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1、中南大学冶金学院科技英语课后重点翻译几乎各方面的专业工作中,会发现扎实的数学根底有决定性的优势,并且越来越会成为工作上的一种要求。A professional working in almost any field will find a substantial background in mathematics a decided advantage ,and ,more and more ,frequently ,a requirement.作为语言,数学有一套符号,根据一定的句法规律组合起来形成语句。As a language ,mathematics has a set of symb

2、ols that can be combined according to certain rules of syntax to form sentences.在人类不断努力去了解自然,去掌握和表达它的规律的时候,导致人类思想构成了一座符号与运算的大厦,因而形成了数学。In its continuous effort to understand nature ,to grasp and to express its laws ,the human mind has been led to construct an edifice of symbols and operations which

3、constitutes mathematics.管理者最重要的任务就是为他所领导的人创造出适于最佳发挥的工作环境。The most important goal of a manager is to create a situation in which all his subordinate people can contribute most to the common objective .管理者已经被看成是属于众多职业联盟的一个职业阶层,这些职业联盟适应了管理者们的需要,并提高他们的职业地位。Managers have come to be regarded as a class of

4、 professionals belonging to the many occupational and professional associations that cater to the needs of managers and promote their professional status . 管理者的任务就是确保和利用投入到企业中的资源,通过计划组织领导控制等管理职能,在充分考虑各种外部因素的条件下,将其转化为生产的成果。Its the task of managers to secure and utilize inputs to the enterprise ,trans

5、forming them through the managerial functions of planning ,organizing ,leading,and controlling with due consideration of external variables to produce outputs.尽管管理工作的具体实际各不相同,但所有管理者的工作职能和在企业中发挥的作用是一致的。While management practices differ from situation to situation ,the managers responsibility and thei

6、r functions are the same.管理者对于他的部下是否有一个良好的工作环境负有主要责任。因此,他的工作成绩不在于他做了什么,而在于他的部下做了什么。Since a manager is responsible for creating a good situation for his subordinates,his achievement is measured not by what he does ,but by his subordinates do.在多数工业发达国家,在努力控制经济的周期波动方面,利用财政政策者较少,而利用货币政策者则较多In most advan

7、ced industrialized countries, fiscal policy has found less use than monetary policy in efforts to control cyclical fluctuations in the economy.稳定政策需要决策者认真对待和解决的问题是目标的多重性以及它们之间的矛盾.The most serious unsolved problem of stabilization policy is the multiplicity of goals that policy makers must consider.B

8、efore World War , physical was essentially a European activity, but by the wars end, the center of physics had moved to the United States. The influx of European physicists , a generation of outstanding young American physicist,and the heritage of intense cooperation between science and government t

9、hat grew out of the nations efforts to develop radar and the atomic bomb presented the United States with a scientific community of unsurpassed quality. Discoveries by this community since World War 我除了具有上述特点外,更具有努力工作的热情和坚强的决心,所以我希望你能接受我作为贵公司研究队伍中一名新队员。Perhaps you will agree that these qualitise -pl

10、us enthusiasm ,persistence,and the willingness to work hard and long -make me acceptable for the job you offer as a beginner on your research staff.在纽约大学,我学习的专业是广告和商业。我于今年六月毕业。我的专业导师给予了我非常优秀的评价,并写了推荐信。希望有机会能给你看看,供你参考。I specialized in advertising and merchandising at New York University ,from which i

11、 graduated in June -and i have unusual letters of recommendation from my instructors in these subjects,i should like the opportunity of showing them to you.我对于工作有着极强的责任心、主动性和独创性。因此我认为自己是完全能胜任此工作的。同时,我的接受能力很强i have a strong sense of responsibility ,initiative and originality .meanwhile i am a quick l

12、earner .i believe i am quite up to this job .随信附上我的简历和照片,希望你能认真考虑我的申请,并在你方便的情况下,给我最快的答复。Enclosed are my resume and photo.i hope youll give serious consideration to my application and give me a reply at your earliest convenience.几乎各方面的专业工作中,会发现扎实的数学根底有决定性的优势,并且越来越会成为工作上的一种要求。A professional working in

13、 almost any field will find a substantial background in mathematics a decided advantage ,and ,more and more ,frequently ,a requirement.作为语言,数学有一套符号,根据一定的句法规律组合起来形成语句。As a language ,mathematics has a set of symbols that can be combined according to certain rules of syntax to form sentences.在人类不断努力去了解

14、自然,去掌握和表达它的规律的时候,导致人类思想构成了一座符号与运算的大厦,因而形成了数学。In its continuous effort to understand nature ,to grasp and to express its laws ,the human mind has been led to construct an edifice of symbols and operations which constitutes mathematics.管理者最重要的任务就是为他所领导的人创造出适于最佳发挥的工作环境。The most important goal of a mana

15、ger is to create a situation in which all his subordinate people can contribute most to the common objective .管理者已经被看成是属于众多职业联盟的一个职业阶层,这些职业联盟适应了管理者们的需要,并提高他们的职业地位。Managers have come to be regarded as a class of professionals belonging to the many occupational and professional associations that cater

16、 to the needs of managers and promote their professional status . 管理者的任务就是确保和利用投入到企业中的资源,通过计划组织领导控制等管理职能,在充分考虑各种外部因素的条件下,将其转化为生产的成果。Its the task of managers to secure and utilize inputs to the enterprise ,transforming them through the managerial functions of planning ,organizing ,leading,and control

