以此为证,年龄绝对不是左右孩子气的原因。孩子气也经常会出现在成人中,当我们评论那些不负责任的行为和无理的想法时,我们应该舍弃年龄歧视这个词。 谁能说某些无理思考就一定不是这个世界需要的?也许你曾有伟大的计划,但却自己终止了它。孩子们充满灵感、激情和有希望的想法:消除饥饿

3、,所有东西都免费等乌托邦想法。你们中还有多少人依然做这种梦,相信这种可能?有时过去的知识和乌托邦理想的失败能成为一种负担,因为你知道如果所有东西都免费,那么食物库存将会被清空,变得稀少或者导致混乱。但是,我们这些孩子却依然去梦想这些完美的东西,这是好事。因为想要实现梦想,就必须先去勾画这幅蓝图。 请尊重孩子的想法 现在,孩子已经从大人那里学习了很多,我们相互分享。我认为,大人们应该开始从孩子中学习。现在听我演讲的人大多数是教育圈的人,老师和学生,我喜欢这种类比。这个不能仅仅是老师在课堂上教学生做这做那,学生应该同样教老师,大家在学习中应该是互惠的。 现在,成人们总是对孩子采取一贯的约束,从学校

4、手册中的那些“不要做这个”“不要做那个”,到在学校网络使用的各种限制,都证实了这一点。尽管大人们不会像独裁主义政体那样心狠手辣,但是孩子们没有或很少有能力去制定规则。正确的态度应该是两者互相尊重,成人们应该学习和考虑孩子们的希望和想法。 然而,比限制更糟糕的是,大人们经常低估孩子们的能力。我们热爱挑战,但当期望很低时,我们会不思进取。我父母曾要求我和我姐姐成为医生、律师,或任何类似的职业。 但是,当其他小孩还在听“公车的轮子转啊转”的时候,我爸爸就开始给我们读亚里士多德和先锋细菌斗士的故事了。 世界需要新的领导者 从四岁开始,我喜欢上了写作,六岁时妈妈买了一个笔记本,我自己装备了微软word软

5、件。我在那台小笔记本电脑上写了300篇小故事,并希望能得到出版。可能很多人会认为,一个小孩子想出版文章简直是天方夜谭,但我父母没有这样说这种消极的话,他们非常支持我。一个大型儿童出版社讽刺说他们不与儿童共事。儿童出版社不与儿童共事?他们不知道自己正在疏远一个大客户。 但是,action出版社愿意做一次尝试,他们相信我,聆听我的心声,并出版了我的第一本书飞翔的手指。那以后,我到数百个学校演讲,给数千个教育工作者主题演讲,今天给你们演讲。 我非常感谢你们今天的参加,感谢你们很在乎的认真聆听。但是现在有一个问题:孩子们长大了会成为像你们一样的成人,真的吗?其实,我们的目标不是让小孩变成像你们一样的成

6、人,而是比你们更好的人,但是你们现在已经这么了不起了,对我们来说,这将是一个不小的挑战!但是,我们相信,新一代在成长,新时代在发展,我们的未来一定会比你们更好。这就是我们不再生活在黑暗世界的原因。不管在生活中你的位置是什么,为孩子们创造机遇是很必要的,那样我们才能成长,并让你们扬眉吐气。 世界需要有新领导者和新想法!大人们,你们需要从孩子们那里学习和聆听,信任我们,对我们期待更多。因为我们是未来的领导者,是引领世界前进的下一代。孩子们需要引领成功的机遇,你为这场竞赛准备好了吗?因为这个世界的问题不应该是人类家庭的传家宝。 美籍华裔神童邹奇奇 邹奇奇3岁半开始读英文书,至今已读了1600多本。随

7、着年龄的增长,她读的书越来越多,而且速度越来越快。如今,邹奇奇一天至少要读完一本二三百页的书。更让人惊讶的是,这个文静秀气的小姑娘偏偏喜欢关于战争和武器的军事书籍。此外,她对历史书籍充满浓厚兴趣,常常阅读关于拿破仑、世界大战的历史书。她爱看法国哲学家的书籍,一天能读3本小说。自4岁以来,她用笔写下了400多篇故事和诗歌,2005年出版的故事集飞扬的手指,包含的300多篇故事大多以中世纪为背景,从古埃及写到了文艺复兴,文中透露出的政治、宗教和教育见解,思想深刻,文思严谨,令人难以相信这是一名8岁女孩的作品。 更多出国游学资讯请关注我们: 新足迹游学网: bill gates: teachers

8、need real feedback ted talks education 10:24 filmed may 2013 everyone needs a coach. it doesnt matter whether youre a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player. (laughter) my bridge coach, sharon osberg, says there are more pictures of the back of her head than anyone elses in

9、 the world. (laughter) sorry, sharon. here you go. we all need people who will give us feedback. thats how we improve. unfortunately, theres one group of people who get almost no systematic feedback to help them do their jobs better, and these people have one of the most important jobs in the world.