17、ling with due consideration of external variables to produce outputs.尽管管理工作的具体实际各不相同,但所有管理者的工作职能和在企业中发挥的作用是一致的。While management practices differ from situation to situation ,the managers responsibility and their functions are the same.管理者对于他的部下是否有一个良好的工作环境负有主要责任。因此,他的工作成绩不在于他做了什么,而在于他的部下做了什么。Since a

18、 manager is responsible for creating a good situation for his subordinates,his achievement is measured not by what he does ,but by his subordinates do.在多数工业发达国家,在努力控制经济的周期波动方面,利用财政政策者较少,而利用货币政策者则较多In most advanced industrialized countries, fiscal policy has found less use than monetary policy in eff

19、orts to control cyclical fluctuations in the economy.稳定政策需要决策者认真对待和解决的问题是目标的多重性以及它们之间的矛盾.The most serious unsolved problem of stabilization policy is the multiplicity of goals that policy makers must consider.Before World War , physical was essentially a European activity, but by the wars end, the c

20、enter of physics had moved to the United States. The influx of European physicists , a generation of outstanding young American physicist,and the heritage of intense cooperation between science and government that grew out of the nations efforts to develop radar and the atomic bomb presented the Uni

21、ted States with a scientific community of unsurpassed quality. Discoveries by this community since World War 我除了具有上述特点外,更具有努力工作的热情和坚强的决心,所以我希望你能接受我作为贵公司研究队伍中一名新队员。Perhaps you will agree that these qualitise -plus enthusiasm ,persistence,and the willingness to work hard and long -make me acceptable f

22、or the job you offer as a beginner on your research staff.在纽约大学,我学习的专业是广告和商业。我于今年六月毕业。我的专业导师给予了我非常优秀的评价,并写了推荐信。希望有机会能给你看看,供你参考。I specialized in advertising and merchandising at New York University ,from which i graduated in June -and i have unusual letters of recommendation from my instructors in th

23、ese subjects,i should like the opportunity of showing them to you.我对于工作有着极强的责任心、主动性和独创性。因此我认为自己是完全能胜任此工作的。同时,我的接受能力很强i have a strong sense of responsibility ,initiative and originality .meanwhile i am a quick learner .i believe i am quite up to this job .随信附上我的简历和照片,希望你能认真考虑我的申请,并在你方便的情况下,给我最快的答复。En

24、closed are my resume and photo.i hope youll give serious consideration to my application and give me a reply at your earliest convenience.1提取冶金是一门从矿石或精矿中提取金属的科学extractive metallurgy is the science of extracting metals from ores or concentrates .2在历史文明中,提取冶金一直发挥着重要的作用extractive metallurgy has played

25、an important role in the history of civilization.3因为大多数金属在自然界中都以化合状态存在,因此初始的冶金学家不得不寻求从矿石中提取金属的方法 because most metals occur in the combined state in nature,primitive metallurgists had to discover ways of extracting metals from their ores。4提取冶金的方法一般有火法冶金,湿法冶金和电冶金三种类型the metals of treatment in extracti

26、ve metallurgy generally include pyrometallurgy ,hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy .5选矿是通过机械的方法是矿物同脉石分离,以便得到富金属精矿The ore dressing is a process that separate the mineral from gangue by mechanical means so as to obtain a concentrate of rich metal .6根据过程进行的温度,提取冶金过程可以分为火法冶金和湿法冶金According to temperat

27、ure at which the process is carried out the process of extractive metallurgy may be classified pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy。7矿石或精矿的稳定性对选择处理方法非常重要The nature and stability of ore or concentrate is very important to choosing the method of treatment。8厂址所在地区的条件也是选择冶金方法的决定因素,因为稳定的提供各种原料和服务对冶金过程是必需的。

28、The facilities available in location of a reduction plant may be the deciding factor in the choice of method of treatment ,because a steady supply of materials ,services is necessary for the processes of metallurgy.9一般来说,当金属初次从矿石中提取出来时是不纯的。In general,metals will be impure when they are initially ext

29、racted from their ores。10因此,必须精炼粗金属,以制备纯金属It will therefore be necessary to refine the crude metal to produce a pure metal.1湿法冶金是现代提取冶金中的一个新兴起的,并得到高度重视的分支Hydrometallurgy is today one of the established and highly recognized branches of extractive metallurgy2同火法冶金比较,湿法冶金过程可在较低的温度下进行Hydrometallurgy pr

30、ocess normally operate at lower temperature compared with pyrometallurgical process3湿法冶金的理论基础是物理化学The physical chemistry is the theoretical basis of hydrometallurgy 4作为冶金的一个分支,湿法冶金已成功的使用在提取冶金过程的许多领域中As a branch of metallurgy ,hydrometallurgy has become extremely successful in a number of areas of ex

31、tractive processes5随着富矿的不断消耗,用来生产金属的矿石的品位正不断降低The grade of ore used for metals production has been going steadily downward as the richer ores have become exhausted6因此必须来研究新的方法来处理传统火法工艺不能处理的低品位矿和复杂矿Therefore,it is necessary to devise new ways to process the lean and complex ore that defy conventional

32、 processing .7湿法冶金的范围很广,它可以从处理矿石到金属精矿、金属废料和冶金过程的中间产品The scope of hydrometallurgy is quite broad and extends beyond the processing ores to the treatment of metal concentrates ,metal scrap and intermediate products in metallurgical processes.8湿法冶金是通过在溶液中发生化学反应从矿石中提取金属Hydrometallurgy is extraction metals from their ores by means of chemical reactions in aqueous solution9湿法冶金的优点是适合于处理复杂矿和生产各种冶金副产品Hydrometallurgy processes have the flexibility for treatment of complex ores and for production of a variety of by produ

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