10、 im talking about teachers. when melinda and i learned how little useful feedback most teachers get, we were blown away. until recently, over 98 percent of teachers just got one word of feedback: satisfactory. if all my bridge coach ever told me was that i was satisfactory, i would have no hope of e

11、ver getting better. how would i know who was the best? how would i know what i was doing differently? today, districts are revamping the way they evaluate teachers, but we still give them almost no feedback that actually helps them improve their practice. our teachers deserve better. the system we h

12、ave today isnt fair to them. its not fair to students, and its putting americas global leadership at risk. so today i want to talk about how we can help all teachers get the tools for improvement they want and deserve. lets start by asking whos doing well. well, unfortunately theres no international

13、 ranking tables for teacher feedback systems. so i looked at the countries whose students perform well academically, and looked at what theyre doing to help their teachers improve. consider the rankings for reading proficiency. the u.s. isnt number one. were not even in the top 10. were tied for 15t

14、h with iceland and poland. now, out of all the places that do better than the u.s. in reading, how many of them have a formal system for helping teachers improve? eleven out of 14. the u.s. is tied for 15th in reading, but were 23rd in science and 31st in math. so theres really only one area where w

15、ere near the top, and thats in failing to give our teachers the help they need to develop their skills. lets look at the best academic performer: the province of shanghai, china. now, they rank number one across the board, in reading, math and science, and one of the keys to shanghais incredible suc

16、cess is the way they help teachers keep improving. they made sure that younger teachers get a chance to watch master teachers at work. they have weekly study groups, where teachers get together and talk about whats working. they even require each teacher to observe and give feedback to their colleag

17、ues. what would that system look like? well, to find out, our foundation has been working with 3,000 teachers in districts across the country on a project called measures of effective teaching. we had observers watch videos of teachers in the classroom and rate how they did on a range of practices.

18、for example, did they ask their students challenging questions? did they find multiple ways to explain an idea? we also had students fill out surveys with questions like, does your teacher know when the class understands a lesson? do you learn to correct your mistakes? (video) sarah brown wessling:

19、good morning everybody. lets talk about whats going on today. to get started, were doing a peer review day, okay? a peer review day, and our goal by the end of class is for you to be able to determine whether or not you have moves to prove in your essays. my name is sarah brown wessling. i am a high

20、 school english teacher at johnston high school in johnston, iowa. turn to somebody next to you. tell them what you think i mean when i talk about moves to prove. ive talk about - i think that there is a difference for teachers between the abstract of how we see our practice and then the concrete re

21、ality of it. okay, so i would like you to please bring up your papers. i think what video offers for us is a certain degree of reality. you cant really dispute what you see on the video, and there is a lot to be learned from that, and there are a lot of ways that we can grow as a profession when we

22、actually get to see this. i just have a flip camera and a little tripod and invested in this tiny little wide-angle lens. at the beginning of class, i just perch it in the back of the classroom. its not a perfect shot. it doesnt catch every little thing thats going on. but i can hear the sound. i ca

23、n see a lot. and im able to learn a lot from it. so it really has been a simple but powerful tool in my own reflection. all right, lets take a look at the long one first, okay? so having the notes is a part of my thinking process, and i discover what im seeing as im writing. i really have used it fo

24、r my own personal growth and my own personal reflection on teaching strategy and methodology and classroom management, and just all of those different facets of the classroom. things that we cannot convey in a lesson plan, things you cannot convey in a standard, things that you cannot even sometimes

25、 convey in a book of pedagogy. alrighty, everybody, have a great weekend. ill see you later. every classroom could look like that bill gates: one day, wed like every classroom in america to look something like that. but we still have more work to do. diagnosing areas where a teacher needs to improve

26、 is only half the battle. we also have to give them the tools they need to act on the diagnosis. if you learn that you need to improve the way you teach fractions, you should be able to watch a video of the best person in the world teaching fractions. building this system will also require a conside

27、rable investment. our foundation estimates that it could cost up to five billion dollars. now thats a big number, but to put it in perspective, its less than two percent of what we spend every year on teacher salaries. the impact for teachers would be phenomenal. we would finally have a way to give

28、them feedback, as well as the means to act on it. but this system would have an even more important benefit for our country. it would put us on a path to making sure all our students get a great education, find a career thats fulfilling and rewarding, and have a chance to live out their dreams. this

29、 wouldnt just make us a more successful country. it would also make us a more fair and just one, too. im excited about the opportunity to give all our teachers the support they want and deserve. i hope you are too. thank you. (applause)篇三:christopher emdin在ted英语演讲老师如何创造魔力(中英双语) christopher emdin:tea

30、ch teachers how to create magic 老师如何创造魔力 right now there is an aspiring teacher who is working on a 60-page paper based on some age-old education theory developed by some dead education professor wondering to herself what this task that shes engaging in has to do with what she wants to do with her l

31、ife, which is be an educator, change lives, and spark magic. right now there is an aspiring teacher in a graduate school of education who is watching a professor babble on and on about engagement in the most disengaging way possible. 现在 有一位有追求的老师 正在写一篇60页的论文 论文是基于一些古老教育理念, 它们都是由一些早已逝去的教育学教授所开发, 这位老师

32、问她自己, 她正从事的这项任务- 成为一个教育者, 改变生命并启迪人生- 和她的工作联系呢。 有一位有理想的老师 正在一所教育研究生院 听着一位教授 用一种最无聊的方式 不停地讲述着教育中的互动。 right now there is an aspiring teacher who is working on a 60-page paper based on 现在 有一位一年级老师在家中 正检查课程计划, 试图达到标准的感觉。 这位老师又在想如何才能合理为学生打分, 同时又对她自己 反复地说,“在11 月之前都不要笑,” 因为那些都是 她从教育课程学到的。 现在,有一位学生 正试图想出一个主意 去说服他的父母, 他非常非常地不舒服, 明天不能上学了。 on the other hand, right now there are amazing educators that are sharing information, information that is shared in such a beautiful way that the students are sitting

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